Short-Circuit of Transformer

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Addition of more generating capacity and interconnections to meet

the ever increasing power demand are resulted in increased short circuit
capacity of the networks which inturn has increased the severity of the short
circuit duty of the transformer. In general, short circuit test is conducted to
check the mechanical integrity of the transformer under such conditions.
Short circuit test results from various high voltage laboratories around the
world reveal that more than 25% of the transformers fail during short circuit
test and the failure rate is more than 40% in case of transformers above 100
MVA rating. Failures of transformers during short circuit test have made the
short circuit design as the one of the most important aspect of the transformer
design (Kulkarni 2005). IEC 60076-5 (2006) identifies the requirements for
power transformers to sustain the effects of overcurrents originated by
external short circuits without damage.

Short circuit forces can be destructive in a power transformer.

Inadequate mechanical strength of transformer winding causes winding
deformation due to such forces leading to complete collapse of the winding
structure. The movement of a winding or part of a winding due to short circuit
leads to change in reactance of the transformer winding. Variation in
reactance before and after a short circuit test, serves as one of the

diagnostic measures to indicate the mechanical integrity of power

transformers. According to the standard IEC 60076-5 (2006), the short-
circuit reactance values evaluated for each phase at the end of the each short
circuit test should not differ from the original values by more than 1%.

With the increasing transformer ratings, it is essential to predict the

short circuit withstand capability of the transformer at the design stage itself.
Though analytical methods are being used to calculate the maximum force
and displacement, numerical methods are preferred for the accurate estimation
of the force distribution and the displacement profile with the actual
configuration of the transformer which is essential for the extraction of
inductance after short circuit test.

In this chapter, the short circuit withstand capability of a typical

power transformer is predicted interms of the change in reactance using FEM
based Coupled Magneto-Structural and Magneto Static solvers. Further, the
effect of different spacer materials, cooling media and status of clamping
structure on the winding deformation are also analyzed.


To analyze the behavior of transformers under short circuit, a three

phase 6.3 MVA, 33 kV/ 11 kV, delta/star Transformer from Andrew Yule &
Co. Ltd., Chennai, India is considered. The electromagnetic forces,
displacement and resulting change in the reactance are computed for a single
phase. The winding and core of a single phase is shown in Figure 3.1. The
specifications for both the LV and HV windings are tabulated in Table 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Single phase of the 6.3 MVA transformer

Table 3.1 Details of LV and HV windings

LV winding HV winding
Voltage per phase (V) 11kV 34.65 – 33 – 29.7 kV
Current per phase (A) 330.66 60.6 - 63.6 - 70.7 A
Normal - 46
No. of discs 34
Tappings -12
Normal – 17
Turns per disc 5
Tappings -11
Inside diameter (mm) 412 538
Outside diameter (mm) 490 634
Height (mm) 666 666

33kV HV windings are provided ± 5% to 10% in steps of ± 2.5%

tapping at the centre with 12 discs with 11 turns in each disc. Additional
spacers are added at the centre of the LV windings to make the heights of
windings equal to avoid the axial force.


3.3.1 Problem Formulation

Considering the symmetry of one limb with windings (single

phase), the force and the displacements in the windings are computed using
Magneto- structural problem in 2-D Axi-symmetry.

The short circuit currents (Isc) of the windings under normal tap
position are calculated as 2.259 kA and 11.74 kA for one limb of 33kV and
11 kV windings respectively using Equation (2.1) where per unit impedance
of the transformer (z) is 0.0717. Both the windings are modelled disc wise
and each disc is modelled as a single conductor energised with equivalent
current densities (no. of turns per disc/ effective conductor area). The
mechanical properties of copper and insulating materials ( pressboard and
oil) as given in Table 3.2 are incorporated.

Table 3.2 Mechanical properties of transformer materials

Material Young’s Modulus Poisson’s Ratio (ρ)

(E) (N/m2 )
Copper 1.2x1011 0.38
Press Board 8x108 0.33
Oil 1.8x109 0.43

3.3.2 Short Circuit Force Distribution

With the appropriate short circuit currents, the distribution of

magnetic flux density is computed and Figure 3.2 shows the distribution of
flux density. Flux density is found to be more uniform between the LV and
HV windings. The total electromagnetic force distribution (resultant of both
axial and radial forces) is shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.2 Surface plot of Figure 3.3 Force vector plot

magnetic flux density

It can be observed, that the windings are subjected to both the axial
and radial forces and are analyzed separately in detail. Radial forces

Both the windings are stressed with radial repulsive forces as

shown in Figure 3.4. In case of LV winding, the force is inwards towards the
core and symmetrical along the winding. The center of the LV winding is
stressed with maximum radial force whereas the ends of the winding are
minimally stressed. In case of HV winding, the winding is stressed with
outward radial force . The force distribution is highly non uniform due to the
presence of tappings and the maximum force occurs at the tapping regions.

