Medical Terminology: Post-Session Assignment (2019)

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Medical Terminology: Post-Session Assignment (2019)

Dear Students ...

Search and select 1 medical article (journal or review) which discuss about any disease you
prefer. Mark medical terminologies in the article (e.g by underlining or highlighting) and give
the meaning of each terminologies. Your article should minimally contain 20 medical
terminologies and at least 1500 words long.

Submit marked articles and the meaning of the terminologies in Gamel using .pdf, .doc, or
,docx format. Attach your on class session quiz of medical terminology 1.

1. Attach the paragraph of this is our story in medical terminology 2 session.

2. Attach your post-session assignment, the article review.

Reflective Journal-Week 1 (2019)

1. Description of this week learning experience

2. Describe your feeling about this week learning experience
3. Describe what went well and not
4. Write down your planning to increase your learning experience

Time Management: Pre-Session Assignment (2019)

Dear Students,
Please upload your pre-session assignment in the link above:

The pre-session assignments are:

1. Make a study plan to make sure that you can understand your first tutorial LOs using
the five step models!
2. Make a time table or agenda to execute your study plan! (consider your block
schedule, chores, and me time)
3. Make a study plan to fulfill the first tutorial's learning objectives. The study plan
format will be delivered during "self directed learning" lecture.
4. Bring the study program to your scheduled session.
Happy to kick off the procrastination....

Note: give the name of your file as follow: time management_your name_your student

Time Management: On-Session Assignment (2019)

Dear students,
Please upload your on-session assignment in the link above.
The on-session assignments are:

1. Reflection of your study plan and your time table

2. Agenda or timetable for your week 2 of Block A.1
Happy to kick off the procrastination....

Note: give the name of your file as follow: time management_your name_your student

Ice Water or Warm Water

Sherly, Brandon and Amanda had a chit chat in front of their boarding house after having
dinner together.

 Sherly: Brandon I saw you drank ice water after you jog this afternoon.
 Brandon: Yeah, it’s so refreshing, after sweating and getting thirsty from exercising,
to drink a glass of ice water. What’s wrong?
 Amanda: What’s wrong with that Sherly? Does it not good?
 Sherly: I am not sure. But, my parents always ask me to drink lukewarm water after I
finished physical activity.
 Brandon: Is there any reason behind that statement?
 Amanda: I think your parents is correct. Because every time I drink ice water after
exercising I got hiccup.
 Brandon: Why?
 Amanda: However, I don’t know the explanation either.
 Sherly: They said the ice water will deceive our body.
 Amanda: Why don’t you help us to find the answer Sherly? There might be something
in one of your textbook.
 Brandon: Yeah. In addition, what about if we did not drink any water, what will happen
to our bodies? You are a medical student anyway, there must be logical explanation in
one of your subject.
 Sherly: Why not, let me search in my textbook first.
What do you think about the phenomena that has been discussed by Sherly, Brandon and
Amanda? Is there any scientific explanation?


Summary of this section contents:

1. 4 step six resumes from 4 scenarios completed with reflection of each tutorial
(1 resume – 1 reflection)
2. Evaluation of tutorial sessions
Tutorial Resume (2019)

Attach your notes or resume on step 6 of your tutorial session from scenario 1 until 4.

Reflection (2019)

Make reflection from each tutorial session based on this following question:

1. Tell us how do you manage your time in dealing with the LO!
2. Have you make your best participation during tutorial session?
Describe it!
3. What have you learn from the tutorial session?

Evaluasi Tutorial (2019)

Complete with the evaluation of the tutorial session based on the following question: (After
the last tutorial session)

1. Which scenario that do you think stimulate you to learn the most? Why?
2. Describe what do you like from your tutors in this Block?
3. What do you think can be improve from the tutors?

Questionnaire: Inventory Learning Style (2019)

Inventory Learning Style is a semi-diagnostic questionnaire for evaluating a learner's tendency

in learning behavior. Please fill it in and check for your result before your scheduled session.
Thank you.

1. Please fill in the learning style questionnaire available in the GaMeL.

2. Download the learning style result and bring the result of your learning style.

Questionnaire: Online Information Search Strategy Inventory (OISSI) (2019)

This questionnaire is used to evaluate your self-reflected web search strategies. This
questionnaire used a 6-Likert scale ranging from ‘‘not at all like me” to ‘‘very much like me.”

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