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ID: 005-975
Mobile phone No: 0778235073






I Fashoge Adieng Nyajowk, 3rd year student of Information technology. I have undertaken my
internship training experience at Makerere ICT Solutions for a period of 2 months from June –
August, 2019 under the guidance of Ms. Nabbanja Teddy (Academic supervisor) and Mr.
Katerega Erisa Bon (Organization supervisor).

I clarify that my work is original and compiled according to the Internship training report writing
guideline given by the Institute.

Signature………………………….. Date………………………..

APPROVAL (Based on Field Supervisor)

As the student field supervisor, I clarify that the internship training report prepared by Fashoge
Adieng Nyajowk, is original work and compiled according to the guideline provided by the
University as far as my knowledge is concerned.

Signature ……………………………… Date …………………………

APPROVAL (Based on University Supervisor)

As the student academic supervisor, I clarify that the internship training report prepared by
Fashoge Adieng Nyajowk, is original work and compiled according to the guideline provided
by the Institute office as far as my knowledge is concerned.

Signature ……………………………… Date …………………………


This Internship training report is dedicated to my sponsor, my family and all my friends for
being with me and helping me in each and every difficulty I faced during this Internship training.
I also dedicate it to my supervisors and all those who mentored me, guided me, advised me and
polished my abilities.


First I would like to thank the Almighty God who enables me to be part of this internship
training; I thank the coordinator Makerere ICT Solutions. For giving me the opportunity to
accomplished this internship training within the Organization.


DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL (Based on Field Supervisor) ..................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL (Based on University Supervisor) ............................................................................ iii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. v
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... viii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 10
BACKGROUND TO THE INTERNSHIP EXERCISE ............................................................... 10
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Background to the Internship .................................................................................................. 10
1.1.1 What is Internship ................................................................................................................ 10
1.1.2 Objectives of Internship exercise ......................................................................................... 10
1.1.3 Training Objectives .............................................................................................................. 10
1.1.4 Benefits of the Internship ..................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Background to the work placement organisation .................................................................. 11
1.2.1 Organisational Profile .......................................................................................................... 11
1.0 Vision: ................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Mission:....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2.2 Scope of Internship .............................................................................................................. 12 Geographical scope ............................................................................................................. 1 Content Scope ..................................................................................................................... 1 Time Scope ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Organisational Structure Of the organisation .......................................................................... 1
1.4 Functional Departments of Attachment .................................................................................... 2
1.5 Intern-Supervisor Relationship ................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Internship Activities .................................................................................................................. 3

2.2 Internship Experiences .............................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Lessons learnt and skills attained .............................................................................................. 5
2.3.1 Lessons Learnt ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Skills acquired ........................................................................................................................ 7
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................... 8
CHALLENGES OF THE INTERNSHIP EXERCISE ................................................................... 8
3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Work placement organisational challenges .............................................................................. 8
3.3 Personal Challenges .................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 How the challenges were managed ........................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 11
4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 To the organization .............................................................................................................. 12
4.2.2 To the university .................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.3 To students ........................................................................................................................... 12
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 13


AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

AVD Android Virtual Device
BIOS Basic Input Output System
BIT Bachelor of Information Technology
CLI Command Line Interface
COBES Community Based Education Services
CS6 Creative Suite Six
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
CSV Comma Separated Values
D3 Data Driven Documents
DOM Document Object Model
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
GIS Geographic Information System
GUI Graphical User Interface
HP Hewlett Packard
HR Human Resource
HTML Hyper Text Mark Up Language
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IMO Indigenous Micro Organisms
interns Internship (field attachment) students
IT Information Technology
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
KML Keyhole Markup Language
LAN Local Area Network
MAC Media Access Control
MB Mega Bytes
MICTS Makerere ICT Solutions Limited


The intern carried out the field attachment at Makerere ICT Solutions. The intern performed
several activities which included cooperate networking, Website development and publishing,
Web programming with python, Database management system, System Analysis and Design,
Software installations and configurations, Computer Hardware Troubleshooting, Marketing Web
and ICT Services to prospective clients, among other activities.

