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100 SYN 8


to make something impure by
This contaminated water supply must be
adding something dirty or a
closed to the public.
1 pollute poisonous substance бохирдолт
(ялгарч) A feeling of anxiety was discernible
2 detectable noticeable; easily seen харагдахуйц among the members of the team.
Small flourishing companies would be
harmed by an increase in the minimum
3 thriving active and growing; healthy цэцэглэж байгаа wage.
to support; to keep in good The building had to be renovated because
4 preserve condition хадгалах, хангах it was not well maintained.
тааруу, дунд
This is a mediocre research report.
5 average of average quality; not good or bad зэргийн
The tedious lecture bored most of the
6 monotonous long and tiring залхам, залхмаар audience.
товчхон, The visiting professor spoke briefly at the
7 concisely short, usually in time товчхоноор faculty meeting.
to cause to move along a fixed The news of the president's visit circulated
8 Distribute path; to move freely тойрох, эргэх quickly throughout the city.
without changing; keeping the The temperature must be maintained
9 dependably same principles, ideas, or quality тогтмол consistently at 75° centigrade.
The compound exhibits the qualities of an
10 Display to show or demonstrate үзүүлэх ,харуулах acid.
үндэслэх , The wealthy woman founded a hospital in
11 establish to establish байгуулах her home town.
Inappropriate not following established rules; not The disappointing outcome was a result of
12 ly desirable зүй бусаар an improperly prepared petri dish.
The public applauded the president's
actions, and subsequently his ratings in the
13 afterwards following; coming after something хожим нь , дараа нь polls improved
The markings of the insect provided an
14 indisputable clearly able to be determined эргэлзээгүй unmistakable identification of the species.
15 capriciously acting without thinking түрэгдэх She reacted impulsively to the loud noise.
Tornadoes occur infrequently in the
16 Rarely almost never ховор eastern part of the United States.
The failure of the communications system
17 secluded kept separated from others тусгаарлалт left the towns isolated.
in a way clearly seen; not done
He overtly disregarded the regulations.
18 openly secretly илэрхий
in a deep way; showing deep Everyone was profoundly impressed by
19 significantly knowledge of a subject гүнзгийгээр the news reports.
showing sensitivity or quick
thinking; showing a quick change Car prices rose sharply over the past year.
20 quickly in direction огцом, гэнэт
байрлуулалт, The resort town of Cancun is situated in
21 located being found in a certain place тохиромжтой the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula.
The engineer had a legitimate reason for
22 afterwards following; coming after something хожим нь , дараа нь changing the design of the building.
to understand the meaning of The ambiguous speech was very difficult
23 clarify something тайлбарлах, to interpret.
The company launched a new program to
24 initiate to cause something to begin эхлүүлэх, эхлэх attract more clients.
The engineer had a legitimate reason for
25 authentic reasonable, lawful зүй ёсоор changing the design of the building.
a certain way or thing; unusual; The speaker has a particular way of
26 specific hard to please тодорхой persuading his audience.
sending out in all directions, The actor's radiant smile captivated the
27 bright especially heat or light баяр баясгалантай audience.
28 crest the top of a mountain range; a хяр, ирмэг A bald eagle stood on the ridge of the tall
100 SYN 8
raised part of any surface office building.
the length of time or distance from
The old man's life spanned two centuries.
29 cover one limit to the other; to cross дамнах
үүсэх бий болох,
The spontaneous combustion inside the
хар аяндаа бий
cylinder creates the power of the motor.
30 instinctive unplanned; uncontrolled болох
being in complete disorder and
The traffic in Seoul is often chaotic.
31 disorganized confusion эмх цэгцгүй
an easily recognized quality of The markings on that butterfly are
32 typical something онцлог өвөрмөц characteristic of the monarch butterfly.
something that causes The governor made a controversial
33 debatable disagreement or argument маргаантай decision to raise taxes.
The recent downturn in the housing
industry exemplifies the poor economic
34 symbolize to give an example жишээ татах conditions.
giving pleasure or a feeling of Studying abroad can be a very gratifying
35 satisfying accomplishment; showing thanks сэтгэлд хүрсэн experience.
There was a constant stream of
a natural flow of something; a information coming from the White
36 river pouring out урсгал House.
His striking proposal saved the company
37 remarkable drawing special attention to гайхалтай from bankruptcy.
having a tendency to do
It was an aptly timed remark.
