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1. 4 qtns from bank recontn statement

2. 3 qtns frm vouchers
3. 4 qtns frm depreciation
4. 4 qtns from bond
5. 3 qtns frm rectification of error
6. 2 qtns frm partnership not numerical
7. 4 qtns frm ratio

1. Question related to gold loan

2. housing loan as priority sector
3. Current ratios
4. Debt equity ratios
5. materiality concept
6. Cost concept
7. WDV depriciation
8. Sum of year digit depriciation
9. Trial balance related 3-4 question.
10. Annuity numerical-1
11. Bank reconciliation statement based -3 questions
12. accounting standard -13 based questions
13. Bonds theorem.
14 Ytm related theoretical questions
15. Foreign exchange- cross currencies numerical
16. Spot rate
18. Balance sheet based numerical to find gross profit, loss, cost of sales
19. Capital and revenue expenditure.
20. Bills of exchange based question related to due date, grace period
21. small account- credit in a year not exceeds 100000 lakh
22. Kyc for trust accounts and power of trustee
23. Petty cash book
24. Cash book related
25. Adjusting and closing entries related
1. WDV Depreciation> 2problems
2. Who cannot open a Current a/c>minor, illiterate, blind or unregistered society
3. Balance sheet given. Calculate gross profit and net profit
4. Capital paid by shareholders >Paid up capital
5. Calculate PV and bond price>2 problems
6. Which is not true abou Company a/c
7. Cross currency problem
8. What is Spot
9. Due date of a bill from 29june(3months)
10. Suspicious transaction report to >FI UNIT
11. closing stock apear-trading and balance sheat
12. contingent liability-bank garanty
13. AS 13
14. medium risk-8 years
15. SHG- kyc not required of all member
16. sinking fund formula same as - FV anuity
17. Prepaid exp-current liability
18 depriciation 2 qtns from wdv method and one from wtd average method
19. outstanding salary - personal act
20. expenses and incomes - nominal act
21. real a/c debited-what comes in
22. statement record all ledger balance-trial balance
23. current yeild
24. bond value
25. mehod of accepting proposal-irr, npv,payback
1. Housing Loan
2. Time Balance
3. Not a Contigent Liability of Bank
4. Vaule date
5. Residual Value
6. Notary Process
7. Acid Test Ratio
8. Debit Voucher
9. Medium Risk - 8 Years
10. Capital Investment Decision
11. Banking manual
12. Park bankiing
13. Small account credit in a year - 1 lakh
14. The depositor Education Awareness level
15. A/c conventions
16. Sinking Fund
17. Floating rates are called ......
18. Back office may be situated in ......
19. Petty Cash Book
20. Expenditure & Income reales to ......
21. E-commerce is used for ......
22. Non-voting shares
23. Double entry system means ......
24. Long term liabilities are payable after ......
25. Sales Book
26. Fund Based Advances
27. ESOS
28. Bonus Shares
29. High Financial Leverage means ......
30. IRR
31. Computer Peripheral
32. Call & Short Money
33. Credit Voucher
34. YTM bond is ......
35. Spot
36. Govt Company - 51% share
37. NPV
38. Written Down Method of Depreciation
39. Bonds
40. Sum of years Digit Method of Depreciation
41. bank Reconcillation Statement
42. Deffered Revenue Expenditure
43. Capital Expenditure
44. Balance Sheet Equations
45. Trading A/c
46. P & L Appropriation Account
47. Final Accounts
48. Matured term deposit to be shown under?
48. 2 bits on NPV and one problem on NPV
49. Problem on current liabilities giving debt equity ratio, total assests, own funds
50. Realization, Materiality, Consistency, Accural
51. Interest Rate
52. Interest due but not received
53. Rectification errors and entries
54. Problems on coupon rate
55. Sweat equity share
56. Cash book, bank passbook
57. Problems on depreciation (straight line method, sum of year's digit) total 5-8 marks
asked from this.
58. Bond Value
59. Preference shares
1. Preference share option related voting rights were given
2. Foreign exchange dollar hkd and rupees cross currency was asked in rs
3. Eosp when it is issued or employees has buy predermined rates
4. Depreciation wdv 2 questions and sum of years 1
5. Error of principle
6. Gold loan rules for sanctioning
7. Bond volatility
8. spot rate meaning
9. Value date
10. e-commerce is?
11. Computer software is developed by?
12. Cost of sales gross profit net profit
13. Reconciliation
14. Closing stock apear-trading and balance sheat
