Soal Uas Tangerang Bahasa Inggris X k20013

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Sat. Pendidikan : SMA
Kelas / Program : X (Sepuluh )
Kurikulum : K20013

A. Choose The Most Suitable Answer

The following text is for the questions number 1 – 5

Monas National Monument

Monas National Monument is a 132-meter tower in the center of Merdeka Square,

Central Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, is the capital of the state. It symbolizes the struggle for
Indonesian independence of our country.

The monument consists of a 117.7 m obelisk on a 45m square platform at a height

of 17 m. Towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Resembles a
phallus, or pestle mortar pestle and Yoni resembles rice or mortar, two important things in
the tradition of Indonesian agriculture.

Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno, the first
president of the us and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a
flame covered with gold foil, and now the monument calls.

1. What is the genre of the text?

a. Descriptive
b. Narrative
c. News item
d. Recount
e. Procedure

2. What does the text above tell about?

a. a park
b. A history
c. Monument National
d. A temple
e. the Capital State of Indonesia

3. Monas was built to……..

a. decorate a city
b. symbolize the struggle of Indonesia fighter
c. show to the people the gold on the top of it
d. to make Indonesia become a famous country
e. without any purpose

4. It symbolizes the struggle for Indonesian independence of our country (1 paragraph).

“It” refers to….
a. Monas
b. Jakarta
c. Indonesia
d. Independence
e. Struggle
5. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil.
The closest meaning of the underlined word on the text is……
a. opened
b. closed
c. completed
d. decorated
e. coated

The following conversation is for the questions number 6 – 10

Martin: Hello. I’m Martin.

Bobby: Hi Martin. I’m Bobby.

Martin: How do you do Bobby. Where are you from?

Bobby: Jakarta, .And you?

Martin: I’m from Bali. I live in Tangerang now.

Bobby: Bali, Wow. I’ve always wanted to go there. How long have you been in Jakarta?

Martin: I just arrived this week. It’s my first day of school.

Bobby: Ok, Martin welcome to our school and I think we can be a good friend.
Martin: sure
6. where does the conversation take place?
a. at the office
b. at the street
c. at the school
d. at a restaurant
e. at home
7. what are they doing ?
a. they are eating
b. they are playing football
c. they are discussing their school duties
d. they are introducing each others
e. they are exercising
8. How many persons are talking in the dialogue above?
a. 3 persons
b. 2 persons
c. 6 persons
d. 4 persons
e. 5 persons
9. who is from Bali?
a. Bobby
b. Martin
c. their teacher
d. their parents
e. no one
10. what is the relation between Bobby and Martin
a. a brothers
b. sibling
c. classmate
d. school mate
e. neighbor

The following conversation is for the questions number 11 – 15

Nia : Hi, Putri. …………….(11) my new classmate, Ani.

Ani : How do you do?

Nia : And Ani, this is our schoolmate, Putri.

Putri: ………………….(12)

Ani : Nice to meet you Putri.

Putri: …………. ………..(13)

Nia : ………………………..(14), Putri?

Putri: I am waiting for my father picks me up.

Nia : why don’t you join us?

Putri: oh yes…………………………….(15)

Nia : ok, let’s go.

Edo: It has been three months.

11. a. I’m sorry

b. I want to introduce
c. I don’t know
d. how do you do
e. nice to meet you
12. a. I’m sorry
b. I want to introduce
c. I don’t know
d. how do you do
e. nice to meet you
13. a. I’m sorry
b. I want to introduce
c. I don’t know
d. how do you do
e. nice to meet you too
14. a. what is that
b. what are you doing here
c. I don’t know
d. how do you do
e. nice to meet you too
15. a. I’m sorry
b. I’d love too
c. I don’t know
d. how do you do
e. nice to meet you too

Find the synonym of the following words written in underlined.

16. The Restaurant was happy, and the prices were very low.
a. superficial
b. excellent
c. glad
d. superior
e. cheerful

17. All the local residents spent that handsome night in a school.
a. awkward
b. average
c. good looking
d. terrible
e. authentic

The following dialogue is for questions number 18-20

Shella: Have you made any vacation plans?

Lia : Well, I've decided one the thing - I am going to go to Jogja.

Shella: That's great! For how long?

Lia : I ………………….(18) away for a week. Actually I will go with my schoolmates.

Shella: So, when are you leaving?

Lia : I'm not sure. I will probably ……..(19) around the end of this year.

Shella: And where are you going to go?

Lia : we will visit some resort places there, such as candi Borobudur, Parangtritis Beach,


Shella: That sounds like fun.

Lia : Yeah. We……………(20) the evening at Malioboro street.

Shella: Are you going to stay at the hotel?

Lia : yes, of course…..we will stay at the hotel near by Malioboro

Shella: well, I hope everything will run well?

