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Plant Biology ISSN 1435-8603


The distribution of TPX2 in dividing leaf cells of the fern

Asplenium nidus
E. Panteris, I.-D. S. Adamakis & K. Chanoumidou
Department of Botany, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Asplenium nidus; cell division; cytokinesis;
microtubules; mitosis; TPX2. Plant cell division requires the dynamic organisation of several microtubule arrays.
The mechanisms of regulation of the above arrays are under rigorous research.
Correspondence Among several factors that are involved in plant microtubule dynamics, the Target-
E. Panteris, Department of Botany, School of ing Protein for Xklp2 (TPX2) has been found to play a role in spindle organisation,
Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in combination with Aurora kinases, in dividing cells of angiosperms. Microtubule
Thessaloniki GR-541 24, Macedonia, Greece. organisation in dividing cells of ferns exhibits certain peculiarities. Accordingly, the
E-mail: presence and distribution of a TPX2 homologue might be helpful in understanding
the patterns and regulatory mechanisms of microtubule arrays in this plant group.
Editor In this study, a putative TPX2 homologue was identified using Western blotting in
S. Wick the fern Asplenium nidus. It was found, using immunostaining and CLSM, that it is
co-localised with perinuclear preprophase microtubules and the prophase spindle,
Received: 2 February 2012; Accepted: 19 and follows the microtubule pattern during metaphase ⁄ anaphase and telophase.
March 2012 During cytokinesis, while in angiosperms TPX2 is degraded, in A. nidus the TPX2
signal persists, co-localising with the phragmoplast. In early post-cytokinetic cells, a
TPX2 signal is present on the nuclear surface facing the daughter cell wall and,
thereafter it is co-localised with the fern-specific microtubule aggregation that lines
the new wall, which is possibly involved in cortical microtubule assembly.

above). Apart from A. thaliana and N. tabacum, the presence

of TPX2 or TPX2-related protein homologues in other plant
Cell division in higher plants requires the organisation of sev- species has also been reported (Vos et al. 2008; Evrard et al.
eral successive microtubule arrays, some of which are plant- 2009).
specific. The preprophase microtubule band, the perinuclear Microtubule organisation in ferns is characterised by some
prophase spindle, the acentrosomal metaphase and anaphase discernible peculiarities in comparison to angiosperms. While
spindle, the phragmoplast, the perinuclear early interphase in the latter plants preprophase band narrowing is F-actin
microtubules and the cortical interphase array follow each mediated (Mineyuki & Palevitz 1990; Eleftheriou & Palevitz
other as mitosis and cytokinesis proceed in plant cells (see 1992), in ferns this process seems to be F-actin-independent
among others Hasezawa & Kumagai 2002). The assembly and (Panteris et al. 1992; further unpublished observations). In
organisation of the above arrays depend on several factors, angiosperms the metaphase spindle may not emanate directly
such as the c-tubulin complexes (Binarová et al. 2006; Pastu- from the prophase spindle (Zachariadis et al. 2000, 2004;
glia et al. 2006; see also Kong et al. 2010), the Ran GTPase Lloyd & Chan 2006; see also Panteris et al. 2011; Panteris &
(Pay et al. 2002; Jeong et al. 2005; Zhao et al. 2008; Meier & Adamakis 2012), while in ferns the former seems to be a
Brkljacic 2009) and the Aurora kinases (Van Damme et al. direct outcome of the latter (Zachariadis et al. 2004). In an-
2004; Demidov et al. 2005; Kawabe et al. 2005). Apart from giosperms, the reinstatement of cortical microtubules at
the above, a homologue of the Targeting Protein for Xklp2 interphase is preceded by an array of radially arranged peri-
(TPX2) has recently been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana, nuclear microtubules (see among others Wick 1985; Flanders
Nicotiana tabacum and Trandescantia virginiana, involved in et al. 1990; Hasezawa & Nagata 1991), while in ferns the cor-
spindle assembly during prophase (Vos et al. 2008). In the tical array is usually organised without the mediation of peri-
above plants, TPX2 is intranuclear during interphase and is nuclear microtubules (Panteris et al. 1991, 1995).
exported from the nucleus during prophase, interacts with Furthermore, a distinct population of microtubules lines the
Aurora kinases and possibly also participates in microtubule new cell wall in post-cytokinetic cells of ferns (Jenni et al.
nucleation (Vos et al. 2008; see also Petrovská et al. 2012). 1990; Panteris et al. 1991; Zachariadis et al. 2003) but not of
After nuclear envelope breakdown, TPX2 in A. thaliana and angiosperms.
N. tabacum is localised at the kinetochore microtubule bun- Taking into account the above features of microtubule
dles during metaphase and anaphase and is degraded during organisation in ferns, we studied the possible presence and
telophase (see above). Its importance for cell division has distribution of TPX2 in dividing leaf cells of the fern Aspleni-
been further proven as nuclear envelope breakdown and um nidus. A polyclonal anti-AtTPX2 antibody, raised against
mitosis were inhibited by microinjection of anti-TPX2 (see the conserved TPX2 signature motif (Vos et al. 2008), identi-

