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Rangel, H. D., and M.

Carminatti, 2000, Rift lake

stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos
Basin, Brazil, in E. H. Gierlowski-Kordesch adn K.
R. Kelts, eds., Lake basins through space and time:
AAPG Studies in Geology 46, p. 225-244.

Chapter 18

Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia

Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil
Hamilton Duncan Rangel
Mario Carminatti
Petrobras E&P
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

INTRODUCTION 2500 m, or almost 4000 m, taking into account lateral

tectonic regimes with thick sequences in different
Lower Cretaceous lacustrine basins occur rather structural lows (Rangel et al., 1994a, b). These sedi-
continuously along about 3500 km (from Pelotas to mentary sequences form the Lagoa Feia Formation.
Sergipe-Alagoas Basins) of the eastern Brazilian mar-
gin (Figure 1). Because these basins accumulated large
volumes of organic-carbon-rich sediments, they form STRATIGRAPHY
source rocks for much of the Brazilian oil discovered
to date. Economic and scientific interest in these lacus- The stratigraphic framework of lacustrine and
trine basins has resulted in numerous publications evaporitic deposits of the Lagoa Feia Formation is
(e.g., Ponte and Asmus, 1978; Ojeda, 1982; Estrella et based on depositional markers and unconformities
al., 1984; Bertani and Carozzi, 1985; Baumgarten et al., identified on well and seismic logs. A depositional-
1988; Guardado et al., 1989; Van der Yen et al., 1989; stratigraphic marker as used here is a rock unit formed
Aquino and Lana, 1990; Cupertino, 1990; Mello and by one or more lithofacies with physical attributes and
Maxwell, 1990; Santos and Braga, 1990; Castro, 1992; a depositional nature that are laterally extensive, as
Horschutz and Scuta, 1992; Mato et al., 1992; Rangel et recognized by subsurface log patterns.
al., 1993a, b; Caixeta et al., 1994; Dias et al., 1994; Feijó, Following this stratigraphic approach of mainly
1994a, b; Pereira and Feijó, 1994; Rangel et al., 1994a, b; physical surfaces (depositional-markers and unconfor-
Santos et al., 1994; Teixeira Netto et al., 1994; Vieira et mities), it was possible to differentiate seven strati-
al., 1994; da Silva et al., this volume). graphic units above the basalts within the sequence
Several of these studies have attempted compara- interpreted as deposited during the rifting stage, and
tive syntheses. They emphasize differences in each three units during a transitional stage. The uppermost
basin system dependent on the tectonic evolution. For transitional stage unit is related to precipitation of
example, continental breakup is accompanied by evaporites (halite) in conjunction with spreading of
basaltic extrusions during initial stages of rifting, such the early South Atlantic Ocean (Figure 2).
as in the Campos Basin (Rangel et al., 1994a, b), or All units are bounded by stratigraphic discontinu-
basins may lack basaltic extrusions, such as in the ities of erosive origin and constitute, in practice, depo-
Recôncavo Basin. Based on tectonic evolution, the sitional sequences, such as those proposed by
eastern Brazilian Atlantic margin can be organized Mitchum et al. (1977). They define a depositional
into basically two types of rift lake environments: (1) sequence as a stratigraphic unit composed of a rela-
deep-water lakes, in which tectonism outpaced sedi- tively conformable succession of genetically related
mentation, with the Recôncavo Basin, northeastern strata and bounded at its top and base by unconformi-
Brazil, for example, and (2) shallow water lakes in ties or their correlative conformities. Such units in the
which tectonism and sedimentation maintain a bal- Campos Basin represent a sedimentary response to the
anced pace, such as in the Campos Basin. Evolution of expanding and retreating cycles of a lake. These cycles,
both rift lake types allowed accumulation of thou- controlled by tectonics or climate, determine sedimen-
sands of meters of lacustrine sediments. tary dynamics in each compartment or depositional
Our study deals with the stratigraphy of lacustrine depocenter of the rift, defining genetic associations
sections in the Campos Basin that extends over an area inherent to each depositional sequence. Compartmen-
of 100,000 km2 (250 km × 400 km), down to the modern talization is not complete because there are connec-
bathymetric contour at 3000 m ocean depth. Vertical tions with adjacent depocenters. Such cycles impose
sequence thickness in the basin measures up to about problems for the direct application of systems-tract

