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Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130


Bidang Studi : Kebumian

Tanggal Tes : Kamis, 31 Mei 2018
Materi Tes : Simulasi OSN

Exploring Mars with… Curiosity!

In August 6th, 2012, the crane of the Mars Science Laboratory Mission started the descent of the
rover “Curiosity” on the surface of Mars. The operation was the end of a long trip of more than
eight months. It had been launched in Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) in November 2011.

In fact, the engineers and scientists had lost the connection with the spacecraft a few minutes
before, when it started its entrance to the Martian atmosphere. Only after “7 minutes of terror”,
did they recover the connection to find that the spacecraft had automatically followed the plans:
reduce its speed,
descend towards the target site (Gale Crater),
drop the thermal shield,
start the engines of the crane,
download the rover,
and leave it smoothly and surely on the surface of the red planet ready to start its operations to
explore Mars.
Suddenly, the operating room in Pasadena (California, USA), was filled with cheers and applause.
The rover Curiosity was safe on the surface of Mars. The first evidence of this was the first data
pack with the first pictures!
This happy moment was the starting point of the many activities of engineers and scientists. They
could steer and drive the vehicle remotely in order to study the geology of Gale Crater, located
on the Equator of Mars. Since then (2 years ago), the vehicle has been traveling for many
kilometers stopping here and there to take pictures, analyze samples, take measurements of
various environmental parameters, and to drill and take core samples in the rocks along its path.

Pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2012 peralatan Derek dari Misi Laboratorium Ilmiah Mars mulai
menurunkan kendaraan penjelajah “Curiosity” di atas permukaan Mars. Operasi ini merupakan
akhir dari suatu perjalanan panjang selama lebih dari 8 bulan setelah peluncurannya di Tanjung
Canaveral (Florida, Amerika Serikat) pada bulan November 2011. Akan tetapi insinyur dan
ilmuwan telah kehilangan koneksi dengan wahana antariksa tsb beberapa menit sebelum
memasuki atmosfer Mars. Setelah “terror 7 menit” ini, mereka bisa memulihkan koneksi dan
mengetahui bahwa wahana antariksa secara otomatis telah mengikuti seluruh rencana:
mengurangi laju
turun ke lokasi target (kawah Gale)
menurunkan pelindung termal

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

menyalakan mesin derek

menurunkan kendaraan penjelajah
dan meninggalkannya dengan aman di permukaan planet merah untuk nantinya kendaraan
tersebut akan memulai operasi eksplorasi Mars.
Mendadak ruang operasi di Pasadena (California, Amerika Serikat) riuh oleh tepuk tangan.
Penjelajah Curiosity telah berada di permukaan Mars dengan aman. Bukti pertama dari ini adalah
paket data berisi gambar-gambar pertama yang diambil.
Momen-momen kegembiraan ini merupakan titik awal dari berbagai kegiatan insinyur dan
ilmuwan untuk mengendalikan dan mengendarai kendaraan dari jauh dalam rangka
mempelajari berbagai aspek geologis dari kawah Gale yang berlokasi di ekuator planet Mars.
Sejak saat itu (2 tahun yang lalu) kendaraan telah menjelajahi berkilo-kilometer, berhenti disana-
sini untuk mengambil gambar, menganalisis sampel, mengukur parameter lingkungan, membor
dan mengambil sampel inti batuan sepanjang lintasan jelajahnya.

Figure 1. Crater Gale. Image take by Curiosity rover. Courtesy of MSL/JPL/NASA.

1. Images from Curiosity like Figure 1 confirmed the observations of previous missions
(orbiters, landers and rovers): Mars is a desert (= Gambar dari Curiosity seperti pada
Gambar 1 menegaskan hasil observasi dari misi sebelumnya bahwa Mars adalah sebuah
gurun). In this case, which of the next features do you expect to observe in the images
taken by Curiosity? (=Kenampakan-kenampakan mana yang bisa diamati pada gambar
yang diambil oleh Curiosity tsb)?
a) Dunes
b) Alluvial fans
c) Deflation basins
d) Moraines

2. However, Mars is a cold desert. The mean temperatures are below 0ºC (=temperature
rata-rata di bawah 0oC) and, in fact, the minimum air temperature measured by the
instruments aboard Curiosity was -80ºC (=temperature minimum yang terukur oleh

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

Curiosity adalah -80oC). If the pressure is 600 Pa, what could be the stable phases of
water on Mars? (=Jika tekanannya adalah 600 Pa, air di Mars akan berada pada fase
fase stabil berupa apa saja?)