The intern also learnt several lessons which included time keeping, meeting deadlines, writing
minutes, Acquired new knowledge and practical experiences especially in the field of web
development technologies, designing of work schedule, motivation of employees, obeying to
organizational rules and regulations, respect for bosses experience attained included proper
documentation, Got improved confidence in troubleshooting and problem solving, in terms of
debugging JavaScript and fixing common hardware errors, gained exposure to the demands and
challenges of the work place, for example when working on the ABRAIL honey website which
required him to learn new technologies within a short time before applying them during
development, communication skills, decision making skills, problem solving skills and
interpersonal skills

However the intern was faced by a number of challenges including; lack of facilitation coming to
terms with the lack of pay, moving long distance during the collection of listings, long distances,
allocation of tasks, poor data storage, little time on use of the computer, poor time keeping, poor
sensitization and client’s complaints.

It was concluded in chapter five that it was such a great experience and for any improvements
the following recommendations were made.To communicate effectively, To cover part of the
student’s provision, The University should also help students to find organizations where they
can carry out their internship and organizations should offer some allowances to students to
motivate them.



1.0 Introduction
This chapter introduces the background to the internship, background to the work placement organisation,
organisational structure with the organisation, functional department of attachment and internship-
supervisor relationship.

1.1 Background to the Internship

1.1.1 What is Internship
Internship is defined as afield based practical work carried out by students in conjunction with the staff to
enhance the students to improve on his or her skills by relating lecture work in places outside the university.

1.1.2 Objectives of Internship exercise

 To provide co-current opportunities for the integration of classroom learning in the field.
 To provide an opportunity for the student and academic staff to interact with stake holders and
practical employee to appreciate field situation that will generate information.
 To develop the skills required for professional practice and conduct including work ethics,
employment demand s, responsibility and opportunities.
 To enable and strengthen linkages between Cavendish University in Uganda and various stake
 To enable students to easily get employed in areas of specialization as they have interacted with
prospective employers during the field attachment.

1.1.3 Training Objectives

The objective of this training is to shows the Activities and practical training experience that I was tasked,
expected to perform together with the applied techniques and principles of the problem-solving situations I
learnt from class.

1.1.4 Benefits of the Internship

Communication skills
The intern gained skills in communication in other wards best communication skills which helped him
through relating with employees of Organization, this was very unforgettable experience since these
employees were hospitable, encouraging and also easy to relate to so the student learnt so much from them
and gained networks which are fruitful or may be fruitful linkages hence identifying them and understand
each other’s personalities and through presentation on behalf of employees.

Decision making skills

The intern gained a skill in formulating policies for the organization for example the employees at the
Organization had several complaints about the management but the intern suggested a policy for them to
always use suggestion box in forwarding their complaints and other related issues which may not be
complaints and also made reports of and indiscipline cases and the cases were worked upon by the
organistion especially in such issues mentioned above.

Problem solving skills

Problem solving required two distinct types of mental skill, analytical and creative. Analytical or logical
thinking includes skills such as ordering, comparing, contrasting, evaluating and selecting. It provided a
logical framework for problem solving and helped to select the best alternative from those available by
narrowing down the range of possibilities (a convergent process). Analytical thinking often predominated in
solving closed problems, where the many possible causes had to be identified and analyzed to find the real
cause. Most of the times when the intern faced problems at work, or in my task, the student would always
try to solve it by myself first. However, if the student cannot solve the problem, the student would the
supervisor or other staff to help me. Throughout the field attachment, most of the problems arose in areas
that needed technical expertise such as the use of the computer packages

1.2 Background to the work placement organisation

1.2.1 Company Profile

Makerere ICT Solutions (MICTS) is a company limited by shares incorporated under Republic of Uganda
registrar of companies with registration number 132833. MICTS is governed by Board of Directors (BOD)
who gives strategic direction to the company. On day to day basis MICTS is managed by the Managing
Director (MD) who gives technical advice to the Board of Directors and guides management staff.
Presently, MICTS offices are located on plot 40 Bombo Road, Carol House 2nd floor right wing and the
postal address is 11804 Kampala. MICTS believes in becoming a one stop destination centre for providing
affordable, practical, hands-on and corporate ICT Solutions in Africa and beyond.

1.0 Vision:
The vision of MICTS is “to become the leading and most reliable ICT service provider across African
Region and beyond“.


