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Sr. No Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount in Rs.

Block Excavation In Soft murum, using mechanical or

1 115.28 Cum 170.00 19597.89
manual means upto a depth of 1.50 m
Providing and laying in situ plain cement concrete
(1:4:8) trap/ Granite / Quaritzite gneiss metal for
2 foundation and bedding including bailing out water, 6.57 Cum 4000.00 26292.00
formwork,compacting, finishing if required and curing
Providing and laying situ cement concrete M 20 (1:1.5:3)
of trap/granite/quartizite/gneiss metal for R.C.C.Work in
foundation like raft, grillages, strip foundation and
3 20.08 Cum 6200.00 124497.12
footing of reinforced cement concrete columns and steel
stanchion including bailing out water, form work,
compaction, finishing, curing etc. complete.

4 Backfilling in foundation pits with approved material. 73.97 Cum 65.00 4807.94

Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M20

(1:1.5:3) of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
reinforced cement concrete Columns till plinth level
as per detailed Drawings, formwork,compaction,finishing
5 2.67 Cum 6800.00 18158.04
the form surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete.(Excluding reinforcement)
Filling in plinth and floors with contractor's murum in
6 23 cm layers including watering and compaction etc 38.87 Cum 350.00 13604.50
Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M20 ( of
trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete Columns till first floor level as per detailed
Drawings, formwork,compaction,finishing the form
7 14.60 Cum 6800.00 99263.95
surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum
thickness to give a smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete.(Excluding reinforcement)

Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M20

(1:1.5:3) of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
reinforced cement concrete plinth beams as per
detailed formwork,compaction,finishing the form surfaces
8 11.25 Cum 6800.00 76485.52
with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to
give a smooth and even surface or roughening if special
finish is to be provided and curing etc.
complete.(Excluding reinforcement)

Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M20

(1:1.5:3) of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
reinforced cement concrete ground floor beams as
per detailed formwork,compaction,finishing the form
9 13.41 Cum 7000.00 93843.86
surfaces with cement mortar of sufficient minimum
thickness to give a smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete.(Excluding reinforcement)

Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M20

(1:1.5:3) of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
reinforced cement concrete terrace floor beams as
per detailed formwork,compaction,finishing the form
10 13.41 Cum 7100.00 95184.49
surfaces with cement mortar of sufficient minimum
thickness to give a smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete.(Excluding reinforcement)
Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M 20
(1:1.5:3) of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
reinforced cement concrete slab and staircase as per
detailed formwork,compaction,finishing the form surfaces
11 15.00 Cum 7000.00 105000.00
with cement mortar of sufficient minimum thickness to give
a smooth and even surface or roughening if special finish
is to be provided and curing etc. complete.(Excluding

Providing and fixing in position H.Y.S.D Reinforcement

till Stilt floor of various diameters for R.C.C
footings,foundation, slabs, beams, Columns,
canopies,newels,chajjas staircase, lintels ,pardies,
12 12.10 M.T. 60000.00 726212.19
copings,fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs
,drawings, and schedule including cutting, bending
hooking the bars binding with wires or tack welding and
supporting as required complete.
Providing second class burnt brick masonry 230mm
thick wall with conventional / Indian standard type bricks
13 in cement mortar 1:6 at till terrace slab level including 73.09 Cum 4800.00 350829.12
striking and racking out joints watering and scaffolding
complete .
Providing second class burnt brick masonry 115mm
thick wall with conventional / Indian standard type bricks
14 in cement mortar 1:6 at Stilt Floor till slab level 264.00 Sqm 1150.00 303600.00
including striking and racking out joints watering and
scaffolding complete .
Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement
15 mortar using paithan sand in single coat of 15mm thick 486.00 Sq.m. 400.00 194400.00
in c.m.1:4 complete including scaffoldings.
Providing internal plaster 12 mm thk for walls &
ceillings for in single coat in cm 1:4 with neeru finishing to
16 1100.00 Sq.m. 375.00 412500.00
concrete or brick surfaces in all positions including
scaffolding & curing etc. comp.
Providing and applying external Cement paint of
approved colour and shade to new surfaces in two coats
17 486.00 Sq.m. 120.00 58320.00
on wall including scaffolding preparing the surfaces etc.
Providing and applying plastic interior paint of approved
colour and shade to new surfaces in two coats including
18 1100.00 Sq.m. 350.00 385000.00
plaster of paris on wall to obtain a level surface scaffolding
preparing the surfaces
Laying and fixing of antiskid heavy duty vetrified
19 260.00 Sq.m. 1800.00 468000.00
flooring or equivalent etc complete.
Laying and fixing of Granite flooring or equivalent for
20 14.00 Sq.m. 5200.00 72800.00
Staircase etc complete.
Providing & fixing 10cm skirting of antiskid heavy duty
vetrified tiles using cement paste including filling of joints
21 240.00 320.00 76800.00
with white cement for walls as directed by Engineer in
Providing & fixing main wooden door frame with door
22 6.00 Nos. 15000.00 90000.00
leaf including all fixtures & fastenings as specified.
Providing & fixing secondary door frame with door leaf
23 including all fixtures & fastenings as specified 12.00 Nos. 9000.00 108000.00

Providing and fixing Alluminium sliding window with 3-

24 track and mosquito net including fabrication, fixtures 10.00 Sq.m. 1450.00 14500.00
and erecting complete
Providing and fixing MS Grill including fabrication, fixtures
25 1000.00 Kg 60.00 60000.00
and erecting complete
Providing and fixing S.S. Railing for staircase including
26 fabrication, fixtures and erecting complete 30.00 2650.00 79500.00

Providing waterproofing treatment as per

manufacturer`s specifications :
Providing and laying cement base waterproofing using
integral waterproofing compound as per manufacturer's
specifications including brick bat coba laid to slope of
150 mm thick or as per specified by consultant and top
coat of plaster to be smooth finished with false marking of
27 156.00 Sq.m. 500.00 78000.00
300 mm x 300 mm up to vertical wall and providing
smooth finished wata at floor and wall junction with a drip
mould at junction of wata and parapet wall plaster etc.
complete as specified and directed. (mode of
measurments shall be net area only.)

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