Plant Biology ª 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1
TPX2 in Asplenium nidus Panteris, Adamakis & Chanoumidou

fied a putative TPX2 homologue, the distribution of which kon D-Eclipse C1 confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM)
exhibits important differences from that observed in A. thali- with the appropriate wavelengths and filters, and images were
ana and N. tabacum cells. Leptomycin-B treatment (Kudo recorded according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In
et al. 1998) was also applied to confirm the intranuclear some specimens, the DNA was counterstained with
localisation of TPX2 during interphase. 10 lgÆml)1 Hoechst 33258 and they were observed under a
Nikon Eclipse i80 microscope (Nikon Instruments Europe
MATERIAL AND METHODS BV, Amstelvee, the Netherlands) equipped with epifluores-
cence. Digital images were processed with Adobe Photoshop
Plant material and treatments CS2, with linear settings only.
Asplenium nidus plants were cultivated in the lab. The apical
areas of coiled young leaves were used for all the procedures, Western blotting of leaf extracts
as they comprise a large population of dividing cells. All the
chemicals and reagents were purchased from Sigma (Tauf- For Western immunoblotting of putative TPX2 isoforms,
hirchen, Germany), Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) and Appli- extracts of untreated coiled leaf areas of A. nidus were ho-
chem (Darmstadt, Germany), unless otherwise stated. mogenised at 4 C in a buffer containing 20 mm b-glycero-
Leptomycin-B, a potent inhibitor of nuclear export (Kudo et phosphate, 20 mm HEPES, pH 7.5, 20 mm NaF, 2 mm
al. 1998; see also Vos et al. 2008), was initially dissolved as a EDTA, 0.2 mm Na3VO4, 10 mm benzamidine, 5 mm DTT,
100 lM stock in absolute methanol and kept at )20 C; work- 1% (v ⁄ v) Triton X-100 and a commercial protease inhibitor
ing solution for treatment was prepared by diluting to cocktail. Lysates were incubated on ice for 10 min and then
500 nm. The lamina of the coiled leaf apical area was cut into centrifuged at 4 C for 20 min at 16,000 g. Clarified superna-
pieces ca. 4 · 4 mm. The pieces were put in small dishes with tants were collected and total protein was measured using the
500 nm leptomycin-B solution and treated for 4 h in the dark Bradford assay.
at room temperature on a rocking platform (Biorad, Hercules, Total protein extracts were boiled with 0.33 (v ⁄ v) of SDS-
CA, USA) at 35 rpm. Similar treatment with 0.5% methanol polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis sample buffer (10% w ⁄ v
was applied as a control. Oryzalin (a kind gift of Dr. Hartmut SDS, 13% v ⁄ v glycerol, 300 mm Tris–HCl, pH 6.8, 130 mm
