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Good afternoon Your Honor, respectfully appearing as collaborating counsel for the

privateprosecutor Atty Geronimo Realiza. Under the direct supervision and authority of the

.Proposed tipulations:

Will the distinguished counsel of the accused admit the follo#ing facts!$!

%oes the accused admit to be the same &elen &uenconse'o that is the employeeRoyal
Pictures, (nc .under the name and style of )oda* e+press, (nc $ %oes the accused admit that
she has been employed by royal e+press since - /until such time #hen the incident causing
the filing of this case has been found out $! %oes the accused admit that she is the
cashier01(2 in the )oda* pictures marina mallbranch, lapulapu city $3 %oes the accused admit
the 'urisdiction of this court 4vidences( have here #ith me your honor ob'ect evidences #hich i
move to be mar*ed as e+hibits a5v.Ho#ever, your honor because of the voluminous number of
e+bibits may ( move for a separatetime for the pre5mar*ing of these evidences."itnesses6ust for
the record your honor, ( have four #itnesses, the t#o are reserve, #e may or may notthem your
honor.(n case trial( call to the #itness stand my first #itness your honor 77777

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