COL National 2016

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Final Round 2016

Intermediate level

First Day

1. Carlos has 9 weights that weigh 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9 kg. Carlos separates the weights into 2 boxes in such a way
that the weight of the first box is greater than the second’s and that there are more weights in the first
box than in the second. In how many ways can he do this?
Contributed by Juan Camilo Azuero
Solution: The number of ways to distribute the 9 weights into 2 boxes is 29 . Since the two boxes cannot
have the same weight we have 28 distributions where the first box weighs more than the second, we call
these nice. Instead of counting how many nice distributions exist where the number of weights in the first
box is greater than the number in the second, we count those where there are more weights in the second
box. By looking at cases we find 37. Thus the number of nice distributions is 28 − 37 = 256 − 37 = 219.
2. Let ABCD be a parallelogram and O the intersection point of its diagonals. Construct P such that DOCP
is also a parallelogram. Let Q be the intersection point of BP and AC, and R the intersection point of
DQ with CP . Show that P C = CR.
Contributed by Juan Camilo Azuero
Solution: Since ABCD is a parallelogram then BO = OD. Further since DOCP is also a parallelogram,
CP = OD = BO, therefore BOP C is a parallelogram and OQ = QC.
Since ∠OQD = ∠RQC and DO and CR are parallel, then ∠DOQ = ∠QCR. Therefore by SAS, 4OQD = ∼
4CQR. Thus CR = OD = P C as wanted.
3. Let a, b, c and d be non-negative real numbers such that a2 + b2 = c2 + d2 = 1. Show that
2 + 2ac + 2bd ≥ a + b + c + d.

Contributed by Juan Camilo Azuero

Geometric solution:
Consider a quadrilateral XY ZW such that XY = a, Y Z = b, ZW = c, W X = d and ∠XY Z = ∠ZW X =
90o . This quadrilateral exists because a2 + b2 = c2 + d2 = 1 and therefore XZ = 1. Since a pair of
opposite angles of the quadrilateral are 90o it is concyclic and we can apply Ptolemy’s theorem to obtain
Y W = ac + bd. If P is the intersection point of XZ and Y W when we apply the triangle inequality to
P XY, P Y Z, P ZW and P W X we obtain the required inequality.

Standard solution:
By Cauchy’s inequality we have (a2 + b2 )(d2 + c2 ) ≥ (ad + bc)2 ⇐⇒ 1 ≥ (ad + bc)2 ⇐⇒ 1 ≥ ad + bc
therefore 2 ≥ 2ad + 2bc. Thus,
2 + 2ac + 2bd ≥ 2ad + 2bc + 2ac + 2bd.

We would like to show that

2ad + 2bc + 2ac + 2bd ≥ a + b + c + d.
If we factor this is 2(a + b)(c + d) ≥ (a + b) + (c + d). Since a2 + b2 = 1, then a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2 ≥
1 ⇒ a + b ≥ 1, and also c + d ≥ 1. Therefore 2(a + b)(c + d) ≥ (a + b) + (c + d).

Second day

1. A 1 × n table is colored with yellow and green and assigned a mark in the following way:

Each yellow square has a mark of 2 plus 3 times the number of adjacent green squares.
Each green square has a mark of 0.
The mark of the coloring is the sum of the marks of its individual squares.
Which is the highest mark a coloring can have?
Contributed by Juan Camilo Azuero
Solution: If a coloring has two adjacent green or yellow squares, one can eliminate one and slide all the
coloring to the right or left and color the end square yellow resulting in a possible higher mark.
If a coloring has 3 adjacent yellow squares the middle one can be changed to green resulting in a greater
So given a coloring one can transform it by steps into a coloring with a higher mark where the colors
alternate and might end in two yellow squares. If it does we can change the square at the end to green
and obtain a higher mark.
If n is even all colorings with alternating colors have the same marks and are equal to 8 n2 − 3. If n is odd
the alternating coloring that begins with yellow has a mark of 8 n+12 − 6 and the one beginning with green
has a mark of 8 n−12 . So the maximum possible marks for n even is 8 n2 − 3 and for n odd is 8 n+1
2 − 6.

2. A configuration of points is called subtriangular if the points form equilateral triangles oriented in the
same direction in the configuration’s outer and inner boundaries (and in between) in such a way that the
configuration has all the symmetries of an equilateral triangle, as shown in the figure.

Subtriangular configuration Non subtriangular

Find all the subtriangular configurations that have exactly 2016 points.
Contributed by Esteban González
Solution: Subtriangular configurations can be split into three equal trapezoidal configurations as shown.
One of these trapezoidal configurations with bases m ≥ n has a total of n + n + 1 + n + 2 + · · · + m =
2 points. So we must find solutions (m, n) of the equation

(m + n)(m − n + 1) 2016
= .
2 3

Therefore we need two numbers, m + n and m − n + 1, of different parity that when multiplied give
1344 = 26 × 3 × 7. Since they have different parity, the possible pairs (m + n, m − n + 1) are (26 , 3 × 7),
(26 × 3, 7), (26 × 7, 3), (26 × 3 × 7, 1). Each one of these pairs give way to linear equations that result in
the following solutions:
m 42 99 225 672
n 22 93 223 672
Note: The trapezoidal configurations with m = 42 y n = 22 fit perfectly together and leave no inner
boundary. This is a triangular configuration and can be considered subtriangular with an empty interior
Alternative solution: Let a and b be the number of points on each side of the outer and inner triangle,
respectively. In order for the symmetry condition to hold a − b must be a multiple of 3. We must solve
the following equation
a(a + 1) b(b + 1)
− = 2016.
2 2
If we multiply by 2 and factor we obtain (a − b)(a + b + 1) = 26 × 32 × 7. Just like in the previous solution,
we have two numbers of different parity and we know what they multiply to. Aditionally, the first must
be a multiple of 3. The possible pairs (a − b, a + b + 1) are (32 × 7, 26 ), (3 × 7, 26 × 3), (32 , 26 × 7) and
(3, 26 × 3 × 7). These produce the solutions
a 63 106 228 673
b 0 85 219 670
Just like before there is a subtriangular configuration that is triangular.
3. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral and M be the midpoint of AB, N be the midpoint of CD and X be the
point of intersection of the diagonals. Show that if M , X and N are colinear then AB k CD.
Contributed by Esteban González
We construct a line parallel to M N through B that intersects AC in Y and CD in Z. Since AM = M B,
we know by Thales’ theorem that AX = XY . Aditionally,
= = = = .
Therefore triangles 4AXB and 4CXD are similar since they share an angle and have proportional side
lengths. Thus all the corresponding angles are equal. In particular, ]XDC = ]XBA, which means that
AB and CD are parallel.

Alternative solution: Draw lines parallel to BD that pass through A and C and cut the diagonal at P and
Q respectively. Since M is the midpoint of AB and triangles 4P M A and 4XM B have equal angles, they
are congruent. Therefore AP = BX. Likewise QC = DX. Since AP and QC are parallel, the triangles
4P XA and 4QXC are similar and AX = CX . Using the above equalities we get BX DX
AX = CX . The
conclusion follows as above.

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