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Leaders and Leadership

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Leaders and Leadership

Initial Perspective Regarding Leaders and Leadership

A leader is a person who directs people towards the attainment of specified objective.

Three ideas can be derived from the definition including; first, a leader is a person who leads a

group of individuals and also leads by example so that his followers can be motivated. Secondly,

the purpose of being a leader involve being an ideal person such that you visualize the objective,

communicate it and embrace the aim for it to be realized. Thirdly, the people idea such that a

leader needs to have followers and win their trust through portraying excellent leadership skills

such as persuasive skills for him/her to be a leader. Contrarily, leadership implies the act of a

leading group of person to create an outcome.

Therefore, leadership involves the act of developing a precise vision, communicating the

vision to one’s followers, giving information and approaches that can be undertaken to achieve

the vision and coordinating the stakeholders. Additionally, leadership is what persons do but not

who they are since everyone can become a leader as it can be learned and also others are

naturally born to become leaders. However, effective leadership emphasizes on behavior, that is,

it is all about how a leader work in close cooperation with his/her follower to achieve the set goal

because to accomplish the target, the leaders must have adequate competence and traits to

convince and attract followers who will act to realize the objective.

Interview and Research Perspective Regarding Leaders and Leadership

Based on an interview with Dave Evans a project manager, Chris Miller a plant manager

and me they all held that leadership entails issues regarding innovative and creativity of the

corporate leaders. This assertion implies that leadership has to involve the creation of ideas or

discovery of new ways of executing enterprise obligations. Additionally, Dave Evans holds a

personal belief that a leader has to have courage in pursuing his decision regardless of the

various challenges he or she will encounter in leadership. On the other hand, Chris Miller

embraces a personal belief that leadership is all about trusting in oneself and workers as the key

approach to enhance the success of an organization.

According to South University, (2014) leadership is a diverse concept that entails holding

a high-rank position in an organization. Besides, leadership encompasses five essential traits

namely active communication to all stakeholders of an institution. Delegation is another quality

of leadership which entails assigning tasks to employees. Thirdly, empathy towards the workers

so as to understand their needs is another facet of leadership. Fourthly, business-mindedness is

another essential trait so as to keep up with market changes. Lastly, conflict resolution is another

quality that entails the ability of a leader to solve corporate problems.

A Challenge to My Personal Leadership Perspective

Based on the Interview and the research I have been able to learn and understand that

leadership entails various aspects. For example, empathy and rationality as a measure of ensuring

a conducive workplace relationship among the managers and the junior staffs (Northouse, 2014).

Additionally, leadership must coexist with innovation and creativity so as motivate employees

and promote productivity in business. Lastly, business-mindedness is another important aspect of

leadership since it influences workers to be more productive (DuBrin, 2015).

Leadership Believe

I believe leadership is something that anyone can learn to do since this concept entails

unique skills rather than natural abilities. Northouse, (2014) asserts that leadership skills can only

be acquired through following instructions given to a junior staff by a competent individual such

a corporate leader. Additionally, leadership skills can be learned through education based on

leadership and management courses. Therefore, based on the above point of views it can be

asserted that leadership is something one can learn rather than a natural ability that can be done

by few individuals.


DuBrin, A. J. (2015). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Nelson Education.

Northouse, P. G. (2014). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Sage Publications.

South University, (2014). The 5 Most Important Qualities a Nurse Needs to Lead. Retrieved



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