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Immanuel School of Davao

Preliminary Examination in Physical Education 11

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ______________________
I. Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Refer your answer to group of words below.

Health Stress Distress Sedentary Physical activity Wellness

Angina Pectoris Myocardial Infarction Stroke Hypertension Mortality
Diabetes Nutrition Vitamins Osteoporosis Metabolism Physical Fitness
Eustress Carbohydrates Peristalsis Anemia Trans fat

_______1. A deficiency in red blood cells and is the most common nutritional deficiency.
_______2. An organic substance that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be sourced from foods.
_______3. A medical condition characterized by excessive skeletal fragility caused by calcium deficiency.
_______4. A voluntary muscle contractions of our intestinal walls involved in the passage of food residues.
_______5. It is a major source of energy, for most of the body’s functions.
_______6. Number of deaths in a given time and place in terms of a proportion in a given population.
_______7. The dynamic interaction of the different dimensions that constitute the whole person to achieve an optimum
_______8. Inactive behavior dominated by sitting.
_______9. Our mental and physical reaction to events that disrupt body equilibrium.
_______10. Described as a disciplined commitment to grow in one’s level of functioning.
_______11. It is perceived negatively and it produces suffering and anxiety
_______12. Death of, and damage to a portion of a heart muscle resulting from insufficient blood supply.
_______13. It is also called ‘brain attack’ and cerebrovascular accident (CVA).
_______14. A chronic and persistent elevation of blood pressure.
_______15. Motivates us to strive for healthy outcomes resulting in fulfillment.
_______16. This refers to chemical processes involved in production of energy for the body to sustain work.
_______17. Any bodily movement produced by our skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure above that of rest.
_______18. A set of attributes that an individual has or can achieve in order to perform physical activities.
_______19. A disease that occurs when your blood glucose is too high.
_______20. It is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs.

II. Answer the following questions. 5pts each correct content: 3pts-tries to explain but not sensible, 2pts-answer is not
related to the question being asked.
1. Why is physical inactivity a risk factor for non-communicable diseases?

2. How does being overweight and obese affect Cardiovascular Disease risk?

3. How would you describe your average food intake?

III. Enumerate the following.

A.Warning signs of stroke.
B. Causes of heart failure.
C. Common Barriers of Physical Activity and the solution of each. 2pts each
Immanuel School of Davao
Preliminary Examination in Physical Education 12
Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ______________________
I. Write True on the blank if the statement is true. If it is false, change the underlined word or phrase to make the
statement correct.
_______1. Exercise refers to any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure.
_______2. Aerobic physical activities improve the efficiency of aerobic energy production and cardiorespiratory
_______3. Muscle- strengthening physical activities produce force on the bones for bone growth and strength.
_______4. Muscle- strengthening physical activities are also collectively known as resistance training as they improve
muscle strength.
_______5. Dancing is an aerobic physical activity.
_______6. Physical fitness refers to the ability of a person to perform physical activities without undue fatigue.
_______7. Cardiovascular-respiratory fitness refers to the ability of the body to supply fuel or oxygen to the muscles
during physical activities.
_______8. Muscular fitness is the ability to use bones for physical activities with strength, endurance, and flexibility.
_______9. A physically fit person has the acceptable body composition such as the amount of fat, muscle, bone, and
_______10. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the usable form of energy.

II. Enumerate the following.

A.Three sources of energy in the body
.B. Three types of eating.
III. Briefly explain the following.
A.Relationship of ballet, , modern, and contemporary dance. 15pts.

B. Elemenmts of dance. 15pts.

C. Difference between folk and ethnic dance. 10pts.

D. Three ‘worlds’ of ballroom. 15pts

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