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Chat Log C:\Users\user\Documents\ChatLog AX_TECHNICAL ONLINE TRAINING BY

KUMAR_8AM IST 2019_07_16 08_54.rtf

Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:00 AM: hi

Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:01 AM: is started?
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:09 AM: what is method in SOP cycle?
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:09 AM: for delete
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:10 AM: sales process
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:10 AM: which delete method
Kamlesh Kumar (to Everyone): 8:10 AM: Sir , today the screen resolution and hence clarity is less
then earlier sessions
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:11 AM: it is technical
Geet Saini (to Everyone): 8:11 AM: yes I agree. Voice is breaking
user (to Everyone): 8:11 AM: no
Geet Saini (to Everyone): 8:11 AM: Now its better but sometimes it breaks
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:12 AM: what is none?
user (to Everyone): 8:13 AM: none means no delete actions
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:14 AM: k,got it
user (to Everyone): 8:22 AM: doubt sir
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:27 AM: it will take time to understand...we have to do some practice
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:28 AM: do u have material for that?
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:29 AM: that is for AX2012?
Tanuja (to Everyone): 8:29 AM: we need for AX 365
Arun kumar (to Everyone): 8:42 AM: can we assign date for Anytype
AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:51 AM: Project Types :

1. Implementation Project - MECOMS - ISV - Utilities Industry - Jewelery Management System --

From scratch
2. Migration -- Other ERP -- Dynamics AX
3. Upgradation -- AX 2012 or d365 7.0 Dynamics
4. Support Project -- Providing day to day support

Implementation Project :

Vehicle Management System, Hospital Management System, Bank Management System, Jewellery
Management Sytem

SDLC -- Software Development Cycle --

Sure Step Methodology : Six Phases

1. Diagnostic -- UCO Bank -- Understand the customer requirements and identify the solution
2. Analysis -- initiate and plan the project
watch videos on dynamics 365 --
Table A -- 1 Million -- 10 Lakh records -- display all this records on the screen -- 96
Table A -- Name - s*
Fit-Gap Analysis
3. Design :
1. Functional Deign Document
Actor -- Customer - Customer Details - Account Details -- Employee Details
2. Technical Design Document :- High Level Document - Low Level
Table -- store records

fill up this Form :

Address D
AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:52 AM: Customer Details
Account Details

Address Details
1. Country -- string -- UcoCountry -- 60
2. State -- string -- UcoState -- 200
3. Street -- string -- UcoStreet -- 250
4. City -- string -- UcoCity -- 100
5. District -- string -- UcoDistrict -- 100
6. ZipCode -- int64 -- UcoZipCode

Customer Details
1. Name -- string -- UcoName -- 60
2. Primary Address -- string -- UcoPriAddr -- 1000
3. Mobile Number -- string -- UcoMobileNumber -- 50
4. Email Id -- string -- UcoEmailId -- 200
5. Aadhar -- string -- UcoAadhar -- 40
6. PAN -- string -- UcoPan -- 20
7. Date Of Birth -- Date -- UcoGenericDate
8. Gender -- enum -- UcoGenderTypes (Male/Female/Other) -- UcoGenderType
9. Marital Status -- enum -- UcoMaritalStatuses (Married/UnMarried) -- UcoMaritalStatus
10. Father Name -- string -- UcoName -- 60
11. Mother Name -- string -- UcoName -- 60
12. Occupation -- string -- UcoOccupation -- 200
13. Address -- Foreign Key from address table -- int64
14. Id -- string -- UcoCustomerId -- 20

Bank Details
AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:52 AM: 1. Branch Name
2. IFSC Code

Savings Account
1. Account Number -- string UcoSavAccNum -- 20
2. Customer Id -- foreign Key -- Id from Customer Table
3. Date Of Account Creation -- DateTime -- UcoGenericDateTime
4. Joint Account -- No/Yes
5. Minimum Balance -- Real -- UcoGenericReal
6. Available Balance -- Real -- UcoGenericReal

Current Account

Fixed Account

Loan Account

NRI Account

1. Account Type -- Savings, Current, ..

India -- 130 Crores -- State Bank -- 10 Crore 3 Crore - Savings Account, 3 Crore - Current Account,
2 Crore - Fixed

4. Development Phase or Build Phase

Build and test the system components

5. Deployment
AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:52 AM: 6. Operations

Primitive Data Types :

Most Basic Data Types

-1,-2,-3, 0, 1, 2, 3 -- Integers
0.123, 3.14 -- Decimal Point Number
0, 1
false and true
2019-07-05 07:45:00, 7 - Sun, Mon, Tue
int, int64, real, date, utcDateTime, str, Enums, boolean, GUID

for Name : 20 characters

Increase the size of the name by 60 characters -- 3 places
100000 --
80 --
Extended Data Types :


blob -- binary large object

1. Master Data Tables -- Customer Information -- cache

2. Transactional Data Tables -- Purchases you are doing in flipkart, -- Never cache
3. Parameter Tables -- single record tables ..500 -- always cache
AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:52 AM: Fetching the information :

1. Go and check in cache, if it is found get it

2. Not found go to database and fetch it

Optimistic Concurrency Control :- Insert/update the records in database

Pessimistic concurrency control :-

Index :
To control the uniqueness
special look up tables

Unsorted Dictionary -- end of dictionary searching this word

Sorted Dictionary -- 30 %


faster retrieval of data

1. Unique Index -- does not have duplicates

2. Non Unique Index -- contains duplicates

1. Clustered Index : Order in which data should be stored in a table

2, Non Clustered Index :

1. Primary Key : Uniquely identify records in the table (Single Field, Composite Key)
2. Cluster Index :

How to define Index?

--City, country, state, street, zipcode, district
ZipCode -- Primary Key -- Unique Index
Country, State, District, City, Street -- preferred in this order
City, Street, State, District, Country -- Unique Index -- time consumed will be high comparatively
with this order
AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:53 AM: India Telangana RangaReddy .. .. ..
India - 32 - 900 - 20000 -- 100000 --

Surrogate Key - Rec Id Index

Start -- -- Pause -- End

Expense --
Team Lunch --


Raise the expense -- Not Submitted

Submit the expense -- Submitted
Manager -- Reject, Approve, Change Request

Relations :

Normal Relation
Foreign key Relation

Field Fixed Relation

Related Field Fixed Relation
AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:53 AM: Address -- Table A -- 1 record
Customer -- Table B -- FK Relation from table A -- ZeroMore
SavingsAccount --

Customer table :
1. savings
2. card

card -- card transactions -- delete the card -- delete the records in card transactions

Savings -- card -- card transactions

Delete Actions :

1. None
2. Cascade
3. Restricted
4. Cascade + Restraticted

Two tables with relationship

AX Visualpath (to Everyone): 8:53 AM: -- Cascade Delete Actions

Master Data Table -- Deleted the record

Transactional Data Table -- Delete Transactions as well

-- Restricted

Master Data Table -- Check if transactions exist and then Delete the record
if there are no transactions otherwise dont delete
Transactional Data Table --

-- Cascade + Restricted

Parent -- Master Data Table -- Deleted the record, delete from header and
Child -- Transactional Header Table -- Check if transactions exist and then Delete the record
if there are no transactions otherwise dont delete
Grand Child -- Transactional Line Table --

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