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Legal File

Elements of negligence and malpractice

By Rebecca Walker, JD, MSN the elements of civil negligence, and was negligent, and if found negligent
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apply the rules of law to APN by the Courts, professional malprac-

Malpractice suits against advanced professional practice. tice has occurred. Medical malprac-
practice nurses (APNs) are rising in The Joint Commission defines tice has become a specialized area of
number and increasing in severity. negligence as the “failure to use such legal practice where attorneys focus
APNs need to understand the basics care as a reasonably prudent and care- on claims involving healthcare prac-
of nursing malpractice, including ful person would use under similar cir- titioners. As such, the attorney
their liability, options with malprac- cumstances.” The Joint Commission should be well versed in regulatory
tice coverage, the future of the APN’s also defines malpractice, in part, as requirements, scope of practice, and
role, and legislative issues such as tort “improper or unethical conduct or un- professional organization recom-
reform. To assist the APN with this reasonable lack of skill by a holder of a mendations and standards.
learning process, the organization the
APNs are employed by, other profes-
sional associations, the colleges of Tort law is a specific area of law that encompasses
nursing, and state and national regu- civil negligence.
lators are all valuable resources. In an
analysis of APN practice it appears
that potentially some 20% to 30% of professional or official position.”1 Ac- When working with legal counsel,
APN care is delivered by phone, and cording to the National Practitioner APNs should make certain that the
may expose the practitioner to a level Data Bank, more APNs are being attorney fully understands the profes-
of liability that might not have been named in malpractice actions every sional standards and scope of practice
previously considered. In deciding year. As more autonomy is awarded for that specific APN specialty and
these cases, courts look to establish and APN roles expand to meet the de- doing this will provide for a better
what is a reasonable response for a mands of society, the APN will be ex- working relationship with legal
prudent APN. They determine what posed to a heightened level of liable for counsel as well as an improved under-
is “reasonable” by looking at policies medical malpractice. standing of the nurse’s professional
and procedures, testimony of profes- limitations.
sional experts in the field, and evalu- ■ Tort law
ating local and national standards, Although there are many variations in ■ Negligence
as related to causation and injury. APN standards of practice depending Claims based on medical malpractice
Nursing practice is not just a list of upon specific licensure, specialty, col- will almost always encompass the ele-
tasks that one can perform in their laborative requirements, prescriptive ments of civil negligence. Although
profession; it is a scientific process authority, and the like, one constant re- civil negligence claims may be compli-
that changes with healthcare advance- mains: the requirement to act reasona- cated by legal rules, subparts to legal el-
ment and public policy. bly within that specific area of practice. ements, and prior common law
Any written scope of practice, be In evaluating legal liability, the act of decisions, there are four basic elements
it state regulation or national profes- being “reasonable” is determined to all negligence claims. In determining
sional standard, must be written through the application of tort law. whether or not negligence has oc-
broadly enough as to not limit profes- Tort law is a specific area of law curred, the general rule in civil tort law
sional growth, while at the same time that encompasses civil negligence. requires that if in fact one of the ele-
providing the practitioner guidelines When sued for medical or nursing ments is not demonstrated under “a
for determining limitations. This arti- malpractice, the Court must deter- preponderance of the evidence” evi-
cle will review standards of practice, mine whether or not the practitioner dentiary standard, the entire claim for The Nurse Practitioner • May 2011 9

Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Legal File

negligence should fail and the practi- should be active in local and na- that some other superseding event oc-
tioner should be successful in defend- tional organizations to keep up curred between the breach of duty and
ing the claim. It would be naive to to date on changing scopes of the injury, the Court may determine
believe that all rules of law are applied practice. the original practitioner is not liable for
evenly, and as such, to protect their the damages as asserted by the plaintiff.
practice APNs should have a basic un- ■ Breach of legal duty The second part of the causation
derstanding of the elements of negli- The second element to be determined element is “proximate cause,” which
gence. by the Court after establishing the legal is often referred to as legal cause.
Looking specifically at negligence, duty is to determine whether or not This sub-part is much more difficult
the first element to be established is there was a “breach” of the legal duty. to prove because it also involves the
that a “legal duty” was owed. Legal Breach of legal duty takes into consid- issue of foreseeability. Proximate
cause is defined as “an act from
which an injury results as a natural,
All APNs must be acutely aware of the different facility direct, uninterrupted consequence
policies for independent practitioners. and without which the injury would
not have occurred.”3
Proximate cause is normally de-
duty is established by evaluating eration the legal analysis of “foreseea- termined to be the primary cause of
the practitioner’s scope of practice. bility.” Although commonly one of the an asserted injury. It is not necessarily
The ultimate question is “would a key issues litigated, Restatement, the closest cause in time or space to
reasonable or prudent APN in the (Third) of Torts addresses foreseea- the injury, nor is it the first event that
same or similar circumstances have bility as “the ability to perceive or sets in motion a sequence of events
acted or reacted the same?” The reasonably anticipate that an injury leading to an injury. In summary,
first tier in evaluating whether or could occur from the act or omission proximate cause generally produces
not the legal duty is owed will be of a legal responsibility.”2 Therefore, particular, foreseeable consequences
the policies and procedures under the next step will require evaluating without the intervention of any un-
which the APN practices. Regard- whether or not it was perceivable that foreseeable or independent cause.
less of where the APN practices, the damages asserted by the plaintiff To make this element even
there will always be policies and were foreseeable when the duty owed more confusing, proximate cause of
procedures that will establish the by the practitioner was breached. an injury sometimes requires a
standards of care. For example, if deeper legal analysis. Courts have
the APN practices in a private prac- ■ Causation devised the “but for” or “sine qua
tice and is caring for a client in a The third element of civil negligence is non” rule, which considers whether
hospital setting, the APN will be re- causation. Although this element has the injury would not have occurred
sponsible for practicing within the other rules of law and requirements to “but for” the defendant’s negligent
limits of the hospital policies while be successfully established, it simply act. If an injury would not have oc-
caring for that client in that facility. links the breach of the practitioner’s curred but for a defendant’s act, it
All APNs must be acutely aware of duty to the damages asserted. This ele- may establish that the particular act
the different facility policies for in- ment answers the question “was the in- or omission is the proximate cause
dependent practitioners. After eval- jury ‘caused’ by the breach of legal of the harm. However, this does not
uating the facility policies the legal duty?” Causation contains two impor- necessarily establish clear liability
analysis will turn to local boards of tant subparts. The first is “cause in since a variety of other factors can
nursing licensure, national regula- fact.” Cause in fact analyzes the practi- come into play in tort actions. Some
tory standards and professional tioner’s actions to determine if it were jurisdictions may also use the “sub-
organizational standards, along not for the breach of the legal duty, the stantial factor” formula to deter-
with any professional positional injury would not have occurred. This mine proximate cause. This rule
statements or practice guidelines to element requires there be some direct considers whether the defendant’s
determine standards of care. To link between the actions of the practi- action or inaction was a substantial
combat the task of knowing what tioner and the injury. In legal analysis factor in producing the harm. If the
these standards are, the APN of general causation, if it is determined act was a substantial factor in bring-

