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Monoj, Rina and Arun were close friends when they were studying in JNU.
Manoj and Arun both liked Rina and wanted to marry her. During student
council elections at JNU both Arun and Manoj stood for the post of the
President but from different student parties. During a debate in the election
very severe fight took place between Manoj and Arun. Arun went to the extent
of attacking him with a lathi in which Manoj got severly injured. Later on, matter
was resolved with help of the University authorities. After this incident Manoj
and Rani stopped talking to Arun. A year later Manoj married Rina and they
moved to Chandigarh. Rani started working in a bank and Manoj started
working with an MNC. Rani would often talk about Arun how he was such a
good friend and asked Manoj to find him. But Manoj was not interested in what
she wanted. One day she received a friend request from Arun on Facebook
which she happily accepted. Manoj confronted Rani on accepting the
request and he did not approve of the fact of her getting in touch with Arun
again. Rani insisted that she considered Arun as their friend. Manoj reluctantly
agreed and allowed her to talk with Arun as he also recalled good times that
all of them had spent together. Arun told her that he would be visiting
Chandigarh. They invited him for Manoj’s birthday party. When Arun came the
party, he met Manoj rather coldly and was talking mostly to Rina. Rina was
introducing him to guests saying that he was her best friend. Arun went even
to the extent of saying that Rina liked Arun more but unfortunately got married
to Manoj. Even Arun made fun of Manoj in election which he won. Manoj was
greatly disturbed at this. After the party, he fought with Rina and told Arun not
to keep in touch with him or Rina and if he did not follow what he was told he
knew the means to get rid of him. But Rina was insistent of the fact that Arun
was her friend and there is nothing wrong in talking with him. Manoj asked Arun
to get out of his house. Manoj also told Rina that she has to choose either one
of the two. She did not say anything. Things returned to normal between Maoj
and Rina. After few days Manoj went to Bangalore for a five day business trip.
His work got over after three days and he thought of giving Rina a surprise.
When he came back home he saw Rina sitting in living room hugging Arun. He
got furious on seeing this and without uttering word he went out of the house
came back and picked up a lathi lying around in the courtyard and gave two
blows on Arun’s head. He fell down and died and a case u/s. 302 of Indian
Penal Code was registered against Manoj.

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