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13/09/2019 Jennifer Ronzitti's Complete Prep Overview for Olympia 2017

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Join Team ALLMAX's bikini standout, Jennifer Ronzitti, as she preps to

step on the 2017 Olympia stage. In this article, she describes her entire
Olympia prep.

There’s often a great deal of pressure associated with high-level sporting competition.

This pressure is vastly increased when the athlete is among the leading contenders for Olympia

One such athlete is bikini standout Jennifer Ronzitti.

For Jennifer, however, the pressure to excel is no barrier to success. Instead, it’s used to fuel Must Read Articles
some of the most intense workouts you’ll ever see. 12 Week Fat Destroyer:
Complete Fat Loss Workout
Though she’s not training for gargantuan guns or Platz-like quads, her sessions are as tough as & Diet Program
any seasoned pro bodybuilder’s.
10 Week Mass Building
In this article we’ll tell you how bikini’s newest sensation trains, eats, and supplements as she Program
prepares to showcase her stellar physique on the biggest stage of them all.

Getting to Know Jennifer Ronzitti Muscle & Strength’s 12

Jennifer has become one of the world’s most celebrated bikini competitors. Victories at both the Week Women’s Workout
2016 Toronto Pro Supershow and Baltimore Grand Prix events in her rookie year qualified her for
the 2016 Olympia, where she secured an impressive fifth place in her O debut.
Dumbbell Only Workout: 3
Related: A Day With The Ultimate Fit Couple - Steve Kuclo & Amanda Latona Day Full Body Dumbbell
She continued her ascent into 2017 with a third place International Bikini finish at the Arnold
Sports Festival.
The Total Package: A Full
Body Strength &
Hypertrophy Workout

Like all devoted champions, Jennifer is ever-questing for improvement. She identifies what needs
attention and makes the adjustments necessary to ensure she’s ready to fight for the top titles.

Come September 15 she expects to snatch the biggest crown of them all. On the eve of her
second shot at Olympia glory, she’s more driven than ever and ready to show what she has spent 1/5
13/09/2019 Jennifer Ronzitti's Complete Prep Overview for Olympia 2017

the past year working to achieve.

Training for the Olympia

Jennifer is constantly adjusting and tweaking her training to ensure continuous progress. She
trains the same way year round: in incentivized fashion, as if the Olympia is constantly on the

In fact, for Jennifer, there is no real offseason in the strictest sense of the term. She never stops
training with a view to competing. For her, it’s the only way to guarantee steady improvements
from contest to contest.

“Even in the off-season I’m typically working on building and conditioning areas that need
improvement,” she says. “I work year-round with my coach to make sure we’re always working
towards the Olympia.”

Though her intensity and competitive mindset do not change throughout the year, Jennifer does
increase the volume and frequency of her training in preparation for major contests. She does this
to further maximize training intensity and refine a physique that is forever a work in progress.

For this year’s Olympia she increased her workouts from four to six days a week. She also upped
her cardio to carve in the detail she believes will place her in the winner’s circle come Olympia

Changing It Up
Jennifer’s training approach is best described as intuitive. Rather than blindly following a rigid
plan, she’ll constantly modify her workout schedule to keep her body responding in a positive

“I don’t follow a workout plan,” she says. “My coach gives me a general workout guide, I form an
understanding of what my coach wants me to achieve, and I go into the gym and see what
exercises or equipment I feel like hitting on any given day. I like being creative and building my
own workout on the fly. My workouts are always changing and it prevents me from getting bored.”

Jennifer’s workouts are part of a split designed to provide an optimal training stimulus while
eliminating the risk of overtraining (see below for her 2017 Olympia split). She’ll also single out
specific areas for special attention.

For this year’s O she has focused on bringing up her shoulders, specifically the front and side
areas for greater width from the front and side. “I’ve increased my shoulder training frequency
and have really focused on squeezing at the top when targeting the front and medial delts.”

Jennifer finds that certain areas respond best to specific rep ranges and levels of resistance.
Again, rather than being locked into what others may feel is the best approach, Jennifer is
interested only with what works best for her individual physique.

Her intuitive approach gives her an eye for detail which allows her to pinpoint the exact amount of
stimulation each muscle needs, to forge the perfect bikini physique. For example, while
shoulders, abs, and calves are hit with heavier weights and lower reps, her back and biceps (her
biggest strengths) are targeted with more moderate weights and higher reps.

She does this to ensure that one area does not overpower the other. Balance is her key criteria
when it comes to hitting each of her spectacular groupings. Jennifer only does what is effective
for her.

Intensity Is Key
Regardless of which exercises, rep ranges, or levels of resistance she decides to use, Jennifer
always trains intensely. She is always looking to change things up in the interests of further
improvement. Specifically for training, she’s always on the search for new ways to increase the
difficulty of her workouts.

“I like to incorporate a lot of super or giant sets to keep my heart rate up,” she says. “These will be
done with very minimal rest between sets, no more than 20-30 seconds.” Jennifer also uses 2/5
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perfect form and does her best to train to failure on most sets.

As owner and operator of three supplement stores with her fiancé, she works long hours and
lives an ultra-busy life. Therefore, she aims to maximize every second she’s in the gym. High
intensity workouts are the best way to do this.

