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Technical Information

PPDM Fall Conference and AGM

October 27th & 28th, 2010
PPDM: What Is A Well?
Baseline Definitions for a Well and the Components of a Well.

Well Set
A Well Set is the group of Well components required to maintain an end to
end link through all stages of the well life cycle (planning to reclamation).

A Well is a proposed or actual drilled hole in the ground designed to
exchange (or facilitate the exchange of) fluids between a subsurface
reservoir and the surface (or another reservoir), or to enable the detection
and measurement of rock properties.

1 - Well Origin
A Well Origin is the location on the surface of the earth or sea bed
where the drill bit is planned to penetrate or does penetrate the earth
to establish or rework a Well.

2 - Wellbore
A Wellbore is a path of drilled footage, from the Well Origin (top/start)
to a terminating point (bottom/end).

3 - Wellbore Segment
A Wellbore Segment is a unique drilled interval within the Well. It can be
the original Wellbore (from the origin to the terminating point) or it can
be a deepening, bypass or sidetrack, as measured from the downhole
kickoff or sidetrack point to a bottomhole terminating point.

4 - Wellbore Completion
A Wellbore Completion is a group of one or more Wellbore Contact
Intervals that functions as a unit to produce or inject fluids. A Wellbore
Completion must be capable of isolating a fluid flow for continuous

5 - Wellbore Contact Interval

A Wellbore Contact Interval is a producing or injecting interval, intended
to put the Wellbore into contact with one or more stratigraphic zones.

6 - Wellhead Stream
A Wellhead Stream is a distinct stream of fluids that is determined by an
installed well head configuration.

Well Reporting Stream

A Well Reporting Stream is a conceptual stream of fluids that is assigned
based on business requirements and tied to fluid types, well components,
and/or any other breakdown or rollup.

© Copyright 2010, PPDM Association, All Rights Reserved Active Perforation Squeezed Perforation
WIAW Baseline Definitions Mapped to PPDM 3.8
This is a table in
This is a baseline (may be granted at the surface or = name of the COMPONENT TYPE
component at the base; not same as the well)


PDEN TYPE = one of the current valid subtypes






The activities that result in a COMPLETION
completion The location in the wellbore




information here for completions
or contact intervals
Capture relationships between
components in this table

Project Sponsors

PPDM Association • • 403-660-7817

© Copyright PPDM 2010: All rights reserved
Well Status Definitions
1. Business Life Cycle Phase
1. Business Life Cycle Phase: A collection of activities and conditions, that are grouped according to
2. Business Interest business significance, describing where an E&P asset (in this case a well) is at within its progressive
history. Phases are related to business significance and are not related to time.
3. Operatorship
4. Business Intention 2. Business Interest: A facet that describes why the company spends time, effort, and manpower keeping
tabs on an entity, managing the data associated with an entity, and/or includes that entity in its decision-
5. Outcome making processes. Business Interest attempts to answer the question,”Why does the company care any-
6. Lahee Class thing about this well or wellbore entity?” Business Interest is at the well or wellbore level (or both). A well
or wellbore will only have one value for Business Interest - it is assumed and stipulated that a company
7. Role that has a financial interest in a well also has an obligatory and a petrotechnical interest, etc. So these
8. Play Type values are meant to be mutually exclusive and ranked in importance. The value assigned is the highest
rank that properly describes the business interest.
9. Well Structure
10. The Trajectory Type 3. Operatorship: Does the information holder [ie . the database owner] hold the primary accountabil-
ity for the conduct of all activities performed on the wellset at the time of classification? The value
11. Fluid Direction of Operatorship may change during the life cycle of the well if the accountability for the wellset is
12. Well Reporting Class transferred to a different company or entity

13. Fluid Type 4. Business Intention: The approved business purpose of the well at the start of the Drilling phase. The value
of Business Intention does not change over the life cycle of the well unless the Business Life Cycle reverts
14. Wellbore Status to the Planning phase. The purpose of this facet is to evaluate the results of the initial Business Intention
15. Well Status against the Outcome facet. Did you do what you said you were going to.

5. Outcome: The result of the operation relative to the Business Intention. The value of Outcome does not
change over the Business Life Cycle of the well, unless the Business Life Cycle reverts to the Planning
phase and the Business Intention changes. There is a 1:1 correlation between Business Intention and

6. Lahee Class: A traditional, commonly accepted, standard scheme used to categorize wells by the
general degree of risk assumed by the operator at the time of drilling.

7. Role: The current purpose the well fulfills today. The value of Role may change over the life cycle of
the well.

8. Play Type: A set of subsurface conditions conducive to the prospectivity of hydrocarbons. A Play Type
is specific to a portion of the earth’s subsurface, but the same play type may exist in various parts of
the earth. The value of the Play Type of may change over the life cycle of the well if the Role of the well
changes or a different formation is complete.

9. Well Structure: The geometric relationship of all the wellbores within a wellset, relative to each other.
The value of Well Structure may change over the life cycle of the wellset as new wellbores are drilled
that may become part of the wellset.

10. The Trajectory Type: The general geometry of the wellbore relative to the vertical plane.

11. Fluid Direction: is the sense of movement at the wellhead stream. The Fluid Direction can change over
the life of the well.

12. Well Reporting Class: The classification by which the well is categorized for regulatory or insurance
reporting. It may be derived from the well component fluids according to business rules and regula-
tions of specific regions.

13. Fluid Type: The physical fluid(s) that can be attributed to any well component. Qualifiers allow for
further description.

