CV and - Application of Birkineh Mefin

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1.Full name birkineh mesfin teshome

Date of birth 1988 GC
Place of birth Arsi chole
Nationality Ethiopian
Health normal
Curunt address 0933892887/0939318780/0912816532 email adress
2 .Educational background
2000-2003 attending dgree program at meda welabu university in statistics . in addition DHS cirtificate and
kimetrika cirtificate .
From grade 9-12 in chole secondary and preparatory school at 1997 E.C -2000 E.C
From grade 1-8 at chole primery school at 1990 E.C -1996 E.C
BS/C degree in statistics school of mathimatical science at Meda welabu universty has
CGPA=2.96/GPA=3.05 and have computer cirtificate from grace computer and training centre
4.Language skill
Language writting reading speaking lesting
Amharic excellent excellent excellent excellent
English excelent excelent excelent excelent
Afan oromo excelent excelent excellent excellent
I have beeen working in Addis Abeba university
 I have been workin in AWSAD office the so called as SASA PROJECT that work on rape and
child trafficking for 10 days around adama town on data collection.
I have been working in central statistical agency of Adama branch in data collction and supervision
according to given below
 1year , 2 month and 27 days in agreculture research
 20 days in small scale industry research
 2 month and 2 days in medium and large scale industry reseach
 1 month and 7 days in human poer research
 2 month and 16 days in panal seftinet program research as data collector and supervisor
 9 month and 15 days in demographic health survey (DHS) using CAPI
I have beeen working addiscontinental inistite puplic health
 1 month 22 days in adolescent health and nutrtion using(tablet, ODk ) around Harar
I have beeen working BDS-CDRas supervisor
 10 days about BBM AYBER) rese(TABLET, survey solution arch around arsi
 18 days education assement ( TABLET, survey solution ) around shoa
I have beeen working in kimemtrika llc research inistute in data collection
 2 manth and 1 days in food for peace and population based survey using CAPI ,cspro
 Totally ;3 year , 10 days
6. Hopies
May main hopies is reading researche material and writting diffrent material

7. responsibilty and duties

- Always Ihave strong intrest for data collection job becouse I have long time
exeperienceboth data collection and supervision in addition Ihave perform both
qualtative and quantitave data collection.
- Through my exeperience I developed systematic way data collection , probing,keeping
confidential and avoiding leading question.
- I have tecnical system of proplem solving during data collction especially at field work
8 Additional skill
My additional skill is writting proposal,transilation questionare in language amharic,afan
oromo and english language and preparing tour planning.
9. reference
Ato yigram beyene consultant (0911337016)
Ato Koyachow Inkuhone PHD student and researcher(0910014141)
Alemtsehay consultant,coordinator (0911416246)

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