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This chapter contains the related studies and literature regarding the computerized

enrollment system. It includes the differences and similarities found among other

enrollment system.

Foreign Studies

In the study Long Beach City College Switches On Enrollment system by David

Kopf (2007), it was stated that prior to installing new system, LBCC, which has two main

campuses and multiple satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments, handled

its enrollment via manual spreadsheet. With no reporting, continuity or standard

practices, and with lengthy error corrections, the school’s enrollment management

budgeting and planning took up to three months to compile, consolidate, and implement

LBCC tapped e2e Analytics, which specializes in higher education, to design a web-

based enrollment management system using Cognos Enterprise Planning software from

Cognos Inc. (Ottawa, Ontario). Using Cognos for enrollment management was a unique

application for Cognos, according to Dan Galuppo, e2e’s director of professional

services, but the result delivers real-time data collection, consolidation, workflow, and

calculations to help LBCC enrollment staff make faster and more informed decisions.

The study on problems regarding on school such as the Long Beach City College

is an aid for the proponents to have the idea on formulating solutions on transferring

manual enrollment transactions to an automated or computerized one.


According to the coordinator of Admission Support of Kerian Greenaway, the

system known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrollment System(ECUWES) had

replaced the traditional hard copy system of enrollment. The system offers immediacy

and convenience of course enrolment via the internet. The said university I Australia is

currently enrolling more than 5,000 new students with easier transaction cause of their

online enrolment system. In the local setting, academic institutions both the private and

government schools are shifting from manual to computerized system including student

registration. This is accomplished either on an intranet or internet-based environment.

Foreign Literature

In an online article entitled “Establishing an Electronic Enrollment System” by

Rothermel, et, al(2008) he stated that Electronic enrollment systems can provide

employees with faster service and reduce the time that human resources managers spend

on phone calls and billing issues. The system was designed to enhance the administration

of health benefits, transmitting data more accurately, effectively and cost-efficiently

through an electronic link between the plan and some employer clients.

(Stephen McHenry, 2010) Adopting the theory of Stephen McHenry which is

known as the iterative implementation covers the breakdown of overall functionality of

the system to a what he called “feature set” and those feature sets represents different

process involve in an enrollment system. It helps locate what feature an enrollment

system will have since that this kind of systems does many activities and processes.

Local Studies

In a study entitled “The Newly Implemented Computerized Enrollment Process

Offered by the New CLSU Administration” by Raquel Balaoy, et. Al, (2009) , the

proponent stated that as the rapid improvements in our technology arise today, many

useful and efficient machines are being used. One example is the enrollment process,

from the traditional way to the computerized one. In our country today, many universities

and other educational institutions are using the one-step enrollment with the aid of

computers or the so called computerized enrollment. Central Luzon State University for

the first time adopts this kind of enrollment. Its first implementation of hassle-free

enrollment process, both the students and concerned employees are benefitted because it

is faster than the traditional process of enrollment. It is also more secured because it

monitors all the fees that are being collected.

According to Marrero (2011) in his study entitled “Student Information System

for University of Cordilleras” stressed that the concept of Information System(IS)

emerged in the early 1960s. More often, when information system is defined, the field

Information System is always associated, IS is an academic field that deals with the

generation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of recorded

knowledge. Furthermore, it is a collection of related components designed to support

operations, management, and decision making in an organization. Generally, IS is

supposed to inform people. Information System supports people or users in making

intelligent decisions based upon the information derived reliable data.

Girly Ramos, in her study Automated Enrollment System (2009) stated that

according to the chairperson of the department of information technology and systems,

this enrollment system will push through on the 1st semester of AY 2009-2010 according

to source; the enrollment system will automatically get the student’s subject/section for

hassle-free enrollment, this is for student without any pending back subject, they still

need to meet their department chairs/coordinators first for the advising of subjects before

using the enrollment system.

Saayoet. al (2008) developed the system “Network based Automated Enrollment

and Grading System of Balian National High School. Due to increasing population of the

institution, and the school currently implementing the manual system, every student

spends a lot of time during enrollment period, such as paying their tuition fees and

processing the school requirements.

Valinaet. al (2009) entitled “ Network based Student Permanent Record Keeping

and Enrollment System of Balian National High School”. This system was made to lessen

the time and effort exerted by both student and school employees. It is also made to give

accurate reports and keep records of every students and for easy and fast way of


Local Literature

Ryan E. Gantalao, et. al, in their article Cadapan Process Departmental

Enrollment System; Sojor Okays implementation Next School Year (2010) stated that to

address the perennial problem in Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) during

enrollment period, university registrar Reymil Cadapan proposed to the university

administration a departmental enrollment system wherein enrollment is done by college.

Cadapan said that the departmental enrollment system will eliminate long queues of

students during enrollment because they can go directly to their respective deans or

course advisers for the advising of subjects. He said that the system will be decentralized

to the different colleges and will make it faster for deans to evaluate students’ grades.

“Lack of enrollment system in schools can lead to chaos and troubles”. As stated

by Ace Adrian (2011). Students will be confused on what they should do to be able to

enroll that is why such systems is extremely useful in the way that it gives an ease on

working on enrollment process. Enrollment is very useful in retrieving vital information

of the students. Automating it will spell a big difference both for the administration and


The shifting of manual enrollment transaction into web based automation is one

example of what has driven partly by the rapid technological innovation. Any ways just

to make work easier and faster like enrollment transaction is possible with the emergence

of computer technologies.


The review of related literature and studies serve as a guideline and foundations

of the proponent on their design proposal. Proponents used the information of Mr. Ace

Adrian Sandoval of Enrollment System. Enrollment System is very important in a school.

It is very useful in retrieving vital information of the students. Without it can lead

difficulty both for the administration of school and student in enrollment process.

Proponents also adopt method of study such as descriptive research. Descriptive

method of study focuses in describing the data and characteristics about what is being

studied. Since the proponents engage on ES of NSI, observation and describing of

processes will be the key in knowing weakness and problems of existing enrollment

system. Proponents also adopt the theory of Stephen McHenry which is the iterative

implementation study. In this theory, the overall functionality of the system is broken

down to feature sets. This feature sets represent different processes involves in ES


The researcher gathered data necessary in the enrollment system for the success of

the study in providing benefit for the employees and students so they can have access and

have the ability to manage information directly and conveniently. In conclusion,

computerized enrollment system is useful especially when the school retrieves the

important information from the students.

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