14. Wellbore Status: The condition of the wellbore at any particular point in time. The Wellbore Status is
meant to be a slowly changing attribute that measures milestones in the Business Life Cycle Phases.
The Wellbore status or change in the Wellbore status constitutes the culmination of a significant event
that is performed to or on a Wellbore throughout its major lifecycle phases.
15. Well Status: An overall summary state of a Well comprising a Wellbore or group of Wellbores with
403-660-7817 the same Well Origin. If all of the component Wellbores are not active relative to company specific
business rules, then the Well is considered in-active. If any of the component Wellbores have some
® Copyright 2010, PPDM Association. type of activity, then the Well status is considered to be active. The value of Well Status may change
All Rights Reserved infrequently as a well progresses through its lifecycle.
Wellbore Status Symbols
Producing Injecting Suspended Shut In Abandoned Fluid Direction
Cycle Cycle
Steam Gas
Injecting Injecting


Oil Show

Oil w/Gas Show


Gas Show

Gas w/Oil Show

Gas & Condensate

Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas Show

Oil & Condensate







WAG (Water Alternating Gas) WAS (Water Alternating Steam)

Non-Combustible Gas
® Copyright 2010, PPDM Association. (nitrogen & oxygen)
All Rights Reserved
Atlantic Provinces
British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec (Onshore)
UWI assigned by… Regulator Regulator Data vendor based on Well ID Regulator Data vendor Data vendor Data vendor
Is UWI assigned by transparent rules? Yes Yes If declared by vendor Yes Yes Yes Yes

Is UWI the primary identifier for regulatory Yes Yes No. But the Well ID is adapted by Yes No; use well licence number No; use well name No; use well name
reporting? data vendors to UWI format for
Survey System Code 1 for Peace River Block 1 1 1 4 4 4
(twp,rge,mer); 2 for elsewhere
Is the well purpose identified in the UWI? No Only for special types of wells No No No No No
(fresh water, oil sands, coal)
Is the production spacing unit identified? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

Survey location refers to… Bottom hole (wellbore) Bottom hole (wellbore) Bottom hole (wellbore) Bottom hole (wellbore) Bottom hole (wellbore) Bottom hole (wellbore) Bottom hole (wellbore)

Unique UWI for each Surface Location? No No No No No No No

Multiple UWIs associated with one surface Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events
Distinct UWI for each well in a pad or Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Does the UWI change? Only if bottom location differs from Only if bottom location differs from Only if bottom location differs from Only if bottom location differs from Vendor choice Vendor choice Vendor choice
the planned (licensed) location the planned (licensed) location the planned (licensed) location the planned (licensed) location

Multiple UWIs associated with one Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events
New UWI for geologic sidetrack? (directed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
to new target)
New UWI for remedial sidetrack? (around Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs, Probably no; vendor choice Probably no; vendor choice Probably no; vendor choice
hole problems or mis-steered well) cores, tests cores, tests cores, tests cores, tests
Pilot Hole identified? Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Probably no; vendor choice Probably no; vendor choice Probably no; vendor choice

Distinct UWI for each completion? Yes if completed in new formation Yes if completed in new formation No; use Horizon Code Yes if completed in new formation Probably yes; vendor choice Probably yes; vendor choice Probably yes; vendor choice

Multi-Lateral New UWI New UWI to max 9 Yes Yes

Hole direction (vertical, deviated, etc.) No No When deviated to a different LSD No No No No
flagged in UWI?
Do UWIs show how many wellbores in the No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional Well ID may refer No; an additional UWI may refer to No No No
same well set? a completion or re-entry, not a new a completion or re-entry, not a new to a re-entry, not a new wellbore a completion or re-entry, not a new
wellbore wellbore wellbore

Do UWIs show parent-child wellbore Not if wellbore deviates to another Not if wellbore deviates to another Not if wellbore deviates to another Not if wellbore deviates to another No No No
relationships? unit; use well name and unit; use well name and licence unit; use well name and licence unit; use well name and licence
Well Identification Comparison

authorization number
Re-entry of previously plugged well New UWI New UWI New Well ID New UWI Vendor choice Vendor choice Vendor choice

Multiple Completions Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new
formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI except formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI
some commingled
Potential Pitfall The applied meaning of a SK does not use the Canadian A well is identified by Name not A well is identified by Name not A well is identified by Name not
completion has become more UWI. Vendors use Horizon Code UWI or number. No standard UWI or number. No standard UWI or number. No standard
rigorous over time and their own rules to adapt the SK naming rule naming rule naming rule
Well ID to the UWI standard

Potential Pitfall UWI rules for commingled

completions have changed in
recent years
URL for UWI description Appendix 2 in About Well ID (not UWI):
rint.asp_aoid=38.html um/reports/uwi.html
gateway/PTARGS_0_0_323_253_0 nitoring/PDFs/code%20_UWI.pdf

Update Date: 23 March 2010. See "Author Comments" worksheet for more information.
Copyright PPDM 2010, All Rights Reserved.
Gulf of St. Lawrence West Coast Newfoundland Nova Scotia
Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut (Offshore) (Offshore ) (Offshore) (Offshore)
UWI assigned by… Regulator Regulator Regulator Regulator Regulator Regulator Regulator
Is UWI assigned by transparent rules? Yes, but one inconsistent case Yes, but a few inconsistent Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Is UWI the primary identifier for regulatory Use UWI and well name Well ID for the well; UWI for the Well ID for the well; UWI for the Well ID for the well; UWI for the Well ID for the well; UWI for the Well ID for the well; UWI for the Well ID for the well; UWI for the
reporting? wellbore(s) wellbore(s) wellbore(s) wellbore(s) wellbore(s) wellbore(s)

Survey System Code 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Is the well purpose identified in the UWI? No No No No No No No