38 appropriately something;likely оновчтой
дэлгэц, дэлгэн The demonstration clarified the procedure
39 display a show or exhibit харуулалт for everyone.
things combined to make The ingredients of the product are kept
40 elements something; бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг secret.
in an unthinking manner; not
He involuntarily agreed to work overtime.
41 automatically chosen хар аяндаа,
something that surprises or The Great Wall of China is one of the
42 wonder impresses гайхамшиг world's marvels.
able to determine how much or Some personal characteristics, such as
43 assessable how many мэдэгдэхүйц good teaching, are hardly measurable.
She made the best of her moderate dancing
44 Medium not too much, not too little аядуу зөөлөн ability.
It is odd to find a person who speaks many
45 Strange unusual этгээд languages.
His bright smile was a reflection of his
46 Image a picture or element cast back илэрхийлэл satisfaction.
according to reports or hearsay; The new trains can supposedly reach
47 presumably widely believed or accepted гэгдэх, гэцгээх speeds of 150 miles per hour.
continuing in a constant way; тууштай, Sustained rainfall is the only hope they
48 consistent remaining strong тасралтгүй have for relief from the drought.
The strange symbols found in Egyptian
sign or object that represents tombs have intrigued historians for
49 mark something or somebody marks бэлэг тэмдэг centuries.
The language of Papiamento is a synthesis
the mixing of separate things to of Dutch and native Indian languages of
50 combination form a whole нийлэгжилт Curacao.
The work of a teacher seldom produces
tangible results until years after a student
51 concrete real; that which can be felt мэдэгдэхүйц has graduated
being fixed in place; close; leaving
The shirt fits too tightly.
52 firmly no freedom чанга хатуу
The aggravating delay was caused by road
53 irritating making worse; annoying Эгдүүцэм repairs.
something that holds interest and is We listened in amusement as he tried to
54 diversion enjoyable тоглолт, үзүүлбэр convince his friend to lend him $50.
100 SYN 8
They could conceivably earn first place
55 possibly feasibly; believable Магадгүй with their science project.
to change from one form or state to хувиргах, өөрчлөх,
When boiled, liquids convert to gases.
56 alter another шинэчлэх
being able to restore to good The curative properties of certain plants
57 healing. condition засварлах, анагаах have been well documented.
The lack of investment savings has a
58 weakening Weakening сульдаасан debilitating effect on the economy.
багасах, хорогдох, She depleted all of her savings to buy the
59 consume to use up; to reduce greatly шингэрэх word processor.
of a certain amount; having an There were a finite number of
60 limited end; not infinite хязгаартай explanations for the unusual reactions.
We perceive major differences between
61 observe to sense; to become aware of ухаж ойлгох the two political parties.
the feeling of freedom from Her sense of security increased as her
62 safety danger,doubt, or worry аюулгүй байдал grades improved.
Disposal of toxic wastes is an ongoing
63 poisonous harmful; capable of being fatal хортой problem.
амар амгалан The tranquility of the lake at sunrise
64 peacefulness calm; quietness байдал inspired a profound sense of well-being.
to catch and hold onto, usually by
I was trapped into paying for the meal.
65 retain trickery;deceived урхидах
Of all the planets in our solar system,
Earth is undeniably the most conducive to
66 absolutely clearly true илэрхий, гарцаагүй supporting life.
The underestimated demand for tickets
guessed lower than the actual made the theater manager plan better for
67 miscalculated quality or quantity буруу тооцоололт the next performance.
The foreman acknowledged the fact that
to know, remember, and accept the there had been a mistake in the design of
68 recognize existence of something хүлээн зөвшөөрөх the house.
He acquired two beautiful paintings during
69 obtain to gain or come to possess олж авах his visit to Taipei.
The United States of America has
assimilated people from all parts of the
70 incorporate to become a part of уусгах, нэгтгэх world.
You have an assortment of elective
71 selection a variety янз бүрийн courses from which to choose.
the standard of; the degree of The high caliber of her work earned her a
72 quality goodness чансаа raise in pay.
This is a condensed version of the original
73 summarized made smaller; shortened; merged өтгөрөлт, нягтралт research report.
not agreeing with the facts or It is contradictory to say that you know
previous statements made on the зөрчилдөөнтэй, French after only studying it for three
74 inconsistent subject; declared wrong үгүйсгэсэн months.
