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Eye Watch: City ordinance traffic violator’s offense monitoring report using GPS.

A Capstone Project
Presented to
The Faculty of Information and Technology Department
College of Engineering and Technology
University of St. La Salle

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Mark Paul B. Mori
John Marc Betita

Jim Jonathan Descripito

Class Adviser

Background of the Study

Violations in traffic laws are very common in a highly populated country in the Philippines.

The conditions are even worse in Bacolod City. The accidents associated with these violations

cause a huge loss to life and property. Same is the case in Bacolod City. Being a metro city and a

highly populated one also, has a lot of road accidents every year.

Despite this the violations in traffic laws do not reduce. A lot of people disobey the rules

every day sometimes willingly and sometimes because they are forced to do so because of others.

Also, it has a vast population which causes a lot of traffic on the roads. Knowing these factors help

us to collect more accurate data because it enables us to compare between different situations and

make a better analysis.

The researchers are interested to investigate the problems in Bacolod City where as these

factors can be identified as: Overcrowded roads because of a large population, Maximum traffic is

observed during office hours between 8.00-10.00AM and 5.00-8.00PM. Therefore, the maximum

violations are also done during these peak hours. One another important factor is that since most of

the offices are in the areas like downtown, and near public and private schools the maximum traffic

is observed in these areas. So, these areas experience maximum breaking of traffic laws.

Based on the existing application in the philippines, majority don’t have (24/7) tracking

system and an image capture of the violation on their application. That can capture any image and

track any violations (24/7) that have been violated by the person or the driver.
The violations mentioned in the report are: Not wearing helmets or seat belts is also a major

rule which is not followed and is the cause of many deaths and serious injuries.

The objective of this research is to stop drunken driving, no helmets and speeding beyond a

mentioned limit. Driving in the wrong direction is one of the key violations and not obeying the

traffic signals is observed mainly during the peak hours of traffic as everyone is in a rush to reach

early. Thus, these are the basis on which the research is based.

Statement of the Problem

The study is to investigate, conduct research regarding monitoring ordinance traffic

violations and infraction report in Bacolod City.

Specific Objectives

Specifically, this study seeks to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of city ordinance monitoring in terms of

a. Accuracy

b. Availability of monitoring (24/7)

c. Speed

2. What is the level of difficulty in monitoring city ordinance traffic violations?

a. Individual records of violation

b. Preparation of reports
3. What is the level of acceptability level of the city ordinance traffic violations in terms



Conceptual Framework

The researchers will investigate what city ordinance traffic violator’s offense monitoring

report. A self-made questionnaire will be used to assess the city ordinance traffic violation in

Bacolod City.

In order to gather data from respondents, the researchers will use interview as a

quantitative method. The appraisal questionnaire must be approved by the experts

In choosing the respondents, a simple random sampling will be used to check the level of

reliability, the researcher will invite (50) USLS students, teachers, senior citizens and parents to

answer the self-made questionnaire, and then the result for each item will be interpreted. The

questionnaire will be used to check if it is effective, efficient or reliable.


1. What is the level of city Simple Random Eye Watch: City Effectiveness of
ordinance monitoring Sampling ordinance traffic monitoring system
in terms of violator’s offense of traffic violations
Self-Made monitoring report and infractions
a. Accuracy Questionnaire using GPS.
Efficient in tracking
b. Availability of of traffic violations
monitoring (24/7) and infractions in
Eye Watch System
c. Speed App
2. What is the level of Easily managed of
difficulty in monitoring information and
city ordinance traffic reports
a. Individual records of
b. Preparation of reports
3. What is the level of
acceptability level of
the city ordinance
traffic violations?
Scope and Limitation

The study is limited in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. The target respondents are the

residents of Bacolod City. (50) USLS students, teachers, senior citizens and parents. In choosing

the respondents, Simple random sampling will be used.

Self-made questionnaire will be used to and to ensure the validity, the researchers need

(3) experts for reliability. (25) Students are needed. The expected date to finish the research

project is on the third week of October 2019.

In every research project, obstacles and problems are inevitable. The researcher knows

that time constraint is a problem due to a very limited span of time given to finish the project,

another is the availability of the respondents to answer questions for the city ordinance traffic

violator’s offense monitoring report.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant to the following stakeholders:

Community. In addition to achieving greater knowledge around the city ordinances and

violations that the community must collaborate and partnership with each other to have important

contribution to the city.

Residents. That the residents will be aware of the violations and situation in the city. To

have a better impact and concern regarding to the ordinances of Bacolod City.
City Officials. The result of this study is to raise awareness for the city officials to

implement any city violations that have been violated by the residents of Bacolod City.

