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QUESTION BANK – ODD 2019-20 (R2014)
SUB. CODE : 40 TT 703
SUBJECT NAME : Industrial Engineering in Textile and Clothing Industry
K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology - Autonomous
40 TT 703 Industrial Engineering In Textile and Clothing Industry
B.Tech Textile Technology
Hours / Week Credit Maximum Marks
Semester Total hrs
L T P C CA ES Total
VII 3 0 0 45 3 50 50 100
 To study about method study, time study, product flow chart and garment manufacturing systems.
Objective(s)  To understand the concept of industrial engineering techniques and its application in textile
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of industrial engineering and productivity
2. Explain the process of improving productivity and its influence on standard of living
3. Understand the concepts of method study and procedure for conducting method study
4. Illustrate the process of method study using different charts and diagrams
5. Understand the concepts of motion economy and micro motion analysis
6. Calculate standard time for various operations and understand the concept of PTS
7. Understand the concept of layout and construct the layout of textile and apparel industry
8. Solve line balancing problems and apply IE techniques in garment industry
9. Describe the requirement of work environment and its importance
10. Understand the types of material handling equipments used in textile and apparel industry
Concepts of Industrial Engineering and Productivity
Industrial Engineering - definition and scope, Role of industrial engineers, Tools and techniques and benefits of
industrial engineering techniques; Productivity – definition, different Productivity indices, factors influencing
productivity, productivity linked with Standard of living; Work content - basic and added work content, Reduction of
work content and ineffective time; Low productivity in textile and apparel industries - reasons and suggestions for
improving productivity.
Work Study and Method Study
Work study – definition and purpose, Basic Procedure of work study; Method study – definition and purpose, Method
analysis chart, symbols and diagrams; Charts indicating process sequence – outline process chart, Flow process
chart (man type , material type and equipment type); Charts using time scale - multiple activity charts; Diagrams
indicating movement – flow diagram, string diagram, cycle graph, chronocycle graph and travel chart.
Motion Study and Work Measurement
Motion study – Principles of Motion economy, classification of movements, Two handed process chart; Micro motion
study – concept and Therblig chart, SIMO chart; Work measurement– definition and purpose, Techniques of time
study – stop watch method; Predetermined Motion Time Standards (PMTS)-definition, concepts, merits and demerits:
Rating – Definition and types; Allowances – definition and types; Standard time – definition and method for
calculating SAM.
Plant Layout, Product Layout and Line Balancing
Lay out – definition and types of garment lay out with examples, methods for determining space requirement and
steps for developing a new layout; Line balancing – definition, objectives and procedure, examples for line balancing
techniques; Application of IE techniques – capacity study calculation, measurement of operator performance, WIP;
Operation Bulletin – objectives and examples.
Work Environment and Material Handling
Work environment – factors influencing working environment, lighting, Ventilation, Temperature control, humidity
control and Noise control; Occupational health and Safety; Ergonomics; Services – stores, health and convenience
related service; Material handling – objectives, classification of material handling equipments, characteristics of
material handling equipments related to textile and apparel industry.
Text book(s)
1 ILO, Geneva, “Introduction of Work Study”, Universal Publishing Corporation, Mumbai, 2006.
Ramesh Babu V, “Industrial Engineering in Apparel Production”, Woodhead Publications India Pvt Ltd, New
Delhi, 2012.
Reference(s) :
1 Kiell B.Zandin, “Maynard’s “Industrial Engineering Hand Book”, Mc Graw Hill, Inc., New York, 2001.
2 James M Apple, “Plant Layout and Materials Handling”, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
3 Rajesh Bheda, “Managing Productivity of Apparel Industry” CBS Publishers and distributors, New Delhi 2002.
4 “Industrial engineering manual for textile industry”, Wiley Eastern (p) Ltd., New Delhi, 1988.
Jacob Solinger, “Apparel Manufacturing Hand Book - Analysis, Principles and Practice”, Boblin Media Corp,
Columbia, 1991.
Unit 1: Concepts of Industrial Engineering (CO1 & CO2)
S.N Blooms
Questions Marks CO
o Level
a State reasons for low production. 2 2 An

1. b Outline the Benefits of increased productivity 6 2 Kn

Discuss the tools and techniques required by an Industrial
c 12 1 Ap
a List the objectives of Industrial Engineering. 2 1 Kn

4. b Summarize Benefits of industrial engineering techniques 8 1 Kn

Elucidate the Relationship between better productivity and higher
c 10 2 An
standard of living
a Compare the production and productivity. 4 2 An
3. b Identify the factors that influence the standard of living. 6 2 An
c Examine the role of Industrial Engineer in garment industry 10 1 Kn
A company produces 160 kg of single jersey fabrics by consuming
200 kg of yarn for a particular period. For the next period, the output
a is doubled (320 kg) by consuming 420 kg of yarn and for the third 8 1 Ap
period, the output is increased to 400 kg by consuming 430 kg of
yarn. Comment based on productivity.
b Write short notes on Productivity. 2 1 Kn
c Discuss in detail the Factors affecting productivity. 10 2 An
a Give the notes on work content. 2 1 Kn
7. b Examine the concepts of Industrial Engineering. 6 1 Kn
c Explain the different methods of productivity measure. 12 2 Kn

