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Received April 25, 2018, accepted May 21, 2018, date of publication May 28, 2018, date of current version July 25, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2841008

PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication

Scheme Based on Identity-Based
Signature in VANETs
AND XIANGJIE KONG 2 , (Senior Member, IEEE)
1 Software College, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110169, China
2 School of Software Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Corresponding authors: Xinyang Deng ( and Xiangjie Kong (
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61402095 and 61300196, and in part
by the China Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grants N120404010, N130817002, and DUT18JC09.

ABSTRACT Due to the advantages of low handover latency and signaling costs, Proxy Mobile
IPv6 (PMIPv6), as a localized mobility management protocol for next generation mobile network, can
be well combined with vehicular ad-hoc networks. However, the lack of security considerations limits the
rapid growth of PMIPv6. Unfortunately, few proposals are in the literature to address such issue. Motivated
by this, a novel authentication scheme based on identity-based signature for PMIPv6 is proposed. Mutual
authentication between mobile node and mobile access gateway is achieved for both intra-domain and inter-
domain scenarios with the help of identity-based signature and service-level agreement. The authentication
signaling can be finely integrated into the mobility management procedure of PMIPv6, which equips our
scheme with high authentication efficiency. The formal security proof under SVO logic and the performance
analysis are presented to demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our proposed scheme.

INDEX TERMS VANETs, PMIPv6, mutual authentication, identity-based signature, SVO.

I. INTRODUCTION network seriously. It is worth to note that RFC5213, a specifi-

The rapid development of transportation and wireless net- cation for PMIPv6, doesn’t provide details for authentication
work has greatly promoted the popularization of vehicular ad- and other security concerns.
hoc networks(VANETs). MIPv6 protocol [4], which allows To the end, experts proposed some security scheme for
mobile node to be online regardless of its movement and PMIPv6. Zhang et al. [17] present an authentication scheme
location, is an ideal protocol applied to vehicular ad-hoc based on certificateless signcryption, and the use of sign-
networks [5]. However, MIPv6 also faces many problems cryption scheme ensures the confidentiality, reliability during
such as security, efficiency, package loss. Therefore, several message interaction process. Zhang and Wuhan [18] utilize
enhanced schemes are introduced including HMIPv6 [6], the improved scheme of IBC to realize the secure handover
FMIPv6 [7], and PMIPv6 [13], where PMIPv6 has the of MN, which can solve the key escrow problem effectively.
lowest handover delay and configuration requirement that Reference [19] is a Diameter based on PMIPv6 authentication
gains more attentions from researchers and practitioners scheme. During authentication process, each entity imple-
consequently. ments authentication by using sharedkey with the AAA server
Reliable wireless communication is essential demands for and guarantees the security of the key. However, in [17]–[19],
VANETs [14], without safety, it is impossible for PMIPv6 to MNs need to be authenticated by their home authentication
be widely adopted as a network-based mobility manage- server(AS), which causes much burden for the home AS.
ment protocol in VANETs. According to [15], [16], there In order to solve these problems, Kim and Lee [20] propose
are various attacks including stolen-verified, denial of ser- an authentication scheme, which is based on the Diffie-
vice, impersonation, replay, password guessing, as well Hellman key. However, this scheme suffers from the latency
as man-in-the-middle attack, which threat the PMIPv6 of session key generations, which clearly influences the

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T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

handover efficiency. On the other hand, SPAM [21] presents

a secure password authentication mechanism by using smart
card to store relevant information, which has the advantage in
terms of security and efficiency. But, from [22], [23], we can
see that SPAM still has critical security flaws. HOTA [34]
proposes a ticked based on authentication scheme. Using the
same credential issued by AS, no matter where MN is located,
HOTA can achieve authentication. However, during initial
authentication, the credential has to be ensured by AS which
increases transmission overhead.
In this paper, we propose a PMIPv6 access authentica-
tion scheme based on identity-based signature in VANETs. FIGURE 1. Network architecture of VANETs.
Mutual authentication between MN and MAG is achieved for
initial authentication without knowing the other party’s iden-
tity. At the same time, the design of hierarchical architecture
decreases the pressure of System-level Trust Root (STR) and
Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), shortens MN’s waiting time
and improves the whole authentication efficiency. The formal
security proof under SVO logic and the performance analy-
sis show that the proposed scheme can maintain a balance
between efficiency and security well.
The rest of this paper is organized in the following man-
ner. The related theory and cryptography building blocks are
reviewed in Section 2. The proposed scheme is established in
Section 3. The security and performance analysis are given
in Section 4, and Section 5 respectively. Finally, we get a
conclusion in Section 6.

FIGURE 2. Network architecture of PMIPv6.
As shown in Figure 1, VANETs is a special mobile
ad hoc networks(MANETs) which can guarantee the
Vehicle-to-vehicle(V2V) communications, and Vehicle-to-
handling the mobility-management signaling on behalf of
Infrastructure(V2I) communications. Due to the device
MN, which decreases the complexity of MN’s protocol stack.
equipped with computing capabilities, positioning, commu-
LMA, acting as a home agent of MN, is responsible for man-
nicating, etc., the vehicle has the ability to sense its own driv-
aging binding status of MN and establish the bi-directional
ing data, perform message broadcasting and forwarding to
tunnel to forward packages.
neighboring nodes. RSU is seen as a gateway to connect inter-
The whole access process of MN contains initial access
net and vehicles, each vehicle can obtain internet services
phrase and handover access phrase. The initial access phrase
through RSU. As the part of the intelligent transportation
is that MN conducts the binding registration of PMIPv6 when
system(ITS) in Smart Cities [8], vehicle can avoid congested
entering the PMIPv6 domain firstly. The handover access
road, ensure the security of driving through message broad-
authentication is that MN changes its access point or user
casting and forwarding. Meanwhile, RSU can collect vehicle
interface when roaming in the PMIPv6 domain. In initial
status information, obtain traffic status of the road, and assist
access phrase, when MAG detects MN’s access, it can obtain
in supervising road conditions [9]. Beside, by combining
MN’s configuration files which contains user’s ID, service
with the socially aware networking and Internet of Things,
provider’s ID, and LMA’s address. Then, MAG sends Proxy
VANETs can also provide diverse application services for
Binding Update (PBU) to LMA on behalf of MN. After
drivers [9]–[12].
receiving the PBU, LMA sends Proxy Binding Acknowledge-
ment (PBA) with MN’s home network prefix to MAG and
B. PMIPv6 establishes a bi-directional tunnel with MAG. Meanwhile,
In 2008, PMIPv6 was proposed as a network-based mobil- LMA also establishes a binding cache entry (BCE) to store
ity management protocol [13]. PMIPv6 introduces two new MN’s relevant registration information. After receiving PBA,
entities, Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) and Mobile Access MAG sends Router Advertisement (RA) to MN and informs
Gateway (MAG). In Figure.2, MAG executes on an access MN its Home Network Prefix (HNP). MN is then able to con-
router and is responsible for tracking MN’s mobility status, figure its formal IPv6 address using the HNP and obtain the

