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Preliminary Statement (Non-Formal)

Shock and Awe, (technically known as rapid dominance), this is what I have been
feeling since December 2016, is a military doctrine based on the use of overwhelming
power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the
battlefield and destroy its will to fight. “I was shocked and now in “awe” being brought
from the sidelines to the illustrious seat in the east. But here we are now, my heartfelt
gratitude to each and everyone of you…Now we begin,


Most Worshipful Sirs, Very Worshipful Sirs, Worshipful brothers, Brethren, Sisters- the wives
of masons, children of masons, relatives, loved ones, distinguished guests and dear
friends. I welcome you to the Brightest Part of the Day...WHAT IS THE HOUR!!! (3x)

Warm Fraternal greetings and a pleasant evening to you all. I welcome you to the 94th
Installation of Officers High Twelve Lodge No. 82 and this also brings me great pleasure
and honor to invite you to celebrate with us HIGH TWELVE LODGE NO. 82’s 94th Founding

First and foremost, I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to
each and the brethren present here, whom over the years have given me the
wondrous gifts of wisdom, knowledge, brotherly love and relief. You were my mentor,
my guide, my avatar who guided me and instructed me in all of my masonic
endeavors. I could not have done it without each and everyone of you. Brethren,
Gratitude. Most especially VW Brando Pescante (DGL), VW Joel Edward Gaspar and
our outgoing WM Louie Laylay and all the outgoing officers for their hard work and
dedication. I also salute with great pride our Senior Warden elect Nelzon Villanueva
and Junior Warden elect Ryan Oliver Felipe for their tireless and overwhelming service
to the lodge for the past year and this also goes to the officers of the past term who
made it possible for all the goals, objectives, projects and activities of the lodge
materialize into success. Thank you Kuyang Sirs! A Job Well done.

Second, this masonic year’s theme “WE ARE BUT ONE FAMILY.” I chose these theme to
rekindle the true spirit of Freemasonry in a freemasons life, it is about being in a family.
Literally, Freemasonry is family, “a brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God”.
As freemasons, our obligations extend to the family, as said in opening and closing of
our lodge.

Being Installed as the Worshipful Master, gives me thee deepest pride, honor and
pleasure of serving my lodge as it’s Father. Parang Miguelito lang si “AGA MULACH”
ang “Batang Ama”. So much for the humor, but most of us here are Fathers, loving
fathers who is responsible for our our family.


This is probably the most popular “catchphrase” of all time. Not only Ben Parker, the
fictional character from Spiderman from the pen of Stan Lee, quoted that great
responsibility came with great power, but quotes of similar origins can be foun1d all the
way back in history – from the twentieth century up to the Ancient Greeks. It was Lord
Acton, who wrote that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely” and the philosopher Socrates “rule of worthy of might,” that expressed
similar ideas.
The quote “With great power comes great responsibility,” which highlights the
obligation of Nobility, is variously attributed to Voltaire. However, the bible speaks of
the same concept as well and I quote:

“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to
whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more” ., Gospel of Luke, 12:48,
English Standard Version.”

Incumbent upon me, is probably one of the greatest honors and challenges of my life.
I was called to lead my beloved lodge and the brethren. I am called to be their Father,
their elder brother as the case may be. I am called to a position and/or authority of
power, a position of the highest note in our lodge. However prestigious or illustrious the
oriental chair may bring I am still but a humble servant of this lodge and freemasonry in
general, I am still a servant of the brethren; “my brother’s keeper”. In my years of being
a Master Mason, I learned that this is the truth multilayered complicity of being a Master
of a Lodge being “Master of None and Servant of All”. Brethren! Be rest assured that I
shall wear the master’s hat accordingly and wield the gavel with cautiously guided by
temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice.

The latin maxim “PROXIMUS SUM EGOMET” means “Charity begins at home”, a known
principle and familiar phrase that is coupled with Masonic emblems. The importance
of the family is enshrined under our present constitution and protected by laws to hold
the family together…Kaya Kuyangs and Atengs!!! A piece of advice “ESEP-ESEP”,
“MAHAL MAG-PA ANNUL”, tanung nyo si Kuya Chiqui at Kuya Dave.

Kidding aside, the Family is the basic unit of any civilized society, this is the very first circle
we revolve in, no exceptions, this where we shape our behavior, attitude and
character. This is the primordial reason I chose this specific theme “WE ARE BUT ONE
FAMILY”. The theme’s goal is to focus and prioritize High Twelve Lodge’s projects and
activities within the member’s families. Particularly, direct participation and/or
involvement of the brethren’s families in the Masonic activities and projects, and
probably vanguard it.

The theme’s rationale is a three (3) pronged approach. (a) It aims to bind the brethren’s
family closer together. By having common activities, projects or endeavors, their bond
grows stronger to one another, each member of the family becomes a team player.
The spouses become appreciative of each other in a lighter moment. Discovering
themselves and each other. Relationship between the parent and the children will give
more communication and understanding for both sides and may help the family to
avoid conflict, making the family more open to communication and making the family
more happy and fulfilled.

