1 Project Scope: Mobile Devices

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1 Project Scope

Smartphone addiction is a disorder involving compulsive overuse of

the mobile devices, usually quantified as the number of times users access
their devices and/or the total amount of time they are online over a
specified period. Compulsive smartphone use is just one type of technology
addiction. However, other technologies prone to overuse, like social
media and gaming, are often accessed through mobile devices.
So this app will generate a pattern of mobile applications. Pattern means
how a person use his mobile. In generally we use our mobile in a pattern
like 5min Whatsapp -- 15 min Facebook – 5min News --- 20 min Youtube –
2 min whatsapp – 4 min Facebook.
We follow a pattern to access our mobile, to follow a pattern regularly we
got addicted of mobile. Which is harmful for our physical and mental health.
So After generating a pattern, app will also warn the user if he/she follows
these pattern because this pattern will lead to them into addiction state.

2 Research of Market
Overuse of mobile phones may be associated with negative outcomes on mental and physical
health, in addition to having an impact on how users interact socially.[24][25]

Some people are replacing face-to-face conversations with cybernetic ones. Clinical
psychologist Lisa Merlo says, "Some patients pretend to talk on the phone or fiddle with apps
to avoid eye contact or other interactions at a party."[26] Furthermore,

 70% check their phones in the morning within an hour of getting up.
 56% check their phones before going to bed.
 48% check their phones over the weekend.
 51% constantly check their phones during vacation.
 44% reported they would feel very anxious and irritable if they did not interact with their
phones within a week.

There are various behaviors and feelings that are worth noting in this
 An incessant needs to tap and touch the phone and the apps periodically,

 Strong feelings of envy generated by social media posts of other people and
still the constant need to check them,

 Regular unhealthy comparison and competition with others online lives and

 Withdrawal symptoms when the phone is not around,

 Reaching out for our phones even if not required out of habit to ‘see’ if they are
any new notifications and messages.

 Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) in case one has not seen all updates and posts.
The constant checking becomes important to ‘feel connected’.

 Counting the number of likes on the posts as it becomes liked to the

individuals self worth.

Some Mobile Addiction overcome Apps

1. Offtime
2. Moment
4. Flipd
5. Forest
6. Blacklist – Website Blocker
7. AppDetox
8. Mute – Less Screen Time
9. Stay on Task
10. QualityTime – My Digital Diet
Drawbacks of these apps
1. Battery issues, poor multiple device handling and user can't select
the apps that are still accessible.
2. Completely useless. a lot of people are complaining about not
being able to add apps to the whitelist.
3. Even essential apps can't be used during full lock mode.
So will we try to overcome these drawbacks.

3 The Description of the Project

It is a Native app which means it supports both mobile platforms android and ios. So this
app will generate a pattern of mobile applications. Pattern means how a person use his
mobile. In generally we use our mobile in a pattern like 5min Whatsapp -- 15 min
Facebook – 5min News --- 20 min Youtube – 2 min whatsapp – 4 min Facebook.
We follow a pattern to access our mobile, to follow a pattern regularly we got addicted of
mobile. Which is harmful for our physical and mental health.
So After generating a pattern, app will also warn the user if he/she follows these pattern
because this pattern will lead to them into addiction state.

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