Rc16newsletter Autumn 2009

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The Newsletter of the Research Committee on Sociological Theory

International Sociological Association
Autumn/Winter 2009


José Maurício Domingues and Frédéric
Philip Smith Vandenberghe: Introduction: Vieux Motard
Fuyuki Kurasawa que Jamais - Better Late than N ever.............. 1
Hans Joas: The Sacredness of the Person........... 2
Ronald Jacobs
Piet Strydom: Immanent Transcendence:
1400 Washington Ave.
Arts & Sciences 351 Pragmatism, Critical Theory and Cognitive
University at Albany Social Theory....................................................3
Albany, NY 12222 Bernard Lahire: The Literary Game or The
r.jacobs@albany.edu Writer’s Double L ife........................................5
Board Members Andrea Mubi Brighenti: Visibilities and
Jeffrey Alexander Territories for Social and Sociological
Gianpaolo Baiocchi Theorising .........................................................6
Patrick Baert
Rodrigo Cantu: Derivatives of the World Risk
Mabel Berezin
Society.............................................................. 8
Allen Chun
Nick Crossley Cheris Shun-ching Chan and Zelin Yao:
Veena Das Sociological Theory in China.......................... 9
Paul Jones
Frédéric Vandenberghe: Obituary Michel
Agnes Ku
Freitag (1935-2009)........................................10
Guiseppe Sciortino
Ken Thompson
Peter Wagner
Associate Board Members In tro d u c tio n : V ieux M o ta rd que J a m a is
- B e tte r L a te th a n N ev er
Pekka Sulkunen
Brad West
Maeve Cooke We know one shouldn't start the year with
Craig Browne a confession, but we owe you one. This
Marcel Fournier issue of theory is late, because we com­
Seung-Kuk Kim pletely forgot that we had to produce one.
Vikki Bell But when we finally realized our negli­
Kiyomitu Yui gence just before Christmas, we contacted
Edmond Wright
some friends to help us out. And so they
Elisa P. Reis
did. Many thanks. Along with some pieces
Editors of Theory already scheduled a while ago, they pro­
José Maurício Domingues vide a lively view of some trends in soci­
E-mail: jmdomingues@iuperj.br ology and sociological theory today.
Frédéric Vandenberghe
E-mail: frederic@iuperj.br In what follows you will find six texts and
IUPERJ - Rua da Matriz, 82 - Botafogo an obituary. The issue opens with a vigor­
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - 22260-100 - Brazil ous discussion of the origins of Human

D eriv ativ es o f th e W o rld R isk Society disentangled from its source through
contracts that fix in the present the future
The last months of 2008 saw the outbreak price of an asset. Both visible and disen­
of the most severe economic crisis since tangled from the economic activity of a
1929. This crisis has already led to a specific company, risk then becomes
major reconfiguration of world economic mobile. It can be dissociated from the
councils (from G7 to G20) and to pro­ place where it is created, circulate and be
found changes in the relationship between transferred among different hands. The
states and the economy. Although econo­ acceleration of its mobility still depends
mists appear as its most frequent interpre­ on another operation: risk needs to be
ters, social theory has much to say about standardized. When contracts are drawn
the current economic crisis. In this short up with equal terms and the same values,
paper, we indicate how sociological they can be traded by banks in an after­
thought can help to understand the finan­ market. It is only at the end of this pro­
cial innovations, such as the financial tracted circuit that artifacts of risk manipu­
derivatives, which were directly responsi­ lation can become ubiquitous in the econ­
ble for the subprime crisis, as economic omy.
weapons of mass destruction. To understand the current crisis, one also
According to the well-known formulation needs to be able to describe derivatives as
of Ulrich Beck (1986), contemporary an instrument of financial domina­
modernity is marked by its reflexive tion. Bourdieu’s concept of the field goes
character. Society becomes aware of the in this direction, for it frames financial
danger that accompanies the very process innovations as weapons used in the dis­
of modernization. As financial technolo­ putes over dominant positions in the
gies that allow for risk control, derivatives financial field. Inside this field, different
can thus be understood as an economic agents are engaged in struggle: on the one
symptom of the "risk society". But how hand, those whose activities are closer to
does the economy deal with the perception traditional financial intermediation; on the
that its activity is surrounded by other hand, those who explore the bounda­
threats? The economic system understands ries of speculation instruments. The first
things in its own terms (Luhmann, 1998); group represents the more heteronomous
its understanding and control of risk are pole of the field. It does not rely exclu­
based on pricing and transactions in the sively on the promises of a mercantile
market. The financial expression of reflex­ virtue, remaining close to industrial or
ive modernity is the creation of instru­ even civic commitments. The second is
ments for the transfer, through market the more autonomous pole. It adheres to
relations, of hazards that come along with the values of the financial world and seeks
economic and financial development. to expand its domain. It is within this
second group, the financial avant-garde,
If we ignore the operations accomplished that the financial innovations that pro­
in order to visualize, disentangle and duced the subprime crisis were devel­
standardize risk into derivative instru­ oped. A differential sociology of financial
ments, we turn a blind eye to all the work actors can both show within which groups
of financial engineers, which is quite speculative innovations are produced and
similar to that of the scientists and engi­ also indicate the role of theses innovations
neers studied by Bruno Latour in the agonistic space of finance.
(1987). First, the risk is rendered visible
through categorization (market risk, credit The concept of field also suggests how the
risk, operational risk, currency risk, financial world turned into a dominant
etc.). Second, once visible, risk may be actor in the economy by means of its

