Affidavite Template

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The Station Commander

Erasmia Police Station

533 Main Rd, Derdepoort Park,
Pretoria, 0186


I the undersigned, Jan Paul Vorster do hereby make an oath and state that:
1. I am an adult male residing at 28 Nederburg Road, Hills & Dales,
Lanseria with identity number 6902155233084.

2. The facts contained are, save where otherwise indicated, within my personal
knowledge and are to the best of my belief true and correct.

3. I lodge this complaint against the SAPS officer manning the Police vehicle
marked EM39’s phone, no 071 675 6475 on the 29th day of May 2012 at 5:33pm.
And all other SAPS officers implicated in my statement.

4. The specific incident occurred on the 29th of May 2012.

5. The Hills and Dales community has been under massive pressure due to the
sharp increase in petty crime and cable theft in the Hills and Dales area. As a
result all farm workers were informed to report potential cable theft or loitering
in an effort to assist the SAPS to arrest the group committing such crime in
Hills and Dales and the surrounding areas.

6. On the 29th of May 2012, I was contacted at 5:30pm by a farm worker whom
reported a cable theft in progress at a farm, H&D no6, in the Hills and Dales.
The farm worker identified the suspects whom were busy digging up a cut
Eskom cable, next to an Eskom transformer, as the employ of the owner of
H&D no6, acting as the care taker of the farm in the owner’s absence, and an
employee of a neighboring farm owner.

7. I immediately contacted 10111. None of three calls made at 5:30pm, 5:30pm

and 5:31pm was answered, as per addendum 1 attached

8. I then contacted SAPS vehicle marked EM11 on its phone, no 0716756471.

This call was answered but the line was dropped or the call was ended by the
officer answering after 6 seconds, as per addendum 2 attached.
9. I then contacted SAPS vehicle marked EM39 on its phone, no 0716756471.
The call was answer by an unidentified officer, as per addendum 3. I asked for
the officer’s detail. The officer answered in an incomprehensible mumble. In
the interest of time I decided not to clarify the name and proceeded to inform
the officer of the reported incident. I also had to explain where the property was
and how the reacting officers would get access. The officer assured me that
they would send a vehicle out immediately. I gave my contact details in case
the reacting officer acquire my assistance, but did hear from them again. I
could not follow up since I was not in the area and I could not get hold of the
land owner either.

10. I followed the report by sending an sms informing officer Mfumadi of the
reported crime in progress at 5:46pm, as per addendum 4.

11. After not receiving any feedback from the SAPS, I called officer Mfumadi on the
30th of May 2012. He also didn’t receive any feedback from the officers
involved on the matter. He later informed me that the SAPS did not visit the
farm to respond to reported crime in progress.

12. Later on the 30th of May 2012 the same farm workers reported seeing the
same suspects at the same place. Both officers Mfumadi and Venter,
accompanied by an unidentified officer and myself, visited the same property
and found the two suspects in the place as reported by the farm workers at
5:11pm on the 30th of May 2012. We did find that the two suspects at the place
as indicated by the farm workers but they were busy covering the trench where
the cable was removed from and although there was clear evidence that the
cable was recently cut and remove, we did not find them with the cable. And
therefore could not arrest them.


I hereby certify that the deponent has acknowledged that he knows and understands
the content of this affidavit, which was signed and sworn to before me at
……………………………….. on this………….day of ……………………………..2009.

Commissioner of oath

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