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Biologically Activity Compounds of Aloe vera: A review

Key Words: Aloe vera, biological activity, metabolites, acemannan, phenolic compounds

Aloe vera is a plant that has been historically used in many cultures all around the world
for the treatment of a wide variety of health problems; moreover, in present day, this plant
is used in a lot of products of common that range from foods to cosmetics. However, for a
long time, it wasn’t known the scientific basis for the medicinal properties attributed to
Aloe vera. In recent years, efforts have been made in order to establish the identity of the
compounds of Aloe vera that are responsible for all of its medicinal properties. In this work,
information of several of these research articles is compiled with the purpose of illustrating
the most important biologically active compounds that are found in Aloe vera, with their
respective biological activities; proving the effectiveness of this plant as a powerful
medicinal agent.

1. Introduction 2
2. Botanical information 2
2.1. Taxonomy 2
2.2. Plant description 3
3. Isolated metabolites and activity 3
3.1. Carbohydrates 3
3.2. Phenolic compunds 6
3.3. Phytosterols 8
3.4. Enzymes 9
3.2. Minerals 9
4. Traditional and medicinal Applications 10
6. Conclusions 11
7. Bibliography 11

1. Introduction.

Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


A variety of medicinal plants exist in the world; amongst them, are Aloe plants, which have
had a long history of providing an array of health benefits and are one of the most used
herbal remedies around the world. Over 400 Aloe species exist, but the most known and
most used one is Aloe vera (A. vera) (Guo & Mei, 2016) and it likely is the most used
medicinal plant in present day (Sánchez-machado, López-cervantes, Sendón, & Sanches-,
In ancient Egypt, A. vera was known as the “plant of immortality”, and it has been used as
a traditional medicine in many cultures, including Arabic, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek,
Indian, Japanese, Korean and Roman, for over two thousand years, mainly for the treatment
of skin problems such as wounds, burns or psoriasis, as well as to treat constipation, ulcers
and lupus erythematosus disease (Guo & Mei, 2016). This plant is native to south and east
Africa, around the superior Nile river around Sudan; it was subsequently introduced to
north Africa y into the Mediterranean region (Sahu, Giri, Singh, Pandey, & Gupta, 2013).
It is currently found all around the world, but it grows mostly in tropical areas (Maan et al.,
These uses given to A. vera have been verified in recent times by science, having found
over 200 bioactive compounds in different parts of the plant, including amino acids, sugars,
enzymes, vitamins, minerals, saponins, anthraquinones, lignin and salicylic acid (Maan et
al., 2018). Acoording to the World Health Organization (WHO), medicinal plants are the
best source for the obtention of a wide variety of medicines (Sahu et al., 2013), which is
why it results very interesting to understand which are the compounds responsible for the
biological activity of A. vera and apply them in medicine. The purpose of these review is
to summarize which are the most important bioactive compounds in the plant of A. vera,
as well as their corresponding biological ativity.

2. Botanical information
2.1 Taxonomy
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. F is the scientific of the plant, but another accepted and used scientific
name is Aloe barbadensis Mill. It belongs to the Aloeceae family (table 1), which is related
to the lily family, including garlic and onion, plants that are well known for their chemical

Table 1. Taxonomic classification of Aloe vera.

Rank Scientific or common name
Kingdom Plantae
Subkingdom Tracheobionta
Superdivision Spermatophyta
Division Magnoliofita
Clas Liliopsida
Subclass Liliidae
Order Liliales
Family Aloaceae
Genus Aloe L.

Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


Species Aloe barbadensis Mill. or Aloe vera (L) Burm. F

2.2 Plant morphology

A. vera is a perennial and succulent plant with green leaves attached to the stem in a rosette
pattern, where, at the top, there are several bright yellow or red, tubular shaped flowers
when the plant blooms from October to January. Fruits develop from February to April and
the present numerous seeds. It has between 12 and 16 leaves with heights between 25 and
30 cm and between 3 and 10cm at the base; they are triangular and fleshy with serrated
edges. It can weight up to 1.5kg when mature (Sánchez-machado et al., 2017).

