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84&. The wiper i s vacuum operated, being driven by the engine inlet depression through
a reservac tank, as described in para. 805. men a depression is created on one side
of the diper motor vane (paddle) it causes the vane to s h g across the housing, At
the end of the s t r o k e a valve reverses the air f l o w and the vme is moved back in the
form of a complete arc. This movement is transmitted t o the blade through a shraft
and arm,

849. The u n i t comprises three main parts:-

(a) The motor.

(b) The shaft and bracket.

(c) The arm and blade,

MOTOR ( ~ i g154)

(Windscreen wiper No. l , Mk. l )

850. The motor can be sub-divided into three parks as follows: The vane andhousing,
the cwer and transfer p o r t s , and the valve gear.

851. The vane h o u s i n g (l)

is a semi-circular m a k casting having part of the valve
chamber (4) and two mounting lugs (22) f o r the bracket cast integrally with it.

852. The vane (2) is an assembly comprising a rectangilar vane of composite construct-
ion and a shaft by means of which i t is pivoted in two bronze bearings in the housing.
The vane comprises two inner plates held apart by three spacing w a s h e r s and a should-
ered stud, the s h a f t being trapped between these plates by two driving pins. Out-
side each inner plate there i s an outer plate and sandwiched between the two there is
a rubber packing sheet. The whole assezbly i s clamped together by three rivets which
pass through the spacing washers and by the shouldered stud which is cross-staked at
each end.

853. A flat driving lever is riveted t o the f r o n t & , t h e driving shaf't. Between t h e
Lever and the front bearing there i s an "0" seal. Pressed i n t o the valve chamber is
a pivot ( 6 ) for the kicker arm. Each mounting l u g i s l i n e d with a flanged rubber
bush (23) at the f r o n t and a r u b b e r washer (21) at the back.
f i t t e d through the washer i n t o t h e bore of the bush and swaged w e r at the front .
A tapped eyelet (20) is

85k. The cwer ('1 9) is d s o a rnazak casting w h i c h i s secured t o the housing by eight
screws. It forms the lower h$lf of t h e bearings and also completes t h e valve
chamber. The cover is accuratelypositior.ed on the housing by f i v e i n t e g r a l dowels.
A paper gasket; (l 8) t o Specification D.T.D.776 or, alternatively, a neoprene gasket,
f i t t e d between the housing and cover, acts as a seal. When a paper gasket is f i t t e d ,
the edges a r e sealed with Fungicide v d s h to Specification T. S. 491.

855. R d n g through the superstsucture on the cover is a series of p o r t s . Opening

i n t o t h e bottom face there a r e f i v e ports, as shown at A, B, C, D and E in fig 155.
Ports A and E connect with t h e outlet p o r t (P) to t h e reservac, port B connects with
a port R opening i n t o the top face of the cover at one side of the vane, while posts
Issue 1, 20 Jun 55 Page 313

C axd D are connected respectively t o ports X and Y i n the valve chamber. A third
port (z) i n the valve chamber connects with a port S opening i n t o the top face of .the
cover a t the other side of the vane.

856. A synthetic-rubber lined s l i d e valve ( ~ 154(16)) i ~ covers the bottom face. It

can be s l i d i n t o e i t h e r of two positions by means of t h e control lever (1 7). (1n the
original design of n~otor, as f i t t e d t o some early vehicles, there i s a control knob
i n place of the control lever). The movement of the s l i d e valve i s r e s t r i c t e d by the
valrre guide (15); The centre port (Fig 1 5 5 ( ~)) i n the valve chamber has a short
copper tube protruding i n t o the chamber. This tube form8 a pivot f o r a nylon valve
( ~ i 154(12)).
g The nylon valve connects t h e centre port t o e i t h e r of the outer ports
and a t the same time uncovers the remaining port. The uncovered port i s then open t o
the atmosphere v i a the valve chamber.

857. The valve i s actuated by a mazak kicker (13 ) which pivots through a r e s t r i c t e d
a r c on the end of the vane shaft. Rree t o s l i d e on the pivot pressed i n the valve
chamber, and hinged on a pin i n the kicker, there i s a spring-loaded kicker arm (5).
T h i s applies pressure t o the top of t h e kicker through a backing p l a t e (14) and imparts
a quick movement t o the valve via the kicker. The kicker i n this motor i s a 107 deg
kicker, i.e., its action gives the motor a wiping a r c of 107 degrees.

858. The valve chamber cover (9) has a stepped air i n l e t hole (A) bored through two
concentric bosses which house a dry f e l t f i l t e r . This f i l t e r i s secured by peening
over the end of the inner boss. Two f l a t retaining springs are secured t o the inside
of the cover by a single peg riveted aver. One spring r e t a i n s f h e nylon valve and
the shorter one retains the kicker. A rubber plug (8) i s attached t o a lug on the
cover by a short chain. This i s pushed i n t o the a i r i n l e t wfien the vehicle i s being
forded. The cover i s assembled t o the valve chamber with a t h i n paper or neoprene
gasket (10) and secured with s i x screws.

