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Vegetable Gardening

Kitchen Garden:

These are the garden in which different kind of vegetable crops are grown for different purposes.

Types: - Barley (1949) classified the vegetable garden into 2 broad categories:-

i. Home scale production- It is meant for supplying vegetables for household consumption.
ii. Commercial production- It meet the requirement of the local market, distant market & export

Later on Thompson & Kelly (1979) classified the vegetable garden into 7 different categories. They are:-

1. Kitchen Garden: As the name indicates these gardens are located adjacent to the kitchen yard.
The garden provides fresh vegetables for consumption of one’s own family members
throughout the year. So intensive care is taken to utilize every inch of land both in time and
space dimension. The garden provides nutritious vegetables to a family throughout the year
without searching for vegetables from outside source. So the nutrition balance of the family
members is maintained. That’s why kitchen garden is otherwise known as nutrition garden.
Generally kitchen garden uses the waste water of the bathroom and kitchen with or without tap


i. The garden occupies unutilized back yard space of the residential building.
ii. It is a place of recreation and healthy occupation of all ages of family members.
iii. It cuts down the vegetable bill of the family.
iv. Vegetable production from these garden are fresh and nutritious.
v. The vegetable are free from residues of insecticides or fungicides.
vi. It cuts down the water bill of the family as it uses the waste water of bathroom and kitchen.


i. It should be at the backyard of the house.

ii. Preferably it should be in South east direction.
iii. The site should be nearer to water source
iv. The selected site should be away from shade of the house or tall plant.
v. In urban areas where yard space is not available one can use the window seal and roof of house
if light is not a problem.
vi. Size of the kitchen yard depend upon size of the family member; availability of area etc. As a
thumb rule 250 sq. m area is required for a family member of 5-6.
vii. Every inch of land should be efficiently used for growing crops (utilization of irrigation channel
& bond)


Largely depend on availability of land. While designing the following principles should be followed.

i. The land area should be rectangular in size rather than square.

ii. It should be in backyard of residential building.
iii. The sub-plot should be small to accommodate good number of vegetables.
iv. Path should be narrow.
v. Perennial quick growing trees (banana, papaya, lime, drumstick etc) should be planted on
the north side to avoid their shade on other plants.
vi. Compost pits should be dug at one corner to convert the kitchen waste into organic
vii. Vine vegetables should be trained over the fences or comp. walls.
viii. The layout should be so designed to appeal to the eyes.
ix. Crops which are yielding more no. of fruits per plant should be grown.
x. Preference should be given to early maturing & afresh consumed vegetables.
xi. Succession sowing should be done to ensure steady supply of vegetables throughout the
xii. Some quick growing vegetables can be taken up in the interspaces of slow growing late
maturing crops.
xiii. Selection of crop largely depend on size of the garden, crop suit to the region and choice of
the family member.
xiv. Rotate the crop throughout the year.
xv. The ridges & water channel can be used for growing root crops like radish, beet, carrot,
knol-khol etc., climbing vegetables like basela, cowpea, French bean etc.
xvi. Divide the entire plot into annual, biennial & perennial blocks.
xvii. Grow coriander, ginger, chilly, turmeric in the interspace of perennial crop like banana,
pineapple, drumstick, curry leaf, lime etc.
xviii. Also called as backyard garden, home garden, amateur garden.
2. Truck garden: One or two vegetable are grown in extensive manner in larger quantities for
distant market. The gardens are located away from the city. Suitability of vegetable depend
upon climate of that region. Produces are traded by middle man & transported through road
and railways. Maximum profit go to the pocket of the middle man till the production is cheaper
as the land is less costly due to distant form the city and labour are available cheaply.
Mechanical farming is practiced. Vegetables which can resist the transportation shock like
onion, garlic, potato, pumpkin, ash gourd, dioscorea, elephant foot yam, colocasia etc. are
grown extensively.
3. Market garden: Is situated 10-20 km distance from the town for assured supply of vegetables to
the local market. These types of gardens came into existence due to urbanization because the
urban people don’t have time and land to grow vegetable for daily use. The growers of the
garden utilizes a small piece of land & produces most efficiently and intensively different early
maturing vegetables, those reach at market early to fetch maximum price per unit land area.
The growers also prefer to grow off season vegetables. Marketing is performed by the grower
himself or herself.
4. Forcing garden: It refers to the cultivation of vegetables out of their normal growing season. So
the vegetable come to the market early in the season. It is a common practice in western
countries where the environment is not favorable for growing in their normal season. As
cultivation is practiced out of normal season expertise skill is necessary. Generally high demand,
high priced vegetables are grown in forcing garden by manipulating the temperature, humidity
and light intensity. E.g.; tomato, capsicum, cucumber, mushroom etc.
5. Processing garden: Located around the processed industry area. The garden supplies bulk fresh
produces throughout the season in processing industry. Specific crops & their varieties are
grown in the garden. The industry may purchase vegetable directly from the garden or through
contract or middle man. Vegetable suitable are Arkel variety of pea for dehydration, Early
Badger of pea for canning, Roma & Punjab chhuara, S-152 of tomato for ketch up and sauce,
Kufri Chipsona-I, Kufri Chipsona-II, Kufri Frysona for potato chips, broccoli, lima beans, spinach
for freezing, onion and garlic for drying and dehydration.
6. Seed production garden: Good quality seeds with high yield potential & tolerant to abiotic &
biotic stresses is demand of the day. It aims at producing & supplying quality seeds. It is a highly
specialized farming system covering larger areas and taking due care at different stage of crop
growth. Care is taken in selection of land, choosing quality of seeds, maintaining isolation
distance, rogueing, bee keeping, harvesting, collection of seed matter etc. The cost of produced
seed is high as compared to vegetables for consumption. It is practiced on commercial scale.
7. Floating garden: Most fascinating vegetable gardening found in Dal Lake of Kashmir. The
floating aquatic grass Typha serve as the floating body or substrate. Every operation is
performed by using boats. Vegetable production in these gardens are supplied to Srinagar.

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