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Exercise 1

Nini is the youngest in the family. When

she cries, Mother gives her milk. She sleeps in
a little bed. Nini cannot walk yet. She can only
sit. Everybody loves her. She makes
everybody happy.

Exercise 2
I have a very nice pet. It lay eggs. It says,
“Put, putak! Puk, Putak!” It sits on its eggs for
more than two weeks. A chick comes out from
each egg. Some chicks are yellow and some are

Exercise 3

It was time to go to bed. Marina, Renato and Ernie

were making a lot of noise. Mother was very busy.

“If you will keep quiet, I will tell you a very nice
story when I finish my work,” Mother said.

The children got ready to sleep. They brushed their

teeth. They put on their sleeping clothes. They went to
bed as fast as they could. They waited quietly for
Exercise 4

“Come to school early tomorrow,

children. We shall have a program. We
shall celebrate Dr. Jose Rizal’s birthday,”
Miss Santos said.

“Today is June 18. Now I know Jose

Rizal’s birthday” Agnes said. It is

“Why do we celebrate Rizal Rizal’s

birthday?” Rico asked.

“Jose Rizal is our national hero. He is

a great Filipino,” Miss Santos said.

Exercise 5

Ruth was crying. She just came from

school. Her dress was dirty and her shoes were

“Why are crying?” Mother asked.

“I could not find my money. I dropped

it when I jumped over the canal. Maybe the
water carried it away,” Ruth said.
Exercise 6


Little Liza ran to her Mother. She closed

her eyes. She covered her ears with her hands.

“Oh, Mother, I am afraid,” Liza said.

“Do not be afraid. The thunder will not

hurt you,” Mother said.

Then the rain came. It rained very hard. It

rained the whole day. Liza could not go out to
play. She could not see anything outside the
house. It was dark outside.

Exercise 7
We will visit Grandmother tomorrow,”
Mother said. “It is her birthday.”

“What gift should we give her?” Father


“Let us give her a cake,” Lorna said.

“Let us give her a book. She likes reading

books,” Pepe said.

“So our birthday gift to your Grandmother

will be a cake and a book,” Mother said.

“I am sure your Grandmother will be happy

on her birthday,” Father said.
Exercise 8
Everybody looked at Elsa as she came into
the room. Her dress was pretty and new. Her
pair of shoes was also new. She was very happy.

“You are pretty today, Elsa,” Miss Tecson

said. “Is your birthday?”

“Yes, Ma’am, it is my birthday, “Elsa


“How old are you now?” Miss Tecson


“I was seven years old last year. Now you

know how old I am today,” Elsa said with a smile.

Exercise 9
“Father will be home soon. Will he
bring home plenty of corn, Mother?” Perla
“He said he would bring home guavas
today. There are plenty of guavas on the
farm at this time,” Mother said. “Perhaps
he would bring home sweet potatoes and
peanuts, too.
Soon Father came. He was riding on
his carabao. The carabao was pulling a
cart with four sacks.
Exercise 10
Amelia helps at home every Saturday.
She cleans the house. She takes care of
their garden. She picks fresh flowers
from the garden and puts them in their
flower vase. She feeds the pigs and
chickens. She helps her mother cook.
After lunchtime, she helps her mother
iron their clothes. She enjoys helping at

Exercise 11
Joselito looked for his mother as
soon as he arrived home.
“Mother! Mother! Where are you?”
Jose called.
“Mother, look at my test papers. My
scores in our Mathematics and Reading
test are high.”
“Do you know why you got high
scores?” asked Mother.
“Yes, I do, Mother. I studied very
well,” Joselito said.
Exercise 12
Jose was playing with Luz, his little
sister. Luz ran after Jose from room to
room of their house. She could not catch
Jose. Jose ran very fast. Soon they were
“I am very tired now,” Luz said.
“Drink your milk before you go to
bed,” Jose
said. “I am also tired. I want to go to bed,
After luz had drunk her milk, Jose
put her to sleep. Jose also went to sleep.

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