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T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

network service through the bi-directional tunnel. During the

handover access phase, when MN changes its access point,
the previous MAG (pMAG) can detect MN’s departure. At the
same time, pMAG sends PBU to LMA for cancelling MN’s
binding status. LMA replies PBA to pMAG and releases the
bi-directional tunnel between pMAG and LMA. Afterwards,
MN is able to access to the new MAG (nMAG) with the same
manner of initial access phrase.

Let G1 be a cyclic additive group generated by P, whose
order is a prime q, and GT be a multiplicative group of the
same prime order. IGT is the generator of GT . Assume that the
discrete logarithm problem [25] is hard on both G1 and GT .
A bilinear pairing e: G1 × G1 − → GT owns the following
1) Bilinear: For all P, Q ∈ G1 and a, b ∈ Zq∗ , e(aP, bQ) =
e(P, Q)ab , where Zq∗ = {1, 2, . . . q − 1};
2) Non-degenerate: There exists P, Q ∈ G1 such that
e(P, Q) 6 = IGT ;
3) Computable: For all P, Q ∈ G1 , there is an efficient
method to compute e(P, Q).

D. WU’s IDENTITY-BASED SIGNATURE SCHEME FIGURE 3. Hierarchical network architecture.

In 2007, Wu et al. [25] put forward an efficient identity-based

signature scheme(WMS) holding the security proof under auxiliary entity of VANETs, LMA is responsible for manag-
the random oracle model. The scheme contains ParaGen, ing binding status of MN and establishes the bi-directional
KeyExtract, StandardSign, StandardVerify algorithms. tunnel to forward packages. Besides, LMA also provides
registration and authentication service for MAGs. The third
• WMS.ParaGen — Input the system parameter l, the pri-
layer contains MAGs which is integrated with RSU and is
vate key generators(PKG) generates a bilinear group G1
deployed on both sides of the road to provide authentication,
of prime order q, bilinear pairing e: G1 × G1 − → GT ,
security communications and other related services for MN.
where GT is a multiplicative group of the same prime
The forth layer is formed by MNs, which refer to vehicle
order q, a generator P of G1 . PKG selects a master key
nodes. MN can rely on the infrastructure deployed on the
s ∈ Zq∗ randomly and computes PPub = sP as the public
roadside to access the network and communicate, besides,
key. At the same time, PKG chooses two different secure
during driving, MN can switch from one network or subnet
hash functions H0 , H1 : {0, 1}∗ −
→ G1 . The system public
to another, and ensure the stability of the communication.
parameters are {G1 , GT , q, e, P, PPub , H0 , H1 }.
• WMS.KeyExtract — For the given string ID ∈ {0, 1}∗ ,
PKG generates the user private key skID = sH0 (ID).
• WMS.StandardSign — In order to sign message M ∈
The trust model is shown as Figure.4.
{0, 1}∗ , the signer selects r ∈ Zq∗ , and signs M as: 1) As the system-trusted root, STR is absolutely credible.
Sign=(δ1 , δ2 ), δ1 = skID + rH1 (M ), δ2 = rP. All the entities trust the public key of STR.
• WMS.StandardVerify — In order to verify the signa- 2) MAGs in the same LMA domain trust each other
ture Sign, the verifier checks whether e(δ1 , P) == depending on the pre-established secure tunnel. MAGs
e(H0 (ID), Ppub )e(H1 (M ), δ2 ) holds. If the equation in different LMA domains have no trust relationship.
holds, the signature is valid, otherwise, the signature is 3) LMAs can establish trust relationship by signing
invalid. service-level agreement(SLA) to trust the other party’s
public key.
III. THE PROPOSED SCHEME 4) Before performing the access authentication, MAG and
In this section, we provide a scenarios that VANETs and Generally, TA, LMA, and MAG are difficult to be compro-
PMIPv6 are combined. As depicted in Figure 3, The first mised and if MN is compromised, the communication among
layer is the System-level Trusted Root (STR) that is trusted entities has not been greatly affected. Thus we assume a
by all entities, is in charge of issuing the private key for global passive attacker existed who owns the common attack
other entities. The second layer includes several LMAs. As an capabilities, such as impersonation, replay, etc.

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TABLE 1. Relevant identifier.

FIGURE 5. MN’s registration process.