Figure 2. EruricoZimbres in

S: Solid / L: Liquid / G: Gas / TP: Triple Point / CP: Critical Point

a) Liquid + Gas
b) Liquid + Solid
c) Solid + Gas
d) Liquid + Solid+ Gas

3. Pictures from this cold desert (at least on this day) show that the surface of Mars has a
reddish color, sometimes orange. Which mineral/s from the following list do you think
could explain this color on the Martian surface (=permukaan Mars)?
a) Sulfur native
b) Pyrite
c) Olivine
d) Magnetite
e) Hematite
f) Quartz

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

4. Aeolian deposits do not cover all of the

surface. Rocky outcrops are often visible
in the pictures acquired by the multiple
cameras of the rover, some of them with
clear geological structures. Based on
these observations, identify the rock type
in Figure 3? (the picture width is about 1
a) Basalt
b) Mylonite
c) Sandstone
d) Dolerite
Figure 3. Crater Gale. Image take by Curiosity rover. Courtesy

5. The photo in Figure 5 shows features that

could be evidence of surface water being
part of the history of the area. Which kind
of fluvial network (=pola penyaluran) best
describes the pattern in Figure 5?
a) Parallell
b) Radial
c) Reticular
d) Angular
e) Braided
f) Dendritic

Figure 5. WarregoVallis. Courtesy of Viking/JPL/NASA.

Figure 7. Images from Mars. Courtesy of THEMIS/JPL/NASA.

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

Questions 6 and 7 refer to Figure 7.

6. In which of the images is the main geological feature most probably a fault?
[Chose the letters a-f in your answer sheet] A

7. In which of the images is the main geological feature most probably a fluvial channel?
[Chose the letters a-f in your answer sheet] B

8. In the past, Mars not only had streams and oceans, but also had ice ages and the
glaciers covered a large part of the planet from the Equator to high latitudes. Which
process could best explain the existence of ice ages on Mars? (= Proses apa yang terbaik
dapat menjelaskan kemunculan jaman es di Mars?)
a) Reduction in solar energy income
b) Decrease of volcanic activity
c) Changes of the planetary rotation axis angle
d) Decrease in the distance to the Sun

9. The Martian (=Mars) atmosphere is poor in water vapor, but rich in CO2, an important
greenhouse gas. Which of the following processes could naturally increase (=menaikkan)
the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of Mars (as well as on the Earth)?
a) Absence of life
b) Materials oxidation
c) Volcanic eruptions
d) Solar storms

10. Pictures of the sky reveal the presence of

clouds. Based on the classification of
terrestrial clouds, which kind of clouds
are those in Figure 8?
a) Cumulus
b) Stratus
c) Nimbostratus
d) Cirrus

Figure 8. The sky as seen from Mars solid surface. Courtesy of


11. Figure 9 shows the vertical thermal structure (variation of temperature with height) of
Earth and Mars atmospheres. Identify the thermal structure of the Earth and Mars.

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

a) A represents Earth’s
atmosphere and B represents
Mars’ atmosphere
b) B represents Earth’s
atmosphere and A represents
Mars’ atmosphere
c) A and B can represent diferent
moments in Earth’s
atmosphere (=atmosfer Bumi
pada saat yang berbeda)

d) A and B can represent diferent

moments in Mars’
atmosphere (=atmosfer Mars
pada saat yang berbeda)
Figure 9. Atmospheric thermal structures of the two planets.
X =Temperature ( K),Y = Altitude (km).