10 The Nurse Practitioner • Vol. 36, No. 5

Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Legal File

ing about the damage, then the de- property, and loss of current and accredited+organizations/laboratory+services/
fendant will be held liable unless he projected income. 2. Goldberg J, Sebok A, Zipursky B. Tort Law, Re-
or she can raise a sufficient defense sponsibilities and Redress. 2nd ed. New York: Aspen
Publishers; 2008.
to refute the claims. For example, a General damages
3. West’s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2nd ed.
nurse anesthetist administered an These are reimbursement payments 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. Summary Report on
excessive dose of diazepam to an for damages that do not readily lend the National Practitioner Data Bank. 2008. http://
elderly patient waiting to go into the themselves to quantitative measure- NPDBSummaryReport.pdf
OR. After receiving the preoperative ment, commonly known as “pain 4. Glannon JW. The Law of Torts: Examples and
Explanations. 4th ed. New York: Aspen Publish-
sedation, the patient was wheeled on and suffering.” ers; 2010.
a stretcher to the hallway outside the
Rebecca Walker is a State Legislator in the Delaware
OR doors to await the procedure ■ Punitive damages General Assembly and a nurse in the Christiana Care
where the patient subsequently fell These are reimbursement payments for Health System Emergency Department, Christiana, Del.

off the stretcher and fractured his damages due to gross negligence by a
hip. As a result, the patient brought a defendant.4 The amounts awarded to a
claim against the CRNA for the med- successful plaintiff are determined by
ication error asserting that he would the jurisdictional limits and jury. That
not have fallen off the stretcher if he being said damage amounts vary widely
was not overmedicated with di- by region across the county. Awards are
azepan, and therefore he would not usually much higher in metropolitan
have fractured his hip. During litiga- areas and much lower in rural commu-
tion it was identified that the patient nities, depending upon the type of in-
was left alone and the stretcher rail jury and local socioeconomic culture.
was left down by the transport per-
sonnel. Therefore, “but for” the rail ■ Maintaining a high standard
not being placed back up, the patient of practice
would not have been injured. This During the course of an average
action will likely “cut off” the liability work day, APNs make critical deci-
for the fall as related to the adminis- sions, perform skilled tasks, pre-
tration of the diazepam, and the scribe medications, and guide
CRNA would likely win the case. healthcare decisions. This article fo- Solve the
cused on the key elements of negli-
■ Damages gence and malpractice. When scope Menopause
The last element of negligence is dam-
ages. Damages are proven when it is
of practices are followed, keen as-
sessment skills are utilized, Puzzle.
determined the injury was a result of evidence-based research is consid-
the practitioner’s actions. In civil cases, ered, and actions are properly per- It’s easier to solve a puzzle when
you have the answers—and when
monetary damages are awarded when formed and documented, APNs
it comes to menopause, The North
a plaintiff is successful against the should never come across a profes-
American Menopause Society
practitioner for the injury suffered. sional negligence claim that is liti-
(NAMS) has them. For more than
The intent of awarding damages is to gated successfully. As nurses, we
20 years, NAMS has provided
make the plaintiff whole, meaning as if should not practice defensively. We
up-to-date, accurate, unbiased
the negligence never occurred. must always practice to the highest information about menopause,
There are essentially three types standard and stand true to our reg- helping women and their health-
of civil damage awards: ulatory requirements. Knowledge is care providers make informed
power and the more we know about health decisions at menopause and
Special damages our practice, the safer we are. beyond.
These are reimbursement payments
for out-of-pocket expenses, includ-
1. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health-
ing medical bills, legal charges, cost
care Organizations. Sentinel Event Glossary of 174
of repairing damaged or destroyed Terms [website]; 2003. The Nurse Practitioner • May 2011 11

Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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