FIGURE 4. Trust model.

encrypt KMN −STR , N1 and gets the ciphertext C1 =
Enc_IBE_PKSTR {KMN −STR , N1 }. The encryption algorithm
C. THE ACCESS AUTHENTICATION SCHEME here can be any identity-based encryption algorithm such as
The proposed PMIPv6 access authentication scheme in vehic- BF-IBE [26], Waters [27], etc
ular scenarios(PAAS) is composed of four phrases: regis- (2) MN sends IDMN and C1 to STR for registration.
tration, initial access authentication, intra-domain handover (3) STR uses SKSTR to decrypt C1 and obtains
authentication, and inter-domain handover authentication. KMN −STR , N1 . STR generates the private key of MN SKMN =
For the convenience of the later description, the relevant SSTR H0 (IDMN ) and encrypt SKMN , N1 to get the ciphertext
notations and descriptions are shown as Table 1. C2 = SE KSTR−MN {SKMN , N1 }.
(4) STR sends C2 to MN.
1) REGISTRATION (5) MN uses KMN −STR to decrypt C2 and gets SKMN , N1 .
Before registration, STR generates a bilinear group G1 of MN verifies N1 , if N1 is valid, then MN preserves SKMN .
prime order q, a bilinear pairing e:G1 × G1 − → GT , where Otherwise, the registration is failed.
G1 is a multiplicative group of the same prime order q, and a
generator P of G1 . STR selects a master key SKSTR ∈ Zq∗ b: MAG AND LMA’s REGISTRATION
randomly and computes its public key PKSTR = SKSTR P. (1) Each MAGi in the same LMA domain chooses SMAGi ∈
At the same time, STR selects three secure hash functions Zq∗ and computes MMAGi = SMAGi H0 (IDMAGi ).
H : {0, 1}∗ −
→ {0, 1}l , H0 , H1 :{0, 1}∗ −→ G1 , where l is the (2) For the convenience of registration, MAGi sends MMAGi
length of the session key. The system public parameters are and IDMAGi to LMA.
{G1 , GT , q, e, P, Ppub , H , H0 , H1 }. (3) After receiving the message from MAGi , LMA selects
the shared key KLMA−STR , N2 ∈ Zq∗ , and uses PKSTR
a: MN’s REGISTRATION to encrypt KLMA−STR , N2 to get the ciphertext C3 =
As shown in Figure.5, MN’s registration process is composed Enc_IBE_PKSTR {KLMA−STR , N2 }.
of the following steps. (4) LMA sends IDMAGi , IDLMA , C3 , and MMAGi to STR.
(1) MN generates the shared key KMN −STR ∈ {0, 1}∗ (5) STR uses its private key SKSTR to decrypt C3 and obtain
and random number N1 ∈ Zq∗ . MN uses PKSTR to KSTR−LMA and N2 . Then STR generates Si = SSTR MMAGi and

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FIGURE 6. MAG and LMA’s registration process.

FIGURE 7. The workflow of initial authentication protocol.

LMA’s private key SKLMA = SSTR H0 (IDLMA ). Finally, STR authentication protocol is shown as Figure.7 in terms of the
uses KSTR−LMA to encrypt SKLMA , N2 and gets the ciphertext scenario in Figure.3.
C4 = SEKLMA−STR {SKLMA , N2 }. (1) MN chooses rMN randomly. Through using SKMN , MN
(6) STR sends C4 , Si to LMA. signs IDMN , TS1 , and obtains SignMN = Sign_WMS_SKMN
(7) After receiving C4 and Si , LMA decrypts C4 to obtain {IDMN ,TS1 }=(σMN _1 , σMN _2 ), where σMN _1 = SKMN +
SKLMA , N2 . Then LMA checks N2 , if N2 is valid, LMA rMN H1 (IDMN ||TS1 ), σMN _2 = rMN P, rMN ∈ Zq∗ .
preserves SKLMA . Otherwise LMA discards the received mes- (2) MN sends IDMN , TS1 , SignMN to MAG1 .
sage. (3) After receiving the message from MN, MAG1 first
(8) LMA forwards Si to each MAGi . checks the freshness of TS1 . If not, the authentication is failed.
(9) After receiving Si , MAGi gets its own private key Otherwise MAG1 verifies the signature SignMN . If the verifi-
. cation failed, then MN is not a legal node and the authentica-
tion is failed. Otherwise, MAG1 makes sure that MN is a legal
2) INITIAL AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL node. MAG1 selects random number rMAG1 ∈ Zq∗ , and gen-
The initial authentication protocol works when MN erates SignMAG1 = Sign_WMS_SKMAG1 {IDMAG1 ,IDLMA1 ,
first attaches a PMIPv6 domain and launches mutual TS2 }={σMAG1 _1 , σMAG1 _2 }, where σMAG1 _1 = SKMAG1 +
authentication with the accessed MAG. The detail of initial rMAG1 H1 (IDMAG1 ||IDLMA1 ||TS2 ), σMAG1 _2 = rMAG1 P.

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FIGURE 9. The workflow of intra-domain handover authentication

FIGURE 8. FPMIPv6 operations. protocol.