12. Mars, like the Earth, has different seasons during the year (summer, autumn, winter and
spring). Which of the following parameters could best explain the existence of seasons
on Mars (= Parameter mana yang terbaik dapat menjelaskan terjadinya musim di
a) Ellipticity
b) Distance to the Sun
c) Angle of rotation axis
d) Precession
e) Existence of 2 moons
f) Year duration

13. The meteorological station aboard Curiosity measures UV radiation. The first results
reveal high UV radiation on the surface–relatively higher than on the terrestrial surface.
(= Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa radiasi UV di Mars lebih tinggi daripada di Bumi). With
this information, what could you deduce about the atmosphere of Mars, compared to
Earth’s atmosphere?
a) It is 5 times thicker
b) There is not magnetic field
c) It has less nitrogen
d) It has less ozone
e) It is 10 time thinner

14. Curiosity is the first rover able to provide an absolute age of a rock outside the Earth.
However, from previous planetary missions, planetary geologists have use observations
of rock structures and the Basic Principles of Geology to relative date the rocks. Choose

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

the Basic Principles that can be used for relative age dating on Mars and Earth (=Pilih
prinsip-prinsip dasar geologi apa saja yang dapat dipakai untuk menentukan umur
a) Radioactive decay
b) Original verticality
c) Cooling rate
d) Law of superposition
e) Cross cutting relationships
f) Cosmic rays

15. In general, planetary geologists use the cross-cutting relationships to decide which
materials are older or younger. Which sequence best explains, the units observed in
Figure 10 from oldest to youngest (=dari yang tertua ke termuda)?
a) A-B-C
b) C-B-A
c) A-C-B
d) B-C-A
e) C-A-B
f) B-A-C

Figure 10. Claritas Fossae. Courtesy of HRSC/MEx/ESA.

16. The rocky outcrops reveal important information about the most recent environmental
conditions. What would be the most likely origin of the features observed in Figure 11?
Take into account that the front left wheel of the rover shown in the picture is about 50
cm width.

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

a) Tectonic faults
b) Polygonal terrains
c) Glacial erosion
d) Fluvial erosion
e) Desiccation cracks
f) Metamorphic cleavage

Figure 11. Gale Crater. Courtesy of MSL/JPL/NASA.

17. If plate tectonics existed on Mars, which of the following features do you expect to
observe on the surface of that planet? (=kenampakan-kenampakan apa saja yang dapat
diamati di permukaan planet tsb, pilih jawaban-jawaban yang benar)
a) Mountain ranges
b) Only old terrains
c) Elongated depressions (trenches)
d) Absence of faults
e) Alignments of volcanic edifices (=kerucut volkanik)

18. Tharsis and Elysium are two huge volcanic provinces of Mars, more than 2000
kilometers in diameter each. As we do not have evidence of plate tectonics in Mars,
which process could better explain the existence of those important volcanic regions? (=
Karena tidak ada bukti adanya tektonik lempeng di Mars, proses mana yang dapat
menjelaskan munculnya vulkanisme tsb?)
a) Impact craters
b) Hot spots
c) Subduction processes
d) Batholiths
e) Diapirism
f) Magma crystallization

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

g) Solar storms

19. Some Martian volcanoes had erupted about 350 Million years ago. In which geological
period was the Earth at that moment?
a) Upper Devonian
b) Middle Triassic
c) Lower Cambrian
d) Upper Carboniferous
e) Middle Cambrian
f) Lower Cretaceous
g) Upper Jurassic
h) Middle Silurian
i) Lower Holocene

20. None of the previous rovers have detected the presence of fossils or any other
biological marker on Mars, not even when the landing sites was located on the floor of
the ancient ocean of Mars. On Earth, which of the following are markers of the presence
of life in the ancient oceans?(= Di bumi, manakah di antara berikut ini, beberapa yang
menjadi penanda adanya kehidupan di laut purba, pilih jawaban-jawaban yang benar).
a) Belemnite
b) Calamites
c) Equus
d) Hyperion
e) Mammoth
f) Stromatolites
g) Tyrannosaurus
h) Crinoid
i) Sigillaria

21. During its trip on the surface of Mars, Curiosity photographed this rock (Figure 12),
interpreted by the scientific team as a meteorite. What is the most likely origin?
a) Moon
b) Earth
c) Asteroid belt
d) Oort cloud
e) Mercury
f) Jupiter
g) Sun
h) Titan

Figure 12. Gale Crater. Courtesy of MSL/JPL/NASA.

