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BSP Planning Conference of Scout and Coordinators


Boy Scout of the Philippines would be celebrated on the month of October and it has been obvious
that we, as a part of the club should recognize and do some planning to fulfil the success of the event,
that is why last July 12, 2019 a planning conference was held at Provincial Training Center, Lingayen
Pangasinan to engage every participant in making the event possible.

The primary agenda of this meeting is to have an idea on how to encourage the student to be a
member of the BSP, thus it would increase the number of the BSP participant. Being a participant would
not only imply the organization itself but through this membership a students could acquire benefits such
as social activities and insurances. The second agenda is about the Council Jamboree which there’s no
final specific date yet, they are going to tell the date and the venue in the next planning. The last agenda
was all about the National Jamboree which will be held at Botolan Zambales on December 1-7 as its
tentative date, and the National Venture camp that will be held in Iligan City on October 7-12.

The planning would be effective if every participant would share his or her cooperation and effort
to achieve a high level of goal. As a part of this big and important event I am willing to perform all the
ideas and knowledge I’ve learned during the said planning conference.

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