Quader, Biozentrum, Hamburg, Germany) was dissolved as a dithiothreitol) and 0.2% (w ⁄ v) bromophenol blue. Proteins
10 mm stock in absolute acetone and stored at 4 C; working were separated by SDS-PAGE on 12% (w ⁄ v) SDS-polyacryl-
solution was 10 lm, and for control 0.1% acetone was applied. amide gels and transferred electrophoretically onto nitrocellu-
The treatment was similar to that with leptomycin-B. lose membranes (0.45 lm). Membranes were blocked in 5%
(w ⁄ v) BSA powder in TBST buffer (20 mm Tris–HCl, pH
7.5, 137 mm NaCl, 0.1% (v ⁄ v) Tween 20) overnight at 4 C,
Immunostaining and fluorescence microscopy
then washed in TBST (three times for 5 min each) and then
Control as well as leptomycin-B- and oryzalin-treated leaf incubated for 2 h at room temperature with polyclonal anti-
material was prepared as described in Panteris & Karali
(2008) with some modifications. First, the leaves or leaf pieces
were cut into ca. 2 · 2 mm samples, immediately pre-fixed
for 20 min at room temperature in 1% (w ⁄ v) paraformalde-
hyde (PFA) in PEM (50 mm PIPES, 5 mm EGTA, 5 mm
MgSO4, pH 6.8) with addition of 5% (v ⁄ v) DMSO. All the
following steps were also performed at room temperature,
unless otherwise stated. After pre-fixation, the samples were
fixed for 1 h in 4% (w ⁄ v) PFA in PEM with 5% (v ⁄ v) DMSO.
After three 10-min washes in PEM, the samples were treated
with 0.1% (w ⁄ v) NaBH4 in PEM twice for 30 min, then over-
night. After washing, the cell walls were partially digested with
2% (w ⁄ v) cellulase (Onozuka R10; Yakult Honsha, Tokyo,
Japan) and 2% (w ⁄ v) macerozyme R10 (Serva, Heidelberg,
Germany) in PEM for 1 h. After removing the enzymes, the
samples were treated with absolute methanol at )20 C for
20 min. Then, extraction and blocking with 5% (v ⁄ v) DMSO
and 1% (v ⁄ v) Triton X-100 + 3% (w ⁄ v) BSA was performed
for 1 h. The samples were incubated overnight with monoclo-
nal rat anti-a-tubulin (YOL 1 ⁄ 34, AbD Serotec, Kidlingto,
UK) and polyclonal rabbit anti-AtTPX2 (Vos et al. 2008),
diluted 1:80 and 1:3000 in PEM, respectively. Some samples
were incubated only with anti-AtTPX2. Following three 30-
min rinses with PEM, the samples were incubated overnight
with FITC-anti-rat and TRITC-anti-rabbit 1:80 in PEM. After
further washing, the samples were mounted in a drop of anti- Fig. 1. Western blot of Asplenium nidus leaf proteins with polyclonal
fade solution (glycerol:PEM 2:1 (v ⁄ v) + 0.5% (w ⁄ v) p-phe- antibody against the conserved TPX2 signature motif of Arabidopsis thali-
nylendiamine). The preparations were examined under a Ni- ana. A single band ca. 100 kDa is identified.

