7th GR Syllabus

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7th Grade Science

Mr. Hill
Rm D109

We have been granted an amazing opportunity to use a new curriculum known as OpenSciEd for our
science classes! OpenSciEd is a very interactive, hands-on, student lead curriculum that challenges students to
think deeper and more scientifically. We will also be utilizing another resource known as CK-12 (www.ck-
12.org). This resource is an excellent website that provides students with the vocabulary and literary
knowledge they will need in order to comprehend the subjects we discuss in class. While at school, students
will use the class set of Chromebooks to complete work and access digital versions of the student books. If a
student needs to complete unfinished work or just wants to get in a little extra studying, they will have access
to all of this through Google Classroom at home. If by chance there is any issues accessing the website, we do
have print editions of the student books. This curriculum works perfectly with the new OAS-S standards (visit
http://www.ok.gov/sde/sites/ok.gov.sde/files/OAS_Science_Standards_3-2-15.pdf if you would like to view
these standards). Overall, these websites are a rigorous and new way to learn content and retain the
information for future science courses.
In the first semester, the main focus will be gaining a better comprehension of chemistry and
strengthening physics knowledge, while the second semester is about focusing on genetics as well as weather
and (surprisingly, as we almost lost space science in Oklahoma) some astronomy!

One goal for this course (and for the health of the planet) is to try and go paperless. Students will be
encouraged to save as much information as they can on Google Drive so that they can carry the content
they’ve discovered along with them to their next science class. We will be using Google Drive, Google Docs,
Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Keep (a very important one for us), and Google Science Journal.
However, I understand that students work and learn differently than others. Throughout the year,
there will occasionally be paper handouts with important information. A folder will be helpful to keep track of
those papers and keep them organized. If a student would like, they are welcome to bring a composition
notebook or spiral notebook to class to take notes. I am willing to help them figure out the best methods to
keep all of this information organized, but from my experience, most students usually have their own system.

I do have a class website (as I’m sure you’ve seen considering you had to travel to it to gain access to
this syllabus). Just in case you are viewing this without visiting the website, the URL is mrhillsscience.com .
Like I mentioned above, students will be accessing most of their assignments through Google
classroom. That will include assignments from OpenSciEd and from CK-12.
The only things I will be grading students on are assessments, projects, and CK-12.
I will be using a grading style known as “Standards Based Grading” (SBG) which essentially is assessing
how well students understand the standards of the unit, as opposed to just grading them on completed work
and test grades. I will provide students with a learning goal, such as “I can develop and use a model to
describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system.” (MS-ESS1-2) The ultimate
goal is for your student to show me a proper model of gravity’s effect on the solar system and how the orbit of
the planets is a result of that gravity. I will then grade your student on how well they put together their model.
I will not be grading them on how well they created their model artistically, but how well they portrayed the
required information and provided me with what is asked in the standard.
Students will show me the different levels of their understanding throughout each unit and lesson
(which we will be building upon so that your student should know exactly what to provide me with). Each level
has its own grade percentage so that there is a grade to actually give, but the focus is on what each
percentage means. The following explains each level:
4 – 100% (A+)- Innovating (Student is using knowledge beyond what is being taught in class)
3.5 - 98% (A+)- Applying and Showing Innovation (Student is beginning to show innovative knowledge)
3 – 93% (A-)- Applying (Student is confident in knowledge and is able to apply it towards the main
2.5 - 85% (B) - Developing yet Applying (student is developing content, but showing some application)
2 – 75% (C)- Developing (Student is building knowledge, but may need a bit of help or have questions)
1.5 - 70% (C-) - Beginning to Develop (student is still in the beginning stages of comprehension, but
showing development of content)
1 – 60% (D-)- Beginning (Student is beginning to understand, but still needs a lot of help)
0 – 50% (F) - No Evidence (Student has shown no evidence of comprehension)
Depending on the standard, students will be given a rubric or an example of what the standard will look like at
each learning level. Each assessment on a standard will be unique and different, but students will begin to
understand how to meet each goal before every individual assessment.
Regardless of a student’s earned grade, they have one opportunity to prove to me that they deserve a higher
grade. REASSESSING is something that in the past has become either something that is not utilized or abused,
therefore, I am giving them one chance to prove to me they deserve a better grade. Students will have until
the next assessment to reassess on the last assessment. The student cannot wait until right before report
cards are sent home to come in and try to boost that grade. If they care about their grades, they will be cared
about throughout the year, not right before mom and dad find out.
Level 0’s are given only under two circumstances:
1) If work is not turned in. Until the assignment or assessment has been turned in, the grade will
remain the same. Once the assignment is turned in, a better grade will be provided, given that their work
shows proper comprehension.
2) The student provides me with information that is not related to what I am assessing them on. This is
showing me no evidence that they understand the standard, so I cannot give them higher than this level.
Last thing for grading, I will be giving your students a grade on their CK-12 assignments. This will be a grade
that builds up over the semester. If I assign 10 CK-12 assignments throughout the semester, then there will be
10 points for the grade at the end of the semester. If your student has only turned in 5 of those assignments,
then they will only be given 5 points out of 10, which is obviously a 50%. This can drastically affect their grade,
so the faster the student gets them completed and turned in, the less worry they will have come grade time.
Essentially, this is a great way to give a grade a boost, should your students grades on assessments be a bit on
the lower side.


Disciplinary actions will be based on the schools guidelines for discipline, which is our marks system. To
summarize, your students will receive Marks if they misbehave, and 3 marks within 10 school days results in a
Step. Each Step results in a different repercussions, some worse than others. With each Step your student earns,
you will be contacted.
I will usually handle smaller issues on my own, but if any of the 4 D’s are evident (Disrespect, Destruction,
Defiance, or Disruption) occurs, I will be required to follow the school’s disciplinary actions.
Attendance will also be based on the schools guidelines.

If for any reason you need to contact me, feel free to contact me through email or phone call at:
(405) 587-6600
My planning period is 9:00 - 10:35 on A days, and 10:35 - 12:35 on B days, so this will likely be the best
time to contact me. However, if you contact me at any time, I will get back with you as soon as possible.
The fastest way is usually through email, as a phone call turns into phone tag and can last for days. So
email usually works out best from what I have seen.

I’m very excited about this year, and I hope you are as well! Let’s start learning!

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