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Significant Difference Sex

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Decision Verbal
Sig. Interval of the on Ho* Interpretation
Mean Std. Error
F Sig. t df (2- Difference
Difference Difference
Lower Upper
Equal Reject Significant
- -
variances 4.164 0.043 151 0.863 -0.01401 0.08099 0.146
0.173 0.17403
Equal Reject Significant
variances - -
143.218 0.863 -0.01401 0.08086 0.14581
not 0.173 0.17384

*reject Ho if p value is < .05

Significant Difference Grade Level

Decision Verbal
on Ho* Interpretati
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. on
Category A Between Groups 3.529 3 1.176 5.101 .002 Failed to Not
Reject Significant
Within Groups 34.360 149 .231
Total 37.889 152
Category B Between Groups 2.553 3 .851 5.521 .001 Failed to Not
Reject Significant
Within Groups 22.971 149 .154
Total 25.525 152
Category C Between Groups 3.333 3 1.111 4.576 .004 Failed to Not
Reject Significant
Within Groups 36.182 149 .243
Total 39.515 152

*reject Ho if p value is < .05

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