Anchoring Script

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Our mother earth is a book filled with incredible stories of humanity and discoveries of life.

Read it. Love it. Live it.

Hon’ble chairman, respected principle, distinguished teachers and all my dear friends, I, Ann
Maria Ajoy, on behalf of IPHS family welcome you all to this auspicious event.

To glorify this day, let us all stand up and spend a moment of silence in prayer.

Thank you. Kindly be seated.

As we all know, we have gathered here in honor of world book day and earth day, two
beautiful days to celebrate the fascinating book that is planet earth. One thing that we should
keep in mind but tend to forget is that, this book is not just for us to read but to preserve for
the future generations to come. To signify the importance and value of books, the students of
IPHS are here with an eye opening skit.

Thank you friends, that was truly amazing. Let’s show them how much we liked it. (Clap, clap,
tap…) 2 counts

A few years back, my mom had been forcing me to read a book named, ‘Thank you, Earth’.
Me, being the lazy person I am, made excuses for not reading it. The main one being my
concern of the number of trees used to create the book. Anyway, my mom didn’t give up that
easily and I eventually ended up reading it, only to realize the key to the balance between
world book day and earth day, which is simply by planting a seedling for every book I read. On
that note I invite our beloved chairman and our respected principal to inaugurate our new
venture of IPHS garden by sowing a seed of prosperity.

Thank you, sir. Thank you, ma’am.

Finally, I would like to express my immense gratitude to the dignitaries and all of you who
made this day a successful venture. Wish you all a wonderful day.

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