Surface plot of radial force Radial force distribution

Figure 3.4(a) Radial force distribution in LV winding

Surface plot of radial force Radial force distribution

Figure 3.4(b) Radial force distribution in HV winding

44 Axial forces

The axial forces due to radial flux on LV and HV winding regions

are analysed using Figure 3.5. Axial electromagnetic forces at the top and
bottom end of both the windings are approximately equal and opposite.
Hence, the windings are stressed with compressive axial forces, is maximum
near the ends of the windings and minimum at the center of the windings.

Surface plot of axial force Axial force distribution

Figure 3.5(a) Axial force distribution in LV winding

Surface plot of axial force Axial force distribution

Figure 3.5(b) Axial force distribution in HV winding

The maximum radial and axial forces computed using FEM are
compared with the analytical values and are tabulated in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Comparison of maximum forces (Normal Tap in HV)

Type of Force Simulated
( Waters 1966)

Radial force (LV) 5682 kN 5080 kN

Radial force (HV) 6355 kN 6590 kN

Axial force (LV) 277 kN 347 kN

Axial force (HV) 124 kN 116 kN

The axial force in both the windings are very less compared to their
respective radial forces and is around 1/20 and 1/50 of the radial forces in
LV and HV winding respectively.

Comparing the LV and HV windings, the maximum radial force is

12% more in HV winding. LV winding is found to be stressed 23% more
with axial force than the HV winding. The percentage difference between the
simulated and analytical values are less than 10% in radial force (both in HV
and LV) and axial force in HV winding. The same is around 25% in LV
winding axial force due to the incorporation of extra spacers at the center of
the LV winding in the simulation.

3.3.3 Displacement Profile

The radial force and axial force in windings result in the

displacement in respective directions. The direction and magnitude of the
displacement/ deformation depends on the force distribution and the

mechanical characteristics of the conducting and insulating materials used.

Figure 3.6 shows the displacement of the LV and HV windings of the
considered 6.3MVA transformer due to the short circuit force.
Figure 3.7(a) and (b) show the displacement profile of LV and HV windings.

Figure 3.6 Resultant displacement of 6.3 MVA Transformer Windings

(i)Displacement profile (ii)Surface plot of resultant


Figure 3.7(a) Displacement of LV winding


(i)Displacement profile (ii)Surface plot of resultant


Figure 3.7(b) Displacement of HV winding

The location and the maximum values of the axial, radial and the
resulatnt displacements are tabulated in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Maximum displacement in LV and HV windings

Axial Displacement Radial Displacement Resultant

Winding Displacement
Location Displacement Location Displacement Location Displacement
(mm) (mm) (mm)
th th
LV 1/4 -0.059 Almost 0.085 1/4 0.104
distance uniform distance
from 1/4th to from
both the 3/4th of both the
ends the ends
HV Near the 0.029 center 0.134 center 0.134

The maximum displacement occurs at the locations of the

maximum force in both the windings. Axial displacement is almost uniform
along the lengh except at the ends and the radial displacement is maximum
near ¼ and ¾ th of the LV winding with a resultant displacement of 0.104
mm. In case of HV winding radial displacement is maximum at the center of
the winding with the maximum resultant dispalcement of 0.134mm.


The change in the winding reactance is one of the major diagnosis

parameter after the short circuit test. Due to the short circuit force the
windings get deformed and the enlarged view of the deformed discs of the
HV winding is shown in Figure 3.8. It is observed that the discs are displaced
both radially and axially displaced.