2 Plant Biology ª 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands
Panteris, Adamakis & Chanoumidou TPX2 in Asplenium nidus

AtTPX2 diluted 1:10,000 in TBST buffer containing 5% the molecular mass of the putative A. nidus TPX2 homologue
(w ⁄ v) BSA powder. Following two 5-min washes in TBSTXS is similar to those of Xenopus laevis at ca. 100 kDa (Witt-
(1x TBS, 1% (w ⁄ v) BSA, 1% (w ⁄ v) Triton X and 1% (w ⁄ v) mann et al. 2000) and human at ca. 98 kDa (Garrett et al.
SDS) one wash with a 0.8% (w ⁄ v) NaCl solution and finally 2002) cells.
an incubation of 5 min with a 5% (w ⁄ v) non-fat milk solu-
tion in TBST, the membranes were incubated for 2 h at
The distribution of TPX2 signal in dividing leaf cells
room temperature with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated
secondary antibodies (1:2500) diluted in TBST buffer con- The CLSM observations revealed that anti-AtTPX2 stained
taining 5% (w ⁄ v) non-fat milk powder. After washing in specific microtubule arrays throughout cell division. In prep-
TBSTXS buffer (three times for 5 min) and one wash with a rophase ⁄ prophase cells, TPX2 signal was co-localised with
0.8% (w ⁄ v) NaCl solution, proteins were detected using perinuclear microtubules (Fig. 2A–C and K–M; Figures S1
enhanced chemiluminescence (Cell Signalling, Beverly, MA, and S3). In cells, the prophase nuclei of which exhibited pro-
USA). trusions to the preprophase band, characteristic of fern cells
at this stage (Panteris et al. 1991; see also Figures S1 and S2),
the TPX2 signal also followed the pattern of perinuclear
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION microtubules (Fig. 2K–M and Figure S1). In metaphase ⁄ ana-
phase cells, the TPX2 signal was prominent on the kinetocho-
A putative TPX2 homologue in A. nidus
re microtubule bundles and interzonal microtubules
A single band at ca. 100 kDa was identified by Western blot- (Fig. 2D–I, Figure S3). At late anaphase, a distinguishable
ting of the leaf extract (Fig. 1), suggesting that the putative A. TPX2 signal could be observed at the spindle midzone (Fig. 2
nidus TPX2 homologue may be rather smaller than those of H and L), at the area of interzonal microtubule overlap
A. thaliana, N. tabacum and T. virginiana, which have a mass (Fig. 2G–M). This might suggest a role for TPX2 in phrag-
of 120 kDa (Vos et al. 2008). Also, A. nidus TPX2 seems to moplast organisation in A. nidus.
be more stable than those of the above angiosperms, which The TPX2 signal was also present in the initiating (Fig. 3A–
by Western blotting were labelled as bands mainly at 65 kDa, C) and expanding phragmoplast (Fig. 3D–F; see also Fig-
probably due to their high lability (see above). Interestingly, ure S3). After completion of cytokinesis, the daughter nuclei of



Fig. 2. CLSM leaf sections depicting mitotic cells after

a-tubulin (A, D, G, K) and TPX2 (B, E, H, L) immuno-
staining, and their combination (C, F, I, M). All the
images are at external periclinal views. The intensely
fluorescent cortical spots in (B) and (E), as well as in
other images, are due to autofluorescence of organ- G H I
elles. A–C: Preprophase ⁄ prophase cells. TPX2 signal (B)
is prominent around the prophase nucleus (asterisks in
A and B), coincident with perinuclear microtubules (A;
see overlap in C). TPX2 signal (B) can also be observed
around the nucleus of an early preprophase cell
(arrows point to the profiles of wide preprophase band
in A), co-localising with perinuclear microtubules (A).
D–M: Metaphase (D–F) and anaphase (G–M) cells.
TPX2 signal can be observed on kinetochore microtu-
bule bundles (compare E, H, L with D, G, K; see also K L M
overlap in F, I, M). TPX2 is also present on interzonal
microtubules (arrows in G and H) and appears aggre-
gated at their midzone (arrows in L). Also note the co-
localisation of TPX2 with perinuclear microtubules in
the prophase cell (asterisk) in (K–M). Scale
bars = 10 lm.

Plant Biology ª 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 3
TPX2 in Asplenium nidus Panteris, Adamakis & Chanoumidou



G H I Fig. 3. CLSM leaf sections depicting cytokinetic (A–F)

and post-cytokinetic (G–M) cells after a-tubulin (A, D,
G, K) and TPX2 (B, E, H, L) immunostaining, and their
combination (C, F, I, M). A–C: TPX2 (B) is present in
the phragmoplast (A; see overlap in C) of this early
cytokinetic cell. D–F: Surface view of expanding phrag-
moplast (D), in which TPX2 signal can be observed
(E; see overlap in F). G–I: Post-cytokinetic cell, the
daughter nuclei of which (asterisks in G) are sur-
rounded by microtubules. TPX2 signal (H) does not
K L M follow the overall distribution of microtubules (cf. G)
but is restricted on the nuclear surface facing the
daughter wall (see also overlap in I). K–M: Post-cytoki-
netic cell, the daughter wall of which (arrows in K) is
lined with a microtubule aggregation (see intense fluo-
rescence in K). TPX2 signal (L), coincident with these
microtubules (cf. K) can also be observed (see overlap
in M). Scale bars = 10 lm.