3. Isolated metabolites and activity

Given the large use that A. vera throughout history in folk medicine and the recent interest
for it that has surged in recent years; it is important to understand if this plant effectively
presents these properties that have been attributed to it from anecdotal evidence. For this
reason, A. vera has been constantly investigated in an effort to identify its components and
determine their biological activity and medicinal properties.
This plant has a capacity of water retention, with a content between 99 and 99,5%, which
allows the plant to survive rough circumstances, such as long periods of drought o dry
weather (it can survive up to seven years without water (Sánchez-machado et al., 2017).
Most of the bioactive components of A. vera are found in the leaf, which is divided in three
layers (Maan et al., 2018):
Gel: internal layer, consisting of soft, humid, clear, slippery tissues with big parenchymal
cells. It is a transparent material, mucilaginous similar to jelly. It contains around 99%
water, glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols and vitamins.
Latex: intermediate part that contains anthraquinones; it is a bitter, yellow sap.
Rind: thick layer of 15-20 cells; it gives protection to the gel matrix and participates in the
synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins.
In this review, the results of several studies on A. vera bioactive components are compiled,
with their respective extraction method and biological activity.

3.1 Carbohydrates:
Acemannan (figure 1) is a storage polysaccharide located inside the protoplast of the
parenchyma cells of A. vera gel. It is mainly composed of a main chain of β1-4 partially
acetylated mannose (>60%) and glucose (approximately 20%) with galactose side chains,
bound to mannose units by β1-6 bonds. Acetylation occurs in a 1:1 rate o higher, at C2, C3
or C6 positions (Minjares-Fuentes & Femenia, 2019).
Kumar & Tiku extracted acemannan from A. vera by separating the gel from the rind and
the latex; it was then washed with tap and centrifuged at 10000g, the supernatant was
centrifuged again at 38000g, and acemannan was obtained by precipitation with three times
its volume in ethanol and centrifugation, obtaining a yield of 171±25mg. Acemannan was
quantified in this extract using the anthrone method, finding that it accounted for 51,4%,
which is This compound was studied for its immumonodulatory activity, finding that it
induced proliferation of mother hematopoietic cells, which produces an increase in the
amount of lymphocytes (a type of blood cell). Treatment with acemannan increases
Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review

lymphocyte count after radiation exposure; this indicates that acemanan protects against
hematopoietic lesions induced by radiation, or that it can induce hematopoiesis. It was also
found that acemannan increases levels of the cytokines interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), which results in radiation resistance. This protective effect
is also due to the decrease in the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). There was a
decrease in NO levels, indicating that acemannan induced cytokines are not causing
inflammation. Finally, treatment with acemannan on radiation exposed mice significatively
increased survival, both in its pre-radiation and post-radiation exposure application. These
results are specially important for people with cancer who have been trated with
radiotherapy , because this kind of radiation causes a decrease in lymphocytes (Kumar &
Tiku, 2016).

Acemannan Glucomannan
Figure 1. Structure of biologically active carbohydrates from Aloe vera

Acemannan also has an important activity in the induction of wounded tissue repair, which
might be because of its acetylated mannose units (Minjares-Fuentes & Femenia, 2019).
Chokboribal et al. extracted acemannan from A. vera following the same method employed
by Kumar & Tiku, but it was characterized using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H
NMR), Size-exclusion High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). These authors found that the tissue repair activity
of A. vera is owed to an increase in the expression of vascular endotelial growth factor or
VEGF, a protein that acts an angiogenic factor, meaning, it stimulates the formation of
blood vessels from already existing vasculature. Aditionally, acemannan increases the
expression of type I collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, it is found in the skins,
tendons, cornea, blood vessel walls, being very important in the scarring process. This
compound aids in the incorporation thymidine to new cells and the proliferation of human
gingival fibroblasts, which are responsible of the synthesis of extracellular matrix
compounds such as connective tissue, more specifically, elastin (Chokboribal et al., 2015).
Stuart et al. investigated the antifungical activity of commercially obtained acemannan
(Carrington laboratories); exposition of phagocytes to acemannan causes an increase in the
level of phagocytosis against the fungus Candida albicans (candidacidal activity). An
increase of phagocytosis was found, which was dependent on time and the dose of
acemannan, in a way that, an incubation time of one hour results in the death of 98% of the
fungus. This effect isn’t specific for this type of fungus, given that experiments against
Escherichia coli also showed similar results (Stuart et al., 1997).

Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


Acemannan content in A. vera has been determined in different studies, which results are
shown in table 2, along with the method used for this purpose.

Table 2. Acemannan content found in A. vera in different studies.