(2) MN sends IDMN , IDMAG1 , TS3 , σMN _2 , and SignMN to

Finally, MAG1 generates the shared key and session key: MAG2 .
KMAG1 −MN = rMAG1 σMN _2 , SEKMAG1 −MN = H (KMA- (3) After receiving the message from MN, MAG2 first
G1 −MN ||TS1 ||TS2 ). checks the freshness of TS3 , if TS3 is not fresh, then the
(4) MAG1 sends IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 , TS2 , and SignMAG1 authentication failed. Otherwise, MAG2 verifies SignMN and
to MN. if it is invalid, the process stop. Othewise,, MAG2 signs
(4’) MAG1 sends σMN _2 through PBU to LMA1 . IDMAG2 , TS4 , σMAG2 _2 with KMAG1 −MN and gets the sig-
(5’) After getting σMN _2 , LMA1 computes and preserves nature SignMAG2 = Sign_HMAC_KMAG1 −MN {IDM - _AG2 ,
the shared key: KLMA1 −MN = rLMA1 σMN _2 . TS4 , σMAG2 _2 } = H (IDMAG2 ||TS4 ||σMAG2 _2 ||KMAG1 −MN ),
(5) After receiving the message from MAG1 , MN first where σMAG2 _2 = rMAG2 P. Finally, MAG2 generates
checks whether TS2 is fresh, if not, the authentication is the shared key and the session key: KMAG2 −MN =
failed. Otherwise, MN verifies SignMAG1 , if SignMAG1 is rMAG2 σMN _2 , SEKMAG2 −MN = H (KMAG2 −MN ||TS3 || TS4 ).
invalid, MAG1 is unreliable and the authentication is failed. (4) MAG2 sends IDMAG2 , TS4 , σMAG2 _2 , and SignMAG2
Otherwise, MAG1 is regarded as a reliable node. MN gen- to MN.
erates the shared key and the session key: KMN −MAG1 = (5) After receiving the message from MAG2 , MN checks
rMN σMAG1 _2 , SEKMN −MAG1 = H (KMN −MAG1 ||TS1 ||TS2 ). the freshness of TS4 if TS4 is not fresh, then the authenti-
cation failed. Othewise, MN continues to verify SignMAG2
D. INTRA-DOMAIN HANDOVER AUTHENTICATION and if the verification is successful, MN will generate the
PROTOCOL shared key and the session key: KMN −MAG2 = rMN σMAG2 _2 ,
Intra-domain handover take place when MN detaches from SEKMN −MAG2 = H (KMN −MAG2 ||TS3 ||TS4 ). Otherwise,
the previous MAG(MAG1 ) and is ready to attach the the authentication failed and the authentication process stops.
new MAG(MAG2 ) in the same LMA domain as shown
in Figure3. According to the FPMIPv6 protocol [28], MN E. INTER-DOMAIN HANDOVER AUTHENTICATION
has the ability to report the link layer information to the PROTOCOL
Access Network (AN). Afterwards, AN relays the handover During Inter-domain handover, MN departs from MAG2
indication to MAG1 . In Figure.8, when MN detects that a to MAG3 which locates in another LMA domain (LMA2 )
handover is imminent, it forwards IDMN and New Access as shown in Figure.3. The same as the Intra-domain han-
Point Identifier IDn−AP [7] to MAG1 through the current con- dover authentication, MAG2 sends HI which contains IDMN ,
nected access network p-AN. According to IDn−AP , MAG1 IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 to MAG3 . MAG3 then sends IDMN , IDMAG3
is able to detect MAG2 . MAG1 then sends the Handover IDLMA1 to LMA2 to get KLMA1 −MN . After receiving the mes-
Initiate(HI) which contains IDMN , IDMAG1 , and the shared sage from MAG3 , LMA2 requests KLMA1 −MN from LMA
key KMAG1 −MN to MAG2 . After receiving HI from MAG1 , through the secure channel and forwards the shared key to
MAG2 confirms that they are in the same LMA domain. MAG3 . Afterwards MAG3 preserves the key and sends HAck
MAG2 preserves IDMN , IDMAG1 , KMAG1 −MN and sends the to MAG2 .
Handover Acknowledgement(HAck) to MAG1 . When MN handovers from the previous MAG (MAG2 ) to
When MN is ready to attach the new MAG (MAG2 ), the new MAG (MAG3 ). The Inter-domain handover process
the Intra-domain handover authentication process between is shown as Figure.10.
MN and MAG2 is shown as Figure.9. (1) MN signs IDMN , IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2
(1) MN derives the signature SignMN = Sign_HMAC with KMN −LMA1 to obtain SignMN = Sign_HMAC_
_KMN −MAG1 {IDMN , IDMAG1 , TS3 , σMN _2 } = H (IDMN KLMA1 −MN {IDMN , IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2 }=
||IDMAG1 ||TS3 ||σMN _2 ||KMN −MAG1 ), where σMN _2 = rMN P. H (IDMN ||IDMAG2 ||IDLMA1 ||TS5 ||σMN _2 ||KMN −LMA1 ).

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T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

b) Necessitation (Nec): ` ϕ ⇒`P believe ϕ.

