Construction Management

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Wentworth Institute of Technology

Construction Surveying
Summer 2019
Final Examination

DUE 8/18/2019 @ 12:00 PM

A. Exam Submission Checklist:
• Exam is due 8/18/2019 at 12:00 PM (Noon), without exception.
• All computational work must be shown and turned in with your exam.
• Computations must be legible and orderly.
• Circle or box out your answer to each problem.
• Number the pages of your exam solution, 1 of (total number of pages), example: 1 of 12.
• Last name on each page of your exam solution.
• Exam pages are submitted in correct order.
• Exam is submitted as a pdf document.
• Verify scan is complete.
• Verify you have submitted your exam correctly.
B. Exam Question Values:
Abbreviations 15 2 points each 30 points
Definitions 15 4 points each 60 points
Short Answer Questions 15 5 points each 75 points
Long Answer Questions 7 7 points each 49 points
Mathematical Questions 8 7 points each 56 points
Tape Correction Problems 3 9 points each 27 points
Adjustment 2 15 points each 30 points
Leveling 2 10 points each 20 points
Horizontal Curve 3 7 points each 21 points
Grid to Ground 1 8 points each 8 points
Stakeout 1 15 points each 15 points
TOTAL 391 points
C. Scoring of Exam:
• You will be graded on the number of questions answered correctly.
• There is a possible 391 points on this exam. The final is worth only 205 points, any points in excess of 205 will be
counted as extra credit towards your final grade.
D. Questions:
Be sure you understand Parts A, B, and C above.

If you have any questions email me through Blackboard.

If I receive a question concerning the exam, I will email the question and answer to all students through Blackboard.

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Abbreviations: Give the abbreviation for the following terms.
1. Alignment
2. Benchmark
3. By intersection
4. Corrugated Steel Pipe
5. C
6. East
7. Found
8. Foresight
9. Intermediate Foresight
10. Invert
11. millimeter
12. Northeast
13. Northwest
14. Offset
15. Pipe

Definition: Define each of these terms.

16. Central Angle
17. Convergence Angle or Mapping Angle
18. Deflection Angle
19. Degree of Curve
20. Differential Leveling
21. Elevation Factor
22. Error in a measurement
23. EVC
24. External
25. External Distance
26. Geodetic Azimuth
27. Geodetic Distance
28. Geoid
29. Geoid Height
30. Grid Azimuth
31. Grid Distance
32. Grid Scale Factor

Short Answer:
33. What is Vertical Control
34. Explain a situation where the foresight should be added to the height of the instrument to obtain the correct elevation.
35. Name three types of errors in differential leveling.
36. Name three ways to eliminate errors in differential leveling.
37. Why is it best to balance back sights and fore sights when leveling?
38. Explain the benefit of page checks in an open loop differential leveling.
39. Name the two benefits that three-wire leveling has as opposed to single wire leveling.
40. Explain the purpose of performing a peg test before using a level to determine elevations on a project.
41. Name three ways to eliminate errors in differential leveling
42. Leveling Double Run
43. How do you determine the correct zenith angle of a measurement?
44. How do you determine the precision of a distance measured twice with a steel tape?
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45. Which side of the stake should information be written?
46. Name three document where you could find the appropriate tolerances for a project?
47. On which side should you write on a stake?
48. What is the formula for the High or Low point of a vertical curve?

Long Answer:
49. Explain why an EDM with a constant error of 3 mm and a proportional error of ± 3 ppm is not capable of measuring a
distance to a precision of 1:15,000 of approximately 150’ or less.
50. What is the shortest distance you can measure with a EDM and achieve 1 part in 15,000 with a 3 mm ± 3ppm EDM?
51. Describe the difference between the two types of vertical angles, horizontal and zenith.
52. Explain the process of measuring traverse angles.
53. Explain why you should read sets of angles alternating with the instrument in the direct and reversed position.
54. Explain how accuracy and precision differ and are related.
55. Describe in detail how a peg test is performed.

56. A slope distance of 982.36 feet was measured using a EDM with a precision of ±(2.0 mm + 1.5 mm) what is the
observed error?
57. What is the small angle between a bearing of S 68° 46” 32” W and S 65° 36’ 34” W?
58. What is the small angle between a bearing of N 34° 45’ 34” E and N 23° 17’ 45” W?
59. Backsight bearing of S 78° 11’ 23” W, angle turned to the right 26° 13’45”, what is the resultant bearing?
60. Backsight bearing of N 39° 45’ 12” W, angle turned to the right 190° 43’ 29”, what is the resultant bearing?
61. The slope distance between two points is 834.28 feet and the percent of slope is 15.28%. What is the horizontal
distance between the two points?
62. Compute the corrected horizontal distance for a measurement of 239.01 feet at a slope of 3.2% at 68° F.
63. What is the percent of slope for a distance of 654.45 feet that rises 4.63 feet?
64. What is the percent of slope for a distance of 578.03 feet that rises 78.67 feet?