226 Rangel and Carminatti

Figure 1—Index map for the Campos Basin, Brazil.

models of sequence stratigraphic concepts (Van Wag- DESCRIPTION OF

oner et al., 1988) in the sedimentary studies of the
Campos Basin lacustrine deposits. ACOUSTIC-LITHOLOGIC UNITS
Erosion unconformities provide depositional mark-
ers for a more detailed stratigraphic framework and Unit A
represent the fundamental criteria for assigning units. Unit A is related to NRT-005 to NRT-008.1 bio-
Biostratigraphic correlation was used to establish syn- zones, which corresponds to the Aratu and lower
chroneity of events. Biostratigraphic assignments and Buracica local stages (Barremian) and is associated
correlations remain necessarily approximate because with the Itabapoana Member (proximal facies) and
of the endemism of the fauna in these rift lake deposits Atafona Member (distal facies) of the Lagoa Feia For-
and in the regional pollen. Zones are loosely correlated mation (Figures 2-5). This unit is bounded at the top
to international standards. In this study the local and the base by regional unconformities. Its lower
Brazilian chronostratigraphic units are based on ostra- limit is defined by a disconformity in which the first
code (OS) assemblages (Dias, 1994). These define lacustrine sediments overlie igneous rocks of the
lacustrine rift stages in a phase of continental separa- Cabiunas Formation (Figure 2). The entire unit dis-
tion of Brazil from Africa while the North Atlantic plays higher sonic velocities than the overlying
region already had coastal marine basins. stratigraphic unit. It is more regionally restricted com-
During the early stages of rifting, the regional cli- pared with other rift stratigraphic units. Unit A rep-
mate was humid along the eastern margin of Brazil, as resents the initial phase of tectonic subsidence during
suggested by lithofacies and geochemical parameters. the rifting phase. Several half-graben sub-basins
During later stages of rifting and transitional to the were established during this initial rifting phase
marine salt basin phase, the climate evolved toward which control the distribution of sedimentation and
more predominantly arid conditions. lithofacies.
Figure 2—Rift and transitional phase stratigraphy of the Campos Basin, Brazil.
Figure 3—North-dipping structural section of the rift and transitional units (location on Figure 5) of the Campos Basin, Brazil.
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 229