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

22. Because it is not possible to use a compass or a Global Positioning System (GPS) to
locate and track the rovers on Mars, engineers use the positions of the stars to find
them. The main star in the sky of Mars is the Sun, at a distance of 1.5 AU. On Earth the
Sun has an angular diameter of 0.5°. What is the angular diameter of the Sun in the sky
of Mars? (=Karena tidak mungkin menggunakan sebuah kompas atau GPS untuk
menentukan lokasi dan menngikuti jejak alat penjelajah di planet Mars, insinyur
menggunakan posisi dari bintangbintang untuk mencari penjelajah ini. Bintang utama di
langit Mars adalah Matahari, pada jarak 1.5 satuan astronomi. Di Bumi, Matahari
memiliki diameter sudut 0.5 derajat. Berapakah diameter sudut matahari di lihat dari
planet Mars?)
a) 40’
b) 30’
c) 20’
d) 10’
e) 5’
f) 1’
g) 0.4º
h) 0.5º
i) 0.6º

Read the following text and study carefully Figure 13

“Scientists used the Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars
rover in June 2014 to examine a Martian rock "shell" about one inch (two to three
centimeters) across, embedded in fine-grained bedrock and with a dust-filled hollow interior.
This graphic (Figure 13) combines an image of the target, called "Winnipesaukee," with
spectrographic results from using ChemCam's laser on a row of points including the rock, the
matrix around it and the material filling it.”

(= Para ilmuwan menggunakan alat Kamera Kimia (ChemCam) pada alat penjelajah Mars
Curiosity milik NASA pada Juni 2014 untuk meneliti sebuah “cangkang” batuan dengan
diameter 1 inchi yang ruang kosong bagian dalamnya terisi debu halus dan tertanam pada
sebuah batuan dasar berbutir halus. Grafik ini (Gambar 16) menunjukkan batuan yang menjadi
target, dinamakan “Winnipesaukee” dan hasil spektrografi menggunakan laser ChemCam
pada deretan titik pada batuan, matriks yang di sekelilingnya dan material yang mengisinya.)

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

Figure 13. ChemCam image and analysis. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/IRAP/LPGNantes/CNRS/IAS/MSSS.

23. Which rocks on Earth have high concentrations of Mg and Fe, and dark color, like the
one in the image? (= Batuan-batuan mana di bumi yang memiliki konsentrasi Mg dan Fe
yang tinggi, berwarna gelap seperti yang tampak pada gambar tsb?)
a) Basalt
b) Biotite
c) Conglomerate
d) Clay
e) Granite
f) Gabbro
g) Gneiss
h) Sandstone

As we see, planet Mars has many features similar or equivalent to those that geologists study on
Earth. Thanks to the rovers and spacecraft sent to Mars, we already have a good knowledge about
general questions such as the origin, evolution and main characteristics of the Red Planet.

However, many observed elements have formation mechanisms and origins still undiscovered –
many detailed questions still wait for an answer. Would you become a planetary geologist to
research the mysteries of Mars and other planets?

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

The Delicate Coastal Equilibrium

Canada has the longest coastline: 243791 km. The Federated States of Micronesia have the
biggest coast length/surface ratio: 8706,553 m/km2. Even though it does not reach these record
figures, the Iberian Peninsula has a long coastline (9669 km). The history and economy of Spain
and Portugal has been linked to the Cantabrian Sea due North, the Atlantic Ocean due West and
the Mediterranean Sea due South and East. Within this paper, we will visit three segments of the
Iberian coast and explore the landscapes and processes around this coastline.

From the Earth Science point of view, coastal areas are among most dynamic and fragile
environments and the source of important eco-services to our societies. In addition, most
metropolitan areas in the world are in the coast. The efficiency of ship transport, the sea
resources (food, salt, etc.) have concentrated humans in the coast for centuries. Consequently,
coastal processes affect millions of persons in the world –while the human activity affects the
coastal processes in a variety of ways.

Figure 1. The Iberian Península and its main watersheds. The three circles mark the areas you will have to work on in
this paper: 1. The Coast off Lisbon; 2. The coast of Huelva; 3. The Delta of Ebro River. Triple line marks Ebro River.

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

The coast off Lisbon (Portugal)

The coast in front of Lisbon (Portugal) is similar to
many coast in the world, and has some element that
can be found in any Atlantic Coast

24. The flat areas marked A (Figure 2), are…

a) Delta
b) Continental shelf
c) Abyssal Plains
d) Continental Slope

25. The most likely point for turbidite formation

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Figure 2. Image of the coastal area and sea bottom in the area off Lisbon (Portugal)

26. If you were to lay a submarine cable, which option would be safer in terms of turbidity
flows? ( Jika anda merencanakan untuk menempatkan kabel bawah laut, maka posisi
paling aman yang bebas dari arus turbiditas yang akan anda pilih adalah…)
a) W
b) X
c) Y
d) Z

27. The Atlantic coast has this configuration because it is in…

a) Destructive ocean margins
b) Constructive ocean margins
c) Active continental margins
d) Passive continental margins

The next questions will refer to Figures 4, 6 and 7, which position is indicated in the map
of Figure 3.

