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(Fig l @ )

777. The chassis frame and f l o o r assembly consists of t h e frame, f l o o r , f r o n t wheel

val.ances , dash panel and b a t t e r y corr1partmen.t~and i s f cbricat ed throughout from sheet
s t e e l pressings ranging i n thickness from 20 t o 12 S.W.G.

778. The chassis frame i s of cl-uciform design and i s formed of two box-section side-
members (12) and (28), each of which i s fabricated from two 14 S.W.G. pressings, one
being the inner and t h e other the outer member. '?be two cruciform side-members a r e
connected a t the centre by a spacing member and an upper and a lower t i e - p l a t e and
by a f r o n t and a r e a r s t i f f e n i n g p l a t e a t the ends of the tie-plates. These con-
necting p a r t s , which a r e 1 2 S.W.G. i n thickness, a l s o form, i n conjunction with the
side-members, a short tunnel f o r the main drive propeller shaft. Welded i n t o each
end of t h e chassis spacing member a r e two tapping blocks f o r the torsion bar bracket
bolts. I n conjunction with the tapping blocks, MO spacers a r e welded inside each
side-member. A t the location f o r the cradle of each axle assembly, each side-member
i s reinforced externally by a 14 S.Y.G. angle p l a t e (1) and (16) and i n t e r n a l l y by
three spacers f o r the cradle securing bolts.

779. Attach'ed t o t h e inner s i d e of each side-member a t the f r o n t i s a f r o n t and a I

r e a r engine mounting bracket (50) and (42) while a t each. s i d e a t t h e r e a r i s a sup- I
port bracket (14) f o r t h e r e a r axle supporting plate. A t t h e outer s i d e of each
side-member and on t h e centre-line of each axle i s a bump stop bracket (2) and (45)
just f orward of which i s a shock absorber bracket (15) and (27) . l

780. T h e f r 3 n ~ e i s s t i f f e n e d t r a n s v e r s e l y b y a f r o n t a n d a r e a r c r o s s - m e ~ e r ( 4 8 )and .
(21) respectively, with t h e assistance afforded by a r e a r axle buffer cross-member
(26) m d a r e a r f l o o r cross-member (24). The f r o n t cross-member i s fabricated from
16 S.W.G. pressings t o form a wide chmx-el section bow-shaped member. The r e a r

cross-men&er i s nade of several I 4 S.W. G. pressings t o form a strong attaching

member, which i s i n t h e main 03 box-section, reinforced a t t h e f i x i n g points f o r the
r e a r towing hook, r e a r bumpers, lashing eyes and also a winch, when required. The
r e a r a l e buffer cross-meniber i s a 1 4 S.W.G. pressing and i s welded a t the ends t o
the r e a r bump stop brackets. Completing the chassis f r m e assembly i s a r e a r f l o o r
well which i s located between t h e r e a r f l o o r cross-meniber and the r e a r cross-member
and consists of three 18 S.W.G. pressings i. e. a centre panel (20), a R.H. side
panel (1 9) and a L.H. side panel.

781 Attached t o and bridging t h e chassis f r m e behind t h e r e a r engine mounting
brsckets i s a L s h pm-el (5) i n t e g r a l with which i s a dash t r a y panel (39) extelldir~g
i t s P u l l width, a fabricated support (6) f o r a machine gun mounting p i n t l e and a p a i r
of brackets (7) (8) f o r t h e cefitrally mounted instrument panel. Also i n t e g r a l
with the dash panel i s an attachment member (40) a t each s i d e f o r t h e f r o n t edges of
the body shell.

7E2. A t each s i d e of t h e centre portion of t h e f r m e and extending from the bottom

of the dash panel t o a point just forward of the r e a r shock absorber bracket i s a
f r o n t f l o o r panel (11) and (32), while a t each side of t h e r e a r f l o o r well i s a r e a r
f l o o r s i d e p m e l (1 8) and (22). The f l o o r panels are of 18 S.W.G. s t e e l .

