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 Select desired row/column and press Ctrl+ shift+(+)- to add column

 Select desired cell and press Ctrl+ shift+(+) to add a cell
 Select a desired cell and press ctrl+(-) to delete a cell
 Select a desired row/column and press ctrl+(-) to delete a cell
 Click F2 for editing the contents in a cell

 Auto adjust select all the area needed for adjustment then click on top left hand corner
 Ctrl + shift+ down key to select datas
 To fill selected part press edit taken cell and press ctrl+enter
 Press esc key to remove dotted line after copying
 Ctrl+z undo
 Ctrl+y redo
 Paste special- copy and paste only values or as needed formats
 Ctrl+d – copy whats above
 Ctrl + t – create table with headings
 Filling formula {=formula name(range1, range2, range3,…)}
 Auto sum = alt+(=)
 Word combine : concatenate(text1, text2, ..)
 Word combine: = text1 & text 2&…
 Add data from different sheets : =value of sheet 1+value of sheet 2+….
 Absolute reference : fixed needed part use $: use f4 key
 Time : ctrl+shift+:
 Date : ctrl+:, =today()
 Date and time: =now()
 = sum(c$4:c4)
 Define name : define VALUE from refer to
 Delete blank space: select desired area, press ctrl+g, select special, ctrl+(-), delet entire row

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