2) Axioms
a) Believing
Ax1: P believes ϕ∧ P believes (ϕ ⊃ ψ) ⊃ P
believes ψ
Ax2: P believes ϕ ⊃ P believes (P believes ϕ)
b) Source Association
Ax3: SharedKey(K , P, Q) ∧ R received {X Q }K ⊃ Q
said X ∧ Q sees K
Ax4: PKσ (Q, K )∧R received X ∧SV (X , K , Y ) ⊃ Q
said Y
c) Key Agreement
FIGURE 10. The workflow of inter-domain handover authentication
Ax5: PKδ (P, Kp ) ∧ PKδ (Q, Kq ) ⊃ SharedKey
protocol. (F0 (Kp , Kq ), P, Q)
Ax6: ϕ ≡ ϕ[F0 (K , K 0 )/F0 (K 0 , K )]
(2) MN sends IDMN , IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN , and d) Receiving
SignMN to MAG3 . Ax7: P received (X1 , · · · , Xn ) ⊃ P received Xi
(3) After receiving the message from MN, MAG3 checks Ax8: P received {X }K ∧ P sees K −1 ⊃ P receives X
the freshness of TS5 and verifies the signature SignMN Ax9: P received [X ]K ⊃ P received X
through IDMN , IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2 , and KMN −LMA1 . e) Seeing
If either of the verifications is failed, then the pro-
Ax10: P received X ⊃ P sees X
cess stops. If both of the verifications success, MAG3
Ax11: P sees (X1 , · · · , Xn ) ⊃ P sees Xi
computes SignMAG3 = H (IDMAG3 ||IDLMA2 ||TS6 ||σMA-
Ax12: P sees X1 ∧ · · · ∧ P sees Xn ⊂ P sees
G3 _2 ||KLMA−MN ), where σMAG3 _2 = rMAG3 P. MAG3 gen-
F(X1 , · · · , Xn )
erates the shared key: KMAG3 −MN = rMAG3 σMN _2 and the
session key: SEKMAG3 −MN = H (KMAG3 −MN ||TS5 ||TS6 ). f) Comprehending
(4) MAG3 sends IDMAG3 , IDLMA2 , TS6 , σMAG3 _2 , SignMAG3 Ax13: P believes (P sees F(X )) ⊃ P believes (P sees
to MN. X)
(5) After getting the message from MAG3 , MN first g) Saying
checks the freshness of TS6 , if it is not freshness, then the Ax14: P said (X1 , · · · , Xn ) ⊃ P said Xi ∧ P sees Xi
authentication failed. Otherwise, MN verifies SignMAG3 , if it Ax15: P says (X1 , · · · , Xn ) ⊃ P says Xi ∧ P said
is invalid, the process stops. Otherwise, MN finishes the (X1 , · · · , Xn )
mutual authentication and computes the shared key and the h) Jurisdiction
session key: KMN −MAG3 = rMN σMAG3 _2 , SEKMN −MAG3 = Ax16: P controls ϕ ∧ P says ϕ ⊃ ϕ
H (KMN −MAG3 ||TS5 ||TS6 ).
i) Freshness
Ax17: fresh(Xi ) ⊃ fresh(X1 , · · · , Xn )
Ax18: fresh(X1 , · · · , Xn ) ⊃ (F(X1 , · · · , Xn ))
In this section, we will provide formal security proof of
the authentication protocols in PAAS through SVO Logic. j) Nonce-Verification
Besides, the security analysis of PAAS from the aspects Ax19: fresh(X ) ∧ P said X ⊃ P says X
of mutual authentication, session key secrecy, reliability, k) Symmetric goodness of shared keys
as well as the resistance of man-in-middle attack will also be Ax20: SharedKey(K , P, Q) ≡ SharedKey(K , Q, P)
SVO logic [29] is a security protocol analysis method pro- 1) Initial authentication protocol
posed by Syverson and Orschot,which absorbs the advan- a) Assumptions
tages of BAN logic [30], GNY logic [31], AT logic [32], P1: MN believes fresh(TS2 ) MAG1 believes
VO logic [33]. SVO logic has clear semantic, high expansion fresh(TS1 )
capability, and is easy to use.
P2: MN believes MN received (([IDMAG1 ,
SVO logic owns two basic inference rules and twenty −1
axioms. 1
⊃ PKδ (MAG1 , σMAG1 _2 )) MAG1 believes
1) Inference rules: MAG1 received (([IDMN , TS1 ]SKMN −1
, IDMN ,
a) Modus Ponens(MP):ϕ ∧ ϕ ⊃ ψ ⇒ ψ. TS1 ) ⊃ PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ))

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T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

P3: MN believes PKσ (MAG1 , PKMAG1 ) MAG1 According to S9, P3, P4, Ax4:
believes PKσ (MN, PKMN ) S10: MN believes MAG1 said (IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 ,
P4: MN believes SV([IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 , TS2 ] TS2 )
, PKMAG1 , (IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 , TS2 )) According to S10, P1, Ax19:
MAG1 believes SV([IDMN , TS1 ]SKMN , S11: MN believes MAG1 says (IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 ,
PKMN , (IDMN , TS1 )) TS2 ) (G01 is proved)
P5: MN believes PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) MAG1 According to S11, P6, Ax1 and Nec:
believes PKδ (MAG1 , σMAG1 _2 )) S12: MN1 believes PKδ (MAG1 , σMAG1 _2 )
P6: MN believes ((MAG1 says (IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 , According to S12, P5, Ax5:
TS1 )⊃ PKδ (MAG1 , σMAG1 _2 )) MAG1 believes S13: MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG1 , MN,
((MN says (IDMN , TS2 ) ⊃ PKδ (MN, σMN _2 )) MAG1 ), KMN −MAG1 = F(σMN _2 , σMAG1 _2 )
P7: MN sees PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) MAG1 sees According to P2, P7, Ax1, Ax5, Ax10:
PKδ (MAG1 , σMAG1 _2 )
S14: MN sees SharedKey(KMN −MAG1 , MN,
b) Goals MAG1 ), KMN −MAG1 =F(σMN _2 , σMAG1 _2 )
G1 : MAG1 believes MN says (IDMN , TS1 ) According to S13, S14, and the definition of
G01 : MN believes MAG1 says (IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 SharedKey(K-, A, B) :
TS2 ) S15: MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG1 -, MN,
G2 : MAG1 believes SharedKey(KMAG1 −MN -, MAG1 ), KMN −MAG1 =F(σMN _2 , σMAG1 _2 )
MAG1 , MN) (G02 is proved)
G02 : MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG1 -, MN,
According to P1, P2, Ax1, Ax18 and MP:
MAG1 )
G3 : MAG1 believes fresh(KMAG1 −MN ) S16: MN believes fresh (KMN −MAG1 ) (G03 is
G03 : MN believes fresh(KMN −MAG1 ) proved)
c) Security proof According to Ax1, Nec: 2) Intra-domain handover authentication protocol
S1: MAG1 believes MAG1 received [IDMN , a) Assumptions
TS1 ]SKMN P1: MN believes fresh(TS4 ) MAG1 believes
fresh(TS3 )
According to S1, P3, P4, Ax4:
P2: MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG1 , MN,
S2: MAG1 believes MN said (IDMN , TS1 )
MAG1 ) MAG2 believes SharedKey
According to S2, P1, Ax19: (KMAG1 −MN , MAG1 , MN)
S3: MAG1 believes MN says (IDMN , TS1 ) (G1 is P3: MN believes MN received (([IDMAG2 ,
proved) TS4 , σMAG2 _2 ]KMAG1 −MN , IDMAG2 , TS4 ),
According to S3, P6, Ax1 and Nec: σMAG2 _2 ⊃ PKδ (MAG2 , σMAG2 _2 )) MAG2
S4: MAG1 believes PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) believes MAG2 received ([IDMN , IDMAG1
TS3 , σMN _2 ]KMN −MAG1 , IDMN , IDMAG1 , TS3 ,
According to S4, P5, Ax5:
σMN _2 ) ⊃ PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ))
S5: MAG1 believes SharedKey(KMAG1 −MN ,
P4: MN believes PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) MAG2
MAG1 , MN), KMAG1 −MN =F(σMAG1 _2 , σMN _2 )
believes PKδ (MAG2 , PKMAG2 _2 ))
According to P2, P7, Ax1, Ax5, Ax10:
P5: MN believes ((MAG2 says (IDMAG2 , TS4 ,
S6: MAG1 sees SharedKey(KMAG1 −MN , σMAG2 _2 ))⊃ PKδ (MAG2 , σMAG2 _2 )) MAG2
MAG1 , MN), KMAG1 −MN =F(σMAG1 _2 , σMN _2 ) believes ((MN says (IDMN , IDMAG1 TS3,
According to S5, S6, the definition of SharedKey σMN _2 ))⊃ PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ))
(K-, A, B) P6: MN sees PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) MAG2 sees
S7: MAG1 believes SharedKey(KMAG1 −MN , PKδ (MAG2 , σMAG2 _2 )
MAG1 , MN), KMAG1 −MN =F(σMAG1 _2 , σMN _2 ) b) Goals
(G2 is proved) G4 : MAG2 believes MN says (IDMN , IDMAG2 ,
According to P1, P2, Ax1, Ax18 and MP: TS3 , σMN _2 )
S8: MAG1 believes fresh(KMAG1 −MN ) (G3 is G04 : MN believes MAG2 says (IDMAG2 , TS4 ,
proved) σMAG2 _2 )
G5 : MAG2 believes SharedKey(KMAG2 −MN -,
According to Ax1, Nec:
MAG2 , MN)
S9: MN believes MN received [IDMAG1 , IDLMA1 , G05 : MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG2 -, MN,