The Badejo Structural High (see location in Figures parameters of the rock extracts. Still, these appear not
3, 4) is a very prominent feature that trends northeast- to be related to major changes in biomass (Rehim et al.,
southwest across the western part of the basin. It 1986, Soldan et al., 1995).
appears to have been only mildly active during the
deposition of unit A. The main depocenters of this Unit C
interval were located in the northwestern, eastern, and
southern areas, with up to 500 m sediment thickness Unit C is related to OS 009.3 biozone (Telles, 1992; Car-
(Figure 5). valho et al., 1993), which corresponds to the upper Jiquiá
Basaltic terrain of the Aratu local stage (Hauteriv- local stage (Aptian) and is associated with the Coqueiros
ian) acted as provenance for most of the sedimentary Member of the Lagoa Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 7).
components deposited as unit A, except in the north- The basal contact, as defined by an unconformity, is over-
western region where prominent Precambrian gneiss lain by a stratigraphic marker chacterized by high
exposures also supplied detrital sediment grains gamma-ray values. This unit appears related to a gen-
(Rangel et al., 1987). Despite the relatively modest tec- eral deepening of the lake system. Where encountered,
tonic movements, these features still exercised the unit C is characterized by uniformly high gamma-ray
main controls on stratigraphic architecture (Dias et al., values for well logs. From the time of deposition of
1987; Rangel et al., 1993a). unit A, the lake depositional zone seems to have grad-
Unit A is made up of predominantly terrigenous ually expanded. Although unit C is widespread
sediments. Facies associations include conglomerates, throughout the basin, it displays a surprisingly uni-
sandstones, and shales genetically related to sediment form thickness, reaching a maximum of 200 m in struc-
gravity flows. Tectonic movements resulted in fan- tural lows. It is absent over the Badejo High due to
delta depositional systems in areas adjacent to struc- non-deposition (Figures 4, 7).
tural highs or in narrow structural lows (Figure 5). In The facies patterns of unit C are uniform, compris-
the upper part of unit A, strata are dominated by deep, ing mainly lacustrine shales that are characterized by
freshwater mudstones and carbonates (Soldan et al., the high gamma-ray values and low sonic velocities
1995). Tectonically induced turbidite deposits also on well logs. Locally, coquinas of mainly pelecypod
occur in this upper section. debris occur as deposits covering and adjacent to
structural highs. Conglomerates and sandstone facies
occur as more restricted deposits in western areas and
Unit B near some structural highs. They were related to fan-
Unit B is related to NRT-008.3 to NRT-009.2 bio- delta depositional systems, mainly derived from sedi-
zones, which corresponds to Buracica and lower Jiquiá ment gravity flows. Geochemical parameters and
local stages (Barremian) and is associated with the lacustrine lithofacies criteria suggest a more humid
Itabapoana and Atafona Members of the Lagoa Feia climate for the environment of deposition (Soldan et
Formation (Figures 2-4, 6). The lower contact is al., 1995).
defined by an unconformity that is characterized by
coarse siliciclastics grading directly to siltstones. At
the São João da Barra Low (Figure 4), unit B generally Unit D
rests directly on basalts of the Cabiúnas Formation. Unit D is related to OS 1010 biozone, which corre-
The entire unit exhibits lower sonic velocity values sponds to the upper Jiquiá local stage (Aptian) and is
than its overlying unit. Siltstones and shales are the associated with the Coqueiros Member of the Lagoa
main lithofacies and more widespread than in unit A. Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 8). This unit is defined at
Exposed basalts adjacent to the basin margin or the base by a regional unconformity. Paleoenviron-
along prominent structural highs within the basin pro- ments are interpreted as a part of a regressive regime
vided the main sediment source. Gneiss, exposed in during the rift phase, in contrast with unit C, which
the northwest, was the secondary source. Alluvial fan was linked with the culmination of a generally
and fan-delta deposits occur predominantly along the expanding lake sedimentation phase.
western margin of the basin, although they are also The upper contact of unit D is characterized by a
present adjacent to other structural highs in the basin. strong seismic reflection that represents an abrupt
Unit B is absent over prominent structural highs lithologic change from carbonate-rich to terrigenous
such as the Badejo High, but very thick (over 400 m) sediments. On logs, unit D is recognized by high sonic
and widespread in structural lows, such as the São velocities, high resistivity, and low gamma-ray values
João da Barra Low, adjacent to the Badejo High (Figure (coquinas) interbedded with layers of low sonic veloc-
6). Based on seismic data, unit B attains a thickness of ities, low resistivity, and high gamma-ray values
800 m north of this depression. This marks an impor- (shales). These are interpreted as a high-frequency
tant paleogeographic shift in the lake pattern, charac- cyclicity of calcareous lacustrine shelf deposits. Prior
terized by deepening and expansion. seismic studies placed the end of the synrift sequence
Unit B corresponds to special geochemical condi- at this unconformity in some areas of the basin.
tions where stevensite peloids were formed by chemi- Unit D represents the culmination of rifting activ-
cal precipitation in a magnesium-rich siliceous ity. Not only was major basinal subsidence active,
alkaline lake phase. Unit B has higher sulfur content but numerous subbasins formed. Depocenters were
than unit A that is reflected in the molecular organic widespread. Unit D is 400 m thick in the northwest,
Figure 4—South-dipping structural section of the rift and transitional units (location on Figure 5) of the Campos Basin, Brazil.
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 231