We provide reliable ICT solutions through quality corporate hands on training, services, consultancies and
MICTS is built on principles of:-
 Trust
 Customer satisfactory service delivery
 Value for money
 Honest, integrity and respect for one another

Company slogan “Secure the future now“

Company objectives
I. To provide first class hands on corporate and professional training in ICT.
Secure the Future Now

II. To provide ICT technical support to cooperates

III. To provide technical solutions to ICT problems
IV. To carry on business of dealing in information technologies, computer repair, networks, data com,
configuring databases, digital satellite services and T.V dealers, and DSTV agents all over/
V. To carry on business of information technology consultancy, computing services including hardware and
software maintenance, network installation maintenance, software development and sales, graphic

designing, communications services, internet services, telephone services, transport, IT related products and
services, marketing, business analysis and advising, consultancy among others.
VI. To deal in computer business of all types and distribute and market computers and computers services.
VII. To carry on the business of tendering, consultancy in IT, contractual work in regard with satellite
services, to install, services.

Board of Directors

Managing Director

General Manager

1.2.2 Scope of Internship Geographical scope
Makerere ICT Solutions is located in Wandegeya, 3 Km from City Centre on Kampala Bombo
Road. Content Scope

The internship was carried out in the field of Information technology. Scope
The Internship took two months from the month of June toAugust 2019.

1.3 Organisational Structure Of the organisation

The top level decision making organ of Makerere ICT Solutions limited is the board of directors,
which is represented by the managing director during day to day operations of the company. The
managing director is assisted by the technical director to oversee the activities of the company
including the consultancy, systems and websites development. The company administratorassists
the managing director to handle issues to do with HR, accounts, finance, sales and marketing, as
illustrated in figure1.2.
Board of

Technical Administrator

Systems HR

and Finance

Consultancy Sales and


Figure 1-2: Organizational structure for Makerere ICT Solutions Limited

1.4 Functional Departments of Attachment
I was assigned to the ICT department. I however was required to do other duties as the
organisation necessitated at that particular moment like

1.5 Intern-Supervisor Relationship

As per the supervision levels, there was high monitoring and tasks allocation to the intern by the

There was aday to day assessment to find out what the intern had the supervisor where he would
crack jokes and advice the intern on how to run government business and improve on interactive

The supervision was done on daily basis by my supervisor through assigning me with different
work and making follow ups which I had to finish in time and create a harmonious relationship.



2.0 Introduction
This chapter focuses on activities, Experiences, Lessons and skills acquired during field
attachment, and the link between field attachment program and the intern’s study program.
2.1 Internship Activities
This was intended to make me get used to the culture of the organisation, fill settled with the
staff members how activities are done. I was taken through the major organisation’s works and
properties under the organisation’s management.

Cooperate networking. The student required to learn and setup local area network of 5 rooms,
before network setup, you need to know the network requirement and IT policy at makerere ICT

Website development and publishing. The student worked on the Abrail Honey website, using
bootstrap web development tools to come up with a fully responsive website.

Web programming with python. The student was required to learn and employ python
programming during the development of the python-Django powered system for Piggery

System Analysis and Design. Before starting on the programming of the PiggeryUganda
system, the student had to analyse the current manual system and come up with requirements

specification document, data flow diagrams and ERDs for the required system.

Software installations and configurations. The student installed and configured software
programs on both Linux and Windows platforms for client computers at Makerere ICT

Computer Hardware Troubleshooting. The student worked on three laptops which had
hardware problems and fixed them to work as required. One computer with a failed power jack
was returned to the client because there was no replacement jackavailable.
Marketing Web and ICT Services to prospective clients. The student went to the field,
designed flyers for advertising Makerere ICT Solutions services. Managed to bring more than 10
people to the company office.

2.2 Internship Experiences

The internee was in position to gain the following experiences from the field attachment

The internee gained experience in Website Development and Publishing. This put the internee in
position of being accurate and consistent when given the job in any organization.

The internee also gained experience in Web Programming with Python. At the beginning of the
field attachment, the student hardly had any idea about python programming.

The internee gained experience about System Analysis and Design. At the beginning of the field
attachment, the student only had theoretical knowledge about the system analysis and design

The internee also gained experience inSoftware installations and configurations. At the
beginning of the field attachment, the student generally had software installation skills in a GUI-
based windows environment.

The internee gained experience in Marketing Web and ICT Services to prospective clients. The
intern learnt how to do social media marketing by embedding social media plugins into websites.