VOLUME 6, 2018 37487

T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

G6 : MAG2 believes fresh(KMAG2 −MN ) According to S14, S16 and definition of

G06 : MN believes fresh(KMN −MAG2 ) SharedKey(K-, A, B):
c) Security proof S17: MN believes MN SharedKey(KMN −MAG2 -,
According to P3, Ax1: MN, MAG2 ) (G05 is proved)
S1: MAG2 believes MAG2 received [IDMN , According to S14, P1, Ax1, Ax18 and MP:
IDMAG1 , TS3 , σMN _2 ]KMAG1 −MN
S18: MN believes fresh(KMN −MAG2 ) (G06 is
According to S1, P2, Ax3: proved)
S2: MAG2 believes MN said (IDMN , IDMAG1 , 3) Inter-domain handover authentication protocol
TS3 , σMN _2 )
a) Assumptions
According to S2, P1, Ax17, Ax19:
P1: MN believes fresh(TS6 ) MAG3 believes
S3: MAG2 believes MAG2 says (IDMN , IDMAG1 ,
fresh(TS5 )
TS3 , σMN _2 ) (G4 is proved)
According to P5, S3, Ax1, Nec: P2: MN believes SharedKey(KMN −LMA1 , MN,
LMA1 ) MAG3 believes SharedKey
S4: MAG2 believes PKδ (MN, δMN _2 )
(KLMA1 −MN , LMA1 , MN)
According to S4, P4, Ax5:
P3: MN believes MN received (([IDMAG3 ,
S5: MAG2 believes SharedKey(KMAG2 −MN , IDLMA2 , TS6 , σMAG3 _2 ]KMN −LMA1 , IDMAG3 ,
MAG2 , MN), KMAG2 −MN = F(δMAG2 _2 , IDLMA2 , TS6 , σMAG3 _2 , TS6 ) ⊃ PKδ (MAG3 ,
δMN _2 ) σMAG3 _2 )) MAG3 believes (MAG3 received
According to P3, Ax1, Ax10: ([IDMN , IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2 ]
S6: MAG2 believes MAG2 sees PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) KLMA1 −MN , IDMN , IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 , TS5 ,
According to S6, P6, Ax11, Ax12: σMN _2 ) ⊃ PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ))
S7: MAG2 believes MAG2 sees SharedKey P4: MN believes PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) MAG3
(KMAG2 −MN , MAG2 , MN), KMAG2 −MN = believes PKδ (MAG3 , PKMAG3 _2 ))
F(δMAG2 _2 , δMN _2 ) P5: MN believes MAG3 says (IDMAG3 , IDLMA2 ,
According to S5, S6, and definition of SharedKey TS6 ))⊃ PKδ (MAG3 , σMAG3 _2 )) MAG3
(K −, A, B) believes MN says (IDMN , IDMAG3 , IDLMA1 ,
S8: MAG2 believes SharedKey(KMAG2 −MN -, TS5 ))⊃ PKδ (MN,σMN _2 ))
MAG2 , MN) (G5 is proved) b) Goals
According to S5, P1, Ax1, Ax18 and MP: G7 : MAG3 believes MN says (IDMN , IDMAG2 ,
S9: MAG2 believes fresh(KMAG2 −MN ) (G6 is IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2 )
proved) G07 : MN believes MAG3 says (IDMAG3 , IDLMA2 ,
According to P3, Ax1: TS6 , σMAG3 _2 )
S10: MN believes MN received [IDMAG2 , TS4 , G8 : MAG3 believes SharedKey(KMAG3 −MN -,
σMAG2 _2 ]KMAG1 −MN MAG3 , MN)
According to S10, P2, Ax3: G08 : MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG3 -, MN,
MAG3 )
S11: MN believes MAG2 said (IDMAG2 , TS4 ,
G9 : MAG3 believes fresh(KMAG3 −MN )
σMAG2 _2 )
G09 : MN believes fresh(KMN −MAG3 )
According to S11, P1, Ax17, Ax19:
c) Security proof
S12: MN believes MAG2 says (IDMAG2 , TS4 ,
According to P3, Ax1:
σMAG2 _2 ) (G04 is proved)
S1: MAG3 believes MAG3 received [IDMN ,
According to P5, S12, Ax1, and Nec:
IDMAG2 , IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2 ]KLMA1 −MN
S13: MN believes PKδ (MAG2 , σMAG2 _2 )
According to S1, P2, Ax3:
According to S13, P4, Ax5:
S2: MAG3 believes MN said(IDMN , IDMAG2 ,
S14: MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG2 , MN,
IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2 )
MAG2 ), KMN −MAG2 =F(σMN _2 , σMAG2 _2 )
According to P3, Ax1, Ax10: According to S2, P1, Ax17, Ax19:
S15: MN believes MN sees PKδ (MAG2 , σMAG2 _2 ) S3: MAG3 believes MN says(IDMN , IDMAG2 ,
IDLMA1 , TS5 , σMN _2 )
According to S15, P7, Ax11, Ax12:
(G7 is proved)
S16: MN believes MN sees SharedKey(KMN −MA-
According to P5, S3, Ax1, Nec:
G2 , MN, MAG2 ), KMN −MAG2 = F(σMN _2 ,
σMAG2 _2 ) S4: MAG3 believes PKδ (MN, σMN _2 )