A. nidus leaf cells were surrounded by tangentially arranged The above cortical microtubule aggregation has been
microtubules (Fig. 3G), as also reported by Zachariadis et al. related with putative localised microtubule organising centre
(2003). In these cells, the TPX2 signal was also present on the (MTOC) activity, contributing to interphase microtubule ini-
surface of daughter nuclei, however restricted only to the area tiation (see Introduction). TPX2 seems to be involved in
facing the new cell wall (Fig. 3H and I). In A. thaliana and microtubule nucleation in cells of both plants and vertebrates
N. tabacum, TPX2 is degraded by telophase (Vos et al. 2008), (Vos et al. 2008 and references therein). In accordance, the
co-localising only with a subset of microtubules in the early post-cytokinetic localisation of A. nidus TPX2 under the new
phragmoplast in A. thaliana (Petrovská et al. 2012) but not cell walls may reflect its involvement in microtubule assem-
with those of expanding phragmoplasts. In contrast, according bly. In addition, the localisation of TPX2 on the nuclear face
to our observations, the putative A. nidus TPX2 homologue proximal to the new cell wall (Fig. 3H and I) might represent
does not disappear from the cytoplasm during telophase, but a preparatory step, probably followed by transport of TPX2
persists during cytokinesis. This seems similar to the distribu- to the cortical cytoplasm lining the new wall to participate in
tion of TPX2 in X. laevis cells, in which TPX2 co-localises with microtubule assembly there.
the midbody (Wittmann et al. 2000; O’ Brien & Wiese 2006), a In post-cytokinetic cells mildly affected by oryzalin, the
structure analogous to the phragmoplast of plant cells (Otegui microtubule aggregation under the new cell wall was
et al. 2005), while during early G1 TPX2 is present at the restricted to the area between the daughter nuclei (Fig. 4A,
nuclear rim (O’ Brien & Wiese 2006). cf. Fig. 3K), where the TPX2 signal was also co-localised
(Fig. 4B and C). In heavily affected cells, almost devoid of
microtubules (Fig. 4D), the TPX2 signal could not be
Asplenium nidus TPX2 and cortical microtubule initiation
observed (Fig. 4E and F). It seems, therefore, that TPX2
Post-cytokinetic cells of A. nidus exhibited a cortical microtu- localisation under the new cell wall may depend on the pres-
bule aggregation lining the new wall (Fig. 3K), as is common ence of intact microtubules.
in ferns (see Introduction). The TPX2 signal was also It was recorded that Aurora 1 is aggregated at the cell plate
co-localised with these microtubules (Fig. 3L and M; see also (Van Damme et al. 2004; Demidov et al. 2005; Petrovská
Figure S3), but not with other cortical microtubules. et al. 2012) and that AtTPX2 interacts with Aurora kinases (Vos

4 Plant Biology ª 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands
Panteris, Adamakis & Chanoumidou TPX2 in Asplenium nidus



Fig. 4. CLSM leaf sections depicting oryzalin-treated post-cytokinetic cells after a-tubulin (A and D) and TPX2 (B and E) immunostaining, and their combi-
nation (C and F). A–C: Cells mildly affected by oryzalin. Remnants of microtubule aggregation (arrow in A) line the new wall of the post-cytokinetic cell,
restricted between the daughter nuclei. TPX2 signal (arrow in B) is co-localised with these microtubules (see also overlap in C). Note also the presence of
TPX2 signal (arrowhead in B) in the phragmoplast (arrowhead in A) of an affected cytokinetic cell. D–F: Heavily affected cells. No TPX2 signal (E) can be
observed in the remnants of cortical microtubules (arrowheads in D) restricted between the daughter nuclei in post-cytokinetic cells (see also overlap in F)
Scale bar = 10 lm.