(b) The family will know the father’s activities and their company. To this end, the theme
aims to put freemasonry closer to the family, for it to better understand of the principle
and precepts of freemasonry, not only the fellowship part of every meeting or activity.
“Kaya mga Ateng walang inuman pag may activity, pagkatapos na lang!”.

(c) Meeting a bigger family. This is a simple purpose of having quality time with a bigger
family, getting to know one another and for purposes of camaraderie and
networking…Not Pyramiding…

So this is the rationale of High Twelve Lodge 82’s theme for this year, the purpose is
simple and I am in the opinion that our family reflects ourselves and if we improve our
relationship with our families then we improve ourselves as well, thus is the the true
purpose of Freemasonry, to improve ourselves, to be better men, better than who we
were before.

Some projects that I propose to forego this year are as follows:

(a) Monthly Family Day’s with specific group activities and areas;
(b) Family Medical and Dental Missions;
(c) __________________________________;
(d) __________________________________;
(e) __________________________________;

As Bro. E.A. Snell, Grand Secretary; in his article published in THE TRACING BOARD; in
January, 1976, puts it “Masonry teaches love and kindness in the home, honesty and
fairness in business or occupation, courtesy in social contacts, help for the weak and
unfortunate, resistance to wickedness, trust and confidence in good men, forgiveness
towards the penitent, love towards one another, and above all, reference for the
Supreme Being."

Since, this year’s theme is centered in the “FAMILY” it is also right my intention as
reflected by the theme that High Twelve to concentrate more on it’s strengths, it’s
history, It’s LEGACY. Proficiency in the rituals of Masonry has been perennial trademark
of High Twelve Lodge. Some of its early members who have distinguished themselves
with their accurate execution of the Monitor are Francisco Olizon, Felipe Carbonilla,
Adriano Rivera, Jose Intal, Dominador Escosa, Gregorio Cariaga, Lecturer Hermogenes
Oliveros. At present the prominent members who have distinguished themselves in
proficiency of rituals and floor works were VW Egidio “Gigi” Ancajas, VW Brando
Pescante, VW Joel Edward Gaspar, PDDGM Larry Reyes, VW Roland Chiu, VW Larry Wy,
Vw Charles Agar, just to name a few.
Not only in proficiency in the rituals in masonry but as to lodge management and
membership in appendant bodies higher degrees of freemasonry.


Men who have distinguished themselves in the Masonic Fraternity and in the Philippine
society also graced the roster of this Lodge. To name a few we have Mauro Baradi,
PGM Charles Mosebrook, PGM Gen. Manuel Mandac, PGM Domingo Bascarra, Regino
Padua and Prisco Evangelista. It should also be mentioned that this lodge almost
mothered a lodge in China. On September 16, 1933, entertained over 100 Masons who
held membership in Philippine lodges. The organization of a Masonic Club and named
Mayor Co Seteng as chairman of the organizing committee. inspite of their early
enthusiasm, however, they never went beyond the Masonic club stage.

Again, in relation to the theme “WE ARE BUT ONE FAMILY”, I am again in the opinion
that High Twelve Lodge No. 82 should go back to its roots, look into its own history,
document it and record it. I urge the brethren to assist us in this endeavor. If we
strengthen the foundations, we will surely strengthen our lodge all the more. As
Freemasonry rests within the ambit of tradition and ancient knowledge, all the more we
must all know where the lodge came from and know everything about it and its’

For the Legacy part, I intend to spearhead a Masonic Research and Historical
Committee for High Twelve Lodge No. 82 to document the historical development of
the lodge since 1923, the invaluable contributions of High Twelve Lodge No.82 to
Freemasonry in general and probably put in the form of a “Coffee Table Book.”

This Legacy shall also be part of the Masonic Lectures that shall be given to the initiated
for them to appreciate the beauty of the historical journey that the lodge had for the
past 94 years. This can be considered as the bridge that will connect the present
members of the lodge to the past to close in the gaps in history and strengthen the
foundations of the lodge stronger and more beautiful than ever before.

As we move forward, we the brethren of High Twelve Lodge No. 82 firmly believes that
the conglomeration of the various generations of the lodge, through the wisdom of the
senior brethren and the zeal and enthusiasm of the younger brethren intertwines
making the lodge live up to its name. Our lodge’s name and being the brightest and
most beautiful part of the day, we aim achieve this goal as a lodge and individually.
Brethren together we can make a difference.

Again I welcome you to this glorious night to celebrate with us the Installation of Officers
for the Masonic Year 2017, and in closing, I part these words. High Twelve indeed is
where the hands of time meet, that points to the highest point in the sky exactly at high

WHAT IS THE HOUR! (High Twelve) 3x

We will always be....



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