783. Welded t o t h e frorLt f l o o r panels a t each side of t h e frame and located i n a

central position i s a b a t t e r y compartment assembly constructed of a f r o n t and a r e a r
panel, (9) and (34) respectively, t o which two side panels (10) and two inner

Page 291

panels (36) a r e spot-welded forming three compartments, the end compartments a t l e f t

and right being f o r vehicle and radio b a t t e r i e s respectively.

784. F o e of the dash panel and welded t o the frame and the panel a r e the l e f t and
right-hand f'ront valance assemblies, each comprisbg a front wheel arch (43) and (4),
side valance panel (41) and (3) and headlamp support (47) and (51), while welded i n
position between the dash panel and the battery compwtment a r e two gearbox side
covers (38). A front wing s t a y (46) is welded inside each wheel arch.

785. Numerous nuts a r e welded t o the panels comprising the chassis frame and f l o o r
assembly f o r the attachment of the body and f i t t i n g s .

Page 292 Issue 1, 20 Jun 55


Front wheel suspension Rear floor S

reinforcement, R,H, Rear f l o o r W
Bump stop bracket, R,H. Rear f l o o r m
Side valance panel, R.H, Rear cross-m
Front wheel arch, R.H. Rear floor S
Dash panel Fuel tank P
Machine gun mounting Rear f l o o r c.
pint l e support Fuel tank gw
Instrument panel bracket, R,H. Rear axle bu
I n s t rwnent panel bracket L. H. Shock absorb1
Rear shock ai
Battery compartment f r o n t panel
Battery compartment side panel reinforcemen.
Front f l o o r panel, R.H. Chassis frame
C h a s s i s frame side-member, R.He Rear seat hec
Rear s e a t heel panel bracket, R.H. Floor suppor
Rear a x l e support braoket, R.H. Front f l o o r 1
Shock absorber bracket, R, H.
Rear wheel suspension
Battery c a p
stiffener I
Battery c o w
reinforcement, R.H.
Fuel tank f r o n t support r e a r panel
bracket Jacking brad
r e i n f orcemen

Issue I, m .Jun 55
m E022

8 Rear f l o o r s i d e panel, R.H. Battery compartment inner

9 Rear f l o o r well s i d e panel, R.H. panel, LaHo
0 Rear f l o o r we11 centre panel Battery compartment s t i f f e n e r -
1 Rear cross-member front
2 Rear f l o o r s i d e panel, L,Ha Gearbox s i d e cover, L.H.
3 Fuel tank pad bracket Dasli t r a y panel
4 Rear f l o o r cross-member Attachment member, L.H.
5 Fuel tank guard bracket, L.H. Side valance panel, L.H.
6 Rear axle buffer cross-member Rear engine mounting
7 Shock absorber braoket, L,H, bracket, L, H.
8 Rear ehock absorber bracket Front tvheel arch, L.H.
reinforcement Front brake hose bracket
Q Chassis frame side-member, L.H. Bunp stop bracket, L, H,
0 Rear seat he01 panel bracket, L,H, Front wing s t a y
l Floor support angle
2 Front f l o o r panel, L.H.
- rear Headlamp support, L, H,
Front cross-member

9 Battery compartment
stiffener rear
L Battery compartment
Front engine mounting t o
chansis bracket, R.H.
Pront engine mounting
r e a r panel bracket
5 Jacking bracket ITeadlmp support, R. H,
reinforcement, L, H.
Fig 148 Chassis frame and floor assembly
Page 293

1 Front wheel suspension 18 Rear floor side panel, R.H, compartment inner
reinforcement, R.H, 19 Rear floor well side panel, R.H.
2 Bump stop bracket, R.H. 20 Rear f l o o r well centre panel stiffene
3 Side valance panel, R.H. 21 Rear cross-member
4 Front wheel arch, R.H. 22 Rear floor side panel, L.H.
5 Dash panel 23 Fuel tank pad bracket
6 &chine gun mounting 24 Rear floor oross-member

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