37488 VOLUME 6, 2018

T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

According to S4, P4, Ax5: 1) MUTUAL AUTHENTICATION

S5: MAG3 believes SharedKey(KMAG3 −MN , The mutual authentication is to guarantee the identity of
MAG3 , MN), KMAG3 −MN =F(σMAG3 _2 , the other entity during MN’s accessing procedure. In initial
σMN _2 ) authentication, MN and MAG can confirm the other entity’s
identity by verifying the WMS signature. During handover
According to P3, Ax1, Ax10:
authentication, MN and MAG uses HMAC algorithm to sign
S6: MAG3 believes MAG3 sees PKδ (MN, σMN _2 ) and verify the signatures which ensures the legitimacy and
According to S6, P5, Ax11, Ax12: authenticity of the other entity.
S7: MAG3 believes MAG3 sees SharedKey
(KMAG3 −MN , MAG3 , MN), KMAG3 −MN =
F(δMAG3 _2 , δMN _2 ) After authentication protocol is achieved successfully,
the confidentiality of the message between MN and MAG
According to S5, S6, Ax1, and definition of
is necessary. Thus, it is important that the session key is
SharedKey(K-, A, B):
unknown by the adversary. In other words, during the ses-
S8: MAG3 believes SharedKey(KMAG3 −MN -, sion key negotiation, adversary cannot get the session key
MAG3 , MN) (G8 is proved) by monitoring the communication between MN and MAG.
According to S5, P1, Ax1, Ax18 and MP: In PAAS, the session key is generated by DH key exchange
approach [34], the adversary couldn’t get the session key
S9: MAG3 believes fresh(KMAG3 −MN ) (G9 is
only by monitoring the key negotiation parameters, which
guarantee the session key secrecy.
According to P3, Ax1:
S10: MN believes MN received [IDMAG3 , IDLMA2 ,
TS6 , σMAG3 _2 ]KLMA1 −MN During initial access authentication, because there is no way
to obtain the legal private key via STR for the adversary,
According to S10, P2, Ax3: he couldn’t generate legal signature and be verified as a
S11: MN believes MAG3 said (IDMAG3 , IDLMA2 , legitimate entity. In handover authentication, the shared key
TS6 , σMAG3 _2 ) between MN and MAG1 or MAG2 is only transmitted in the
According to S11, P1, Ax17, Ax19: secure tunnel, the adversary does not have chance to attain
the shared key and generate HMAC signature to take part in
S12: MN believes MAG3 says (IDMAG3 , IDLMA2 ,
authentication process.
TS6 , σMAG3 _2 ) (G07 is proved)
According to P5, S12, Ax1, and Nec: 4) RESISTANCE OF MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE ATTACK
When a man-in-the-middle attack occurs, the adversary can
S13: MN believes PKδ (MAG3 , σMN _2 )
modify, forge or reply the message MN and MAG. Once
According to S13, P4, Ax5: the message is modified or forged, when the legal verifier
S14: MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG3 , MAG3 , authenticates the signature or HMAC, the result will be
MN), KMAG3 −MN =F(σMN _2 , σMAG3 _2 ) failure. If reply attack happens, the verifier will find the
According to P3, Ax1, Ax10: timestamp is not fresh, which results the authentication is
S15: MN believes MN sees PKδ (MAG3 , σMAG3 _2 )
According to S15, P5, Ax11, Ax12: V. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
In this section, we conduct performance analysis by compar-
S16: MN believes MN sees SharedKey ing the proposed scheme (PAAS) with HOTA [34], CSS [17].
(KMN −MAG3 , MN, MAG3 ), KMAG3 −MN = In most instances, MN executes handover authentication, thus
F(σMN _2 , σMAG3 _2 ) our analysis will be focus on the handover authentication
According to S14, S16, and definition of in terms of handover authentication latency, communication
SharedKey(K-, A, B) : overhead, and signaling cost. Before the analysis, the relevant
S17: MN believes SharedKey(KMN −MAG3 -, MN, notations, descriptions, and the execution time are shown
MAG3 ) (G08 is proved) in Table 2 [35], [36].
According to S4, P1, Ax1, Ax18 and MP:
S18: MN believes fresh(KMN −MAG1 ) (G09 is The handover authentication latency(HL) refers to the time
proved) interval from MN sending the first authentication request
message to the trust relationship being built between MN and
C. FURTHER SECURITY ANALYSIS MAG in handover authentication protocol, which contains
In this section, we continue to analyze the security features the computation cost of each entity and the message transfer
that PAAS satisfies. latency.

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T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

TABLE 2. Notation and description in performance analysis.

In HOTA, MN first computes the master session key:

msk = Sign_HMAC_KMN −AS {NMN , IDMN , IDMAG } and
the authenticator: Auth = Enc_KMN −MAG {IDMN , msk, T ,
0 }, where K
NMN MN −AS is the sharedkey between MN and
authentication server(AS). Then MN sends Auth and TK
to MAG, where TK = Enc_KTK {KMN −MAG , IDMN , T }
is generated by AS. After receiving Auth and TK , MAG
uses KTK to decrypt TK and sends authentication request:
AuthRes = Enc_KMN −MAG {IDMN , NMN 0 +1} to MN. Finally,
MN decrypts AuthRes and check NMN + 1 to complete the FIGURE 11. Handover authentication latency.
authentication. Thus the handover authentication latency of
HOTA is: TABLE 3. The size of corresponding parameters.