et al. 2008; Petrovská et al. 2012). Especially, Petrovská et al. tranuclear origin of TPX2, we treated A. nidus leaf cells
(2012) discussed the combined function of At Aurora 1, AtT- with leptomycin-B, a potent inhibitor of nuclear export
PX2 and c-tubulin in regulating microtubule assembly. It is (Kudo et al. 1998). In affected leaf areas, most cells exhib-
tempting, therefore, to assume that the presence of TPX2 ited interphase appearance, while few preprophase cells
under the daughter cell wall in A. nidus post-cytokinetic cells could be observed (Fig. 5). Apart from the above cells, no
might reflect such an interaction between Aurora kinases, other mitotic stage was observed as a result of treatment
TPX2 and c-tubulin, which is also localised there (see Panter- duration (4 h): cells that were at mitosis by treatment initi-
is et al. 2000), probably triggering transient MTOC activity. ation had already accomplished cell division by treatment
As a result, cortical microtubules are initiated on the daugh- completion, while few new mitotic cells emerged. Since lep-
ter cell wall surface of A. nidus, as is also the case in other tomycin-B does not selectively inhibit the nuclear export of
ferns (see Introduction). In contrast, in A. thaliana and TPX2, a direct correlation of TPX2 absence from the cyto-
N. tabacum, in which TPX2 is degraded by telophase, such plasm with mitotic arrest would be highly speculative. In
an interaction does not occur, and interphase microtubules the few preprophase cells, preprophase microtubule bands
originate from the nuclear surface (see Introduction). and perinuclear microtubules were prominent, although the
latter did not assume bipolar organisation (Fig. 5A and D).
In the above cells, no TPX2 signal could be observed
Intranuclear origin of TPX2 in A. nidus cells
around the nucleus (Fig. 5B, C, E and F, Figure S4; cf.
The expected intranuclear TPX2 signal (Vos et al. 2008) Fig. 2B and C, Figure S1). This supports that in A. nidus,
was not credibly discernible in A. nidus interphase cells due similarly to A. thaliana and N. tabacum (Vos et al. 2008),
to the intense autofluorescence of the nucleoplasm in this TPX2 has to be exported from the nucleoplasm on the
plant (see Fig. 2B, E and H). In order to confirm the in- nuclear surface.



Fig. 5. CLSM sections of leptomycin-B-treated leaf

segments, after a-tubulin (A and D) and TPX2 (B and
E) immunostaining, and their combination (C, F). Prep-
rophase cells in (A) and (D) exhibit preprophase bands
(arrows) and perinuclear microtubules. No TPX2 signal
can be observed around the nuclei of these leptomy-
cin-B-affected preprophase cells (B and E; see also
overlap in C and F). Scale bars = 10 lm.

Plant Biology ª 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 5
TPX2 in Asplenium nidus Panteris, Adamakis & Chanoumidou

University) kindly provided access to the microscopes used

in this study.
We identified a putative TPX2 homologue in the fern A.
nidus. Although not yet molecularly characterised, it SUPPORTING INFORMATION
seems similar in size to TPX2 homologues of vertebrates
(ca. 100 kDa; Fig. 1). In addition, similar to its vertebrate ho- Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
mologues, it persists during the telophase ⁄ interphase transi- online version of this article:
tion. In particular, its co-localisation with cortical Figure S1. CLSM sections through the nuclei (A–C) and
microtubules under the daughter cell wall in post-cytokinetic projections of 20 sections (D–F) of A. nidus leaf protoderm
cells implies its involvement in localised MTOC activity. Since after a-tubulin (A and D) and TPX2 (B and E) immuno-
a microtubule aggregation under the daughter cell wall has staining, and their combination (C and F).
also been reported in post-cytokinetic cells of bryophytes (Ap- Figure S2. CLSM sections of prophase cells after a-tubulin
ostolakos & Galatis 1992), it might be interesting to investi- immunostaining.
gate whether TPX2 exhibits a similar localisation, establishing Figure S3. Fluorescence microscopy images of A. nidus
a common feature among land cryptogamic plants. dividing cells after a-tubulin (A and D) and TPX2 (B and E)
immunostaining, and DNA counterstaining with Hoechst
33,258 (C and F).
Figure S4. Projection of 20 CLSM sections of the cell
We are grateful to Professor Anne-Catherine Schmit (Institut depicted in Fig. 5D–F.
de Biologie Moléculaire des Plants, CNRS, Strasbourg, Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the con-
France) for the anti-AtTPX2 antibody. Dr. Penelope Mavra- tent or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by
gani (School of Biology, Aristotle University) and Dr. Anasta- the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should
sia Tsingotjidou (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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