Tape Corrections: Compute the corrected taped distance under following conditions.
Be sure to correct for all of the standard conditions.

Steel Tape Standard Conditions:

Standard Tension = 24 pounds (Supported at both ends only)
= 10 pounds (Supported throughout entire length)
Cross Sectional Area = 0.0030 square inches
Weight per Unit Length = 0.0104 pounds per foot
Standard Temperature = 68° F
Modulus of Elasticity = 29x106 pounds/inches2
Standard Tape Length = 100.02 feet
Nominal Tape Length = 100.00 feet

65. A traverse line is measured with a tape supported at both ends only to be 379.99 feet at a temperature of 60.5 °F,
with a tension of 12 pounds, in the following segments; 98.52’, 99.02’, 96.52’, and 85.93’ on a 4.8% slope.

66. A traverse line is measured with a tape supported at both ends only to be 284.99 feet at a temperature of 8.5 °F, with
a tension of 19 pounds, in the following segments; 96.53’, 99.01’, and 89.45’.

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67. Layout a distance of 98.54 feet at a temperature of 87.5° with a tension of 8 pounds at a 8.54% slope with a tape
supported at both end only.

Compass Rule Adjustment:

68. Given the following traverse information compute a compass rule adjustment. Compute final adjusted coordinates
for points A through C and the adjusted azimuth and distance for each line in the traverse.

Adjusted Adjusted
Station Field Angle Azimuth Distance North East Azimuth Distance

A 88° 59’ 51” 5000.00 5000.00

A–B 291° 51’ 05” 820.27’

B 48° 51’ 40”

B–C 1,221.46’

C 42° 08’ 29”

C–A 919.39’

69. Complete a three-wire adjustment of the given level run determining the adjusted elevations (ignore any compliance
with a standard).
Control Adjusted
Station BS/FS Bottom Middle Top Average Elevation Elevation Elevation
BM 582X BS 2.56 4.55 6.54 4.55 256.39
TP1 FS 1.25 2.25 3.25 2.25
TP1 BS 5.63 6.56 7.48 6.56
TP2 FS 6.39 6.96 7.52 6.96
TP2 BS 8.98 10.25 11.52 10.25
TP3 FS 6.25 6.89 7.52 6.89
TP3 BS 4.32 5.45 6.58 5.45
TP4 FS 1.25 1.81 2.36 1.81
TP4 BS 5.23 6.40 7.56 6.40
TP5 FS 2.69 3.63 4.56 3.63
TP5 BS 5.96 6.93 7.89 6.93
TP6 FS 2.87 3.54 4.21 3.54
TP6 BS 1.00 1.82 2.64 1.82
TP7 FS 2.58 3.42 4.25 3.42
TP7 BS 4.89 6.23 7.56 6.23
TP8 FS 2.48 3.48 4.48 3.48
TP8 BS 2.47 4.22 5.96 4.22
TP9 FS 5.67 7.10 8.52 7.10
TP9 BS 4.23 4.90 5.57 4.90
BM 85C FS 1.28 3.49 5.69 3.49 271.00

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70. Complete the following level notes. Show the appropriate mathematical page checks.
BS HI FS Elevation Station
4.32 321.48 BM 62D
3.29 TP 1
4.59 TP 2
9.12 TP 3
2.01 TP 4
6.21 BM 7404 (322.58)

71. Complete the following level notes. Show the appropriate mathematical page check.
115.84 109.52 BM 697K (109.52)
111.57 TP1
113.59 TP2
117.49 TP3
121.93 BM 1002 (121.96)

Horizontal Curves
72. Compute the curve information given the following information.
Delta Angle = 16° 38’
Radius = 1,000.00’
Tangent Length =
Arc Length =
Chord Length =
Degree of Curve =

73. Compute the curve given the following information. Calculate stake out notes to stake out the given
stations. Stake out the curve with the instrument at the PC of the curve backsighting the tangent.
Delta Angle = 37° 26' 25"
Radius = 780.00'
Tangent Length =
Arc Length =
Chord Length =
Degree of Curve =
PI Station = 6+79.32
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PC Station = 4+15.00

Station Δ/2 Chord


74. Calculate the coordinates of the midpoint of the given horizontal curve.

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Grid Coordinate
75. Given the Grid Coordinates calculate Ground Coordinates in US Survey Feet (USF)
North East Elev (M) SF
SN1 1,882,849.1060 52,220,428.4600 262.154 0.999964550
DH2 1,883,147.5420 52,220,415.9960 283.954 0.999955840
SN3 1,882,763.1080 52,220,611.4120 271.967 0.999957720
DH4 1,883,281.4080 52,220,498.1630 278.931 0.999956620

76. Calculate the angle right and distance to stake out each building corner, 1 – 6, from the closest traverse station, A –

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