HLHOTA = THMAC + 2TEnc + 2TDec + 2DMN −MAG (1)

In CSS, MN computes and sends request message
Req =< SignCrypt_PKAAA &SKMN {IDMN , N }, H (N ) >
to MAG. After receiving and verifying H (N ), MAG trans-
mits AMR=SignCrypt_PKAAA &SKMN {IDMN , N } to AAA
server. Through AMR, AAA server authenticates MN and
Finally, MAG sends message to authenticate MN. Conse- The communication overhead(CO) is the size of total mes-
quently, the handover authentication latency of CSS is: sage transmitted during handover authentication. According
HLCSS = 2TSigncry + 2TSigndec + 2DMN −MAG to [37], [38], the size of corresponding parameters are shown
as table 3. HOTA and CSS have no concern of building
+ 2DMAG−AAA session key, thus we ignore relevant session key parameters.
= 16TPM + 4TBP + 2DMN −MAG In HOTA, MN sends < Auth, TK > to MAG,
+ 2DMAG−AAA (2) where Auth = Enc_KMN −MAG {IDMN , msk, T , NMN 0 },

TK = Enc_KTK {KMN −MAG , IDMN , T }. After receiving Auth

During the intra-domain handover authentication of and TK , MAG sends AuthRes=Enc_KMN −MAG {IDMN ,
PAAS, MN computes the signature as: SignMN = 0
NMN + 1} to MN. The communication overhead of HOTA
Sign_HMAC_KMN −MAG1 {IDMN , IDMAG1 , TS3 , σMN _2 }. is:
Afterwards, SignMN and the related parameters will
be sent to MAG2 . Once receiving MN’s signature, COHOTA = 3 × 10 + 2 × 4 + 4 × 16(bytes)
MAG2 verifes SignMN and computes SignMAG2 = = 102(bytes)
Sign_HMAC_KMN −MAG1 {IDMAG2 ,TS4 , σMAG2 _2 }. Then
MAG2 sends SignMAG2 , IDMAG2 , TS4 , σMAG2 _2 to MN. In CSS, the communication overhead during handover
Finally, MN verifies SignMAG2 and builds trust relationship authentication mainly includes MN’s Areq and AAA’s AMA,
between MN and MAG2 . The handover latency of inter- where Req =< SignCrypt_PKAAA &SKMN {IDMN , N },
domain handover authentication is similar. Thus, the han- H (N ) >, since AMA=SignCrypt_PKMAG & PKAAA {m, N }.
dover authentication latency of PAAS is: We ignore the size of message m, m is the basic configuration
information in most cases. Therefore, the communication
HLPAAS = 4THMAC + 2DMN −MAG (3) overhead of CSS is:
We assume DMN −MAG =20(ms), DMAG−AAA =35(ms) [34]. COCSS = 3 × 128 + 6 × 16 + 2 × 10(bytes)
According to (1)-(3), the result of handover authentication = 500(bytes)
latency is shown as Figure.11, and we can get the conclusion
that PAAS owns the superiority in handover authentication In PAAS, MAG2 first receives the message from
latency. MN which includes IDMN , IDMAG1 , TS3 , and

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T. Gao et al.: PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs

TABLE 4. Communication overhead. VI. CONCLUSION

Guaranteeing access authentication and communication
security between vehicles and RSUs is the basis for VANETs.
Due to shorter signaling overhead and lower handover
delay, PMIPv6 can be well combined with VANETs. In this
paper, we propose a secure access authentication scheme
for PMIPv6 in VANETs(PAAS). Identity-based signature is
finely integrated into our hierarchical architecture to achieve
distributed mutual authentication between MN and MAG.
Security proof under SVO logic is made to prove the robust-
ness of the primary authentication protocols in PAAS. The
performance analysis and results demonstrate that PAAS is
efficient both for Intra-domain and Inter-domain authentica-
In our further work, we will try to address the
privacy-preserving issue during the access authentication of
PMIPv6 based on the proposed scheme in this paper.

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no. 4, pp. 64–77, 2013. XIANGJIE KONG (SM’16) received the B.Sc.
[35] C. Zhang, R. Lu, and X. Lin, P.-H. Ho, and X. Shen, ‘‘An efficient identity- and Ph.D. degrees from Zhejiang University,
based batch verification scheme for vehicular sensor networks,’’ in Proc. Hangzhou, China. He is currently an Associate
IEEE Conf. Comput. Commun., Apr. 2018, pp. 246–250. Professor with the School of Software, Dalian Uni-
[36] M.-C. Chuang and J.-F. Lee, ‘‘SF-PMIPv6: A secure fast handover mech- versity of Technology, China. He has served as
anism for proxy mobile IPv6 networks,’’ J. Syst. Softw., vol. 86, no. 2, a Guest Editor for several international journals,
pp. 437–448, 2013.
and the Workshop Chair or a PC Member for a
[37] X. Boyen and L. Martin, Identity-Based Cryptography Standard (IBCS)
number of conferences. He has authored or co-
#1: Supersingular Curve Implementations of the BF and BB1 Cryptosys-
tems, document RFC 5091, 2007. authored over 70 scientific papers in international
[38] C. Adams, P. Cain, D. Pinkas, and R. Zuccherato, Internet X.509 Public Key journals and conferences (with over 50 indexed by
Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP), document RFC 3161, 2001. ISI SCIE). His research interests include human behavior, mobile computing,
[39] S. Pack and Y. Choi, ‘‘A study on performance of hierarchical mobile IPv6 and computational social science. He is a Senior Member of CCF and a
in IP-based cellular networks,’’ IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E87-B, no. 3, member of ACM.
pp. 462–469, 2004.

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