(a) Deformed model (b) Enlarged view of disc deformation

Figure 3.8 Variation of radial and axial movement of disc due to


Due to the radial and axial movement of the discs, there will be a
variation in the actual geometrical dimensions and locations of the discs. The
actual dispalcements both in radial and axial directions for all discs are

To analyze the withstand capability of the transformer, the HV

winding with tappings under normal position is considered in this study and
the inductance of the winding before and after the short circuit is computed
using FEM based Magnetostatic solver. The inductance of the high voltage
winding before and after the short circuit test are computed and given in the
Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 Inductance of the 33kV winding

Winding Inductance

Simulated Measurement

Before Short circuit 82.20 mH 82.48 mH

After Short circuit 81.57 mH 81.77 mH

%Change in Reactance 0.77 0.861

As the change in the reactance is less than 1%, the transformer can be
declared to have passed the test as per IEC 60076-5 which confirms to the
result of the actual (measured) test result obtained from the transformer
manufacturer and given in Table 3.5.



To analyse the trend in the change in percentage inductance and

their withstand capabilty, the displacement and the inductances of the
corresponding deformed HV windings for 5Isc and 10Isc are carried out.
Figure 3.9 shows deformations for both the short circuit currents.

(a) Isc (b) 5Isc (c) 10Isc

Figure 3.9 Surface plot of deformation of HV winding for different Isc

The displacement profile along the length of the winding is

observed to be similar for all cases with the maximum displacement at the
center of the winding. The maximum displacement and the percentage change
in inductance for all the short circuit currents are tabulated in Table 3.6.
and is observed that the percentage change in reactance is more than 1% for
5 Isc, and 10 Isc indicating the failure of the transformer as per IEC standard.

Table 3.6 Maximum displacement and Inductance of HV winding for

different short circuit currents

Current Isc 5 Isc 10 Isc

Maximum Displacement (m) 1.336x10-4 3.334x10-3 1.336x10-2

Inductance After Short circuit 81.57 mH 80.591 mH 78.77 mH

%Change in Reactance 0.77 1.95 4.17

Figures 3.10 and 3.11 show the maximum displacement and the
corresponding percentage change in reactance for different short circuit
currents. The maximum displacement is increasing with current and agreeing
well with the fact that force is proportional to square of the Isc. The
Figure 3.10 will be helpful for designers to arrive at the maximum withstand
short circuit current for the given design . Figure 3.11 shall be used to predict
the percentage change in reactance from the maximum displacement (without
computing the inductance of the deformed winding).

(a) Displacement (b) Percentage change in reactance

Figure 3.10 Displacement and percentage change in reactance for

different Isc

Figure 3.11 Displacement Vs % Change in reactance

From Figures 3.10 and 3.11, it is observed that the upper bound of
short circuit current is 1.8 Isc with the corresponding displacement of 0.8x10-3
m for a maximum allowable percentage change in reactance of 1% as per
IEC 60076-5 and CIGRE (2009).

Yield Strength of a material is defined as the stress at which a

material begins to deform plastically. Prior to the yield point the material will
deform elastically and will return to its original shape when the applied stress
is removed. Once the yield point is passed, some fraction of the deformation
will be permanent and non-reversible.

To check the withstand capability of conducting material for

different load conditions, the stress distribution analysis is necessary. In
general, Von Mises stress is widely used by designers to check whether their
design will withstand a given load condition. When the maximum value of
Von Mises stress in a material is more than the yield strength of the material,
the design fails.

Maximum von Mises stress in HV winding for 0.75 Isc to 5 Isc are
computed and the distribution of the same for Isc and 5 Isc are shown in Figure
3.12 The stress is found to be more in the tappings for all currents.

(i) Isc (ii) Isc

(i) 5Isc (ii) 5Isc

(a) Surface plot of von Mises stress (b)Stress distribution profile along the
length of the winding
Figure 3.12 von Mises stress distribution for Isc and 5Isc

The maximum von Mises stress for Isc is 0.545 x108 N/m2 and the
factor of safety of the winding at Isc is 3.3 (1.8x108 / 0.545 x108) where
1.8x108 N/m2 is the Yield Strength of Copper. It is observed from the Figures
3.13 (a) and (b), von Mises stress is below the Yield strength of copper for
short circuit current upto 1.1 Isc indicating the withstand capability of copper
upto 110% of Isc.. For current above 1.1 Isc, the von Mises stress is more than
the Yield strength indicating the deformations are plastic which may result in

(a) From 0.75 Isc to 5Isc (b) From 0.75 Isc to 1.5 Isc
Figure 3.13 Isc Vs von Mises stress in HV winding


In general the mechanical integrity of a transformer depends on

many parameters like, conductor material, winding, inter winding and end
insulation and clamping structures. An attempt has been made to quantify the
effects of different materials for winding spacer, insulating coolant and
clamping status on the strength of the transformer through the maximum

3.6.1 Spacer

The insulating materials which are under maximum stress during

short-circuit are the spacers between the coils/ discs. To study the effect of
other spacer materials, Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) (E =70x109 N/m2,
ρ=0.45) and Nomex (E =127.5x109 N/m2, ρ=0. 5) are considered and the
corresponding displacements are computed. From the analyses, it is observed
that the displacement profile pattern remain the same for all the materials and
the Figure 3.14 shows the surface plot of resultant displacement and the
displacement profile for Nomex as spacer materials.