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

Figure 3. The coast of Huelva province (Spain) and part of the Algarve (Portugal). The border is marked by the Guadiana
river –with reference to the area showed in following figures.

Figure 4. Tide diagram for 13 June 2014. Vertical axis-meters. Horizontal axis-local time

On 13 June 2014 a team of scientists explored the marshes (daerah rawa/paya) of Isla Cristina to
take samples of clay and organic matter tidal channels bottom –in an area with the bottom at 1
m below average sea level. The probe is a rather heavy machine transported and operate on
board a small boat that needs 0,5 m deep waters. Every probe takes about one hour to be
completed and the team needs three samples.
The day before, they downloaded a tide graph (Figure 4) to plan their work –horizontal axis is
time, and vertical axis is elevation above average sea level.
The tidal coefficient will be 98. With such a high coefficient we will have big tides and the currents
will also be very evident. The tide heights will be 1.4 m, -1.4 m, 1.6 m and -1.5 m. We can compare

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

these levels with the maximum high tide recorded in the tide tables for Isla Cristina which is of
1.9 m and a minimum height of -1.8 m.

28. Which of the following is the best time to begin the exploration
a) 1:00
b) 8:00
c) 16:00
d) 20:00

29. Such high tidal coefficient (see text above) indicates that the moon phase is probably…
(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
a) New moon (Bulan baru)
b) Waxing crescent (Sabit awal)
c) First quarter (Kuartil pertama)
d) Waxing gibbous (Gembung awal)
e) Full moon (Purnama)
f) Waning gibbous (Gembung akhir)
g) Third quarter (Kuartir ketiga)
h) Waning crescent (Sabit akhir)

Figure 5. "El Rompido" littoral sand spit, in the mouth of river Piedras.

30. The image of Figure 5 shows a sand littoral spit developed in front of the mouth of the
river Piedras. The landform results from
a) Fluvial erosion, similar to what happens in any meander
b) Fluvial sedimentation, similar what happens in a typical alluvial fan
c) The change in sea level due to global warming
d) The interaction between tides and winds, as in many semiarid coast
e) The interaction of river and littoral drift sediments
f) The contamination of rivers due to deforestation and mining.

31. To form that sand littoral spit, the prevailing waves could come from… (Pilih semua
jawaban yang benar)
a) Any place
b) N

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

c) S
d) W
e) E
f) N - NW
g) N - NE
h) S - SW
i) S – SE

Figure 6 shows the area of Doñana National Park. From left to right, you can see: the Atlantic
Ocean, a succession of white bands (the beach, alittoral-dunes field –with some vegetation
areas), and the marshes. Only a deep knowledge of the geologic processes makes possible the
protection of the fauna and vegetation that make worldfamous this National Park. In the bottom
right side of the image is the Guadalquivir River.

32. Based on Figure 7, choose the best

statement: (Berdasarkan gambar 6
dan 7, pilihlah pernyataan yang benar
mengenai lokasi yang ditandai dengan
huruf A dan B
a) A represents the marshes, B is the
b) A represents the sea, B is the
marshes area
c) A and B represents the sea
d) Impossible to decide

Figure 6. Doñana beach, dunes and marshes, west of the

mouth of Guadalquivir river. Source: IGN, Spot Image.

33. Which of the following describes the dashed line, marked with the inverted triangle?
a) Limit between beach and dune sands
b) Avalanche side
c) Base of dunes
d) Beach
e) Intertidal zone
f) Water table

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

g) Maximum sea level during winter storms

h) Surf zone

Figure 7. Simplified cross-section of Doñana National Park.