%Acemannan Characterization
Extraction Reference
(dry weight) and/or quantification
Water dissolution, 1
2,0 fractionation by (J. K. Lee et al., 2001)
Colorimetry, KOH (Pellizzoni, Ruzickova,
0,3767±0,0572 Water extraction and Congo red Kalhotka, & Lucini,
reaction 2012)
Water extraction
of ethanol
1 (Minjares-Fuentes et
10-25 insoluble fraction, H NMR
al., 2017)
gel permeation
0,50%±0,46 Dissolution of gel
HPTLC densitometry (Lobo et al., 2010)
0,54%±0,52 in water

Glucomannan (glucomannan) is a compound very similar to acemannan, but it hast the

difference that it has any acetylated position. For this reasons, biological activities exerted
by this compound are share by acemannan (Bozzi, Perrin, Austin, & Arce Vera, 2007).
However, the fact that mannose isn’t acetylated causes a decrease in the intensity of these
effects (Chokboribal et al., 2015).
Pugh et al. characterized aloeride, which is another polysaccharide found in A. vera. It was
isolated from commercial A. vera juice, which was subjected to two ultrafiltration
processes using different membranes, one that separated al compounds with molecular
weight lower than 100 000 Da and a second one that separated compounds with less than
500 000 Da of molecular weight. Aloeride was further purified by size-exclusion HPLC
and characterized using phenol/sulfuric acid method. It was found that aloeride accounted
for 0,015% of A. vera juice dry weight. The structure of this polysaccharide is very different
to that of acemannan and glucomannan; consisting mainly of glucose with 1-6 bonds
(24,2%), 1-4 bonded mannose (19,2%) and 3-6 bonded galactose, it is between 4 and 7
million Da. This compound also presents immunostimulant activity in vitro. It was capable
of increasing the expression of the NF˗κB complex, which is strongly involved in immune
response. It also increased the expression of mRNA coding for IL-1β and TNF-α (Pugh,
Ross, ElSohly, & Pasco, 2001).

3.2 Phenolic compounds

Most phenolic compounds in Aloe vera are found in the latex. First, there are
anthraquinones which are yellow, orange or red colored aromatic tricyclic quinones (S. Lee
et al., 2012). Aloin is a mix of the diastereomers aloin A (barbaloin) and aloin B

Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


(isobarbaloin), which have similar chemical properties. It is found exclusively in the latex
of the leaves; it is the compound that a bitter taste to most of Aloe vera based drug. Aloin
A is the pharmacological compound extracted form Aloe species. Another compound that
belongs to the group of anthraquinones is aloe-emodin. The structure of anthraquinones is
observed in figure 2. The other important group of phenolic compounds in Aloe vera
corresponds to chromones, which are derivatives of benzopyran with a substituted keto
group in the pyran ring, this group includes isoaloeresin and aloesin.

Figure 2. Structure of bioactive phenolic compounds from Aloe vera


Isoaloeresin Aloesin
Figure 2. Biologically active phenolic compounds from A. vera.

Lee et al. identified several metabolites from A. vera leaves; samples were extracted with
methanol and subjected to centrifugation. This extract was then dried completely and
derivatized for gas chromatography−ion trap−mass spectrometry (GC-IT-MS) analysis and
re-dissolved in methanol for ultra performance liquid chromatography−quadrupole−time
of flight−mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-TOF-MS) analysis. Several compounds were
identified in the extract; but only three of them were studied for their antioxidant activity.
Both aloin A and aloin B, as well as aloeresin have antioxidant activity against ABTS and
DPPH radicals. Which can be caused by its phenolic group; among these compounds, aloin
presented the highest antioxidant activity (S. Lee et al., 2012).
El-Shemy et al. performed a Supercritical Fluid Extractiom (SFE) on A. vera rind and latex
using carbon dioxide and further purified using HPLC. Extracted aloin, aloe-emodin and
isoaloeresin were found to prevent the formation of tumors by means of the modulation of
the activity levels of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes. This was tested in vitro with
three lines of cancer cells: acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia
(ALL) and Ehrkich ascites carcinoma (EACC). Finding a level of cytotoxicity dependent
Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review

on concentration, as well as an increase in apoptosis. It was also found that these