Is the production spacing unit identified? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Survey location refers to… Surface (well origin) Surface (well origin) except Surface (well origin) Surface (well origin) Surface (well origin) Surface (well origin) Surface (well origin)
Norman Wells field
Unique UWI for each Surface Location? No No No No No No No

Multiple UWIs associated with one surface Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events
Distinct UWI for each well in a pad or Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Does the UWI change? No, unless surface location is found No, unless surface location is found No, unless surface location is found No, unless surface location is found No, unless surface location is found No, unless surface location is found No, unless surface location is found
to be in error to be in error to be in error to be in error to be in error to be in error to be in error

Multiple UWIs associated with one Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events Yes, if multiple wellbore events
New UWI for geologic sidetrack? (directed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
to new target)
New UWI for remedial sidetrack? (around Usually yes but discretionary Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs, Usually only if bypass has logs,
hole problems or mis-steered well) cores, tests cores, tests cores, tests cores, tests cores, tests cores, tests
Pilot Hole identified? No examples No examples No examples No examples No examples No examples No examples

Distinct UWI for each completion? Yes, if completed in new formation Yes, if completed in new formation Yes, if completed in new formation Yes, if completed in new formation Yes, if completed in new formation Yes, if completed in new formation Yes, if completed in new formation

Multi-Lateral No examples Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Hole direction (vertical, deviated, etc.) No No No No No No No
flagged in UWI?
Do UWIs show how many wellbores in the No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional UWI may refer to No; an additional UWI may refer to
same well set? a completion or re-entry, not a new a completion or re-entry, not a new a completion or re-entry, not a new a completion or re-entry, not a new a completion or re-entry, not a new a completion or re-entry, not a new a completion or re-entry, not a new
wellbore wellbore wellbore wellbore wellbore wellbore wellbore

Do UWIs show parent-child wellbore Yes; UWIs show the common well Yes; UWIs show the common well Yes; UWIs show the common well Yes; UWIs show the common well Yes; UWIs show the common well Yes; UWIs show the common well Yes; UWIs show the common well
relationships? origin origin origin origin origin origin origin
Well Identification Comparison

Re-entry of previously plugged well New UWI only if completion in a New UWI New UWI New UWI New UWI New UWI New UWI
new formation
Multiple Completions Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new Each completion in a new
formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI formation has its own UWI

Potential Pitfall A second completion in the same A second completion in the same A second completion in the same A second completion in the same A second completion in the same A second completion in the same A second completion in the same
formation does not get a new UWI formation does not get a new UWI formation does not get a new UWI formation does not get a new UWI formation does not get a new UWI formation does not get a new UWI formation does not get a new UWI

Potential Pitfall One re-entry well has UWI that A few older wells have UWIs that A few older wells have UWIs that
does not follow the rules do not follow the rules do not follow the rules

URL for UWI description

Update Date: 23 March 2010. See "Author Comments" worksheet for more information.
Copyright PPDM 2010, All Rights Reserved.
Norway Denmark Germany (De) Netherlands United Kingdom
Main identifier for Well Well Registration Number - first 4 components Well Name Well identifier - first 10 digits Well Code Well Registration Number - first 6 components
example - exploration well 15/9-1 Ophelia-1 20 05 09 0001 01 F15-02 30/17a-4
example - development well 15/9-A-1 NB-2 similar F15-A-02 2/05-H1 (H = Heather platform in block 2/05)
example - onshore / offshore well No onshore wells Ophelia-1 / NB-2 Similar ANJ-04 / F15-02 LJ/17-7 (L = landward well)
Well identifier structure complex meanings simple compound codes compound codes complex meanings

Well identifier length Variable Variable 12 Variable Variable

Well identifier syntax Up to 9 components Name + Sequence Location + Sequence Location + Sequence Up to 7 components

offshore Geog block/well seq no Name + Sequence Geog code/well seq no Geog block/well seq no Geog block/well seq no
onshore n/a Name + Sequence Place name/well seq no Place name/well seq no Similar but with prefix L
Unique identifier for each surface location? No - sidetracks and reentries create new identifiers No - sidetracks and reentries create new identifiers No - sidetracks and reentries create new identifiers No - sidetracks and reentries create new identifiers No - sidetracks and reentries create new identifiers
at same Well Origin at same Well Origin at same Well Origin at same Well Origin at same Well Origin
Main identifier for Wellbore Well Registration Number - components 5 to 8 Suffix on Well Name 12 digit ID Suffix on Well Code to indicate a sidetrack Well Registration Number with final component
example - exploration / appraisal wellbore 1/3-10 A Augusta-1A F15-02-S1 211/21-2

example - development/production 2/8-N-3 AY1 Katherine-1B F15-A-02-S1 2/05-H1

Main identifier for Wellbore Completion No No No No No

Secondary/additional identifier for Well Drilling Permit Well Block Number Well Name Well Name Well Name is optional offshore. Well Name is
required onshore
example DP 356-L 5603/32-4 Aldorf Z1 Anjum-04 Brent A44. Onshore well LJ/17-7 is Doe Green 2
Secondary/additional identifier for Wellbore NPD Ident. No. (NPDID) ML for multilateral word or letter Wellbore Name

example 4716 HCA-2ML Aldorf Z1a Anjum-04-Sidetrack1

Who assigns the Well Identifier? NPD Operator LBEG (regulator) operator per guideline DECC
When is the Well Identifier assigned? When NPD receives the application for a drilling On application for a drilling permit On spud notice On application for drilling licence On spud notice
permit (at least 2 wks before spud)

Does the Well Identifier ever change? Only if well is reclassified; NPDID never changes No Operator may apply for change if a single well later
becomes part of a platform group

How is pre-spud well identified? Well Registration Number per application Well Name Same Same 211/21-N target B17. Target B from slot 17 on
North West Europe

platform N. Replaced by sequence number when

Is a planned directional wellbore identified? Suffix S for expl well only Suffix Richt

How is technical sidetrack identified? Operator may use suffix T1, T2, etc Operator choice Number in parentheses e.g. Aldorf Z1a (1.) Well Reg Number only to retain significant data
Well Identification Comparison

How is geologic (new target) sidetrack Suffix A, B, etc. suffix A, B, etc. lower case letter suffix a, b, etc. suffix S1, S2, etc.