Lia : yes. I do hope so

18. a. am going to be
b. will
c. want to
d. does
e. am
19. a. left
b. leave
c. leaving
d. leaved
e. to leave
20. a. will be enjoy
b. will be enjoyed
c. will enjoy
d. would enjoy
e. would be enjoyed

21. David : “Hi….how do you do?”

Martin : “………”
a. How do you do
b. I’m fine, and you?
c. Nice to meet you
d. not bad
e. a and b are correct

22. Irvan : “How about having dinner with me tonight?

Jane : “Thanks you, I’d love to.
From the dialogue above we conclude that …..
a. Jane declines the invitation
b. Irvan want to have dinner
c. Jane loves Irvan
d. Irvan invites jane to have dinner together
e. Jane make a date with Irvan

23. The boy : “……, miss.Would you mind if I borrow this book ?”
The old lady : “ no, please.”
a. Hi
b. Hello
c. Nice to meet you
d. Excuse me
e. How do you do

24. April : “my brother has got a scholarship to continue his study in one of prominent
university in America.”
Ivone : “ ……………..”
a. I’m glad to hear that
b. it’s common
c. I’m not satisfied
d. I’m sorry to know that
e. I’m not surprise

25. Cavin : “You know Rita’s father is hospitalized for his serious illness.”
Barbara : “…………….”
a. She must be very sad
b. It’s borring
c. She must be very happy
d. it’s good idea
e. Excuse me

26. Directure : “Type and report the meeting conclusion immediately!”

Secretary : “ All right, sir!”
The underlined words express ……..
a. demand
b. instruction
c. comment
d. request
e. command
27. I didn’t come to………..friend’s birthday party.

a. My

b. Their

c. His

d. Him

e. Them

28. My sweety cat is very cute. ……. fur color is yellow white.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. His

e. our

29. ……mother is so tough. She is the one in million for me.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. His

e. Our

30. Rina is from Lampung. She and…….family live in Jakarta now.

a. Its

b. his

c. Her

d. our

e. My

31. The two sisters go to school by bus everyday. while …………little brother goes to school
by train
because his school is so far.

a. her

b. My

c. its

d. our

e. their

32. Mia always wearing new dress in every party. ……….beautiful dresses make her look

a. their

b. our

c. Her

d. its

e. my

33. They went to an amusement park with ………family and friends. That was a great

holiday for them.

a. Its

b. My

c. Her

d. Their

e. Our

the text is for questions number 33-35


Our school will have Some Competition that will be held on 17 August 2017 to celebrate
Indonesian’s Independence day. There are Running, swimming, and many other

Registration will be held on 5th-15th August at Osis room.

Free Registration and full of prize!

For More Information contact our Osis chairperson.

33. What does the announcement about?

a. about school
b. some competitions at school
c. school activities
d. independence day ceremony
e. registration
34. the following are not in the competition, except……
a. jogging
b. volley ball
c. swimming
d. football
e. badminton
35. the correct statement according to the text is…..
a. the competition will be held on 17 September 2017
b. there less than 2 competitions will be held
c. the duration of registration is 3 days
d. the registration is free incharge
e. for more information we can contact the headmaster

The text for number 36-38


Don’t forget to bring a dictionary in next English lesson

Everybody must have a dictionary because we will read a
story No excuse to student who don’t bring the dictionary. It
is used to help you in learning English

Thank you

Miss Ratna

36. The text above belongs to….

a. invitation
b. announcement
c. personal later
d. advertisement
e. procedure
37. what should the student do based on the text?
a. learn English
b. read a story
c. bring dictionary
d. help the teacher
e. help their friend

38. David usually ……… to the book store twice a month.

a. attending
c. has attended
e. attended
d. attends

39. Taufiq : “ My brother ………. To egypt for countinuing his study next weak.”
Rafi : “That’s great”.
a. will leave
b. left
c. leaving
d. has left
e. leaves

40. Mr. Zaenury is the headmaster of (famous - a – school – big – Islamic - boarding)
The best arrangement for the words in the bracket is ….
a. a school big famous
b. a famous big boarding school
c. famous a school big boarding
d. a big famous boarding school
e. a big school school famous boarding

B. Answer the Following Questions Correctly

1. Read the short Introduction of Corbin Bleu Reivers then answer the questions
by completing using appropriate” to be” and “pronouns”

Hi, I…..(1) Corbin Bleu Reivers. I’m an American Actor, model, dancer, producer, and
singer-songwriter. I ……(2) born in Brooklyn, NewYork City, February 21, 1989. My mother is
Martha…….(3) is an Italian American. My father is David Reivers. ……(4) is a Jamaican
American. I have three sisters: jag, Phoenix, and Hunter. When I was a child, I studied dance
for several years, focusing on ballet and jazz.
I was graduated from Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. I was trained in
dancing at the Debbie Allen Dance Academy. I attended the High School of Performing Arts
in New York as a Theater major, following in ……(5) mother’s footsteps.

2. Find the meaning of the following words and make sentence of each by your own word.

a. Generous
b. Charming

3. Make the possible questions of these answers. Use the simple present form.
A: ………………………………………………………….?
B: He works at the office now
A: ……………………………………………………………….?
B: he usually finish his work at the office before five o’clock

4. Put the words in the correct order to make questions

a. abou / What / like / do / best / you / job / your /?
b. you / finish / your / work / When /?

5. Translate into English (use the correct simple present tense)

a. Saya memiliki seekor kucing, saudara laki-laki saya memanggilnya sweety
b. Saya tidak tahu mengapa dia (laki-laki) memanggil kucing saya sweety

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