compounds increased the rate of survival of mice which were transplanted tumors (El-
Shemy et al., 2009).
Park, Kwon, & Sung investigated commercially available aloin and aloe-emodin for
possible anti-inflammatory effects, finding that they have the capacity to inhibit
inflammatory response induced by lypopolysaccharide (LPS). However, aloe-emodin
presents the additional effects of diminishing the expression of inducible nitric oxide
synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E2; its effect is comparable to that
produced by known anti-inflammatory agents such as kaempferol and quercetin (Park,
Kwon, & Sung, 2009).
Li et al. researched the antiviral activity of commercial aloe-emodin. Findings showed that
this compound possesed cytotoxic activity against the virus of influenza A in vitro, with an
IC50 of 0,05 μg/mL. This effect is exerted by inhibiting virus replication and increasing the
expression of galectin-3; which, in time, results in an increase of the expression of the
antiviral genes interferon β and interferon γ (IFN-β e IFN-γ), protein kinase R (PKR) y
2’,5’-oligodenylate synthase (2’,5’-OAS) (Li et al., 2014).
Alves et al. studied commercially obtained anthraquinones emodin and barbaloin present
antimicrobial activity when administered inside liposomes in vitro. Both compounds were
capable of inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli and inhibited the infectivity of viral
hemorrhagic septicaemia rhabdovirus (VHSV). This effects are attributed mainly to the
capacity of these compounds to disrupt the cellular lipidic membrane, especially when this
is made of the phospholipids phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol, which
are major lipids in bacterial membranes (Alves, Pérez-Fons, Estepa, & Micol, 2004).
Ng et al., also studied these commercially obtained anthraquinones for their ability to
suppress human norovirus; finding that they have moderate antiviral activity, inhibiting the
infectivity of the virus of RAW 264.7 (a macrophage cell line). Similarly, when these
compounds are applied on the surface of cabbage surface, and kept between 25 and 30°C,
they inhibit the virus infectivity. However, these effects were much more potent when
evaluating the whole Aloe vera extract (Ng et al., 2017).
A. vera content of these phenolic compounds is shown in table 3, with the respective
method used to obtain that result.

Table 3. Content of phenolic compounds in A. vera.

Compound Content Extraction and/or Reference
acetate/methanol (Pellizzoni
Aloin B 0,1936%±0,0752 LC-ESI/MS/MS
extraction, et al., 2012)
Isoaloeresin 0,10 mg/g Methanol
Aloesin 0,45 mg/g extraction and HPLC
Asai, Hine,
Aloin B 0,12 mg/g subsequent

Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


methanol & Yagi,

Aloin A 0,41 mg/g sonication 1996)

Aloin 0,0106 mg/g dissolution, C18 HPLC
& Shitandi,
Aloin 1,499 mg/g Ethanol
(Y. S. Lee
Aloe- extraction, HPLC
0,00552 mg/g et al., 2011)
emodin centrifugation

3.3 Phytosterols
Phytosterols are compounds found in plants that are analogous to cholesterol in animals.
Some bioactive phytosterols have been found in Aloe vera, their structure is shown in figure

24.methylene cycloartanol

24-methyl-lophenol 24-ethyl-lophenol

Figure 3. Biologically active phytosterols from Aloe vera

Tanaka et al. extracted and elucidated the structure of five A. vera phytosterols; for this
purpose, dried A. vera gel was extracted with chloroform/methanol mixture, this extract
was then successively fractionated using column chromatography until pure components
were found in the following contents in A. vera gel: cycloartanol 10,9 mg/kg, 24-
methylene-cycloartanol 9,4 mg/kg, lophenol 4,2 mg/kg, 24-methyl-lophenol 5,9 mg/kg and
24-ethyñ-lophenol 0,2 mg/kg. All of these phytosterols were proven effective in fighting
diabetes, this is, they have hypoglycemic activity, they reduce glycosylated hemoglobin
levels and they increase sensibility to insulin, these results were evaluated in vivo, using
Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review

type 2 diabetic mice. Unlike other phytosterols, such as β-sitosterol, these compounds did
not diminish blood cholesterol levels (Tanaka et al., 2006).
More recently, Misawa et al. isolated cycloartanol and lophenol using the same method as
Tanaka et al., and tested their capacity to ameliorate obesity related symptoms. It was found
that these compounds induce the expression of glycolytic enzymes and reduce the
expression of gluconeogenic enzymes. Both of these phytosterols are also capable of
reducing weight gain, specifically, they reduce gain in visceral fat in diabetic mice; which
is probably due to increased expression of lipolytic enzymes as well as suppression of
lipogenic enzymes. Finally, these sterols also exhibited the capacity to reduce serum and
hepatic triglyceride and non-sterified fatty acid levels; while also reducing hepatic total
cholesterol content, without significant changes in serum total cholesterol levels (Misawa
et al., 2012).