Students. Through this study, the participants became aware of the city ordinances traffic

violation and might have influenced it. Other students could use the result of this study to be aware

for them so they could identify what violation have been violated.

Researchers. The researchers

Future Researchers. This research study may serve as pattern or guide for those future

researchers who want to do a related research project.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies used in the conduct of this study were conceptually and

operationally defined:

Global Positioning System - is a “constellation” of approximately 30 well-spaced

satellites hat orbit the earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their

geographic location. A way of using satellite data to show where something is on a map or can

show the exact position of a person, give users a direction.

Tracking System - used for the observing of persons or object on the move and supply a

timely ordered sequence of location data for further processing. It is highly used to track a specific

person or a thing using GPS.

Monitoring System - A system monitor is a hardware or software component used

to monitor system resources and performance in a computer system. Among the management

issues regarding use of system monitoring tools are resource usage and privacy.

City Ordinance Violation - An “ordinance” is a municipal law, rule, or regulation that

applies to a specific town or city limits. Because each city has their own set of ordinances, the

different violations can be very broad.

Infraction - An infraction is usually the breaking of a law, rule, or agreement. So a

nation charged with an infraction of an international treaty will usually have to pay a penalty.

In Federal law, an infraction is even smaller than a misdemeanor, and the only penalty is a

fine. Most of us occasionally commit infractions of parking laws and get ticketed. (Merriam-

Webster, 2019)

Traffic Violations - Traffic violations occur when drivers violate laws that regulate

vehicle operation on streets and highways. Traffic offense that is designated as a traffic violation

in the city defining the offense, or any other offense.

Review of Related Literature

Batas QC

Through the app, users can have access to the list of Quezon City's local ordinances,

along with the penalties and fines associated with certain violations. Anyone with an Android
phone can download the app as of writing. It’s still tagged as “Unreleased” on Google Play

Store, but you can already use it while it's under development.

Ordinance enforcers in Quezon City are also expected to have the app on their phones so that

they can show violators the corresponding fines for their actions. Batas QC also provides

announcements concerning roads, transportation, garbage, health care, and other issues. Though

similar apps listing Philippine laws and Republic Acts already exist, it's the first mobile app that

focuses on local ordinances. Batas QC was developed by Dexter Feliciano, the founder and CEO

of Thinc Office Corp. which was also behind the online legal resource MyLegalWhiz.

Code Enforcement Violation App

The Code Enforcement Violation app allows you to map locations of violations of

building construction code, or other neighborhood regulatory violations like unsightly junk, or

improper modifications to structures. Take photos, document times of day and dates, take GPS-

enabled video of the scene, and make notes, all from your smartphone. This app works online

and offline, in case of low/no signal. Share your maps directly with code enforcement easily by

enabling map sharing in your Fulcrum settings.

“Na huli cam ka ba?”

The project, dubbed "Na-Huli Cam Ka Ba?" allows motorists to check if the MMDA's

closed circuit television cameras have caught them breaking traffic rules since the policy was
enforced on April 15.To verify any traffic violations, motorists can type in their vehicle's license

plate number on the website The database will inform motorists of

the specific violation, the time and place where it was committed, and the status of the official

notice that they will receive from the MMDA.

Pure Force Citizens App

Pure Force Citizens App is a free mobile software available in Google Play and Apple

App Store. Emergency situations on the road like accidents, crimes, engine breakdowns, fire, and

the likes can be reported through the app for swift response. It’s like a 911 hotline for motorists.

Its main advantage is its use of the reporter’s GPS coordinates to eliminate “search” in “search

and rescue.” These coordinates will be dispatched to the appropriate government agencies so

they could respond to the scene as soon as possible.

In addition to that, road violations that inhibit public order in your community can also be

reported through the app. On the photo above, a car who’s parked at a No Parking zone was

spotted along Jupiter Street in Makati City. We tried reporting the scenario ourselves and we

were surprised to the Pure Force team’s response in less than an hour. They also gave updates

from time-to-time to make sure that we’re aware that they were on top of the situation. The area

was cleared immediately, although, we think we should report this every day as these illegally

parked vehicles don’t seem to understand the meaning of the road sign.

Public Eye
Public Eye spotted a traffic violation? Take a picture/video of the erring vehicle along

with its number plate and post it on Public Eye.

These are the violations you can post a complaint on:

1) No parking

2) One way/ No Entry

3) Parking on Footpath

4) Riding on Footpath

5) Riding without a helmet

6) Defective/Fancy number plate

7) Stopped on zebra cross

8) Triple riding

9) Using mobile phone

10) Wrong parking

11) Jumping traffic signal

12) Pillion rider not wearing helmet

13) Stunt riding



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