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Phys 263, Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity,

Midterm Exam
Note: marks will be deducted for insufficient justification of steps

1) (4 marks) Consider an object of mass m moving under the force F. Show

that the work done by F from t = t1 to t = t2 is given by
Z t2
W1→2 ≡ F · vdt = T2 − T1

where Ti ≡ 21 mvi2 is the kinetic energy at time ti (i = 1, 2).

2) A boat is launched from the origin in the positive x-direction with an

initial speed of vx (0) = vx,0 .
a) (3 marks) Calculate vx (t), assuming the boat coasts in a straight line with
a drag force proportional to velocity, i.e., Fx = −γvx , where γ is the drag
b) (4 marks) Explicitly integrate F · v from t = 0 to t = ∞, and explain why
you should know the answer in advance.

3) (4 marks) Show that F = 2xy î + (x2 + 3y 2 )ĵ is a conservative force by

determining its general potential, U (x, y).

4) A mass m orbits a much larger mass M situated at the origin.

a) (3 marks) Assuming the only force on mass m is the gravitational pull
from mass M , show that its angular momentum L = r × p is conserved.
b) (4 marks) Determine the period, T = 2π/ω, for the circular orbit r(t) =
R cos(ωt)î + R sin(ωt)ĵ, by solving Newton’s equation, F = ma.

5) (3 marks) Consider a system of N particles, where the total force on the

α’th particle
Fα = F(e)
α + fαβ

is the sum of an external force, F(e)

α , and internal forces, fαβ , with each of
the other particles. Explain how it follows that
where P = α pα is the total linear momentum and F = α α is the total
external force on the system.

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