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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 3 - Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud

Slide notes
Welcome to the training for the first group of the EMEA localizations in Oracle Human Capital
Management Cloud. In this session we talk about enhanced country support for Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, and Sweden.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 4 - Agenda

Slide notes
For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value
they bring.
Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview

Slide notes
In this training we will show you the new features in Release 13 that will extend the coverage of country-specific functionality as well as legislative
compliance for EMEA, the 1st group.
Enhanced functionality delivered for the localizations covered in this session consists in validation made available through the worker validation reports. The
Worker Data Validation Report is used to get a list of employees with missing or invalid HR data for a given localization. In the next slides we will go through
the detailed coverage for each country.


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Slide 6 - Denmark Localization: Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
The Worker Data Validation Report has been enhanced for the Danish localization to check the existence of a record for the following two fields part of the
Supplemental Taxation and Reporting Address definition: Street Name and Number, and Postal Code. In addition, there’s a cross validation checking if
there’s a match between the CPR Number an the gender entered for a given person.
The delivered output is a PDF or excel which lists the people with missing or invalid information at a specified date. For example, the above screen shot is
an extract from a report showing two employees hired by a Danish legal employer. For the first employee the fields Street Name and Number, and Postal
Code were left blank. The gender for the second employee was entered as ‘Female’ while the correspondent digit in the national identifier depicts a male,
therefore the cross validation CPR Number- Gender has failed.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 7 - Estonia Localization: Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
Let’s continue by showing the enhanced functionality for Estonia.
The Worker Data Validation Report has been extended for the Estonian localization to check the national identifier Personal Code against the gender and
the century of birth records.
The delivered output is a PDF or excel which lists the people with the invalid information at a specified date. The above screen shot is an extract from a
report showing two employees hired by an Estonian legal employer. For the first employee there’s no match between the century of birth and the Personal
Code entries. The second employee’s gender is recorded as a female, but this doesn’t match the correspondent digit of the Personal Code.
To run this report navigate to the Data Exchange area and, under the Payroll tasks, submit a process or report. The Worker Data Validation Report will be
available once the legislative data group has been selected. An effective date to run the report must be also specified, which should not be prior to the hiring
date for the targeted workers in the report, as shown in these screen shots. Here, the hire dates are in 2017 while the report effective date is set to
November 15, 2018.


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Slide 8 - Finland Localization: Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
The Worker Data Validation Report has been enhanced for the Finnish localization to check the format and the check digit of the National Identifier.
The above screen shot is an extract from a report showing two employees hired by a Finnish legal employer. The record entered for the national identifier
for the first employee fails the check digit validation. For the second employee the entered national identifier has an invalid format.
In this example you can also see another validation message for both employees, flagging the absence of an address. Note that this validation is available
with a previous release.