Figure 5—Isopach map of

rift stage unit A of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

São João da Barra depression, and over 500 m in other the lake waters, as sourced from Ca-rich basalts or
areas of the basin. It pinches out against the Badejo High. groundwater through springs and seeps, produced
Main sources of sediment were basalts outcropping on large volumes of shelly biota, leading to pelecypod
structural highs within the basin, such as the Badejo calcarenites and calcirudites covering some structural
High, along with gneiss exposed in the northwest. highs and flanks.
Conglomerate and sandstone facies related to fan- Deepening of the depositional site allowed dark
delta systems occur on the western side of the lake shale facies to extend well into former proximal areas
basin corresponding to cycles of lacustrine regression. and onlap over higher energy deposits. Both the lacus-
Interbedded coquinas and shales form the main litho- trine Buracica and Jiquiá shales of the Lagoa Feia For-
facies to the east. Enrichment in calcium carbonate in mation are rich hydrocarbon source rocks (Guardado et
232 Rangel and Carminatti

Figure 6—Isopach map of

rift stage unit B of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

al., 1989). Sulfur content and other chemical analyses unit E is characterized by a shale marker-layer with
indicate freshwater conditions persisted in the lake, lower sonic velocity, low resistivity, and high
although the interbedding of coquinas and shales gamma-ray values. It is capped by a regional uncon-
may delimit cyclic variations in climate or tectonics. formity, difficult to detect on seismic lines. On logs,
the upper portion of unit E is generally characterized
by high resistivity values, lower gamma-ray values,
Unit E and higher sonic velocity related to the presence of
Unit E is related to OS 1020 biozone, which corre- coquina layers.
sponds to the upper Jiquiá local stage (Aptian) and is The lithofacies association of unit E suggests a
associated with the Coqueiros Member of the Lagoa general trend toward regression, but deposi-
Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 9). The lower part of tional extent of the unit seems to have expanded,
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 233

Figure 7—Isopach map of

rift stage unit C of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

controlled by a westernmost boundary fault, the d i f f e r e n t depositional environment with coarser

Campos fault. grained sediments instead of the finer grained and
The rift architecture resembles that of the unit D, biogenic sediments of unit D. This suggests a regres-
but subbasins were filled by unit D, leading to more sion with prograding clastics. In both the eastern and
widespread continuity of layering of unit E. The southern areas of the basin, the lithofacies persist as
isopach patterns of both units are similar, suggesting interbedded coquinas and shales for both units D and
that similar tectonic subsidence persisted. The São E. Near the end of unit E deposition, the western
João da Barra Low became the main depocenter region of the Badejo High shows evidence of intense
with over 500 m sediment thickness. Provenance erosion, suggesting further regression. Campos fault
derives from the Badejo and adjacent ridges (Fig- movements ceased to control sedimentation in the
ure 9). The western part of the Badejo High is a westernmost part of the basin.
234 Rangel and Carminatti

Figure 8—Isopach map of

rift stage unit D of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

Higher sulfur content was detected in the upper associated with the Coqueiros Member of the Lagoa
portion of unit E, interpreted as evidence of more Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 10). This unit defines a
saline conditions, perhaps related to a more arid cli- change in the rift evolution corresponding to a reduc-
mate. This is consistent with the presence of Gym- tion in the extent of rift sedimentation and lake area. In
nosperma microflora palynomorphs (Soldan et al., 1995). general, structural movements were less active and
sedimentation had a more uniform distribution, with
Unit F about 300 m maximum thickness. A small area in the
east, adjacent to the Badejo High, forms an exception
Unit F is related to OS 1100 biozone, which corre- with tectonic subsidence leading to 500 m of sediment
sponds to the upper Jiquiá local stage (Aptian) and is (Figure 10).
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 235