(i)Surface plot of resultant (ii)Displacement profile


Figure 3.14 HV winding displacement for Nomex as spacer material

From the Table 3.7, it is clear that when the material strength i.e
Young’s modulus increases, the displacement decreases indicating the
improved short circuit withstand capabilty of the transformer .

Table 3.7 Maximum displacement in HV winding for Isc

Spacer material Press Board FRP Nomex

Displacement (m) 0.134x10-3 0.12x10-3 0.517x10-4

3.6.2 Insulating Coolants

In the case of the transformer under analysis, oil is used as

insulating coolant and all the previous analyses are done with oil (as
background material) in simulation. In practice, experiments and research
related to force and displacements are carried out in air instead of oil to
reduce the oil handling problem. In addition, oil is being replaced by SF6 for
better insulation design. To address the above said, an attempt has been made

to carryout analyses with air as background material with an assumption that

SF6 has same mechanical strength that of air (E =1.2x105 N/m2, ρ = 0.43).

Displacement profiles for current densities from 0.75 Isc to 1.1Isc

are carried out for air and compared with the displacements with oil.
Figure 3.15 shows the maximum displacements in the HV winding and is
observed that for all currents, displacements are more in air than in oil as

Figure 3.15 Maximum displacement in HV winding in Air and Oil for

different Isc

The difference in the displacements in air and oil is negligible

(3µm) for the considered range of currents, agreeing well with Madin (1963)
and hence, further tests can be conducted in air.

3.6.3 Behavior of Clamping Structures

Power transformer windings are designed to withstand axial forces

which result from short circuit events. To withstand these forces, the winding

assembly is clamped to a predetermined pre-load pressure during manufacture

which is at least as high as the maximum calculated axial short circuit force
(Waters .M 1966). As long as the transformer clamping system maintains pre-
load pressure, the windings will remain tight during short circuit event and
should therefore not sustain any damage, due to movement of the conductors.

Figure 3.16(a) shows the deformations of both the windings when

the top end of the HV winding is not clamped and the maximum displacement
of 0.265mm occurs in HV winding (compared to 0.134 mm when properly
clamped) .The effect of over clamping is analyzed by over clamping the top
end of LV winding and the maximum deformation(Figure 3.16(b)) is found
to be 0.423mm ( against 0.105mm when properly clamped ) . From the above
cases, it can be inferred that proper clamping design can be achieved to
withstand the required short circuit force.

(a) Improper (loosened) clamping at (b)Improper (tightened) clamping at

top end of HV winding top end of LV winding

Figure 3.16 Surface plot of resultant displacements due to improper



Using Finite Element Method based Magneto-Structural analysis ,

the mechanical integrity of the transformer during short force is analysed in
terms of change in percentage reactance. The effect of spacer material,
insulating coolant and the clamping structure on the winding deformation is

 Short circuit withstand capability :

o Both LV and HV windings of a 6.3 MVA, 33 kV/11 kV

transformer are modeled discwise to compute the
electromagnetic force distribution and the corresponding
disc displacements using magneto structural analysis.

o The inductance of the deformed winding with individual

disc displacement (in both axial and radial directions) is
computed using magnetostatic analysis. The percentage
difference in reactances of the winding before and after
the short circuit is found to be less than 1.0% confirming
the actual test result.

o The maximum von Mises stress on the winding is also

found to be less than the yield strength of copper
indicating the withstand capability of winding under
short circuit.

o Analyses are carried out for different Isc and from the
corresponding maximum displacements and the change
in reactance, the maximum withstand short circuit
current can be predicted.

 Influencing Factors:

o The displacement of the winding is found to be less with FRP

and Nomex spacer and thus improve the mechanical design of
the transformer.

o The percentage change in displacement between air and oil

background is found to be negligible and hence, both the
simulation and experimental studies can be done in air itself.

o The design of proper of clamping structure can be done


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