How is re-entry deepening identified? Suffix R, R2, etc. Suffix Vtfg Same as a sidetrack; but if parent wellbore has
production history the deepening takes a new
sequence number
How is re-spud identified? Named as a new well Upper case letter A, B, etc. Upper case suffix A, B, etc. or named as a new well
(depends on data in the junked well.) Suffix is
replaced if this code position is needed for another
purpose e.g. sidetrack

How is a pilot hole identified? No special identification Suffix P Suffix Pilot No special identification Same rule as for deepening
How is a horizontal wellbore identified? Not. Suffix H means subsea completion, not Same as a sidetrack Suffix Hor
horizontal wellbore
How are multilateral wellbore(s) identified? Letter suffix Y Suffix 2ML, 3ML, etc. Suffix M1, M2, etc. Letter suffix

Main identifier used internally by regulator NPD Ident. No. (NPDID) Internal number code

Update Date: work in progress Sept 2010. See "Author Comments" worksheet for more information.
Copyright 2010, PPDM Association. All Rights Reserved.
Australia offshore
(beyond 3 nm state waters) Queensland Victoria South Australia Western Australia Northern Territory
Main identifier for Well Well Name Well Name Well Name Well Name Well Name Well Name
example - exploration well Cash 1 Barker-1 Wombat-1 Flax 1 Angel 1 Burdo 1
example - development well Stag 30H Challum 14 DW Bream A 13 Flax 7 ANA-2 Palm Valley 6B
Well identifier structure simple name simple name simple name simple name simple name simple name
Well identifier length variable variable variable variable variable variable
Well identifier syntax Name + number, or platform code + number Name + number Name + number, or platform code + number Name + number Name + number, or platform code + number Name + number
example 1 Cash 1 Barker-1 Wombat-1 Flax 1 Angel 1 Petrel 6
example 2 HA 1 Challum 14 DW Cobia F 3A Flax 7 ANA-2 (Angel A 2) Palm Valley 9
Unique identifier for each surface location? no no no no no no
Main identifier for Wellbore well name and Geoscience Aust ENO number QLD Bore Number Well Name Well Name Well Name Well Name
example - exploration / appraisal wellbore Cash 1 ST1 is ENO 9711 Barker-1 is 58271 Wombat-1 Flax 1 Angel 1 Burdo 1
example - development/prodn wellbore Stag 30H ST1 is ENO 436020 Challum 14 DW is 57512 Cobia F 8 ST2 Flax 7 ST1 Stag 10H L1 Palm Valley 9 ST1
Well ID vs wellbore ID Well Name is at wellbore level Well Name is at wellbore level Well Name is at wellbore level Well Name is at wellbore level Well Name is at wellbore level Well Name is at wellbore level
Main identifier for Wellbore Completion none none none none none none
Secondary/additional identifier for Well none well name and Geoscience Aust ENO number well name and Geoscience Aust ENO number Well_ID WELL_ID none
example Barker-1 is ENO 7985 Wombat-1 is ENO 40135 Flax 1 is 669 Angel 1 is W000812
Secondary/additional identifier for Wellbore Geoscience Aust ENO number Geoscience Aust ENO number Geoscience Aust ENO number Well_ID WELL_ID Geoscience Aust ENO number
example Jackson 33 ST1 is ENO 12321 Bream-A13A is 9389 Flax 7 ST1 is 2439 Stag 10H L1 is W002241A Palm Valley 9 ST1 is ENO 14598
Who assigns the Well Identifier? operator operator operator operator operator operator
When is the Well Identifier assigned? on drilling application on drilling application on drilling application on drilling application on drilling application on drilling application
Who is custodian? adjacent state/territory and Geoscience Australia Geol Survey of QLD Geoscience Victoria PIRSA DMP NT and Geoscience Australia

Who is issuer of the WID? adjacent state/territory QLD Mines and Energy ERD PIRSA DMP NT Director of Energy

Does the Well Identifier ever change? some cases some cases only to conform to rules to suit platform naming practice (no standard) maybe

Is WID the primary identifier for regulatory reporting? yes yes yes yes yes yes

Is the well purpose identified in the WID? no no no no no no

Is the production spacing unit identified? no no no no no no

Does the WID change? yes yes possible no for structure or platform consistency possibly

example Tenacious 2 renamed Tenacious West 1 after maybe Lenita-1 renamed Harriet B 1
study showed it is on a separate structure
How is pre-spud well identified? same variable operator choice same same same

Is a planned directional wellbore identified? no may be named with DW no no some cases no

How is technical sidetrack identified? ST ST ST ST ST ST

How is geologic (new target) sidetrack identified? DW or ST DW or ST DW or ST DW operator choice ST

How is re-entry deepening identified? ST or Deepening variable suffix R, RE, DW or nothing DW operator choice
Well Identification Comparison

How is re-spud identified? suffix A or new well name suffix A suffix A suffix A suffix A or new name

How is a pilot hole identified? suffix Pilot in some cases may be unnamed no requirement no requirement no requirement

How is a horizontal wellbore identified? suffix H1, H2, etc. suffix H, ST or DW DW or no special name H or no special name no example