Figure 9—Isopach map of

rift stage unit E of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

The upper contact of unit F is an unconformity in the Unit F is characterized by abundant coquinas with
western area, but otherwise stratigraphic continuity per- thin shaly interbeds, more common in distal basinal
sists throughout the basin. The upper contact is generally areas. The western margin has fan-delta conglomerate
recognized by a stratigraphic marker on well logs having and sandstone facies with tectonically induced sedi-
lower gamma-ray and higher resistivity as well as sonic ment gravity flows. At the end of unit F deposition, the
values. The Badejo High continued as a prominent fea- association of a higher kinetic parameter, low sulfur
ture delivering most clastic sediment and limiting sedi- content, and molecular signatures in the organic matter
mentation of unit F to the west. Unit E was exposed and may reflect evidence of short marine incursions (Soldan
reworked to serve as provenance for some cyclic deposits. et al., 1995).
236 Rangel and Carminatti

Figure 10—
Isopach map of
rift stage unit F
of the Lagoa Feia
Campos Basin,

Unit G F. The upper contact in the western region is

marked by an unconformity, and the upper part of
Unit G is related to NRT-010 biozone, which cor- unit G has lower gamma-ray values than overlying
responds to the upper Jiquiá local stage (Aptian) unit H.
and is associated with the Coqueiros Member of the Apparently, the lake suffered a major regression
Lagoa Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 11). This unit in concert with more arid climate. The Badejo High
has the most restricted extent as a result of reduced continued to be an exposed source of clastic sedi-
tectonic activity, except in the small eastern region ment with coquinas forming the dominant sedi-
near Badejo High with movements similar to unit ment type with interbedded shales. These are more
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 237

Figure 11—Isopach map of

rift stage unit G of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

common in the lower parts of the section. Conglom- Unit H

erates and sandstones deposited in a fan-delta depo-
sitional system are more restricted to proximal areas. Unit H is related to NRT-011 biozone, which cor-
Unit G represents the last phase of nonmarine rift responds to the lower Alagoas local stage (Aptian)
deposition. After the deposition of unit G, deposition and is associated with the Itabapoana (conglomer-
encompassed broader areas, although the Badejo High ates and sandstones), Gargaü (shales and marls),
continued to shed clastics from its central-southern and Macabü (calcilutites) Members of the Lagoa
segment. Local tectonic movements appear to have Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 12). Unit H is sepa-
decreased as the basin broadened. rated by an unconformity from the overlying unit I;
238 Rangel and Carminatti

Figure 12—Isopach map of

transitional stage unit H of
the Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

together, they display characteristically high toward the east, as a precursor to the South Atlantic
gamma-ray values. Detection of this log pattern opening; the Badejo High remained a geomorphologic
was important in areas where seismic and biostrati- feature. Thickness of sedimentary sequences increases
graphic data lack resolution. The unit H gamma-ray gradually toward the east, and for the first time, areas
values are generally slightly lower than those of to the west of the Campos fault become important
unit I. sources of sediment.
Differential subsidence on the eastern side of the Sediments are coarse-grained in the western area,
Campos fault limited the extent of unit H to the west, characterized by conglomerates and sandstones
but tectonism appeared to be uniformly distributed grading to shales and calcilutites in the central and
across the basin. The Campos Basin began tilting eastern areas of the basin. Unit H lacks the coquinas
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 239

