Various Uses of Get Part 2

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Various Uses of Get (Part- 2)

2. जब हम 'Get' 3rd फफ़ॉमर (past participle) कक ससाथ प्रययोग करतक हह, इसकसा अक्सर अथर हयोतसा हह - ककछ कसायर
करवसानसा ।

ववाक्य Sentence

1. मकझक अपनन ससाडन ररं गवसानन हह । 1. I am to get my saree coloured.

2. Please get this form filled
2. ककपयसा यह फफ़ॉमर भरवसाओ । 3. You get this medicine prescribed from a
3. तकम यह दवसाई डफ़ॉक्टर सक ललिखवसाओ । Doctor.
4. This needs certification from a
4. इसक सक्षम अधधिकसारर सक प्रमसाणणित करनक कक competent officer. Where would you get
जरूरत हह । तकम कहसाह सक इसक प्रमसाणणित it certified?
5. She got her luggage packed within five
5. उसनक 5 लमननट कक अरंदर अपनसा ससामसान 6. Did his friend get arrested in New
भरवसायसा । York?
7. Get the cheque signed by both of them.
6. क्यसा उसकसा लमत न्यययफ़ॉकर मम धगरफ्तसार ककयसा
गयसा ?
7. चहक पर दयोनयो कक हस्तसाक्षर करवसाओ ।

3. जब हम 'Get to' कसा प्रययोग करतक हह, इसकसा अथर हह - कयोई धिनरक धिनरक एक खसास रवहय्यसा यसा भसाव ककछ करनक कक
ललियक अपनसानसा शकरू करतसा हह ।

ववाक्य Sentence

1. तकम पपछलि दयो घरंटक सक games खकलि रहक हयो । 1. You have been playing games for the
last two hours. Now get to your study.
अब अपनन पढसाई करयो । 2. On seeing her mother, she got to work.
2. अपनन मसाह कयो दक खकर, वह कसाम करनक लिगन 3. You will enjoy college when you get to
। know a few students.
4. He got to like my idea after a while.
3. तकम कफ़ॉलिकज कसा आनरंद लियोगक जब तकम ककछ 5. To get an good opportunity, get to be
thorough in your field.
students कयो जसानयोगक ।
4. उसक ककछ समय बसाद मकरसा अलभप्रसाय पसरंद
आनक लिगसा ।
5. अच्छसा अवसर प्रसाप्त करनक कक ललियक, अपनक
क्षकत मम सम्पणि
य र बनयो ।

6. Misc Examples

ववाक्य Sentence

1. तकम्हम यह खबर कब लमलिर? 1. When did you get this news?

2. I went there to get his advice.
2. मह वहसारं उनकक सलिसाह लिकनक गयसा । 3. Which station do you get on your radio?
3. तकम्हसारक रक डडययो मम ककौन ससा स्टक शन लिगतसा हह ? 4. I think we should get a taxi now.
5. I get up at 6 in the morning.
4. मकझक लिगतसा हह कक अब हमक टह क्सन लिकनन चसाहहयक
6. Please do not get anyone wrong.
। 7. She has got a cold.
5. मह सकबह 6 बजक उठतसा हयह । 8. Get your feet off the table.
9. I can't get the window to shut.
6. ककपयसा ककसन कयो गलित मत समझयो । 10. I can't get this door to open.
7. उसक जककसाम हयो गयसा हह । 11. I have got a terrible thirst.
8. टक बलि सक अपनक पहर हटसाओ ।
9. मह णखडकक बरंद नहर करवसा सकतसा ।
10. मह यह दरवसाजसा नहर खकलिवसा सकतसा ।
11. मझ
क क बहकत तकज प्यसास लिगन हह ।

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