2.3 Lessons learnt and skills attained
2.3.1 Lessons Learnt
Marketing Web and ICT Services to prospective clients
The intern learnt how to do social media marketing by embedding social media plugins into
websites. He learnt how to plan, organize and design marketing materials such as fliers before
going to the field to meet potential customers. Microsoft Office Publisher program and Adobe
Creative Suite CS6 programs such as Adobe Fireworks and Adobe Illustrator were used to
design the graphics on the fliers
Computer Hardware Troubleshooting
During the internship period, the intern worked on various computer hardware tasks. News skills
and knowledge acquired include:
Learnt how to solve the problem of blue screen of death resulting from NMI Errors caused by
malfunctioning adapter cards.
Got more skills in troubleshooting laptops with start up problems caused by failed power jacks.
Also discovered how to do powdered toner refill in LaserJet HP printers.

Software installations and configurations

The student:
Had access to high speed Vodafone 4G internet, which was used to download and install up-to-
date versions of all required necessary software for web development.
Learnt how to install Linux alongside windows on PCs with the restricted UEFI secure boot.
Acquired skills of how to install and configure software applications via CLI-based terminals in
The student also learnt how to upgrade windows 8.1 to the newly released windows 10 operating

System Analysis and Design

The student:
Learnt how to generate requirements of a real system and how to write a requirements
specification document (RSD) for a system to be developed.

Got fact-finding skills through on-site observation, interview and focused group discussion
Got practical skills on the SDLC, how to design ERDs and how to map the ERDs to actual
Database tables with attributes, primary keys and foreign keys. This was mainly during the
design of the system for Piggery Uganda.

Office management
The internee was involved in management of the office especially its equipments like
computers, chairs, tables and mostly its arrangement to facilitate its activities and the hygiene
and cleanness part of it. This helps to sell the organisation’s image to its customers and most
importantly to attract more customers because it gives good impression to clients.

Data management
The internee learned how to manage organizational data like its records, finances, and final
analysis of the data and its importance is to enable the organization to always have references if
need arises and decisions are made depending on this data. The internee was also learnt that the
data is to be analyzed by the department supervisor before handed to the manager of the
organization so that conclusions are made basing on the data analysis to ensure its effectiveness
and efficiency to enable the organization to achieve its long and short term goals and objectives.
It is on these bases that decisions are made to make conclusion on the organizational
achievement and meeting of its goals and objectives.

Decision making
The internee also learnt that the decisions that one makes affect the organisation’s performance
both directly or indirectly, directly the decision managers make concerning changes and
regulation of organisation’s activities may increase its production capacities and indirectly it may
hinder it from achieving the set goals and objectives. So when making decisions, the concerned
parties should take conscious if the set goals and objectives are to be attained by the

Teamwork and openness

The internee learnt that at work place, Team work and openness is a key fundamental in attaining
organizational goals and objectives. Team work helps employees of the organisation to always

have the spirit of work as a group and this increases productivity of workers hence enabling the
organisation to attain its goals.

2.3.1 Skills acquired

The internee was in position to attain the following skills during the internship attachment;-
Acquired new knowledge and practical experiences especially in the field of web development
technologies. Got improved confidence in troubleshooting and problem solving, in terms of
debugging JavaScript’s and fixing common hardware errors.

Gained exposure to the demands and challenges of the work place, for example when working on
the ABRAIL honey website which required him to learn new technologies within a short time
before applying them during development.

Got opportunities to meet and work with potential employers such as the managing director of
Makerere ICT Solutions and Piggery Uganda

Writing and typing skill: The internee learnt writing and typing skills. The internee was tasked to
write different organisation documents like cash receipts, cheques, invoices among other and the
typing skills the internee was tasked to type different pieces of work which greatly contributed to
improvement of writing and typing skills.

Interpersonal skills: The internee learnt the skill of relating with others as a team to ensure that
organizational long and short term goals. Other hand this cooperation facilitates production and
productivity of the organisation as the workers see themselves as one hence having the same
spirit for production. The interpersonal skills also enable employees to learn from one another
and this increases quality of output.



3.0 Introduction
The internee faced the following challenges and limitations when carrying the internship process.

3.1 University challenges

Cavendish University does not put in place such enough training programs that enable students
to build confidence, ability, and potential in their courses since they are enabled to practically
demonstrate theory learnt from class into practice.

