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Panchakarma the comprehensive Ayurvedic therapy for ultimate mind-body cleansing involves five
types of Ayurvedic therapeutic measures to detoxify the body and successfully eliminate disease
causing toxic elements. It is often undertaken for the purification of the body as Ayurved highly
recommends body purification and detoxification before starting a therapy or treatment.

Apart from Ayurvedic detoxification Panchakarma is also recommended to strengthen the immune
system of the body in order to restore the overall balance and well-being. According to Ayurved
good health is one of the necessities to boost the metabolic activities of our body.

Lack of strength and stamina makes our body vulnerable to the accumulation of toxins and they
easily get deposited in our tissues creating an imbalance that ultimately lead to disease.
Panchakarma helps to prevent this with its traditional Ayurvedic cleansing processes and completely
flush out the toxins and restore the health and healing ability of the body.

“Panch” meaning Five and “Karma” meaning Procedures. The five major procedures to eliminate
toxins from the nearest orifice is popularly called “Panchakarma”.

The five procedures are namely:

 Vaman -Therapeutic vomiting or Emesis.

 Virechan-Purgation.
 Basti- Enema.
 Nasya- Administration of medicines through Nasal passage.
 Raktamokshan- Bloodletting.


 Rejuvenates Body and Mind.

 Helps restore metabolic power and immunity.
 Eliminates toxins and strengthens tissue functions.
 Improves strength, endurance, energy, stamina and vitality.
 Reduces stress.
 Improves skin complexion and slows down ageing process.

Vaman is one of the five therapies of panchakarma in Ayurveda. Vaman means therapeutic vomiting
which is a medicated emesis. This treatment is done for the aggravated kapha dosha, which
dislodges the toxins mainly from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. This therapy is done for
preventive & curative purposes. Ayurveda believes that different seasons have a great influence in
the aggravation of doshas, ex: Kapha in Hemant (spring season), Pitta in Sharada (winter) season and
Vata in Greeshma (summers) season. Hence one can adopt Vaman therapy in spring i.e. Hemant
season as a preventive therapy in order to prevent disorders related to kapha.

1. Lightness in the chest is often experienced after undergoing the vaman therapy.
2. Gives relief from congestion, wheezing and breathlessness
3. It is a highly effective in Asthma and skin related problems like psoriasis.
4. Reduction in weight and cholesterol & triglycerides.


Virechana Therapy is recommended and is highly beneficial for the following:

- Detoxification in accumulation of Pitta Dosha.

- Eliminates toxin accumulation in the GI tract.

- Effective treatment for piles, constipation, acidity, ulcers, liver/ spleen diseases, jaundice,

- Cleanses body from poisoning.

- Cures mild and chronic skin disorders.

- Relives headaches, anaemia, pain in the large intestine, non-healing wounds.

-Helps manage diabetes, asthma and heart diseases.

- Reduces gynaecological disorders.


It is a procedure where medicated oil is administered through the Nasal Passage.The benefits of
Nasya karma are:

 Cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passage.

 Enhances the function of sense organs.
 Relieves stress, nasal congestion and opens blocked sinuses.
 Restores body balance.
 Heals Migraine, Sinusitis, Nasal Polyp, Stiffness of Neck, Frozen Shoulder, Neurological
Dysfunctions, Paraplegia, Headache, Rhinitis, Parkinson’s, Hair-fall, Premature Greying of
hair, Sleep Disorders, Vision disorders.


 It increases the immune system through its cleansing process.

 It puts the body in the state of equilibrium.
 It helps controlling Vata and balancing Kapha and Pitta Dosha.
 Basti gives vigour, vitality and strength to the body.
 It cures Colitis, Spondylosis, Digestive disorders, Backache, Obesity.


Raktamokshan (bloodletting) is a unique treatment /procedure of ancient Indian medicines. It is

commonly used for the detoxification through which a state of health is maintained as well as
diseases could be cured with the help of it. It is also known as bloodletting technique in which the
impure blood is taken out from the patient’s body who is suffering from disease. Hence this
procedure detoxifies rakta dhatu(blood) with different methods according to the
prakriti(constitution) of the patient. The present study is to compile various methods of
raktamokshan in different diseases and its benefits.

Raktamokshana procedure is carried out in 5 different methods.

Jalaukacharana:- It is the method of blood letting by using leeches.This is a simple

Prachanna:- Incising the diseased part with different instruments is called prachanna.
Sringa:- Impure blood is drawn with the help of cow's horn by applyig it over the incised area
is called sringa.
Siravyadha:- Siravyadha is excising a particular blood vessel.
Alabu:-In this procedure dried bottle is used.first incision is made on the skin,then alabu is
placed tightly.Before placing the alabu,a small cotton swab is ignited inside it.due to
negative pressure the blood will flow to the surface.After the removal of 30-60ml blood
,alabu is pulled out and wound is covered with drugs to heal.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory Reactions
Blood purification
Varicose Veins
Rheumatic Diseases
Diabetic Wounds
Boils and abscesses
Thrombosis (blood clot)
Herpes zoster

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