There exists a misconception that bikini athletes do not train with a level of intensity to match their
more heavily muscled counterparts. While it’s expected that bodybuilders will train with gut
busting vigor, there’s a persistent belief that bikini athletes exclusively focus on light weights and
cardio to achieve their less muscular physiques.

This is not the case for Jennifer. She does not go to certain extremes to maximize her muscle
mass. Therefore her intensive training is crucial in bringing out her natural curves to reveal a
stunningly well-conditioned and breathtakingly proportionate physique.

Given her hectic schedule, the biggest barrier to intensity for Jennifer is a lack of recovery. While
it’s common for dedicated athletes to experience more and more fatigue and tiredness the closer
they get to a contest, Jennifer averts these intensity barriers by doubling down on her rest and

“Sleep and recovery is huge for me during prep,” she says. “I try to make sure I get to bed before
10pm most nights since I’m up by 5am to train and get my cardio in before work. I also listen to
my body. If I’m feeling extremely exhausted I allow myself to sleep in and train later in the day after

Jennifer also tends to experience the same energy levels throughout her prep due to the inclusion
of periodic re-feeds leading up to the show.

Jennifer Ronzitti’s 2017 Olympia Training Split

Monday: Back/Biceps - Reps of 12-15, Moderate Weights
Tuesday: Shoulders/Calves/Abs - Reps of 10-12, Moderate to Heavy Weights
Wednesday: Chest/Triceps - Reps of 12-15, Moderate Weights
Thursday: Glutes/Hamstrings - High Reps, Moderate Weights
Friday: Shoulders/Calves/Abs - Reps of 10-12, Moderate to Heavy Weights
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Leg Circuit - High Reps (with no rest between sets)

Nutrition for the Olympia

Jennifer officially began her nutritional prep 16 weeks out from this year’s Olympia. Though she
eats clean year round, she will include occasional “random snacks.” These are first to go once
she begins focusing on the O in earnest.

“Once my prep begins, I’ll start cutting dairy and snacking between meals,” she says. “When not
in prep, even with six meals a day, I’ll have random snacks throughout the day and a more
relaxed diet. Once my prep starts, the snacking stops and I start weighing and measuring all my

For many, the final two weeks before a big show are a time for radical dietary measures. For
Jennifer, this critical period is not much different from her overall prep.

“I may swap out some of my normal greens for asparagus,” she says. “I also start limiting my
intake of artificial sweeteners. My body doesn’t respond well to drastic changes so if it looks on
point two weeks out, there’s really no need to change anything.”

Jennifer Ronzitti’s 2017 Olympia Diet Prep Plan

Meal 1: 5 Egg Whites and 1/2 Cup Gluten Free Oats
Meal 2: 1 Scoop of Whey Protein Isolate, 3 Rice Cakes, and a handful of Almonds
Meal 3: 4 oz Grilled Chicken, 4 oz Sweet Potato, and 1 Cup of Asparagus
Meal 4: 4 oz Sirloin Steak, 1/3 Cup Brown Rice, and 1 Cup Asparagus
Meal 5: 4 oz Grilled Chicken and a Large Salad with 1 TBSP of Balsamic Vinaigrette
Meal 6: 1 Scoop of Protein and 1 TBSP of Peanut Butter 3/5
13/09/2019 Jennifer Ronzitti's Complete Prep Overview for Olympia 2017

“I’ll also add 4 Scoops of BCAAs to my gallon water jug for the day.”

Supplementation for the Olympia

Jennifer, like most aspiring Olympia winners, is a big believer in quality supplementation to secure
the winning edge.

Related: How to Optimize Nutrition & Rest for Muscle Recovery

Dialing in an Olympia-ready physique means addressing all of the nutritional factors that assist
with muscle retention, energy production, fat loss and general health maintenance.

Jennifer Ronzitti’s 2017 Olympia Supplement

Whey Protein Isolate- “It’s a great way to get your protein in while curbing the sweet tooth! I
especially like sweet, cake flavors. I’m a sucker for anything cake flavored!”
Fat Burner with Aminos-  “This has helped keep my energy levels high while preserving
muscle during morning fasted-cardio sessions.”
Amino Acids - “I sip on aminos throughout the day to help maintain muscle while in a calorie
deficit. It also helps me drink all my water during the day. Sometimes plain water just
doesn’t do it for me. I need flavor!”
Quality Preworkout - “This non-stimulant pre-workout really helps achieve a great muscle
ZMA - “To improve rest and recovery.”

Driving Factors for Olympia Success

To see her train and compete there can be no disputing the fact that Jennifer loves the self
improvement process that’s part of being a high-ranked IFBB Pro. She uses the pressure of
preparing for and competing against the best to strengthen her commitment to bringing her A-
Game every time she steps onstage.

Competition excites her and she feels it’s an honor to compete on the world’s biggest bikini
stage.  “Beating my package from last year and continuing to evolve and better my physique” is
what fuels her fire.

“There’s always something to work on,” she says. “Challenges and goals always keep me
motivated and it’s an honor to step on the most prestigious stage in your sport. For many, it’s a
once in a lifetime opportunity. How can you not be motivated to want to be the best in the world
when you are competing amongst the best athletes in the world?”

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Team Allmax
ALLMAX Nutrition is a supplier of top quality bodybuilding and sports nutrition
supplements. We have dedicated ourselves to making innovative and exceptional
quality products.
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