There is not enough time be allocated for students during their training in order to enable them to
fully demonstrate the theoretical aspects of the lessons learned in class. This programme should
at least be done twice before graduation of students.

Confidential information:The internee faced a challenge of some employees not revealing the
relevant information that the internee needed and this affected the internee since the relevant
information was not revealed, an example profit sharing among shareholders, net profit at the of
the year
3.2 Work placement organisational challenges

The organization does not continue providing its care, acceptance, cooperation and diligence
during the course of the training to all interns. Let this spirit never die in order to groom better
graduates to fit in today’s competitive world.

3.3 Personal Challenges

Most students do not take internship attachment seriously because this builds confidence through
the experience gained from the field and therefore, when exposed to new jobs they in position to
perform well.

Financial problems: The internee faced a challenge of finance to cater for expenses, for instance
lunch, stationary like markers, paper and Pens and this hindered the internee from gathering
information during the internship.

Limited access on computers: The internee faced a challenge of limited computers since there
were few in the office and one had to wait for the organization employees to complete their work
for the internee to resume with the work assigned to and this hindered the internee from
gathering the information.

3.4 How the challenges were managed

The internee managed to overcome the challenges in the following;-

The internee tried to overcome the challenge of financial problem by trying to keep equipped
with money and this was got from different sources (friends, parents and the little I would

The internee overcame the problem of fear by the some employee to give important information
by presenting a letter from the university and convincing them about the confidentiality of the
information given.

On the challenge of time, the internee could try to as possible to utilize the time by programming
the work given.

The internee tried to overcome the challenge of bureaucracy indecision making by having
appointments in advance or framing up time with the people (trainer) responsible/concerned



4.0 Introduction
This chapter contains conclusions of the report’s content, recommendation to various
stakeholders, references to certain documents or publications used.
4.1 Conclusion

On the whole, this internship was a useful experience. I have gained new knowledge, skills and
met many new people. I achieved several of my learning goals, however for some the conditions
did not permit.

The field work in any organization is extremely important in providing sense of direction for
effective and efficient delivery of service field work study is based on the entire knowledge and
experience which is in turn lead to the achievement of the necessary skills needed to improve
knowledge and equip internees with practical skills

Basing on overall analysis, it is clear that research, financial, technological, team working,
consumer awareness, political, economical, managerial and human resource are the best
organizational strategies that the organization should adopt if it hopes two have future growth,
expansion and competitive advantage in the industry.

The internship was also good to find out what my strengths and weaknesses are. This helped me
to define what skills and knowledge I have to improve in the coming time. It would be better that
the knowledge level of the language is sufficient to contribute fully to organizations. After my
degree I think that I could start my working career. However I could perform certain tasks in
research better if I practice/know more the research methodologies applied in certain studies. It
would also be better if I can present and express myself more confidently.

At last this internship has given me new insights and motivation to pursue a career in financial
research abroad.

4.2 Recommendations
4.2.1 To the organization

The internee recommends that the organization should continue providing its care, acceptance,
cooperation and diligence during the course of the training to all interns in future. Let this spirit
never die in order to groom better graduates to fit in today’s competitive world.

Makerere ICT Solutions is a great learning organisation for interns. Makerere ICT Solutions is a
small organisation and helps interns improve and develops their skills. I would recommend
Makerere ICT Solutions to keep hiring interns with different educational background, to help
build and improve the organisation with the knowledge they gained from their studies.
4.2.2 To the university

The internee would like to appreciate Cavendish University especially the faculty of science and
technology for putting in place such training programs that enable students to build confidence,
ability, and potential in their courses since they are enabled to practically demonstrate theory
learnt from class into practice.

The internee recommends that the curriculum should remain the same but rather enough time be
allocated for students during their training in order to enable them to fully demonstrate the
theoretical aspects of the lessons learned in class. This programme should at least be done twice
before graduation of students.
4.2.3 To students

The internee would like to recommend the fellow students to take internship attachment
seriously because this builds confidence through the experience gained from the field and
therefore, when exposed to new jobs they in position to perform well.

The internee would like recommend as an advice to the fellow students that they should at least
try their best to carry out their internship program with well-established companies/organizations
since it prepares the for the job as part of the experience.


1 Logbook
2 Organizational books
3 University guideline


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