хэвийн бус, The radio communications were subject to
75 Erratic Not consistent, irregular тогтвортой бус sporadic sunspot interference
76 exceptional Exellent quality, above all the rest онцгой, гойд сайн This is a superior fossil of a trilobite
Done without thought or Her wanton disregard of the rules was
77 Senseless consideration утгагүй unexplainable
78 Ineffective Not strong, incapable сул, үр дүнгүй The weak light was inadequate for reading
There is a widespread rumor that there will
79 Extensive Found everywhere өргөн тархсан be no class next Thursday
It is often said that wisdom is the product
80 Insight Knowledge and understanding суу ухаан, мэдлэг of experience
81 Humor A joke, a funny story наргиан , хошигнол His witticisms captivated the audience
A special quality that endears other
She has a charisma that no other candidate
people to the person who has this
82 Appealing quality сайхан, бишрэм
83 Astute Intelligent, resourceful ухаалаг, ухаантай Everyone appreciated their clever idea
100 SYN 8
To make someone see things your They could not convince the girls to go to
84 Persuade way итгүүлэх, ятгах the dance with them
How he is able to endure living next to the
85 Persevere To last, to suffer pain тэсэх , тэвчих airport is beyond my comprehension
To give up, to have something Usually you must forfeit your native
taken away, usually by rule or contry"s citizenship to become a citizen of
86 Relinquish regulation алдах, татгалзах another country
The diver put himself in a precarious
87 Hazardous Not safe, firm, or steady аюултай situation among the sharks
ноцтой, хатуу The weather service issued a severe storm
88 Intense Extreme, harmful ширүүн warning for most of Michigan
тоохгүйбайх, They disregarded the no parking signs and
89 Ignore To pay no attention хайхрахгүй байх were ticketed by the police
Having much monetary or This golden ring is my most precious
90 Cherished sentimental value beautiful үнэт, эрхэм possession
Their talent for locating oil deposits made
them prominent geologists in the
91 Renowned Famous, having a high position цуутай, үл үзэгдэх corporation
needed for a specific purpose * a хэрэгтэй , Here is the list of requisite courses for the
92 Demanded formal request шаардлагатай master"s degree in biology
The detective was not able to unravel the
93 Separate To organize, to make clear тайлах, задлах mystery of the missing money
She only has vague memories of her
94 Unclear not clear, ambiguous бүдэг, ойлгомжгүй childhood
I have noticed a vast improvement in your
95 Huge Very much, very large өргөн, том , их English vocabulary
The amount of something The volume of information that a
96 Quantity contained in a space * holding a lot хэмжээ computer diskette can hold is astounding
To make efforts to attain or gain The directors tried to woo the support of
97 Attract something сонирхол татах the union
He asked her to consider changing the
авч үзэх, тунгаан meeting times to better fit people's
98 Contemplate to think about; ponder бодох schedules
The minute stain on the document was not
99 Tiny infintely or immeasurably small жижиг, бичил visible to the naked eye.
The class intends to go on a field trip to
100 Plan; aim have in mind as a purpose төлөвлөх the countryside.
100 SYN 8
1. pollute 57. healing.
2. detectable 58. weakening
3. thriving 59. consume
4. preserve 60. limited
5. average 61. observe
6. monotonous 62. safety
7. concisely 63. poisonous
8. Distribute 64. peacefulness
9. dependably 65. retain
10. Display 66. absolutely
11. establish 67. miscalculated
12. Inappropriately 68. recognize
13. afterwards 69. obtain
14. indisputable 70. incorporate
15. capriciously 71. selection
16. Rarely 72. quality
17. secluded 73. summarized
18. openly 74. inconsistent
19. significantly 75. Erratic
20. quickly 76. exceptional
21. located 77. Senseless
22. afterwards 78. Ineffective
23. clarify 79. Extensive
24. initiate 80. Insight
25. authentic 81. Humor
26. specific 82. Appealing
27. bright 83. Astute
28. crest 84. Persuade
29. cover 85. Persevere
30. instinctive 86. Relinquish
31. disorganized 87. Hazardous
32. typical 88. Intense
33. debatable 89. Ignore
34. symbolize 90. Cherished
35. satisfying 91. Renowned
36. river 92. Demanded
37. remarkable 93. Separate
38. appropriately 94. Unclear
39. display 95. Huge
40. elements 96. Quantity
41. automatically 97. Attract
42. wonder 98. Contemplate
43. assessable 99. Tiny
44. Medium 100. Plan
45. Strange Name……………..
46. Image Class……………….
47. presumably
48. consistent
49. mark
50. combination
51. concrete
52. firmly
53. irritating
54. diversion
55. possibly
56. alter

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