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Using albumin and prealbumin to assess nutritional status

I was taught that serum albumin phase response occurs as a result of state.5 The diagnosis of malnutrition
and prealbumin levels were accu- inflammation.5 Inflammation and is made when two of the following
rate indicators of nutritional sta- illness increase vascular permeability, six characteristics are identified:
tus and adequacy of nutritional and hepatic protein synthesis is repri- • insufficient caloric intake
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support. Recently, however, I’ve oritized.3 Synthesis of C-reactive pro- • weight loss
heard this is no longer considered tein, fibrinogen, calcitonin, and other • loss of muscle mass
best practice. Can you provide an proteins also occurs.5 As a result, • loss of subcutaneous fat
update on this issue?—R.G., W.VA. albumin and prealbumin levels are • localized or generalized fluid accu-
reduced, not necessarily from poor mulation
Susan H. Smith, DNP, RN, ACNS- nutrition but because of acute patho- • diminished functional status as
BC, replies: To better understand physiologic events.6 Consequently, measured by hand grip strength.6
why the role of these lab values in the measuring serum albumin and pre- Since 1996, The Joint Commission
assessment of nutritional status has albumin levels may not give clini- requires screening all patients for risk
changed, first consider some basic cians an accurate picture of the of malnutrition within 24 hours of
physiology about proteins. Albumin patient’s nutritional status. admission to an acute care facility.9
is the most abundant plasma protein. Understanding a patient’s nutritional The Academy of Nutrition and Di-
Its essential role is to regulate passage status is very important. Nutritional etetics also recommends screening
of water and solutes through the imbalances result in malnutrition and patients to identify those who would
capillaries by maintaining colloidal contribute to morbidity, mortality, benefit from a more in-depth nutri-
tional assessment.7
Some patients may enter the clinical setting Screening tools can help clinical
nurses and other caregivers identify
with preexisting malnutrition; others develop patients at greatest risk. Many have
malnutrition during their illness. excellent sensitivity and specificity
for identifying at-risk patients.9
oncotic pressure within the vascula- decreased function and quality of life, Both the Society of Critical Care
ture.1 Plasma proteins have long been and higher healthcare costs.7 Some Medicine and American Society for
considered integral to assessment of patients may enter the clinical setting Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition rec-
nutritional status. During nutrient with preexisting malnutrition, while ommend the use of tools, such as the
deprivation, protein synthesis by the others develop malnutrition during Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS)
liver is altered, resulting in low serum their illness. The prevalence of malnu- 2002 and the Nutrition Risk in Criti-
protein levels. Reduced protein levels trition in the hospital setting ranges cally ill (NUTRIC) assessment tools, for
are associated with poorer prognosis.2 from 20% to 50%.8 critically ill patients. These tools ac-
Protein is an important macronutri- The risk of healthcare-acquired count for nutrition status in relation
ent for healing wounds, supporting conditions such as injury from falls, to disease severity, which is impor-
immune function and maintaining infections, and pressure injuries can tant in this population.3 The NRS
lean body mass.3 be minimized with improved patient 2002 assesses body mass index,
Prealbumin, also called transthyre- nutrition. Nutrition interventions are weight loss, dietary intake, and ill-
tin, is the precursor to albumin. Its low cost and effective with a high ness severity.10 The NUTRIC assess-
half-life is 2 to 4 days, whereas the impact on patient outcomes.9 ment includes age, APACHE II score,
half-life of albumin is 20 to 22 days.4 No single clinical or lab parameter sepsis-related organ failure assess-
Measuring prealbumin can help cli- can be used to determine the com- ment (SOFA) score, patient comor-
nicians detect short-term impairment prehensive nutritional status of a pa- bidities, ICU admission date, and
of energy intake and the effectiveness tient, particularly during an illness. interleukin-6 (IL-6, if available).11
of nutritional support efforts.2 Lab findings must be used in combi- These tools can be embedded within
During acute illness, infection, and nation with other assessments to the electronic health record to pro-
injury, a cytokine-mediated acute identify the patient’s nutritional vide automatic notification when a April l Nursing2017 l 65

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2012;36(3):267-274. initial validation of a novel risk assessment tool.
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6. Lee JL, Oh ES, Lee RW, Finucane TE. Serum
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7. White JV, Guenter P, Jensen G, et al. Consensus Susan H. Smith is a CNS in critical care at Baylor
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statement of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/
REFERENCES American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: The author has disclosed that she’s a paid speaker for
1. McCance KL, Huether SE. Pathophysiology: The characteristics recommended for the identification Abbott Nutrition and Masimo. She has disclosed no
other financial relationships related to this article.
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66 l Nursing2017 l Volume 47, Number 4

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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