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Cardiovascular complications of iron deficiency anemia:

Iron deficiency anemia may cause arrhythmia and rapid pulse rate. In individuals with iron
deficiency anemia the heart may become enlarged (hypertrophy), which is due to excess work
heart has to perform to supply oxygen in tissues including heart and other vital organs as there
is less oxygen carrying capacity of blood in iron deficiency anemia due to low hemoglobin
content. If the individual have coronary artery diseases such as atherosclerosis, which cause
narrowing of the arteries there may be lack (reduced) of blood supply to the heart and may
result in angina (chest pain).

Iron deficiency anemia also complicates (precipitate) other heart disease such as mitral stenosis,
mitral regurgitation etc. where heart is unable to perform its designated function appropriately.
There may be breathing problem due to low hemoglobin as blood can not carry enough oxygen
to the tissues.

Growth problems in children:

Iron deficiency anemia if severe may cause growth retardation or delayed growth. Severe iron
deficiency anemia in children may delay physical as well as mental growth and also children with
severe anemia are at higher risk of infections.

Pregnancy complications:
Iron deficiency anemia, especially if severe cause complications during pregnancy and the baby
born to pregnant mother is at high risk of developing anemia and other problems such as
delayed growth and development. Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy may result in
premature delivery and low birth weight (LBW) babies. This condition can be prevented by
supplementing iron during pregnancy.

Kis, AM; Carnes, M. "Detecting Iron Deficiency in Anemic Patients with
Concomitant Medical Problems". J Gen Intern Med.(2012) 13 (7): p455–61.

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