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Cockrell School of Engineering

General Engineering Supplemental Instruction

GE 106D, CH 301 (Unique #12870), M/W 9am-10am, ECJ 1.314
Instructor: Gopika Nandanan

Office hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7-9:30 pm at EER Study Tables

Purpose: This course provides students an opportunity to enhance their problem-solving skills in
the concurrent course through collaborative learning techniques applied to additional problems in
the subject area. This course is not a homework review session. Students will be given in-class
work differing from the homework assigned by the concurrent instructor.

Course Grade: The grade in this course is determined by class attendance and participation.
Participation includes, but is not limited to, actively contributing to the group solution for the
assigned problem or problems, presentation of the group solution to the class, individually
presenting self-generated problems to a group, participating in Canvas online groups, etc.
Students are also expected to maintain a journal of all their class work.

Attendance: The GE class is designed for collaborative group work; therefore attendance and on
time arrival is required. ATTENDANCE is MANDATORY. The chart below outlines the
attendance based grading policy. Use your absences wisely; no additional absences will be
Grade Absences
A 0-3
B 4-6
C 7-9
D 10-12
F 13 or more

Homework: There are no out-of-class assignments.

Examinations: There are no tests or exams.

Tardiness Policy: Three tardy arrivals will count as an absence. If you are late to class but not
by more than 10 minutes, you will be assigned a tardy grade. If you are late to a class by more
than 10 minutes, you will be assigned marked absent. Also, returning late from a break will count
as a tardy.

You are not allowed to miss class to attend your professor’s office hours (this applies to any other
professor or TA). If this occurs, you will be assigned an absence grade.

Distractions: Be courteous and help eliminate distractions for me, yourself, and your classmates.
Personal electronic devices are not to be used during class. This includes, but is not limited to
laptop/notebook computers, cell phones, gaming devices, and music players. Additionally, you
may not work on assignments from other classes during this class or distract others, such as with
excessive talking. Violation of these policies can constitute insufficient participation and can
count as a tardy upon the instructor’s discretion.
Class Materials: You are expected to come to class with a notebook that contains all of your
chemistry work, pen or pencil, calculator, periodic table and problem set worksheets. The
worksheets will be posted to Canvas at least 24 hours before class. One person per group should
bring a textbook to class. Coming to class unprepared can affect your participation grade.

Textbook: Principles of Chemistry, 7th edition, Zumdahl and Decoste

Special Accommodation: The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate
academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the
Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities at
471-6259 (Video Phone 866-329-3986; TDD 471-4241).

Religious Holidays: Religious holidays sometimes conflict with class and examination
schedules. It is the policy of The University of Texas at Austin that the student must notify each
instructor at least fourteen days prior to the classes scheduled on dates he or she will be absent to
observe a religious day. For religious holidays that fall within the first two weeks of the semester,
the notice should be given on the first day of the semester. The student may not be penalized for
these excused absences but the instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to
complete satisfactorily the missed assignment or examination within a reasonable time after the
excused absence.

Engineering Student Services Contact Information: Please contact Rebecca L Silverblatt, GE

Academic Advisor Coordinator, at with questions or
concerns about the GE course or instructor.

Study Tables: TAs will be available for questions and free tutoring at the EER Study Tables
Sunday through Thursday 7:00-9:30 pm.
Additional tutoring available at Kinsolving by appointment. To make appointments, go to:

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