34. If Figure 7 is correct, and a chemical leak happens in point G… (Jika gambar 7 benar dan
terjadi rembesan sat kimia pada titik G, maka …..)
a) Contamination will initially reach the sea
b) Contamination will initially reach the marshes
c) Contamination will remain below point G
d) Contamination will not infiltrate
e) It’s impossible to forecast the flow of contaminated water

35. Marshes are described as carbon sinks because there is: (Daerah rawa/paya
digambarkan sebagai penyimpan/penyerap karbon, hal tersebut disebabkan karena…,
pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
a) Oscillation of sea level with tides
b) Alternating of fresh and salty waters
c) Accumulation of organic matter
d) Accumulation of shells
e) Dissolution of carbon dioxide in water
f) Oxidation of organic matter
g) Erosion of dunes
h) Sand-dunes sedimentation

Coast and Atmosphere

In many oceanic coasts, storms and storm surges are a main concern. The understanding of
storms and atmospheric stability are a basic concept to forecast and prevent their effects. In the
following questions, we will work on these subjects.

36. A storm surge is…

a) A change in atmospheric pressure that destroys crop plantations
b) An increase in atmospheric pressure due to storm clouds
c) A decrease in pressure below storm clouds that attract clouds to the level of the
Earth surface
d) Arise of the sea level due to the low pressure in the storm core
e) An increase of wave frequencies due to the cyclonic winds in storms

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

Figure 8. Left: Supercell cloud. Right: Symplified Tephigram with an environmental gradient (dashed line) and four possible
adiabatic gradients (solid lines). (Image from Wikimedia Commons,, visited 5 June 2014

37. Study Figure 8 and decide which adiabatic gradient (a, b, c or d) best describes the
conditions of the right part of the photograph.[Choose a letter a-d in your sheet answer]

Contamination in oceans and beaches

Recently a new term, plastiglomerate, has been used to describe a sediment found on beaches
in Hawaii. This sediment contains clasts of basalt, coral, shells and woody debris together with
plastic fragments of all sizes. The sediment is subdivided into two types. An “in situ” type and a
“clastic” type. The “clastic” type is unconsolidated but the “in situ” type is fused together into
rocky lumps by melting of the plastic. The common heat source in their process is beach fires lit
by campers and fisherman. (Source: P. L. Corcoran, C. J. Moore, and K. Jazvac. An anthropogenic
marker horizon in the future rock record. GSA Today, Volume 24 Issue 6 (June 2014)

38. For plastic to be useful as an “Index fossil”, it must… (Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
a) Be easy to destroy
b) Be sorted in sediments with just one kind of plastic
c) Have existed during a long period (in geological sense)
d) Have existed during a short period (in geological sense)
e) Have been dispersed in few and sparsely distributed environments.
f) Have been dispersed in many and widely distributed environments.
g) Be scarce at a global scale
h) Endemic of an area

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

The Delta of River Ebro (Spain)

Ebro river delta is in the north-east coast of Spain, (Figure 9A). The Ebro Delta is a mixed kind of
delta, as shown is the classification in Figure 9B.

39. The position of Ebro in the classification diagram of Figure 9B means that…
a) The delta is far from any estuary
b) The influence of tides is bigger that the influence of river sediments
c) The delta is in a delicate conservations equilibrium, close to the limit of destruction
d) The influence of waves is bigger than the influence of tides
e) The influence of waves is much bigger than the influence of river sediments
f) The delta will migrate so the NE along the left side of the triangle

40. The contribution of river sediments is fundamental to delta evolution, and sediment
transport depends on river discharge (Q). Given the data included in Figure 0, what is
the discharge in that river?
a) 10000 m3/s
b) 30000 dm3/s
c) 20000 l/s

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

d) 2000 m3/s
e) 1500 l/s
f) 24000 dm3/s

Figure 10. Data to measure discharge.

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130


1. Diketahui penampang Sungai Musi di suatu tempat seperti pada gambar berikut.

Dari hasil pengukuran diketahui bahwa kecepatan aliran dari titik pengukuran (t.p) 1 ke
t.p 2 sebesar 0,25 m/detik sedangkan lebar Sungai Musi di t.p 1 dan t.p 2 adalah 35 m.
Hasil pengukuran kedalaman sungai tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

Dari data tersebut, hitunglah berapa debit Sungai Musi di lokasi itu!

2. Ilustrasikan dengan gambar-gambar sederhana proses yang terjadi pada permukaan bumi
di hotspot dan jelaskan setiap gambar secara singkat!

