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A. Expressing Agree, Disagree and Suggestion

Beni : “I think we should start our wall magazine now.”

Dayu : “I don’t think we can start now. We should plan it carefully. We should go to people who
know how to make a wall magazine.”
Siti : “I agree with Dayu. We should think before we leap.”
Siti : “I think we need a lot of money to make a wall magazine.”
Edo : “I don’t think so. We can use used paper. We can also use used wood for the frame.”
Lina : “Yes we can, so we do not need a lot of money to make a wall magazine. What we need is
hard work.”
Edo : “What should our wall magazine contain? Can we put any writing we have made there?”
Udin : “I don’t think so. We should not just put anything there. The texts should be good and
Lina : “And, there should not be many mistakes there.”
Udin : “I think only good texts, with few or no mistakes, can be published.”
Edo : “But how do we know that a text is good enough to publish?”
Dayu : “I think our English teachers can help check our English. Do you think Mrs. Tini is willing to
be the editor of our wall magazine.”
Lina: “It seems that none of us knows how to make a wall magazine. What if we go to Mrs. Tini and
ask her for advice. I think she has a lot of good ideas.”
Siti : “I think so too. Let’s go to her now.”
Dayu : “I don’t think we can see her now. She is in the staff meeting.
I. Read the conversation and Fill in the chart with the expressions you found in the text above

Expressing Agreement Expression Disagreement Suggestion

……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
…. … ………………………………

II. After reading the text above, Answer the questions below!
1. How many person are there in the conversation above?

2. What are the people talking about in the conversation?

3. Why Dayu doesn’t agree to start making the wall magazine immediately?

4. According to Edo, what things can they use for making wall magazine?

5. Who is Mrs. Tini ?


III. Complete the dialogs with the utterances provided!

1. Hafid : “Ayu, you look very pale. You should go to the doctor.”
Billa : “_____________________with Hafid. You need to take the medicine soon.
Ayu : “Thanks”
2. Dayu : “Don’t you think that our library looks dirty and messy?
Let’s do something to make it more tidy.”
Fani : Why not? What if you dust the furniture, I tidy up the table and Nila
Sweep the floor.”
Nila : “_________________ But let’s ask the librarian for permission first”
3. Alim : “I think we should start our magazine now.”
Tari : “___________________ We can’t start now. We should plan it carefully,
We should go to the people who know how to make it first.”
4. Alya : “Do you mind if you come to my house after dinner ?
Rizky : “______________________________________ I’ll be there around 8”
5. Tara : “ Would you come to the office after dinner, Uzy?”
Uzy ; “__________________________ I have to see my doctor tonight.
6. Didik: “Do you mind coming to my new house?”
Lady : “_____________________ But I have something else to do, Perhaps other time
7. Siti : “ Shall we have camping in Cibubur Campsite this holiday?
Erni :”_____________________ I’m sure we’ll have some fun there.”
8. Marry: “Do you agree if we go out tonight?
Janet : “____________I have to prepare a test tomorrow.
9. Philip : “What about a plate of fried rice?
Charles : “______________ I’m so hungry.”
10. Damar : What if we buy ice cream?
Cintya : ____________I don’t have enough money to buy.

- I agree - I agree with you - Sure, I’d love to

- I don’t think so - I’m really sorry Sir - That’s a good idea
- I want too - All right - I’m sorry I can’t
- I’m totally agree

1) My father goes to work by

_____ car. _____ drives
SHE HER SHE HER SHE HERS 2) Serkan plays football on
HE HIS HE HIM HE HIS Saturday nights. _____ plays
IT ITS IT IT IT ITS wonderful.
WE OUR WE US WE OURS 3) _____ father and mother
THEY THEIR THEY THEM THEY THEIRS are great parents. I love
_____ so much.
4) My little cat is very lovely.
B) Fill in the blanks with “Possessive Pronouns”.
_____ loves milk.
1) This book is Ahmet’s book. It is not ____ (you). 5) Su and Ali are good friends.
_____ are always together.
2) This bag is ____. I bought it last year.
6) I bought a new bicycle.
3) This car is ____. He bought it two years ago. _____ is red.
7) Tahsin loves Su. _____ wants
4) I forgot to take my pencil. Can I use ____ ?
to go out with _____.
5) She doesn’t have a cam. So she will use ____ ( I ). 8) My brother goes to school
with _____ friends.
6) I don’t have a camera. Can I use ____ (they)?
9) _____ is boring to stay at
7) This pencil case isn’t _____ (I). Is it _____ (he)? home. There is nothing to do.
10) In _____ free times I play
8) This is not _____ (I). I left it at home.
the piano with _____ mother.
9) Is this car _____?(you)

C) Read the story and fill in the blanks with proper words.
Last year we went to Antalya to visit _____ grandparents. _____
were very glad to see _____. _____ was a very good holiday for _____.
We went swimming with _____ brother. _____ swims well. _____ had
picnics all together. The picnics were very funny. My grandmother made
sandwiches for _____. _____ makes really delicious sandwiches. I love
_____ all meals.
_____ father and mother went to discos at night. _____ like dancing
and at the weekend _____ go to a dance club. While _____ parents were out,
_____ grandfather told _____ funny stories. _____ laughed all night. _____
grandmother made pop-corn for _____.
In the mornings _____ had breakfast in the garden. _____ was full of flowers. There were ducks
and hens in the garden. _____ played with the ducks and the hen. _____ were very lovely.
_____ was a very beautiful holiday. _____ am waiting for next visit to _____ parents impatiently.
E) Choose the right answer. F) Correct the mistakes and write the
right pronouns.
1) My /me mother is a nurse.
2) This is my/mine my brother. His/her name is 1) I prepare a Project about cats. He is very
Tahsin. hard for me.
3) This is my/mine sister. His/her name is 2) Sibel is mine best friend. I have known him
Vildan. I love his/her too much. for seven years.
4) Sibel bought a cat. Its/it’s name is Boo. 3) Serkan is my best friend. He love
5) I bought three books. I/her will read her too much.
their/them quickly. 4) This is Ayşe. He is mine daughter.
6) I go to school with my/mine brother. 5) This can’t be yours bag. It is my.
She/he is older than me/mine. 6) Miss Ayşe is me teacher. He teaches
7) We planted trees in my/our garden. English to ours.
their/they are very beautiful and 7) Mehmet is ours neighbour.
she/I love their/them too much. 8) Kerem is mine mother’s brother. So,
8) Did you see my/mine hat? I cannot find She is mine uncle.
it/it’s .