How is multilateral wellbore(s) identified? Suffix L1, L2, etc. operator choice operator choice suffix L1, L2, etc. no example

Main identifier used internally by regulator ENO (Geoscience Australia) QLD Bore Number machine-gen number Well_ID WELL_ID ENO (Geoscience Australia)

Is WID assigned by transparent rules? no standard no standard no standard SA published rules no standard no standard

Is the well purpose identified in the WID? no no no no no no

Multiple WIDs at one surface location? possible possible possible possible possible possible

Multiple WIDs associated with one wellbore? yes if sidetracks or laterals yes if sidetracks or laterals yes if sidetracks or laterals yes if sidetracks or laterals yes if sidetracks or laterals yes if sidetracks or laterals

Hole direction (deviated, etc.) flagged in WID? suffix DW suffix DW or ST or H suffix DW or ST suffix DW or ST suffix ST, H, L, etc. suffix ST

Do WIDs show how many wellbores in the same well set? no no no no no no

Do WIDs show parent-child wellbore relationships? implied by ST or DW implied by ST or DW implied by ST or DW implied by ST or DW implied by ST, H, L, etc implied by ST

URL for WID description and rules

Pitfall conflicts with name used by state/territory variable naming conventions for sidetrack and re- variable naming conventions for sidetrack, re- some non-conforming names variable naming conventions for development inconsistent naming practice
entry wells entry, and platform wells wells and platform wells
Pitfall ESSO platform wells use a different naming

Created Sept 2010. See "Author Comments" worksheet for more information.
Copyright PPDM, All Right Reserved.
Gulf of Mexico
Alabama Alaska Arkansas BLM (onshore) California Colorado BOEMRE Illinois Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Michigan
State Code for API numbering 01 50 03 No state code 04 05 17, 42, 60 (deepwater) 12 13 15 16 17 21

Level of Reporting: OIL By well/wellbore/completion By Well Completion or Wellbore Mostly well completion, some Well Completion Well Completion Lease and Well Completion Well Completion No No Lease Lease (some Well level) Lease Lease or Well-Completion
depending on what well event is Completion Level (see lease level Reporting Reporting
covered by permit comments)
Level of Reporting: GAS By Permit number. Can be By Well Completion or Wellbore Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Lease and Well Completion Well Completion No No Well Completion. Gas report Well Completion Unit/Lease/Well Lease or Well-Completion
Well/wellbore/Well completion Completion Level Reporting Reporting separate from oil/condensate.
level depending on permit Difficult to link oil/condensate
Reporting Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly to gas from same wells or
Monthly Annual Monthly Monthly/some annual (see
Reporting period Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Reporting Due Date 28 days after reporting month 20 days after report month 15 days after reporting month 15th day in 2nd month after 30 days after reporting 45 days after reporting 25th day in 2nd month after 20th day in 2nd month after April 15th after reporting year Two months after reporting 45 days after reporting month
(oil). 60 days after reporting reporting month month month reporting month reporting month month
month (gas).

Who reports production? Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Purchaser or Operator. Most Operator Operator Operator
production is reported by
Purchasers report purchased gas
and oil separately

Age of Oldest Production Reporting 1944 Some production dating back to Varies. Most older wells list BLM does not publish 1977 1999 Production from inception. 1987 1997 1977 1997
on State Website 1920 production back to 1990s. A production data
few older wells report from
Production ID for Reporting reported by Permit number Report by API number reported by permit number reported by API no. and reported by API number and reported by API number and reported by API no. and Oil/condensate reported by Oil production reported by lease "LUW" (Lease Unit Well) code PRU: "Production Reporting
producing interval code pool reservoir producing interval code Lease code. Gas usually (some by well). Permit numbers Unit" for each reservoir. MI
reported by well/reservoir. for lease are listed. Gas reported approves the PRU and whether
Some gas reported by lease. by well permit number. it is well-level or lease-level

Production is reported at what level Reported by permit, not API Reported by API-14, but AK 14, last 4 digits are padded 12, with 3 digit Producing 10 12 12, with 3 digit Producing Production is not reported by Production reported by permit Production is not reported by Monthly production report lists
of API number (10,12,14?) number. See comments pads 13-14th digits as "00". See with zeroes Interval Code Interval Code API number number, not API number API number the wells associated with PRU
comments about multi-lateral

Production Reported by Reservoir? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, but see comments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Surface Commingling No. Production is reported by well Yes with regulatory approval. Rare. A few older leases/units Yes, with BLM permission. Yes Yes, with approval. Yes with BOEMRE approval Yes, surface commingling is Yes, most oil production reported Yes within a lease. Yes some reporting units are
or well completion Surface commingling is with single volume for multiple common by lease Commingling across lease lease or unit level
common. wells. lines requires DNR approval

Allocation of Surface Commingling? Monthly well tests or other No BLM approves operator Yes, operator decides how to Operator decides how to BOEMRE approves operator No allocation. Single No allocation. Single production No allocation. Single No allocation. Single
method of allocation approved method to allocate production allocate production by well. allocate production by well. method to allocate production production volume reported for volume reported for lease. production volume reported production volume reported for
by AK. back to the well. No indication when operator No indication on database back to the well. lease. for lease. lease or unit.