3. Nyanyang berjalan ke arah utara sampai titik A dan menemukan lapisan batupasir yang
memiliki strike dan dip N270oE/30o, lalu sampai 15 m kemudian sampai di titik B dan
menemukan batas lapisan batupasir dengan batulempung dengan strike dan dip yang
sama, lalu ia melanjutkan perjalanan sampai menemukan lapisan batugamping mulai dari
titik C sampai titik D, setelah berjalan beberapa saat di titik E ia kembali menemukan

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

lapisan batulempung dengan strike dan dip N90oE/60o, lalu ia melanjutkan jalan ke utara
sampai titik F dan menemukan lapisan batupasir dengan strike dan dip yang sama dengan
batulempung sebelumnya. Perjalanan Nyanyang berhenti di titik G di batas akhir ia
menemukan lapisan batupasir tersebut.
a. Struktur apakah yang kira-kira dapat kalian temukan dari deskripsi di atas?
b. Berapakah ketebalan lapisan batupasir yang pertama ditemukan jajang dan terakhir
ditemukan jajang?
c. Berapa jauh kah jajang berjalan dari titik F ke titik G?
d. Ceritakan bagaimana kira-kira sejarah geologi pembentukan lokasi nyanyang

4. Tahun tropis didefinisikan sebagai interval waktu yang dibutuhkan Matahari untuk
bergerak satu lingkaran penuh sepanjang garis ekliptika dengan titik awalnya berada di
titik vernal equinox. Tahun sideris didefinisikan sebagai interval waktu yang dibutuhkan
matahari untuk bergerak satu lingkaran penuh sepanjang garis ekliptika. Perubahan arah
sumbu rotasi Bumi (presesi) membuat posisi titik vernal equinox pada garis ekliptika
berubah setiap tahunnya. Gerak titik vernal equinox berlawanan arah dengan gerak
matahari di sepanjang garis ekliptika. Hal ini menyebabkan panjang tahun tropis
berbeda dengan panjang tahun sideris. Tinjau sebuah bintang dengan koordinat RA : 0h
0m 0s dan deklinasi : 0° 0’ 0”. Jika 13 000 tahun yang akan datang bintang tersebut
memiliki koordinat RA : 12h 0m0 s dan deklinasi : 0° 0’ 0”, maka hitunglah...
a. Laju perubahan posisi titik vernal equinox (dalam satuan detik busur per tahun).
b. Panjang tahun tropis jika diketahui panjang tahun sideris adalah 365,2564 hari .

5. Gambarkan peta bumi dengan garis berbentuk bidang yang menunjukan ocean global
conveyor belt dan bedakan arus yang dingin dan dalam dengan arus yang hangat dan
dangkal serta beri keterangan untuk perbedaan tersebut!

6. Suatu parsel udara bergerak dari laut yang hangat menuju pegunungan yang ada di pesisir
pantai, temperatur udara tersebut adalah 27oC. Tinggi dasar awan yang terbentuk akibat
pengangkatan orografis adalah dari parsel udara tersebut adalah 2500m. Temperatur
parsel udara saat mencapai dasar lee ward pegunungan tersebut adalah 35,75 oC.
a. Berapakah titik embun parsel udara tersebut?
b. Berapakah suhu parsel udara di puncak gunung?
c. Berapakah tinggi pegunungan tersebut?

7. Palembang yang memiliki bentang alam daerah dataran dengan ketinggian kurang dari
50m, dapat disebut sebagai kota air dan karena itu sangat dipengaruhi oleh curah hujan.
Diketahui luas kota Palembang adalah 358,55 km2, dan pada tanggal 8 Maret 2016
terjadi hujan secara merata di kota Palembang, dengan curah hujan 4 mm. Hitunglah
volume air hujan yang jatuh di kota Palembang!

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn
Konsultan Olimpiade Sains Nasional
Head Office : Kompleks Sawangan Permai Blok A3 No.10, Sawangan, Depok 16511
Ofiice : 021-2920 6201. Contact Person : 0878-7871-8585 / 0813-8691-2130

8. Gambarkan dalam koordinat bola langit bintang dengan : Deklinasi +43 o20’30” dan RA
5h45m30s di lokasimu yang memiliki lintang sekitar 6oLS dan pada tanggal 31 Mei 2018
jam 08.00 !

#RoadtoOSN 2018
Instagram, Twitter, Line dan Youtube : @pelatihan_osn

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