3.4 Enzymes
Ahmed and Hussain determined enzyme activity of whole and dried A. vera leaves. SOD
activity was measured by colorimetry as the photoreduction of nitroblue tetra zolium;
catalase activity was determined by change in absorbance of a H2O2 and enzyme extract;
similarly, peroxidase activity was determined at 470nm in a solution with H2O2 and
guaicol. The extract presented moderate, concentration dependent, activity of antioxidant
enzymes catalase and peroxidase, which perform the important function in biological
systems of scavenging reactive peroxide species. More importantly, the superoxide
dismutase active of Aloe vera leaves is very high; this enzyme functions in the
transformation of superoxide (O2-) radical into two less damaging species, hydrogen
peroxide and oxygen (Ahmed & Hussain, 2013). Results of this study are shown in table
Table 4. Enzymatic activity of Aloe vera leaves
Extract concentration (mL extract/mL distilled water)
1/10 1/20 1/30
Superoxide dismutase 2830.19 ± 37.09 1244.81 ± 70.4 802.14 ± 55.6
Catalase 2.8 ± 0.19 1.81 ± 0.02 1.56 ± 0.14
Peroxidase 3.72 ± 0.19 2.32 ± 0.11 1.46 ± 0.06

3.5 Minerals
Rajasekaran et al. obtained ashes from A vera gel by heating between 410°C and 440°C
overnight, and element composition (shown in table 3) was determined by digestion in
hydrochloric acid and atomic absorption spectroscopy. These ashes were tested for their
antidiabetic activity in type 1 diabetic rats. Results showed a recovery of weight loss due
to muscle protein breakdown, along with reduced blood urea and increased plasma
proteins; reduction in blood glucose, as well as glycosylated hemoglobin; and
normalization on the activity of hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-
diphosphatase. Overall these results indicate normalization of protein and glucose
metabolism which becomes deranged in diabetic condition. The reason of these effects is
not entirely known, but it may be related to the involvement of some of these inorganic

Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


elements in metabolism; such as the role of potassium and calcium in insulin release, the
insulinomimetic effect of zinc or the insulin binding properties of copper (Rajasekaran,
Sivagnanam, & Subramanian, 2005).

Table 3. Trace elements present in Aloe vera gel ash

Elements Concentration of elements (mg/2g)
Iron 3.5
Copper 0.15
Calcium 0.141
Zinc 0.378
Manganese 0.631
Lead 0.138
Chromium 0.146
Vanadium 0.32
Potassium 0.397
Sodium 0.162
Magnesium 0.157

4. Traditional and medicinal Applications

Aloe vera has been traditionally used for the treatment of a wide variety of disorders and
skin conditions, some of which are seborrheic dermatitis, thermal burns and sunburns,
cystic acne, ulcers, lacerations, colds, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, asthma, dysentery and
headaches (Sánchez-machado et al., 2017). In this kind of traditional medicine, all the parts
of Aloe vera leaves are usually applied or ingested in the form of juices or rinds. This results
in the synergistic action of its bioactive compounds resulting in very effective treatment
(Hamman, 2008).
Recently, there has been a resurgence in the use of herbal medicine by people searching
for a healthier lifestyle. This has been an opportunity for the use of Aloe vera as a source
of bioactive compounds for the making of pharmaceutical products such as ointments,
tablets and capsules (Maan et al., 2018). In particular, the use of A. vera as an ingredient
for the preparation of functional foods have gained a lot of attention; being commonly used
in the form of juices and powders to be consumed directly or as materials of other Aloe
vera based food products. However, it must be taken into consideration how the processes
to obtain these products affect the physicochemical, physiological and pharmacological
characteristics of A vera.
Nowadays, A. vera based products are an emerging and ever-growing industry for making
laxative drugs, cosmetics and functional foods, like face and hand creams, cleansers,
foundations, cleanser, lipsticks, suntan lotions, shampoos, hair tonics, shaving
preparations, bath aids, makeup and fragrances, baby lotions and wipes, yogurt and drinks
(Guo & Mei, 2016).

5. Conclusions.

Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


Several studies regarding A. vera have taken place in the last decades; in an effort to
identify biologically active compounds present in it and understand how it exerts so many
medicinal properties. Several types of compounds have been identified; among which are
polysaccharides such as acemannan, glucomannan and aloeride; phenolic compounds such
as aloin, aloe-emodin, isoaloeresin and aloesin; phytosterols such as cycloartenol, 24-
methylene-cycloartanol, lophenol, 24-methyl-lophenol and 24-ethyl-lophenol; enzymes,
which are superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase and finally, A. vera ashes,
composed of several metal ions. Isolation of these compounds and studies on their
biological activities have found that they are useful as antioxidants, antimicrobials, anti-
inflammatories, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, immunomodulators, amongst
others. All of these results indicate that A. vera is indeed a powerful plant with a variety of
medicinal uses as well as a potential source for different kinds of pharmaceutical

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Biolocally Active Compounds of Aloe vera: A review


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