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BPTS: 05861-2018

TO: The Minister of Foreign Affairs

ce: The Minister of international Trade Diversification
The Minister of international Development
SUBJECT: Allegations of torture by a Canadiancitizen
The purpose of this memorandumis to advise you of an allegation of torture made
This memorandum follows an email notification of unassessed allegations sent
by the Strategic Consular Case Management Unit to your office on

As per departmental protocols, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Torture and Mistreatment
virtually on , to consider the allegations of torture made by and
assessed these to be serious and credible.

Consular officials became aware in thatthe Department of Justice Canada

plans to request Boththe Department of Justice Canada
and the RCMP have been informed of the allegations has raised, in accordance with
Affairs Canada’s Protocols to Respond to Ajlegationsof Torture or Mistreatment Arising Global
Consular Cases. in

Jan Keser!
fh ~

fan Shugart
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs


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1 | was arrested in

Allegations of torture

Review by theAd Hoc Consular Working Group on Torture and Mistreatment

8. TheAWG is chaired by the Director General of Consular Operations and brings together
representatives from Consular Case Management, the appropriate geographic Director General,
Senior Counsel from Global Affairs Canada Legal Services, the Director General for the Office
of Human Rights, Freedom and Inclusion and the Deputy Legal Advisor. It was created in
response to several recommendationsof the MaherArar Inquiry. Its mandate is to review
allegations of torture and mistreatment of Canadians abroad as they occur and to assess
whether theyare credible and serious.
9. The AWG met on _
to review the allegations of torture made by
and found them to be serious ana credible. This finding is based on an evaluation of the
following factors:
accountts detailed and specific which lends to its credibility.


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® an assessment of human rights conditionsin including information as outlined in
the last humanrights report submitted by our
in which it was noted ‘
, covering

¢ The AWG has examined other instances since 2012, where allegations of torture
have been made by Canadian citizens detained in and found themto beserious
and credible, account accords with previous allegations in important ways.
o Timeframe —

This is the initial phase of detention in which detainees in
are under the responsibilityof the arresting authority.This initial phase of
detention, in which authoritiesare conducting initial Investigations/interrogations,
is where mistreatment of detainees is mostlikely.
o Nature of the accusation against previous allegations of
torture by Canadians in were made by individuals accused of
accountis similarto otherconsular cases in the region.

Actions taken

Next steps
¢ GlobalAffairs Canada will continue to monitor situation closely.
° The Department will [laise withRCMP and Department of Justice Canada regarding
situation to ensure respective responsibilitiesunder the ministerial
direction are fulfilled.


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