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Running head: ADVERTISING 1




Part A.

Advertising in a simple term is a marketing communication language that entails various

means which can be either openly sponsored ways or other means to promote the company

products to sell their goods, ideas among another service to people (Belch, & Belch, 2016).

Adverts usually influence people about an item, ideas or any other commodities the company

sells that were not aware of it in the market place. Therefore, the company employs many people

to work and convince people to buy their products and also to a belief in them and their services.

I used to hear more about the advertising from people, friends and even themselves who

were working on to advertise their commodities when I come across them when they are

advertising along the roads, markets, billboard installed along the roads and those installed in the

market places, and even some the adverts send to me through my email. Coming across all those

advertisers that I saw and those in my email, I read them and was influenced and convinced by

some of them (Dyer, 2018). On that influenced me of late was the one that was made last week.

The advert was made up by one of the best makeup artists by the name Jean. The advert was

announced through social media. The advert entailed the one Jean collaborated with a makeup

company. Initially, I had come across the product, but I knew that I am going to have one of the

products because I saw her name on it. By that time, I never even thought more on the product

about anything wrong with it, I was just to buy it but now through the advertise they made, I am

now thinking about it, and I see it better than I need not see the product so that I can buy it rather

I was just influenced by how they advertised it (Williamson, 2017). I then tried to read more on

the same, by reading some of the articles from many writers and I was able to find that some of

the critics that were displayed by those articles show that they had now role on advancing the

interest of the consumers or even being counterproductive on them.


Therefore, I was able to come up with some favourite quotes from the articles I read

concerning the advert because of how they said more about an advert that some thought me that

you might either make an influence to someone somewhere or not. I liked that phase much, and

it convinced me until now I can say that advertising it is much important to many companies

since it can earn them customers to buy their products (Nelson, 2015). Without advertisements, it

is a very hard task for a company to grow and sell their product as it is required because

customers will not be aware of their products and most will prefer to buy from the other know

companies. Therefore, if the companies want to sell their product well and even sell the name of

the company, then they should do that through the advertisements of their products and service

Part B

Therefore, from the experiences I learned from the adverts, I can give a rich connection

of this all information to my day to day life by ensuring that I pay full attention to anything I

intend to buy before I buy it and pay much attention to any advertisement I come across too. I

will do that by ensuring I know the products the company advertises well by acquiring more

information about the product first (Williamson, 2017).

Consequently, I can now give an account of the multiple items I bought due to the

influence I got when the items were being advertised (Belch, & Belch, 2016). Where now I learn

that I should be thinking twice any time before I buy the products such that I will not regret later.

Hence, by doing that, I will not be saving my money only but also, I will be helping myself to be

any time aware not to be influenced easily by any adverts and control the influence I got from the


Furthermore, I will not be able to save myself alone but also; I will be able to help even

my other family member, that is my young brother and my younger sister too who are both

15years and 17years respectively. They are constantly using their phones for internets, YouTube,

accessing social media, among many other things. Therefore, they are much vulnerable to come

across such adverts. Hence, I am at the pole position now to talk to them about how advertisers

are much influencing their life (Dyer, 2018). I am aware that they have been involved in many

brands such as Bape, supreme and many other brands that talk about thousands of dollars. Hence,

I can then make them aware that many of the items they purchase or intending to buy are truly

and some ho priced higher than the normal price. Just as an example, my younger sister recently

purchased her supreme Hanes dress which then cost about 110 dollars the price was relatively

higher than the normal price when she can go and buy at the regular Hanes dress just at 20

dollars which Are relatively lower and affordable price (Nelson, 2015). Therefore, through the

information I learned from the advertisements, I will be able to help them also to be firm and

aware not to be easily convinced or influenced by adverts.

In conclusion, through the all process and learning all information on an advertisement, I

have become more aware of all forms of advertisements and before I act on anyway. Whenever I

come across any advertisement, I think first and learn more information about the item before I

buy the item. Similarly, the information I learned from the advertisements have not only

benefited I alone but also to the entire family and friends by letting them also be much aware of

advertisements they come across, and before they make any purchase, they should think twice,

know the product well and its prices.



Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A. (2016). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing

communications perspective 6th. New York: NY: McGraw-Hill.

Dyer, G. (2018). Advertising as communication. Routledge.

Nelson, P. (2015). Advertising as information. Journal of political economy, 82(4), 729-754.

Williamson, J. (2017). Decoding advertisements: ideology and meaning in advertising. Marion


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