is allocating volumes. when volumes are being

allocated from lease-level
Subsurface Commingling Rare. Conventional reservoirs Yes with regulatory approval. Yes, requires commission Yes, with BLM permission Yes Yes, common Yes, with BOEMRE Yes with approval Yes No No
require prior regulatory approval. Subsurface commingle is approval. (Exception: Middle permission
Coalbed wells can have uncommon. Atoka reservoirs do not require
commingling of distinct pools regulatory approval to
Allocation of Subsurface Operator discretion. Regulator AK does not prescribe allocation Operators report a single BLM approves initial allocation A "pool" may include many Operators decide how to BOEMRE approves initial No allocation. Single volume No allocation. Single volume
Commingling? does not specify how allocation by methodology. volume for commingled and how to monitor reservoir discrete flow units that are allocate. No indication on allocation and how to monitor reported for commingled reported for commingled
reservoir is to be done. production. on regular basis not in pressure database when operator is reservoir on regular basis production from multiple production from multiple
communication. Operators allocating by reservoir. reservoirs. reservoirs.
report a single production Niobrara/Codell is "single
volume without any source of supply" and
allocation. volumes are not allocated.
Is "Produced Water Volume" Yes Yes "Yes" for oil wells/leases. "No" Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
US Production Reporting Summary

reported? for gas wells.

Is "Days on Production" Reported? Yes Yes "No" on oil well report. "Yes" Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
on monthly gas well sales
volume report.
Is Well Status reported as part of Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Status is reported at the same No well status reported, but Yes, monthly report lists all
Production reporting? level as production volume--lease number of producing wells is wells in Production Report Unit
or well level reported. including wells not producing.

Comments Production is reported by permit Production reported from a "well Gas wells and Oil wells are 3 digit "Producing Interval California requires reporting Lease level reporting 3 digit "Producing Interval Illinois does Indiana does Most production reports are to Most well and production filings LA is one of the few states MI allows annual reporting of
number. Level of production set" of multiple wellbores may be reported on different forms Code" is tied to producing by pool/reservoir. A large occurred prior to 1999. Code" is tied to producing not require not require Dept of Revenue. Produced in KY are by permit number and where gas volumes are monthly volumes for some
reporting is tied to when a new aggregated and reported under with different due dates. For configuration, such multiple percentage of pools are Since 1999, operators report configuration, such as operators to operators to volumes are not related to API not API number. KY's API reported by lease and not by wells in a Production Reporting
permit is issued. Multi-lateral wells a "primary wellbore". regulatory purposes, a well tubing strings. The code is listed as "no pool oil volumes by well. For multiple tubing strings. The report report numbers. Very difficult to numbers have several issues that well. Unit.
are reported as single production with any commercial oil or not related to specific breakdown", or unknown. many wells, these volumes code is not related to specific production production relate oil/condensate make them difficult to use either
stream for the single drilling condensate production is an reservoir names. are allocated from lease level reservoir names. A reservoir volumes volumes production to gas produced for well or production information.
permit. oil well regardless of gas-oil metering. may have different producing from same wells or leases.
ratio. codes throughout the life of
The AL website summarizes Production reported from a "well BLM does not publish DOGGR system for breaking Linking well-level reporting BOEMRE production Oil volumes are sales and do Some PRUs with lots of wells
production from multiple set" of multiple wellbores may be production volumes out reservoirs allows many 1999-current to lease level volumes on website are not reflect any oil used on are now reported by individual
completions without any aggregated and reported under discrete reservoirs to be reporting prior to 1999 is reported by lease, not by well lease. well PRUs. This change
designation by reservoir a "primary wellbore". lumped into a single pool for difficult. provides more detail by well but
reporting. can make it difficult to link
lease-level production to later
reports at a well level.
Difficult to identify which wells Production report includes both
are associated with a lease Oil and Gas section permit
and status of individual wells. number and the Michigan utility
commission permit number

Created by Bruce Smith, October 2010.

Copyright 2010, PPDM Association. All Rights Reserved.
Mississippi Montana New Mexico New York North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia Wyoming

23 25 30 31 33 34 35 37 42 43 45 47 49

Well Completion Lease and Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Lease Well Lease Well Completion Well Completion Well Well Completion

Well Completion Lease and Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Lease or Well Completion Well Well Completion Well Completion Well Completion Well Well Completion

Monthly Monthly Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual, semi-annual for Monthly Monthly Annual Annual Monthly
Monthly Monthly Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual, semi-annual in 2010 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
One month after reporting One month after reporting 45 days after reporting month March 31st after producing 30 days after reporting March 1 after reporting year 25th day after reporting month Non-Marcellus:March 31 after One month after reporting 15th day of second month 45 days after reporting March 31st after reporting Last day of month after
month month year month report year. Marcellus:February month after reporting month month year reporting month
15 for 6-months ending
December. August 15 for 6-
months ending June.
Operators Operator Operators Operator Operator Operator Report can be by either operator, Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator
purchaser or transporter

Gas purchasers file a separate Gas purchasers file separate Report includes production, Purchasers file separate Production reported to 2 agencies Operator also files separate Operator reports both
report of gas sales report injection, and disposition. report using different methods and forms. "disposition" report produced volumes and sales

1977 1986 1970 Most older wells reported Most older wells start reporting in 1987 on OK Corporation 1980 with a few wells with older 1993 (see comments) 1984 1992 1985 available through WV 1978
back to 1985. A few wells 1984 or later Commission site. OK Tax production DEP. WV Geological Survey
report back to 1965. Commission does not publish also has annual volumes back
production on web. to 1980 for some wells.
API number or well API number Reported by API number and API number Well File number assigned API number Production reported by OK Tax Permit number (county code + Gas Well ID or Oil Lease ID Entity number assigned by VA file number and Permit API number API number. (State
name/number reservoir by ND. Comm. number. Report to OCC 5-digit unique number). Equal UT and API number. More number Engineer's permit number is
also reported by well name, number to 3rd-10th digits of API than one well can have the also listed for Coalbed
and 10-digit API number. number same Entity number. Methane wells)

10 (see comments) 10 10 14 10 14 (see comments) Most oil reported to OK Tax Comm. 10 10 10, UT pads "0000" on 11- VA does not assign an API 10 10
No API number on report. OCC 14th digits of API number number
filings (mostly gas) include 10-digit
API number.