D) Serkan is describing his family. Fill in the blanks according

to the given sentence.

Hello! ____ name is Serkan. ____ am seven years old. In ____ free
times I play football and go swimming. ____ go to primary school and
____ favourite lesson is music.I have got a brother and a sister.____
sister’s name is Vildan. ____ is ten years old. ____goes to primary school.
____ favourite lesson is English. ____ brother’s name is Hakan. ____ is
fifteen years old. ____goes to secondary school and ___ favourite lesson
is history.
____ father’s name is Kemal. ____ is 38 years old. ____ works as a
doctor. ____ loves ____ job very much. ____ patients also love ____ .
____ mother’s name is Melek. ____ is a nurse in the same hospital. ____
work together. ____ love ____ family and ____ are a happy family.

G) Turn the underlined words into 6) Sue and Mehmet are seven years old.
pronouns. _________________________
7) Our teachers are helpful.
1) Ahmet is my brother. _________________________
_________________________ 8) These books are very heavy.
2) Kerem and Aslı are legendary I cannot carry these books.
characters in our country. _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
3) This cat’s name is Paul. 9) Şule’s dogs are very funny.
_________________________ _________________________
4) My mother’s name is Sevgi. 10) Murat is not at home. He went
_________________________ to visit his grandparents.
5) Aslı is my little daughter. _________________________
_________________________ _________________________.
We use conjunctions of purpose to say why someone did something.

Julia moved to another city to live near her boyfriend or

Julia moved to another city in order to live near her boyfriend.

Mary went to the cinema to see a good film. or

Mary went to the cinema in order to see a good film.
Negative: Alan called Sonia in order not to visit her. Henry copied the project in order not
to do it.
John played water polo so that he could be fit.
John played water polo in order that he could be fit.
After so that/ in order that, we usually use a modal verb.
If the main verb is present or present perfect, we use CAN, WILL, MAY.
If the main verb is past, we use COULD, WOULD; MIGHT.


1. They stayed late a. to get a good seat for the game

2. Anita will buy the tickets b. so that his friends will think he is rich.
3. Handi did a lot of tennis practice c. to finish the work on time.
4. Jennifer worked very hard d. so that you will do some exercise
5. I’ve come early e. in order to win the important tennis match
6. I’ve bought a bicycle. f. so that her boss will give her more money
7. He goes to that restaurant g. so that Paul can go to the theatre with her
8. The mother will buy a car h.-in order to drive her sons to school.


1. She drove very fast. She wanted to arrive early.

2. He’s going to Germany. He wants to learn German.
3. She read the book three times. He wanted to be certain of the linguistic.
4. She came early. She didn’t want to miss the beginning of the film.
5. The woman prepared some coffee. She wanted to drink a cup of coffee.
6. The girl sold her jewels. She wanted to travel to Australia.
7. I bought the newspaper on Sunday morning. I like reading the news.
8. Samuel is getting up early. He wants to do some sport.
9. You play music loudly. You want to annoy your neighbors.
10. My uncle bought a house near the sea. He wants to go sailing.

1. My mother is cutting some flowers ………… decorate the dinning room table.

2. The firemen closed all the doors ……….. the fire wouldn’t spread.

3. Julio is flying to Greece…………. meet some good friends.

4. Edward played music ……….. relax while he worked.

5. We worked during our holidays …………… get enough money to buy a TV set.

6. Katherine gave David an English grammar …………. he could revise for the exam.

7. They are moving house …………….. their daughter can live near her boyfriend.

8. He caught the early train ………….. his friends would be able to meet him.

9. Alice had a mobile phone ……………. people could always phone her in an

10. The black woman worked as a waitress ………… her sons could go to university.

IV. Project Chapter 2

Work in a group contain of 4 students, make a dialog talking about expression of agreement,
disagreement, suggestion and stating purpose. In the themes below :

a. Home work
b. Using Gadget in learning activity
c. Zonasi for new students
d. Full day School
e. How the good learning activity should be
f. Reading Habbit

Express your idea , and the share your work in front of class !

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Here are some images connected to the places where we have decided to go on holiday.
What are they? Where are we going to find them?
Look at the examples and try to complete numbers 1 to 10 with the cities and countries in the following box:

Paris (France) Berlin (Germany) Buenos Aires (Argentina) Barcelona (Spain) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Edinburgh (Scotland) St Petersburg (Russia) Venice (Italy) Mexico City (Mexico) London (England)


We are going to visit Trafalgar Square in London, England.

We are going to eat tortilla in Barcelona, Spain.

1. We are going to visit____________________________________________________

2. We______________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________

Prague-Czech Republic
1. We are going to travel by _______________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________

1. We are going to travel
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
1. We are going to travel by_____________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
1. We are going to travel by_________________
Oxford-England 2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________

1. We are going to travel by________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________


1. We are going to travel by_____________

2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
1. We are going to travel by_________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________

1. We are going to travel by_______________

2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________


1. We are going to travel by_______________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________

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