15. Contingent liability-bank garanty
16. AS 13 relates to investment
17. Medium risk-8 years
18. SHG- kyc not required of all member
19. Sinking fund formula same as - FV anuity
20. Prepaid exp-current liability
21. Depriciation 2 qtns from wdv method and one from wtd average method
22. Outstanding salary - personal act
23. Expenses and incomes - nominal act
24. Real a/c debited-what comes in
25. Statement record all ledger balance-trial balance
26. Small account credit in a year - 1 lakh
27. Govt Company - 51% share
28. Question on kyc
29. Saving ac interest calculation....
30. Question in cash book and pass book
31. Long term Liabilities changes
32. Effect on assets
33. No question on SI, CI and EMI
34. Question from trial Balance
35. Real account, Personal account, Nominal account
36. 1 question is that Representative personal acc is 1
37. Question on wdv depreciation method
38. 2 marks question on foreign exchange rate
39. 1 question on ESOS
40. Floating rates are called ......
41. Back office may be situated in ......
42. Long term liabilities are payable after ......
43. High Financial Leverage means ......
44. Expenditure & Income reales to ......
45. Non Voting Shares
46. Double entry system means ......
47. Vaule date
48. Residual Value
49. YTM bond is ......
50. Spot
51. Call & Short Money
52. Credit & Debit Voucher
53. Chq clearing
54. Net profit value
55. Gross profit
56. Debt equity ratio
57. Issued shared
58. Banking manual
59. Question on cross currency rate 2 marks
60. Gross profit & net profit 2 marks
61. YTM 2 marks
62. Debit in real account refers to.....
63. KYC verification for shg group members....
64. CA cannot opened by....
65. Gross profit
66. Present value
67. Cash book passbook
68. Real nominal accounts
69. Fixed n floating rate
70. Call money notice money
71. Numerical Questions on gross profit, bond value, current yield, depreciation, present
value of some amount
72. Petty cash - 3question
73. Bank reconcile-2ques
74. 2 question from prepaid expenses
75. Main function of bank
76. Gross profit
77. Present annuity
78. Proprietorship firm
79. Meaning of holding company
80. Cash flow 55000, Useful Life 5 years, IRR 15%, Cost of capital 11%. Find NPV
81. What is consolidated voucher
82. Representative personal account
83. DE ratio owen fund current ratio total assets given n find the current asset
84. Sweat equity share
85. KYC - 2 questions
86. Salvage value in depreciation method 2 questions
87. Forex arithmetic 3ques's
88. Depreciation of machinery after 2 years written down value
89. kyc risks
90. STR report
91. Risk mgmt
92. BCSBI 1 question
93. Credit bal
94. Debit bal 2ques
95. Forfeiture of shares
96. Preference share
97. Dual concept
98. Accrual concept
99. Formula of depreciation
100. Sinking value 2 ques's
101. NPV VALUE OF Firm Calculation 2 Questions
102. Debt equity ratios...
103. Depreciations on fixed value...2-3ques...
104. Depreciation on straight line (residual value) ques...
105. Company having 51% share of another company...
106. Maximum limit of transaction in small (ovd )accounts in a year....
107. Current a/c cant be opened by....options were ...pardanashin women....minor
....blind...a ccompany..
108. Sweat equity shares...
109. GAAR full form...
110. Money market mutual funds are regulated by...
111. If a person transfer a/c frm one branch to another branch den required kyc???
112. Companiesare classified on the basis of...options were etc...
113. Bond value.....
114. Insurance premium for 45 days???
115. Typs of clerical errors.....
116. Periferal devices of computer...options were...keyboard windows..
117. A Suspesious Transion report where the report ( FIU-Ind)
118. Objective PMLA
119. When a minor open self operated account
120. Deleting Drawing 2 Questions debit or credit account
121. What is bond maturity value (YTM)
122. What is coupon rate
123. Prepaid expenses or outstanding account adjustment done or not
124. Samll account time
125. Rectification of error 4-5 Questions
126. Depreciation 4-5 Questions (3 Numerical)
127. Final Account 5-6 Questions
128. Foreign exchange 3 Questions all numerical
129. YTM 3 Questions
130. Education loan - 2 Question
131. Gold loan-1 Question
132. Consolidate voucher
133. Bank General ledger
134. Ratio 3 Question
135. How to improve current ratio
136. Inventory turnover ratio

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