859. When the control lever (17) i s horizontal ( o r when the control knob of t h e early
design motor i s turned clockwise) i t i s in t h e wparkedwposition. The s l i d e valve .
now connects the depression of the reservac t o t h a t port i n the cover which i s con-
tacted by the l i f t washer (3) on the vane, and the other port t o the atmosphere i.e.,
ports A and B coupled and ports C and D coupled, port E sealed by the s l i d e valve as
shown i n Fig 155(a). This draws the vane over t o i t s parked position irrespective
of the position of the vane. When the l i f t = w a s h e rcomes i n t o contact with i t s port,
the washer s e a l s the port and the vane i s held there u n t i l the control lever i s moved.

860. When the control lever i s depressed (or when the early type control h o b i s
turned anti-clockwise), the s l i d e valve i s moved along t o connect the centre port Y i n
the valve chamber with the outlet port F i.e., ports B and C coupled and ports D and
E c o ~ p l e d ,port A sealed by the s l i d e valve, as shown i n Fig 155(b). Thus as the
nylon valves moves from side t o side, the two outer ports X and Z are a t e r n a t i v e l y
a t atmosphere or depression and the vane i s thus dram t o and fro.


(Wiper shaft and bracket assembly No. l , Hk.2)
864. The bracket (4) consists of a s t e e l p l a t e having one plain hole a t each end f o r
attaching it t o the vehicle and, inside t h i s , two pairs of countersunk holes providing
a mounting f o r e i t h e r a vacuum or pressure operated motor. A sleeve (14), threaded
externally, i s secured t o the centre of the bracket by a nut and through t h i s passes
the shaft (7). A t i t s im-er end the shaft i s riveted t o a paper lined dog (2), which
Page 312 Issue 1, 20 Jun 55

engages with t h e driving lever on the vane shaft. Between the dog and the bracket
there i s an oil-soaked f e l t washer (3). Towards the front end of the shaft, just
clear of the sleeve, a groove containing a locking ring prevents excessive end play.
A d b e r washer (1 6 ) , plain washer (15) and nu* are used t o secure the sleeve through
the windscreen. A gland nut (5) on the end of the sleeve contains a rubber sealing
r i n g (13) which, when compressed by tightening the gland nut, a c t s as a seal f o r the


i ~

(Adjustable wiper arm No. l , Mk.2 and Squeegee, +in. )

862. The arm (9) has a f l a t s t e e l rod with a blade attachment clamped on one end and
the other end s l i d i n t o the pressure p l a t e (l l) which i s pivoted on the head (1 2).
The arm i s adjustable i n length by about l 1/2 in.; this i s done by sliding the arm
i n or out of the pressure plate. The arm i s retained i n i t s normal position by the
pressure p l a t e spring (1 0) , but i t can be l i f t e d through 75O 80' against spring
pressure f o r cleaning purposes. The pressure p l a t e and arm are attached t o the head
by a pivot pin (8). The head i n turn i s attached t o the shaft by means of a c o l l e t
and hexagonal-headed clamp screw (6).

863. The blade comprises f i v e f l a t rubber s t r i p s securely clamped together i n a

U-shaped brass backing s t r i p . A s t e e l lug i n the centre of the backing s t r i p hooks
i n t o the blade attachment.

Issue 1, 20 Jun 55 Page 919 l



Vane housing Valve guide

Vane Slide valve
L i f t washer Control l e v e r
Valve chamber Gasket
Kicker arm Cover
Kicker arm pivot Tapped eyelet
Kicker arm spring Rubber washer
Rubber plug Mounting l u g
Valve chamber cover Rubber bush
Pin A A i r i n l e t port
Nylon valve B Outer port i n
Kicker valve chamber
Backing p l a t e C L i f t washer p o r t

F i g 154 Windscreen wiper motor

Issue I, ao gun 55 Page 315


1 Vane A,B,C,D and E Ports i n bottom face of cover

2 Nylon valve F Outlet port t o reservac
3 Slide valve R and S Ports i n top face of cover
X,Y and Z Ports i n v&e chamber

(a) Wiper parked

(b) Wber operating

Air flow shown thus-(

( ~ r e ea i r --C - - C --+.---

( T O reservac (depression)+
F i g 155 A i r flow diaaram

Paper l i n i n g 9 h
Dog 10 Spring
F e l t washer 11 Pressure p l a t e
Bracket 12 Head
Gland nut 13 Rubber sealing ring
Clamp screw 14 Sleeve
Shaft 15 S t e e l washer

- Pivot pin 16 Rubber washer

Fig 158 Windscreen wiper shaft, bracket and a n
Issue I, ao Jun 55

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