Yes Yes (See comment about Yes Yes Yes Production reported by well. Yes Production reported by well. Yes Yes No, production reported only No Yes
issues) Annual report will list reservoir at Annual report will list reservoir by well
end of reporting period. at end of reporting period.

Yes, but metering must occur Yes Yes with approval Yes, operators may meter at Yes with approval Yes Yes, much of OK Tax Commission Yes Yes Surface commingling occurs Yes Yes Yes for wells with common
before oil is commingled. lease or well level reports are lease level but is not indicated on on working interest and royalty
production db. interest.

Metering before commingle Operators determine NM prescribes allocation to well Operators decide how to Operators must have Operators must report by well. No No allocation. Single production No allocation. Single No allocation. Single Operators must report by No allocation. Single WV requests that operators Operators must show that

allows operator to report by allocation. No indication on level allocate production by well. approval for allocation indication when wells are volume reported for lease or unit. production volume reported for production volume reported well. No indication when wells production volume reported average production across all "production from each well
well. MT database which wells are method. Typically allocation allocated vs individually metered. lease or unit. for lease or unit. are allocated vs individually for lease or unit. producing wells with a can be accurately
allocated from lease-level based on prescribed well Operators may allocate any way metered. common meter. determined". No indication on
production. test schedule. they want including averaging WY db if volumes are
production per well. allocated.
Yes with approval Yes, if approved by state. Yes with approval Yes Yes with approval Yes Yes Yes Yes with approval Yes with approval Yes Yes Yes with approval

No allocation. Single volume Most commingled Request for subsurface No allocation. Single volume Operators must have No allocation. Single production No allocation. Single production No allocation. Single No allocation. Only single Most commingled production Single production is reported Single production is reported Allocated by reservoir.
reported for commingled production is reported as a commingling includes planned reported for commingled approval for allocation volume reported. volume reported. production volume reported. reservoir name listed making is reported with a single by well or lease with no report by well or lease with no report Allocation methodology is
production from multiple single volume without method to allocate production by production from multiple method. Operators must commingling difficult to volume without allocation. of reservoir. of reservoir. sometimes filed on sundry
reservoirs. allocation by reservoir. MT reservoir. reservoirs. update allocation results on identify. Some commingled notice, but not filed for all
does not indicate the few prescribed schedule. production is reported as commingled reservoirs.
wells where allocation has allocated volumes.
US Production Reporting Summary

been applied.
Yes Yes Yes Yes, annual volumes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No for oil production report. No Yes
Yes for gas production
Yes Yes Yes No, but annual report Yes Yes, annual total of days No Yes on annual basis Yes Yes No for oil production report. Yes Yes
includes number of Yes for gas production report
producing months by well
Yes status for active wells Yes Yes No, but annual report No No No Yes No status reported with Yes No for oil production report. Yes Yes
including "closed in" wells includes number of production. Separate annual Yes for gas production report
producing months by well report of well status required.

MS uses a 14-digit API Reservoir names are not If a vertical well is later OH does not reconcile well Duplicate production volumes can PA has held production Texas double counts Production reported by well, Operators do not report
number. 10-digit API number rigorously managed. sidetracked for a horizontal lateral information with production . occur when operator and volumes confidential for 5 years condensate on Gas wells by not by reservoir. Difficult to production by reservoir. Well
is based on surface location. Variations in reservoir can in the same reservoir, production Production can be reported for transporter/purchaser include the after the end of the production multiplying 1.1x of determine production by completion information must
API digits 11-14th are a series occur even when completion from the vertical well is NOT expired permits (never drilled) and same volumes in different reports. reporting year. Rules changed condensate and adding this reservoir without digging be used to determine how
of "flags" such as hole interval is unchanged. distinguished from production dry holes. in 2010 for Marcellus wells. to dry gas volume while through well completion production volumes relate to
direction. from lateral. ALSO reporting the filings. reservoirs.
condensate as a separate

Operators report annual OK Tax Commission and OK In September, PA released Subsurface commingling WV does not reconcile well
production volumes. Production Corporation Commission do not production volumes for difficult to identify because information with production.
volumes for reservoir changes are reconcile production volumes. Marcellus wells for July 2009 all production is reported to Production can be reported
summed together and it is not through June 2010. single reservoir, giving no for expired permits (never
possible to estimate the indication that other drilled) and dry holes.
production attributable to each reservoirs are producing.
separate reservoir.
Ohio uses 14-digit API numbers Lease level oil volumes are not RRC offers a production
with sidetrack and completion reported by well or by API number. database with monthly
codes in 11-14th digits. However, volumes back to 1970.
vast majority of recompletions,
deepenings and sidetracks are
lumped together with the original
well with API ending "0000".

Created by Bruce Smith, October 2010.

