Students To The Park, Educational Room:: Paseo de Las Américas

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Students to the Park, Educational room:

The project consists in the transportation of students from local areas to the
Sculpture Park at Fundación Pablo Atchugarry, with the objective of making a
recreational visit, but mainly a didactic one. where disciplines such as ceramic,
painting, photography, etc are taught free for the child and young public of
schools, high schools and U.T.U. has been for us as Fundación Pablo
Atchugarry one of our main objectives as a way of developing the creative

Paseo de las Américas

It is the place where the 1st International Sculpture Meeting was hold, Located at Stop
number 1 at Brava Beach. The interpretation of the sculptures is the following:

“THE WATERS KISS”: Also called the Fountain. It represents the encounter of Brava and
Mansa Beach, the river and the ocean.
Artist: Gyula Kosice (1924-2016), Argentina.

PEACE OFFERING - LIFE MESSAGE, its spirit is to honor the peace men of the planet
who quietly work to reach the most valuable human hope. The Self creating and growing
peacefully. This sculpture synthesize the human values.
Artist: Gonzalo Ramìrez,Uruguay

FIVE BLACK COLUMNS AND ONE RED: “Elevation”. Meaning: all the sculptures can fall.
The fight between order and caos. The barbed wire means that the city, the place where
men live, makes them unsafe and constrained.
Artist: Enio Iomo (1960-2013), Argentina.

SEAGULL WINGS It is a protest against the destruction of the Earth. It represents a bird
with perforated wings. It was made of stainless steel and iron. During a storm it was broken
and now it has been repaired.
Artist: Hermann Guggiari (1924-2012), Paraguay.

THE HAND: The human presence in the nature. Humanity coming to life. It has become the
icon of the seaside resort.
Artist: Mario Irarrazàbal (1940), Chile.

METAMORPHOSIS: Also called the metal in red. Man-machine communication.

Artist: Edgard Negret, Colombia. -

THE RORM- SIGN- U:. 3 metres high. Made of reinforced concrete

Artist: Francisco Matto(1911-1995) - Uruguay

THE EMPTINESS. the artist thinks that the space given by the institutions to the art is
minimum and arbitrary, full of contradictions. It disappeared because of lack of
maintenance and the passing of time. It was re built recently with the artist’s consent.
Artist: Waltercio Caldas (1946) - Brazil.

OBELISK: Made of cement.

Artist: Jacques Bedel (1947), Argentina

Al mismo tiempo, se lleva adelante la reconstrucción de la escultura “El Signo” de cemento
armado en forma de u de tres metros de altura del escultor compatriota Francisco Matto
(1911-1995). Esta obra tiene su estructura afectada por el paso del tiempo y la falta de
mantenimiento desde 1982. Incluso, pocos años atrás un sujeto intentó “restaurarla”
pintando parte de la misma con pintura sintética de color azul. El propio Matto dejó en claro
que quería que esta escultura fueran pintada a la cal. “Porque es un elemento que da vida,
no es un blanco perfecto”, sostuvo en declaraciones al diario El País por aquellos años
cuando dejó en claro que no quería saber nada con la pintura sintética. “Quiero que la obra
se enriquezca con la pátina que el tiempo proporciona al blanco, y que cuando sea necesario
se le dé otra mano de cal para iniciar otra vez el proceso”, dijo Matto por aquellos años.

Artistas y obras que integran "El Paseo de las

Enio Iomni (Obra: EL ORDEN Y EL CAOS)
Jacques Bedel, de Argentina(Obra: ESPACIO ARQUEOLÓGICO)
Herman Guggiari de Paraguay (Obra: PAJARO CAIDO)
Edgar Negret de Colombia (Obra: METAMORFOSIS)
Waltercio Caldas de Brasil (Obra: EL VACÍO)
Mario Irarrázabal de Chile(Obra: HOMBRE EMERGIENDO A LA VIDA)
Francisco Matto de Uruguay (Obra: SIGNO)
La escultura hidráulica "EL ABRAZO ENTRE LA MANSA Y

It is a building constructed by the Uruguayan artist Carlos Páez Vilaró. The building is built
of whitewashed cement and stucco It is located in Punta Ballena, 13 kilometres from Punta
del Este, Uruguay.
It was originally a summer house and workshop of the artist. It now houses a museum, an
art gallery, a cafeteria and a hotel. It was the permanent residence of its creator, where he
worked and spent his last days.

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