Unit 2: Work study and Method study (CO3 & CO4)

S.No Questions Marks CO
a Give short notes on Operation process chart. 4 4 Kn
Write in detail the application of multiple activity charts in
1 b 6 4 An
Method Study for reducing the idle time.
Explain the factors to be considered in selection of job for
c 10 3 Kn
conducting method study.
a Mention the objectives of method study. 4 3 Kn
2 b Summarise the basic procedure involved in work study 6 3 Kn
c Demonstrate the application of Travel Chart in method study 10 4 Ap
a List the techniques used for recording the Method Study. 5 3 Ap

3 b Highlights the benefits of method study 5 3 Ap

Construct a Material type Flow Process Chart in conducting
c 10 4 Cr
Method Study
a Illustrate the various Process chart symbols used method study 8 3 Kn

4 b Name the types of flow process charts 2 4 Ap

Construct a Man type Flow Process Chart in conducting Method
c 10 4 Cr
A State the steps involved in drawing a flow diagram 4 3 Kn
5 B Discuss the application of String diagram in method study 8 4 Ap
c Examine the steps involved in conducting Method Study. 10 3 An
Unit 3: Motion Study and Work Measurement (CO5 & CO6)
S.No Questions Marks CO
a Name the methods used for performance rating. 2 6 Kn

1 b Explain the concept of Pre-determined motion–time system. 8 6 Kn

Design a Two Handed Process chart in recording the movement
c 10 5 Cr
in a workplace.
a Write short notes on Cycle graph and chronocycle graph 6 5 Kn

2 b Classify the movement of human body 4 5 Kn

Discuss in detail the steps involved in Time study for calculate
c 10 6 Ap
the SAM
a Mention the uses of standard time 4 6 Kn
3 b State the objectives and application of time study. 6 6 Kn
c Describe the principles of motion economy in detail. 10 5 Kn
a Mention the advantages of Micro motion study 4 5 Kn
Summarize the seventeen symbols and abbreviations
4 b 6 5 Kn
Explain the process of conducting Time Study using stop watch
c 10 6 Ap
method in detail.
a Write the situations mostly needed for chronocycle graph 2 5 An
Design a SIMO chart in recording the movement of labour in a
5 b 8 5 Cr
c Analyse the different types of allowance in detail. 10 6 An

Unit 4: Plant layout and Line Balancing (CO7 & CO8)

S.No Questions Marks CO
a State the objectives of Plant Layout. 4 7 Kn
Summarise the methods of determining space requirement for a
1 b 6 7 Kn
Examine the factors used for measuring the operator performance
c 10 8 An
in detail.
a Highlights the benefits of layout 4 7 Kn
b Design the Layout for full sleeve shirt by using batch system 6 7 Cr operation machine SAM (sec)
1 Join Shoulders S/S 0.35
2 2 Set Sleeves S/S 0.80
3 Close sides S/S 1.00
c 4 Attach collars S/N 0.85 10 8 Ap
5 T/S collar S/N 0.73
Calculate i.Theoretical output, ii. Balancing Efficiency, iii. Line
a Highlights the points to be consider when making balancing 8 8 An
3 b Mention the objectives of line balancing. 2 7 Kn
c Explain different types of Layout used in garment industry. 10 7 Kn
a Develop the layout for trouser 6 7 Cr
b Identify the activities done in preparing operation bulletin. 4 7 An
Elucidate the steps involved in Line Balancing with suitable
C 10 8 Kn
a Give short notes on WIP 5 8 Kn
5 b Outline the method of calculation for capacity study 5 8 Ap
C Discuss in detail the step involved for developing the new layout 10 7 Ap

Unit 5: Work environment and material handling (CO9 & CO10)

S.No Questions Marks CO
a Give notes on Ergonomics 4 10 Kn

1 b Identify the ways in improving the efficiency of handling. 6 10 Kn

Elucidate the effect of Noise in influencing the work
c 10 9 An
a Outline the characteristics of a material handling equipment. 8 10 An

2 b List the objectives of material handling. 2 10 Kn

Discuss in detail the role of lighting for a better working
c 12 9 Ap
a Summarise the factors influencing working environment. 4 9 An

3 b Discuss the concept of Occupational health and safety 6 9 Kn

Describe the role of ergonomics in improving the efficiency of
c 10 10 Kn
a Mention the objectives of material handling. 4 10 Kn
Analyse the health and convenience related services given
4 b 6 10 An
provided for labours.
Explain the importance of climate conditioning in a working
c 10 9 Kn
Highlights the methods used for control the humidity in textile
a 4 9 Ap
State the importance of temperature control in textile and
5 b 6 9 Kn
apparel industry
Elaborate in detail the types of material handling equipments
c 10 10 Kn
used in textile and apparel industry.

Course Coordinator Module Coordinator HOD

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