vanguard activities. Financial domination Orléan, André. (1999), Le pouvoir de la
(Hilferding, 1981, Mintz and Schwarz, finance. Paris: Odile Jacob.
1985; Orléan, 1999) is a result of the rise Rodrigo Cantu
of financial assets as one of the most
valued resources in the field of power Sociological T h e o ry in C h in a
(Bourdieu, Heilbron and Raynaud, 2003).
This position was achieved by a long and Sociological theory, along with the
painstaking labor on the part of the auto­ discipline of Sociology, was first brought
nomous pole in order to impose to the to China in 1897, when Herbert Spencer’s
whole economy its particular modes of The Study o f Sociology was translated into
conceiving and carrying out its activity Chinese by a scholar named Yan Fu.
(from organizational, entrepreneurial or Since then, the development of sociolo­
yet exploitational values towards the gical theory in China can be divided into
control of the adequate exposure level of three stages, though the first stage remains
assets, balancing speculation and hedg­ the most significant one.
ing). The crisis that erupted in the last
The earliest stage of development took
months of 2008 seriously jeopardized the
place during the turbulent period from the
rule of this financial avant-garde. Firstly,
late 1890’s through about 1950. Imperial
because it destroyed a major part of the
China was overthrown in the 1910s, and
fictitious capital these actors imagined
the Republic of China was invaded by
they had. Secondly, since the financial
Japan in the 1930s. The Sino-Japanese
institutions themselves were weakened
war lasted from 1937 to 1945, followed by
and because they provoked so much
another three years’ civil war between the
uproar in the entire world, the financial
Chinese Nationalist Party and the Chinese
field is once again opened to heteronomy
Communist Party. It was during these
as well as to state regulation. The recent
social and political crises that the first
crisis denaturalized financial hegemony
localized sociologists emerged. Wu
and showed how this setting can be re­
Wenzao, trained in Columbia University,
versed not only through resistance of
was renowned for his efforts to develop
counter-hegemonic programs, but also as localized sociology and anthropology
an unintended consequence of its own when he returned to Yenching University.
instruments. One of his students, Fei Xiaotong,
Bibliography received his Ph.D. from the London
School of Economics, and became a
Beck, Ulrich. (1986), Risk society. London:
prominent Chinese sociologist and
anthropologist. Fei’s thesis From the Soil
Bourdieu, J.; Heilbron, J.; Raynaud, E. B. (Xiangtu Zhongguo), published in 1947
(2003), "Les structures sociales de la
and translated into English in 1992, was,
finance". Actes de la Recherche en Sciences
in the words of translators Gary Hamilton
Sociales. v.146-147, pp.3-7.
and Wang Zheng, the “first and only effort
Hilferding, Rudolf. (1981) [1921], Financial to construct a non-Western theoretical
Capital. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. foundation for a sociology of Chinese
Latour, Bruno. (1987), Science in Action. society.” Fei’s thesis lays out the
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. foundations of Chinese society, and how
Luhmann, Niklas. (1988), Die Wirtschaft der they differ from the West. It offers a
Gesellschaft. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. framework of structure and action unique
Mintz, B; Schwarz, M. (1985), The Power to the study of Chinese society and
Structure o f American Business. Chicago: remains the most widely cited original
Chicago University Press. work from a Chinese scholar. In addition
to Wu and Fei, the other scholars that

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