Copyright 2010, PPDM Association. All Rights Reserved.
API Comparison
Alabama Alaska Arkansas BLM-Onshore California Colorado GOM Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Michigan

State Code 01 50 03 None 04 05 17, 42, 60 12 13 15 16 17 21

API Length Doesn’t assign 10, seldom used

14 14 14 12 10 12 12 12 14 10 14
API number. by industry

Unique API 10
for each Surface Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Unique API No, unless

12 for each sidetrack
Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Sidetrack to separately
new target? permitted

Unique API
12 for remedial
sidetrack No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No
around hole

Multilateral Single permit Separate API No, all wellbores All wellbores are Originally, these All wellbores Each permit Multi-laterals are Laterals drilled All wellbores are Each lateral
and API number number for each stored under captured as part were permitted must be uniquely results in sometimes treated at the same captured as part is designated
for multi-laterals. lateral to planned same API-10. of same API-10 under the same permitted and are incrementing the as a single time have same of same API-10 on the permit
(Only one target (no API Author unable to API number (e.g., each assigned 11-12th digits of permit with single API-10. Laterals and assigned
example of multi change for identify any multi- 05-067-06221- a unique API- the API number. API number. In drilled at different a separate API
lateral found) junked lateral). laterals in AR 00), but current 12. Author is Multilaterals that other cases, the times will each number
practice is to unaware of multi- are permitted as 13-14th digits are have a unique
require permit for lateral horizontal a single event incremented for a permit number
each wellbore to drilling in GOM. are assigned a series of planned and a unique
new target single 12-digit API multiple laterals. API-10

Multiple All completions All completions No information in No completion No completion The MMS uses a Each permit Kansas uses the Recompletion to a No completion Recompletion to
completions in same wellbore in same wellbore API number about information information 3 digit Producing results in 13-14th API digits new reservoir will information a new reservoir
have the same are associated completions, represented in represented in Interval Code incrementing for many different result in a new represented in results in
API number. with the same either multiple API number API number that reflects the 11-12th well events. permit number API number. A incrementing the
However, re- API number. See completions the number of digits of the API Well deepening, and a new API-10 unique permit 14th digit of the
entry of plugged Pitfalls section for at same time, completions and number. Multiple recompletion to number is API number
hole results in information about or completion sequence. completions that new reservoir, assigned to each
incrementing API API 11-12th digit changes over are permitted as or re-entry of completion,
13-14 time a single event plugged well. but the API
are assigned a number does
single 12-digit API not change with
number. recompletion.

General Notes 13-14th digits Each wellbore to The BLM does Operators Pilot hole is Pilot hole is API numbers Wells are tracked Kansas assigns Re-entry to
are incremented targeted location not publish well report TD for identified with identified with are assigned by permit number “01” to 11-12th recomplete or
when a well is is separately data. Operators each wellbore a separate API a separate API by the Survey, assigned by the digits of API if sidetrack will
plugged and permitted may file with (to target or number number. up to a month DNR. Multiple a well is either result in a new
later re-entered with unique 10 or 12-digit for bypassed after a permit events can occur directional or permit number
API-12. Alaska API number and wellbore) on is approved by in a well, each horizontal. and a new API-10
has unique with a 3-digit completion DNR. This can with a different
numbering in Producing Interval form. CA does result in problems permit number.
11-12th digits Code. The BLM not assign API with assigning The Survey
reflecting type internally uses numbers to these Unique Well assigns its own
of wellbore a 12-digit API wellbores. Identifiers prior to unique well
(multi-lateral, number with the API assignment. identifier.
abandoned, 3-digit PIC.
re-entry, NGL

For more detailed information, see the U.S. API Numbering Practice By State spreadsheet at January 25th, 2010
© Copyright 2010, PPDM Association, All Rights Reserved
API Comparison
Mississippi Montana New Mexico New York North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia Wyoming

State Code 23 25 30 31 33 34 35 37 42 43 45 47 49

API Length 10 padded with 10 padded with 10 padded with Doesn’t assign
14 10 14 14 10 10 10 10 10
4 zeroes 4 zeroes 4 zeroes API

Unique API 10
for each surface Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Unique API
12 for each
No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No
Sidetrack to
new target?

No No No No No No No No No No No No
around hole

Multilateral All wellbores are All wellbores are All wellbores are Each wellbore is All wellbores are All wellbores to All wellbores are Few if any All wellbores are All wellbores are All wellbores are All wellbores are
captured as part captured as part captured as part assigned unique captured as part unique subsurface captured as part multilaterals captured as part captured as part captured as part captured as part
of same API-10 of same API-10 of same API-10 API-12. (NY DEC of same API-10. location are of same API-10 drilled in PA. of same API-10 of same API-10 of same API-10 of same API-10
is developing See “Notes” identified with Pilot holes and
new Marcellus section for more separate 11-12th laterals are both
rules that address information. digit of API on single permit
multi-lateral number with single API
wells.) number

Multiple The 13th digit Not in API Not in API NY increments Not in API OH increments Not in API Not in API Not in API Not in API Not in API Not in API
completions of API number number number 13-14th digits for number 13-14th digits for number number number number number number
provides each completed each completed
information on reservoir. reservoir and
the number of (Many older for each rework
completions recompletions of an existing
for wells that were performed reservoir.
produce from prior to the
more than one current numbering
reservoir at the approach.)
same time.

General Notes 11th digit of API Re-permitting of Multi-laterals Horizontal wells Pilot holes are VA assigns a File WV Geological
number is “1” if an expired permit are tracked by use bottomhole part of overall Number to wells. Survey captures
well is horizontal. may be assigned NAME, including location, not permit with File Number multiple well
12th digit of API the same 10-digit horizontal surface location, lateral(s) and and Permit events for
number is “1” if API number as mis-steers or to assign county only a single Number are the deepening
well is directional. original permit, junked holes. No code portion API number is best method to and workovers,
The 14th digit of but the 14th digit API number is of API number. assigned. identify wells and but does not
API number is is incremented for assigned to these Pilot holes are well events. increment API
incremented if a the new permit. wellbores assigned their number for these
plugged well is own API number well events.
re-entered. by incrementing
11-12th digits.

For more detailed information, see the U.S. API Numbering Practice By State spreadsheet at January 25th, 2010
© Copyright 2010, PPDM Association, All Rights Reserved
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