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Slide 9 - Lithuania Localization: Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
Similar to Estonia, the Worker Data Validation Report has been extended for the Lithuanian localization to check the national identifier Personal Code
against the gender and the century of birth records.
The delivered output is a PDF or excel which lists the people with the invalid information at a specified date. The above screen shot is an extract from a
report showing two employees hired by a Lithuanian legal employer. For the first employee there’s no match between the gender and the Personal Code
entries. For the second employee the cross validation Personal Code- century of birth is not met.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 10 - Norway Localization: Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
Let’s continue by showing the enhanced functionality for Norway.
The Worker Data Validation Report has been extended for the Norwegian localization to check the existence of a record for one of the National Identifier or
D Number for each employee. The other enabled validation checks the coexistence of valid records for both national identifiers, looking 12 months prior the
report effective date and all future periods.
The delivered output is a PDF or excel which lists the people with the missing or invalid information at a specified date. The above screen shot is an extract
from a report showing two employees hired by a Norwegian legal employer. For the first employee there’s no record for any of the National Identifier or D
Number. For the second employee the validation message is triggered by the fact that there is a valid record for both national identifiers, meaning their
expiration dates are both null or set after the report effective date.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 11 - Russia Localization: Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
The Worker Data Validation Report has been enhanced for the Russian localization to check the existence of a record for the following two fields part of the
Supplemental Taxation and Reporting Address definition: Town or Village, and Settlement. In addition, there’s a validation enabled to check the following
attributes for an employee with Russian citizenship: Patronymic, Genitive Case of Last Name, and Region of Birth.
The above screen shot is an extract from a report showing the validation in relation to citizenship. All the described attributes were left blank for both
employees. However, the first employee has Russian citizenship while the second one has Polish citizenship.
To run this report navigate to the Data Exchange area and, under the Payroll tasks, submit a process or report. The Worker Data Validation Report will be
available once the legislative data group has been selected. An effective date to run the report must be also specified, which should not be prior to the hiring
date for the targeted workers in the report, as shown in these screen shots.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 12 - Sweden Localization: Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
Similar to Norway, the Worker Data Validation Report has been extended for the Swedish localization to check the existence of a record for one of the
Personal identification number or Coordination number for each employee. The other enabled validation checks the coexistence of valid records for both
national identifiers, looking 12 months prior the report effective date and all future periods.
The delivered output is a PDF or excel which lists the people with the missing or invalid information at a specified date. The above screen shot is an extract
from a report showing two employees hired by a Swedish legal employer. For the first employee there’s no record for any of the Personal identification
number or Coordination number. For the second employee the validation message is triggered by the fact that there is a valid record for both national
identifiers, meaning their expiration dates are both null or set after the report effective date.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 13 - Worker Data Validation Report

Slide notes
The coverage for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, and Sweden has been extended with country specific functionality.
By running and reviewing the Worker Data Validation Report, you can check or cross check the existence or correctness of records for different attributes,
targeting enhanced legislative compliance.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 14 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

Slide notes
Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today.
I described the validation made available through the Worker Data Validation Report for Denmark, Estonia, and Finland, which you can review here.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 15 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

Slide notes
Next, I described the enhancements available for Lithuania, Norway, and Russia.


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Slide 16 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

Slide notes
I ended the presentation of the 1st group of the EMEA localizations with the enhancements available for Sweden.
Take a moment to review the enhanced functionality delivered for each localization.

These new functionalities will help you and your organization increase compliance in a global context.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 17 - Implementation Advice

Slide notes
In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to
know to set them up.


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Slide 18 - Feature Impact Guidelines

Slide notes
This table (which continues on the next slide) depicts key update information for the features covered in this training.
All features are delivered ready to use and can be accessed through existing shipped job roles. There are no enablement actions associated with them.


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Slide 19 - Feature Impact Guidelines

Slide notes
These are the next features described in the current training. They are also delivered ready to use and included with the shipped job roles, with no specific
action required to access them.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 20 - Features Delivered Ready to Use Impact Analysis

Slide notes
This table (which continues on the next slide) details the impact to your current business flows of features in this training that are delivered ready to use by
your end-users.
The features are enhancing existing functionality delivered through the Worker Data Validation Report for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, and Lithuania and will
have minimal impact to your existing business processes.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 21 - Features Delivered Ready to Use Impact Analysis

Slide notes
These are the next features described in the current training.
The features are enhancing existing functionality delivered through the Worker Data Validation Report for Norway, Russia, and Sweden and will have
minimal impact to your existing business processes.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 22 - Job Roles

Slide notes
This table shows examples of the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training. Standard HR and Payroll job roles are used
(for example Human Resources Specialist, Human Resources Manager).


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 23 - Business Process Information

Slide notes
The business process associated with the new capabilities covered in this training is detailed here.
The high level business process is Manage Workforce Lifecycle, with Manage Employment Information activity.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 24 - Associated Training

Slide notes
Other training modules that are related to these new capabilities and are recommended viewing are: localization enhancement for EMEA (with other two
decks), the Greater Middle East, APAC, and AMER.
Please refer to the next slide to see details on countries for the training sessions mentioned here.


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Adobe Captivate Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Slide 25 - Associated Training

Slide notes
As previously mentioned, this slide depicts the HR Localizations enhancements available with Release 13, geographically grouped.
Please take a moment to review the countries of each training session.

This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the


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