Figure 13—Isopach map of

transitional stage unit I of
the Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

common to older units. Climate was likely arid and change from coarse siliciclastics (high gamma-ray log val-
the transition toward marine conditions began. ues) into evaporites (low gamma-ray log values).
Unit I and unit H display similar tectonic and distrib-
Unit I ution patterns. Clastic sediment derived from external
areas of the basin to the west of Campos fault. Some
Unit I is related to NRT-011 biozone, which corresponds small areas along the Badejo High remained exposed.
to the lower Alagoas local stage (Aptian) and is associated The lithofacies is characterized by coarse siliciclastics in
with the Itabapoana, Gargaü, and Macabu Members of the the proximal and medial areas of the basin, passing into
Lagoa Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 13). Unit I is strati- finer siliciclastics in deeper regions. Climate became
graphically continuous with the overlying unit J, but facies even drier, as a prelude to evaporite deposition.
240 Rangel and Carminatti

Figure 14—Isopach map of

transitional stage unit J of
the Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil.

Unit J Basin area, restricted by the Campos fault along the

western margin. Unit J thickens towards the east
Unit J is related to NRT-011 biozone, which corre- due to a higher subsidence with overprints from
sponds to the upper Alagoas local stage (Aptian and later salt flowage toward the east as tilting contin-
lower Albian) and is associated with the Retiro Mem- ued. For the first time, the Badejo High was covered
ber of the Lagoa Feia Formation (Figures 2-4, 14). by sediments.
Unit J represents the marine transgression in con- A likely unconformity along the lower contact is
cert with the initial stage of a marine South Atlantic not distinguished, although an abrupt change occurs
Basin. Shallow marine waters flooded the Campos from conglomerates to evaporite facies, mainly
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 241

Figure 15—
reconstruction of
deposition of units
A, B, and C of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil,

halite. Halite forms the dominant facies of unit J. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY
Anhydrite layers, if present at the base of the evapor-
ites, are usually very thin. More unstable salts This paper provides a brief and systematic sum-
(sylvite and carnalite) have been reported as rare mary of the main features and interpretations for
occurrences within the Campos Basin. A gradational each of the major lithostratigraphic and acoustic
facies change is observed for the upper transition units recognized on a relatively extensive grid of log-
with anhydrite, becoming replaced by low-energy ging results from the Campos Basin, Brazil. Chrono-
limestones, but almost entirely eroded along a lower logic correlations are derived from paleontologic and
Albian unconformity. organic geochemical data. Space limitations do not
242 Rangel and Carminatti

Figure 16—Paleogeographic
reconstruction of deposition
of units D, E, and F of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil,
showing tectono-stratigraphic

allow adequate referencing to all studies and internal thick marine sequence from the Albian to the Pleistocene.
reports. Most depocenters/compartments were tectonically
The unit boundaries correspond mainly to uncon- controlled. Fan-delta systems operated well during
formities with marker horizons. The application of higher lake levels. Tectonics, however, was overprinted
sequence stratigraphic concepts to these rift-lacustrine by higher frequency changes in hydrology that resulted
units is difficult for a number of reasons. Lake basin in very rapid facies changes and the formation and
water levels are subject to rapid fluctuations with con- interfingering of lacustrine coquina limestones and
comitant effects on prograding clastic and basinal sedi- thick interbedded coarse-grained siliciclastic sequences.
ment tracts. Seismic resolution is limited because the Finally, Figures 15, 16, and 17 illustrate a scenario for
synrift and transitional sediments were covered by a rift evolution in the basin, representing expanding and
Rift Lake Stratigraphy of the Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil 243

Figure 17—Paleogeographic
reconstruction of deposition
of units G, H, I, and J of the
Lagoa Feia Formation,
Campos Basin, Brazil,
showing tectono-stratigraphic

regressive cyclic patterns of the Campos lacustrine sed- Bertani, R. T., and A. V. Carozzi, 1985, Lagoa Feia Forma-
iment systems. These deposits formed the bulk of the tion (Lower Cretaceous), Campos Basin, offshore
Campos Basin fill during rift and transitional stages. Brazil—rift valley stage lacustrine carbonate reservoirs,
I: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 8 (1), p. 37-58.
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